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I honestly can’t understand the meme because the flags hide too much of the image


Women with big boobs surround a little boy The "joke" is that they're gonna groom him


"Groom", they were gonna give him the priest special.


Gonna give him the John Paul Jones special, but reversed


The bassist from Led Zep or the child diddler?


Child diddler


That’s the bassist tho


I was thinking the father of the American Navy, so thanks for clearing that up




But they aren’t Catholic


Basically it’s a young boy surrounded by a bunch of women who are way older than him coming up to groom him (first image), the boy then ends up killing all of them (second image)


based boy


I didn’t think he killed them 😂💀


He did.


Welp this meme just got ruined for me lol Edit: I meant for this to be sarcastic lol. I’ve learned my lesson about remembering/s


I mean they are pedophiles? Those people die in prison anyway


Rest in piss won’t be missed 💯🚬🚬🔥🔥


I really should remember to put /s at the end of things I’m being sarcastic about in the future 🤦‍♂️


Well one of their heads is smashed on the wall, I dunno, she fell asleep.


Tbf with anime logic she’s fine


There was slaying involved for sure


I'm sure the comments here will be civil and jolly.


Can't we all just agree to be civil and only talk about Japan's war crimes?!


Yeah Japan used to suck but now Japan is cool


We were bad, but now we're good We're moving into your neighborhood


Anime tiddies


ACKSHULLY, Japan is good and has always been good because the US said so after they won. Obviously the US never lies or downplays atrocities for their own strategic interests and financial gain right? …right?


You do realize that the only people who downplay Japanese atrocities are the Japanese themselves and weeaboos right? There is extensive documentation by the US on Japanese warcrimes and the only reason they became buddies is because Japan also hated commies.


You do realize that instead of implementing complete regime change and holding massive war crimes trials like Nuremberg and what the US did with the Nazi’s, the US instead opted to NOT hold any top level Japanese politicians responsible for the massive amount of atrocities the Japanese committed against people in China and Southeast Asia. They left the Emperor in power and held small trials for low level politicians and military personnel.


YOU DO realize that the denazification of Germany is largely considered by historians to be half baked because the Allies needed to shift focus towards the cold war, right? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denazification Its the same situation in Japan. Every Japanese official was either fascist or purged because they weren’t fascist, so the only options would be to occupy Japan for far longer than America did already while Japan was forcibly converted to democracy, which they couldn’t because the US needed to focus on the USSR, or just outright turn Japan into a puppet state led by officials trained in the US, which would be extremely unpopular with the Japanese people and would likely have resulted in an unstable Japan just like every other puppet state. Do you have a better alternative? Cause I don’t see one.


Arab nationalism may put some good songs and de sharia things, but doesn't bring a good military and unity


They hated each other as much as hated the birth of Israel, disorganisation does wonders in making the enemy win


Also that enemy have legit survivors of one of the biggest war crimes ever. Hard to scare/break a people who legit crawled out of hell it self.


The commanders were perpetually scared of being purged because all of the Arab nationalist regimes arises from military coups, Egypt had an anti communist purge and heavily persecuted Islamist’s who might have been in the military( my reading is not too deep to know if there was officers). The leader in charge was also scared of crossing what nasser thought, I assume the other similar regimes have the same problem. It also describes how in 1973 and the skirmishes in the decade led to Jordanians and Lebanese carrying most of the Arab victories or better battles.


Plus the Jews have lost 6 Million of their own people and when they get their land back, their new objective, defend your homeland as best as you can!


Especially when the Arabs tell you that they will make a momentous massacre the world will remember when they win. Right after Hitler already did so...


Not only that but we Jews have a saying, and that saying is "Never Again!" There are very few Arab countries that Israel gets along with, those countries are: Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, Iraq, and the UAE. The Arabs in the West Bank will claim that Israel is killing all of their people, when in reality, they have been given opportunities multiple times to integrate peacefully, and they would leave them alone, but no, they just break that opportunity and complain. While I don't agree with everything the Israeli government says, at the same time, the people in the West Bank should try to coexist peacefully.


It didn't help that Arab nationalism didn't push democracy, which into turn alot of leader into secular kings. It also didn't help that where alot of non Arabs groups like the kurds and alot of Arabs leaders having different goals . Again pan-enthnic stuff is almost always leads to nasty and/or delusional stuff The only good thing you can said about Arab nationalism is that it helps with de sharia/secularized alot of Arab society, but that almost undone by crazy Muslims.


Yes, And in Uganda, they showed why extremism ruins reputations heavily, what I am referring to is The Palestinians holding people hostage, it happened in Germany as well. And recently in Israel, there was of course the Palestinian ultranationalist who committed a mass shooting in Jerusalem. Am I saying that Arabs are Terrorists? No, I'm not saying that, what I am saying is that when you become an extremist, you can heavily damage spirits and reputations, which can also stall progress to coexisting peacefully with people.


Spot on, all Palestine lovers seem to forget it was the PLA who rejected any settlement deals even after the 7 on 1 wars.


Plus the deals would leave them alone! Israel is a secular country that tolerates all religious views, and wants everyone to coexist peacefully! But the issue is the PLA doesn't even try! So called "Palestine" has also had Extremists ruin their reputation and chances of peace. For example in Uganda, Palestinian Extremists held Israeli citizens hostage at the airport to get the message sent across the globe that they will kill innocent passengers if they don't get what they want. That of course is not a good image for them, another example was recent in Jerusalem, where an Extremist committed a shooting in the streets of Jerusalem. The thing is that this needs to stop, if they don't stop, they will not go anywhere! At this point, they should coexist peacefully with the Israeli People, The Israeli people want them to integrate and coexist in a peaceful society.


It’s their leadership who are too corrupt to change. Keeping the uneducated lower classes in a permanent state of hatred while they steal whatever they can. Then you have the nutjobs in Gaza that apparently want to live in a lifelong war zone. I think it is indicative how none of the surrounding Muslim countries do ANYTHING to push the PLA or Hezbollah/Hamas to behave civilly.


So far, the Only Muslim country that has tried I believe is Morocco. Morocco, United States, and Israel have some sort of friendship triangle where they work together and try to work things out.


Something is going on with UAE I think too.


Yeah! They started accepting the Israeli Airline to fly into the country.


"So called Palestine" the fuck? What now Reddit goes from one ignorance or another and can't recognise anything beyond one side?


The name Palestine was created by the Romans, they called it Palestinia.


The name Palaestina (without the i after the n) came from the people that lived there alongside the Israelites, the province was first called Siria Iudea but after Rome suppressed the revolts in the 2nd century causing the diaspora they changed the name in Siria Palaestina, the name of the people goes back by millennia since Egypt waged war and conquered the tribes that went by Peleset (or at least, Egyptian findings use that name for those ancient people) Rome created nothing, just ruled there and introduced its culture and practices as with all its provinces in the Mediterranean and northwest Europe


What did the Palestinians create? Besides Hezbollah, Hamas and PLA.


Also that their numbers jeep growing to either the idf really sucks at killing or the idf doesn't try to kill them


Its funny how you put it. Israël is litterally colonising another country, and you want the colonized to just hand over their country and “coexist peacefully” when Israel butchered families out of their homes. Does that make any sense to you ?


>Israël Any reason that a bunch of you guys are spelling it this way now in your rants? Why the umlaut?


The belief was that the Arabs can lose every battle and be fine but if Israel lost even one battle they were gone.




i don't have the book in front of me but i believe in 6 days of war by michael oren he notes that about a year before the war the us analyzed the situation and estimated that it would take israel about 7 days to comprehensively defeat the arab armies, so really they just out performed expectations by a day. that being said, still quite an ass kicking.


Why did they US rate the Israeli military so highly?


Probably the suez crisis which was like a decade proir but showed that Israel could field and are compenant and comparable in aan expiditionary sense to both the UK and France.


It’s not so much that they rated Israel highly, but that they rated the Arab armies lowly. And rightfully so, the Arabs at the time were not well organized.


David versus Goliath


Yes, except Uncle Sam gave David an M16. Memes aside, without international support and military aid in the form of equipment for the US, I doubt Israel would have been as successful. Not to take away from their victory, or to even say who’s right or wrong, but to think Israel didn’t had an advantage in that front is ignorance. Edit: I was wrong! There is no concrete evidence of US support in the 7 days war.


Israel didn't start receiving US Military Support until after 1973, meaning all four Arab-Israeli wars were fought without any assistance from the US. On the flip side the Arab's received Soviet Military Support in all four wars, and outnumbered, and outgunned the Israeli's in all of their conflicts.


After the Yom Kipur War, Israel needed a rifle that they could field their units with, when they saw the Arabs had AK's and knew they were more reliable than their FAL's they had, they asked the Finnish for some Valmet RK-62's (Which is a clone of the Polish AKM), and then they started to build their own rifle series known as the Galil. Earlier Galils had Valmet recievers. However the United States eventually gave them CAR-15's and M16A1 rifles, and they had significant firepower over the Arabs.


Correct, expect I really wouldn't say that the RK 62 was a clone of the Polish AKM. It was heavily based on it, with changes to the metallurgy, sights, gas tube etc.


Nice! The Valmet did help influence the Galil heavily, earlier ones had Valmet Recievers.


Yeah. The founder of Israel is David Ben Gurion, a socialist. Mapai/Labor (Social Democratic Party) won every parliamentary election for the first 30 years of Israel's existence. This was during the Cold War, so believe it or not, America was not allying with socialists. It took Jimmy Carter (the most underrated president) to negotiate the Camp David Accords, a peace deal that basically said "Okay so we will back a literal cargo ship full of cash and guns into Alexandria, and we will back a second literal cargo ship full of cash and guns into Haifa. All you guys have to do is promise that you'll be US allies and you won't use the guns to shoot each other, deal?" and now Israel and Egypt are two of the largest recipients of US aid, they haven't been to war with each other since, they're two of America's best allies in the region, and the Israeli and Egyptian militaries have even cooperated on anti-ISIS operations in the Sinai peninsula, which is huge. PS: Five wars, not four. I think you forgot the War of Attrition between 1967 and 1973. Also, a lot of the paramilitary groups that became the IDF fought in WWII alongside the British to liberate Lebanon and Syria from the Vichy French (and a lot of Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, and Iraqi Arabs were Nazi collaborators), so arguably you could say that World War II was the first Arab-Israeli war, although Egypt and Haganah were both part of the Allied Powers.


Egypt got weapons from the ussr so...


in fairness, and if I recall the Bible right, God caused Goliath to remove his helmet which, you know, made him a hell of a lot weaker to David lobotomizing him between the eyes. Either way, backing of God seems pretty fitting to this analogy.


>to think Israel didn’t had an advantage in that front is ignorance. The irony


I don’t know what to believe anymore! I’ll need to look this up later, maybe I was taught wrong. Or maybe all of you were. To the internet I go later.


6 days war and 1 day of rest like God intended when he made that rule


Nah Israel just used their brains to fend them off. As seen in the Six Day war.


israel literally had 6 artillary pieces at the start. and bought weapons from all around the world. nothing from usa.


Classic arab copium


To be fair, Israel spends something like 9% of its GDP in its military


5.17%. 40% less than what you said.


I distinctly remember they paid that much at some point in time, but thanks for the correction


It got up to 24% when they were developing the Lavi


Oh yeah, Israel is a formidable country on their own, not saying otherwise. However specifically in the 7 days war period there were assistance from outside, at least as fas as I remember learning.


nothing significant the US wasn’t even allied at the time


nothing significant the US wasn’t even allied at the time in any significant manner


It's not like King David didn't have an OP sponsor either.


And don't forget Czechoslovakia too! :)


The Czech's and the French were both critical for Israel's survival early on, the former don't get as much credit outside of actual historical discussion but without Czech arms sales Israel would have had a much tougher time surviving until the 70's.


You mean the 6 day war?


Ngl I’d like to see a fan film of David vs Goliath but instead of the rock and sling David just wips out an M16 and domes Goliath


What? That’s not true at all.


That's the actual meaning of David v Goliath. People today see it as a pure underdog story but a sling was the gun of its era so it's really just about bringing a gun to a knife fight. So an M16 against a brawly giant is a perfect analogy.


Well early on they had French support (their naval success during the Yom Kippur war was from stolen French ships, Israel had placed the contract but France wouldn’t deliver)


Wtf is this meme template?


Little boy is about to get ara ara'd by a bunch of bodacious older seductresses. Chad boy uses power of chastity and virtue to defeat their sinful wiles. Or something along those lines.


The Chosen Virgin has been found at last...


Six days of fire, one day of rest.


>one day of rest. God really cares about shabbat he would make sure Israel wins in time for it






Onee-san: Arab Arab ~


"The Jews only kept winning because the US was their backer!" America literally forcing Israel to stop occupying lands after beating a multinational coalition surrounding them on all sides with USSR backing: 👀


The entire Egyptian air force was grounded with construction rubble in lieu of conventional ordinance.


Arabs still mad salty after losing to Jews who were under arms embargoes from everyone and only had Czech armaments and what few British weapons they pilfered in '48. And then, without US support, those same Jews proceed to kick their asses across the Levant like they were using the Book of Joshua as a guideline.


So many Anti Israeli mfs saying that without the US Israel wont exist Whilst the Arab nations had the USSR support


The Israelis also had Soviet support at the beginning. In 1948 most of their weapons were donated by the Czechs


Indeed. This led to the interesting perspective of Egyptian Spitfires and Hurricanes straight from World War 2 going up against the Israeli air force operating planes tossed together from leftover parts taken from German Messerschmitt and Junkers (the Avia S-199, built by the Czechs using the airframe of a Bf-109G fighter and the engine of a Henkel He 111 bomber, giving it what has euphemistically been referred to as "alarming" take-off and landing behavior).


>USSR I think you're strengthening their point.


They might honestly say. “Now, we can pull the plug on them. No USSR now and modern Russia is a joke of an ally that can’t stop Kazakistan and Armenia from fighting each other in their own alliance and the best part is that Russia borders them. Israel is making a turn for the worse with Netanyahu, get some moderate jews and muslims in to power and get on with the Israel problem.”


Sauce of the images?


Joshi Kōsei Rich Thots


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Its a good lesson that waging war with israel to further promote pan arabic unity isn't the best idea Yes it did unite the arabs that israel sucks but it did cost their reputation on international stage. Like cmon, getting beaten up by a nation smaller than Quezon City in the Philippines isn't nice to see. Even if you cope they are supported by the west


Imagine if Poland defeated the cooperative invasion from the Nazis and Soviets and we had to spend the next 80 years listening to the Nazis complaining how mean the Polish were to them. Edit: wording




So ... Wagner/Belarus/Russia if they try to invade Poland today?


Except Russia would be lucky if they lasted 6 days.


This is where that recent Linecrosser vid on the Russian bomber flirting with UK airspace comes to mind. Poland: "Article 5, article 5. Please, please, God, article 5."


Comparing Arabs to Nazis is fucking INSANE Like unironically, what the fuck is wrong with you


Pretty sure they just compared some MENA governments to Nazis, not all Arabs. But please keep that same energy when people compare Israel to Nazis.


Arabs are people like Germans. They are not evil nor good inherently. The Nazis and Arab Armies of the 1940s had similar goals when it came to Jews.


Well, they were "natural allies to the Germans," according to Amin al Husseini, when he met with Hitler.


Both exterminated the Jews in their own territories and invaded another land to exterminate the Jews living there. Hitler is widely regarded as a hero in the Arab world for favouring Islam over Christianity and for trying to exterminate the Jews. The comparison is pretty fucking apt


Arab copium and revisionism going in full throttle in the replies


>repeatedly advertise that you will destroy Israel >build up your military on the border >attack humanitarian resources >get surprised when Israel strikes first


Objective complete! You have officially gained your homeland back! New Objective: #Defend your land


Objective: survive


And make sure your neighbors don't kill you.




You could say the Same for the Kurdish people




Agreed, I think Genocide denial is wrong, I know that Israel is not perfect, but at the same time, we gotta look at both sides of the coin. Here is a video by WonderWhy that I thought was actually interesting! https://youtu.be/ST_eZwBIMDA




Israel: Where's your God now


its the same god but still funny


Seriously tho, if you wanna know who's side god is on in that conflict, take one look at the 6 day war and it becomes blisteringly obvious.


“I am not trapped in here with you, you are all trapped in here with me!”


Holy shit the amount of cope in the comments


This happens every time Israel is ever mentioned on reddit. The same parasites start crawling out of the woodwork


Israel is willing to live peacefully, but it takes both sides...


Gotta stop killing civilians to do that. Neither side seems to be good at that


If they would like to live peacefully, why did they colonize them, and illegally settle in their homes and take and restrict crucial resources like water and electricity for years? Of course there is also the killing of children and civilians.


>I *am* Jerusalem, and you *will* give me the kiss of peace


*sorts by controversial*


Which 12 yo drew that tree on the flag?


It's interesting how Jordan of all countries actually seemed to perform the best against Israel. During the 1948 war they achieved most of their objectives and during the 6 day war more than half of Israeli casualties were on the Jordan front.


As a jew, I find this hilarious.


inb4 locked award


Can't find angry arabs in the comments, I'll come back later (or maybe 'cause they've been blown up by the IDF, lmaoo)


Lmao huh


What’s.. that first panel. Seems pedophilic


That’s the joke


It is always a great feeling for me to read Israel's victories against the arabs.


And seeing the absolutely seething people in the comment section is better entertainment than any modern Disney movie


Tbf (Half-Israeli) what did the Arab countries have going for them except subpar help from the Soviets. Ofc the Israeli military could take out ill equipped and ill trained armies along with sheer Arab High Command incompetence. Still major respect to both sides veterans pls stop trying to kill ya and each other peace please. (We still smoked that Arab Pack in the war 😮‍💨)


yeah the arabs only had brazillion more soldiers. minor difference.


Numbers aren’t everything in warfare, especially modern combat. For example many battles isn’t the Invasion of Afghanistan were American soldiers outnumbered but still winning.


a small to medium difference in numbers is not everything a huge difference in numbers is everything


Inb4 muh'pression and 🔒


Where’s Morocco secretly telling Israel before it’s about to happen?


To be fair, the Israelis knew what was gonna happen when all their neighbors started stacking troops on their border, and saying they were going to kill them. It’s like someone pointing a loaded gun at you and then taking the safety off and saying they’re going to shoot you sure one of their friends may have said they were going to shoot you after they took the safety off but by that point it’s safe to assume they are going to shoot you. Unless you shoot them in the dick first and then proceed to beat the ever living shit out of them and their friends.


And then sending in troops and support anyways


Which is honestly the weirdest part because the Jordanian king knew they had told the Israelis while there were Moroccan troops there


Nothing made sense in the 1973 war. Tiny country has the biggest tank battles since WW2, North Korea sent pilots, hundreds of Cuban casualties, Sudan sending infantry that were late to the party, while the navy fights uses boats they stole from the French


Hassan II helped Palestine more than Israel lmao. The propaganda that the king helped Israel come from a retired Mossad spy 💀


Honestly adding Jorden as the woman he hold in the neck dosen't make much sense, considering the fact Israel won most wars against Egypt/Syria. Jordan actually performed pretty well in Israel's war of independence


Yeah Jordan seemed to be the only one half-competent, they achieved most of their objectives during 1948 and more than half of the Israeli casualties during the 6 day war were on the Jordanian front


Ig it's because Jordan's army was the only Arab army to have veteran as a commander and a western styled leadership (Galab pasha), something that also effected their treatment to prisoners of war during Israel's war of independence


Yeah, another reason I've heard is that the Jordanian state was just generally less paranoid as unlike Syria or Egypt it hadn't had to deal with constant military coups, so the government was less concerned with shooting any competent military commander that might be a threat.


Israel mentioned 🥳🥳🥳


Perfect meme no notes


Quick Note: If you don’t want to have any further stress don’t sort by controversial


original template pls




"fuck israel" - NAS daily


Crazy what happens when the US just gives you like 25% of your annual gdp because…[removed by Reddit]


That didn't even start before the late 60s.


This thread is full of zionists, disgusting


Why is that disgusting


He isn’t okay with Jews having self determination.


L + ratio


>This thread is full of zionists Based


fuck Israel




Someone’s coping, coping, and seething.




The cod is in fact not native to Israel nor the rest of the Mediterranean.


Somehow you managed to misspell two of the easiest words in your sentence. Incredible.


I'm from Israel and I don't like what we did and don't agree with it but our army is crazy


מה זאת אומרת אתה לא אוהב את מה שעשינו, ארבעה צבאות ערב ניסו לרצוח אותנו והראנו להם מאיפה משתין הדג


I know this is an actual language but this looks so funny


לא מסכים עם מה? הם ניסו להשמיד את המדינה, הם קיבלו את מה שמגיע להם


הם לא לפני שהם היו מופלים נגד


אתה אומר שמשטרת ישראל הפלתה נגד חיל האוויר של מצרים? לפני הקמת המדינה?


מה? אני מדבר על אזרחי פלסטין


Bro I hate Isreal but you guys literally got attacked in that war you guys were in the right


No I agree with that but not what Israel did to Palestinians during the war


The world needs more people like you.


There are at least 53 people who disagree with you


Shame on them and power to you.


Yom kippur war 1973 U know u r winning the war when ur ugly b*tch of a prime minister cries and weeps and calls for air lift from her Americuck pimp.


Sauce of the Manga?


Weird meme, only see three countries 💀