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What fun! I love that you appear to be wearing it in a modern art museum.


I wore it to a modern art exhibition!!! It’s fun to wear historic dress to those kinds of things— the mix of modern and historic


You are an inspiration!


Looks great!


Thanks!!! It’s sooooo comfy too


This sparks so much joy, thank you ✨


Thank you!!! ❤️ it gives me great joy too


That fabric is _so_ delightful! I love it!


It’s an absolute DREAM to wear too!!!!!




I love the buttons!!!


You‘re welcome:) Your dress turned out absolutely lovely. I really like the flowers


The cut is lovely and I do like what I can see of the buttons! [The term cote though is incorrect](https://cunnan.lochac.sca.org/index.php/Cotehardie). Instead, Gothic fitted gown is more favored now. Also, the fabric looks very modern from what I can see - is there a reason you chose it?


Hey :) I use the word Cote because that is what is used in the Medieval Tailor’s Assistant and because that is currently the word I see used by most folks I read/interact with in my profession— while another word may be more useful in a strictly academic sense, I feel it is more important to prioritize mutual intelligibility I selected this fabric because it’s a linen with a lovely drape (and I’d been gifted about 10 yards of it) and the colors are ones I see represented often in tomb effigies and illuminated manuscripts! While this type of embroidery is not represented in the period, 100% accuracy is a bit of a fool’s errand and I felt like the shape of the flowers and leaves mimicked heraldic iconography and illuminated manuscripts of the time. Historical accuracy is for my job, joy and exploration are for my hobbies :)


I love the way you out that, joy vs job. And the fabric does read like a period illustration in its way!


Thank you! I’m super privileged that a lot of my job is recreating historical garments with historical techniques but my hobby projects must be a pleasure to make, to wear, and to see! I think one of my favorite quotes from a video ever was someone making a “historically inspired” cote where she used 100% historic finishing techniques and textiles but used a machine for the long unseen seams because “I think they would have used this technology if it was available” and I definitely thought of that when I picked this fabric 😂 it’s garish in a way that reminds me of Medieval manuscripts Re: historical illustrations— it’s not entirely period accurate but it’s very suitable for styling in a Pre Raphaelite way which is how I will probably rock it in the future!!