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I love that tree and all my homies hate that man


How did Man manage to crash into the only obstacle in the middle of the desert? is he stupid?




The two conditions are often very correlated though.


Tbf, stupid and driving drunk go hand in hand


Honestly, wouldn't surprise me if it was also intentional. A few years ago I would've doubted that, but now that we know about pranksters and shit, it wouldn't surprise me.


Vandalism doesn’t know boundaries. Remember the [famous tree in the UK that was felled by two dumbasses](https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/britains-famous-sycamore-gap-tree-deliberately-felled-2023-09-28/) last fall for literally no reason? Hurts to see this


Is there a Lore reason?


Man'd never hit that tree


He has to be the same type of person who would park right next to the only other car in a completely empty lot.


I don't care for Man


Why just your homies…? Are you the man?


Context: The Tree of Ténéré was considered to be the most isolated tree in the world. The tree survived for around 300 years in one of the harshest environments in the world. It resided in the Sahara Desert where it was the only tree around for 250 miles. The tree overcame all odds by spreading it’s roots 100 ft below the surface in order to reach the water table that laid below. It was notable for being a well known landmark for travelers in a harsh and unforgiving environment. It also stood as a testament to the once green Sahara that later became the barren wasteland we know today. In 1973, a drunk driver smashed into it, snapping its trunk, killing the tree. The driver became known as the man who managed to crash into the only obstacle in miles.


Fuck this guy.


It’s okay, he probably died of embarrassment.


Show evidence


Otherwise we take care of him


Let's plant a tree at the same place and pray like an old lady from Podlaskie for it to grow (we can also use the body of that drunk driver to fertilize the plant)


Wholesome idea for the body! Now what shall we do with the infinite Sin he left behind..? 😒


So, basically, we are going to birth a God and sacrifice them in order to relieve the sin.


thats sounds about right


Eldar *sweating intensly*


Send me location


Podlaskie doesn't exist my friend (I wish)


Is it you ? Your username gave you away !


*tries to blend in with crowd*


Your username is making me twitch.


Lol sorry!! You can almost make it grammatically correct if you pronounce it like Borat lol


People are the worst. Like a grand majority, probably me a good portion of the time too let’s be real


A lot.




fuck drunk drivers is more like it


There are way more issues with cars than just drunk drivers.


maybe so, but the issue here specifically is a drunk driver. there may be more issues with cars, but that has nothing to do with the thread.


Pollution and what else? Traffic? I mean c'mon cars are amazing.


It really depends. A single car isn't problematic, the problems really become bad when you base your whole society on that one mode of transport. For starters, cars are extremely space inefficient, and monetarily are one of the worst options to choose. But also, traffic jams are a problem that is exclusive to that mode of transport, no other mode is that space inefficient. So now you have a mode of transport that is pretty inaccessible, not everyone is able to drive, and also a danger to everyone outside of a car, and also through traffic jams actively harms other modes of transport. There are more problems, that car infrastructure really makes cities awful places to be, and the best and most memorable urban places in the world are almost always devoid of cars. Or that cars cause respiratory diseases, are the primary cause of noise induced mental and physiological illnesses, are the primary cause of death in adolescents, that its infrastructure seals off surfaces causing water management to be a headache and thus cities more prone to flooding. Or that cars are super expensive for the individual, with maintenance costs, gas, and initial investment altogether far outweighing any other mode of transport. And they lead to people walking less, which has a fuckton of negative consequences on health. Lastly cities that are car centric are just super uggo. There's more that I haven't mentioned.


Poor people can't access them, yet our society is built primarily for them. They require hundreds of thousands of square miles of pavement to be useful. They congest cities. They are the number 1 cause of preventable death in the world. (Also wildlife death in America) Massive carbon emissions to produce, fuel, and construct roads for them. Oil industry is the cause of like 99% of the world's bullshit wars And they make us all fat and angry. But I agree, vroom vroom is cool


* [Space inefficiency](https://www.reddit.com/r/bicycling/comments/whh7ou/comparison_of_space_needed_to_transport_the_same/)- A single bus or just bicycling can take up so much less space. * Infrastructure changing to suit cars- Try walking everywhere from where you are. It is a pain to get anywhere, right? Imagine losing your license or you can't afford a car anymore, getting anywhere is hellish. Change the infrastructure to suit walking and it is no longer a pain to walk anywhere. Rather than driving around a desert, you can instead walk around a sandbox instead. * Cost- You have to pay to maintain your car, insurance, gas and etc. Walking is free. Bike is cheaper and easy to maintain than a car. * Danger- A car is a 2 ton death machine. Less people should have them to reduce the amount of accidents. If bad drivers decides to walk or take public transportation, many property and lives loss will be prevented.


Literally all of this is written in mind for a tiny European town. Try NOT owning a car in the vast majority of the US and try telling me it’s the same.


That's the point. Us cities are planned bad. I can't blame you for choosing a car when that's your only viable option. The issue here is with the city and transportation planning being stupid, and that's where the change has to happen.


Nassau is a tiny country that is also car centric and suffers the same problems in the US. It has nothing to do with the amount of land mass.


It's been done before. America is way older than the car. Look back into history and you will find American cities that were built with walkability in mind until they were completely demolished for cars.


They already do that in Japan, using trains to connect to towns. Regardless, I'm not opposed to cars in rural areas; but cars should definitely be forbidden in cities unless there's a very good reason to use them.


* Pollution. * Safety issues for anybody not inside the car. * They're way more inefficient than trains. * They make people lazier, and depend too much on them when most of the times a bike or a motorbike would suffice. * They make public transport more inefficient. * They're very loud. * The infrastructure needed for cars, which is another can of worms entirely which I bet you don't even want to know about, but I could lay down if you want to.


Possibly the most revolutionary and important technological breakthrough in the history of mankind and there’s a Reddit page dedicated to saying how much it sucks. The Daniel Tosh “it must be hard being that fucking stupid” meme has never been more apt.


Trains were/are better for mankind. Cars are only as impactful as they currently are because of auto industry lobbying and bad legislation. If trains and trams and trolleys got that kind of special treatment, it's hard to imagine how much better off the world would be. Edit: Lol of course the historymemes user would immediately downvote historical fact.. "it must be hard being that fucking stupid"


Also, the reason why trolleys weren't majorly adopted is because: 1. The car manufacturers bought them and decomissioned them. 2. Cars themselves made them horrible to use by getting them stuck in the traffic the cars themselves created.




How drunk one must've been had to hit exactly that lonely tree in the middle of the fu*king desert!!! It's so grotesque.


It’s actually not that hard. What probably happened was that he was looking at the tree because it was the only thing around, but because he was drunk he drove where he was looking


Ahh makes sense and fuck that guy.




That doesn't seem very christian


It isnt but I guess its also not a funny joke lol


He probably was trying to go between the two trees on his way. Or four trees. Or...


Or just pulled up to it too quick and couldn’t slow down/brake in time. dude probably wanted to stop there.


Literal skill issue? Like just don't drive drunk lmfao. Fucking LOSER


How the fuck are you even drunk driving in the middle of the desert


Well, close to zero risk of driving into someone or something. Uhm...


But aren’t all the nations of Sahara essentially Islamic and alcohol is supposed to be banned/haram?


A muslim fuckboy junkie that tried to explain the immorality of pork eating to me drinks too so idk


Exactly that’s why I phrased it the way I did even though alcohol the word is originally from Arabic I have no idea the legality behind it in the Saharan nations


Back then it would have been part of France so it would have been legal.




But isnt the reason for not eating pork because its considerd dirty and not immorality?


Are those different?


Yes, dirty is just because of the filth pigs are known for and immorality is about ethics of eating pigs.


Grrrr... the only REAL reason 🐖 shouldn't be eaten is because they're so cute and precious 😸


overcompensating ig


Tbf - eating pork is less moral than drinking. With drinking - you’re only killing yourself.


Pretty sure blud was breaking every single Quranic rule except for pork eating


Haram != banned. It's just a sin to consume it. Bahrain is an Islamic country and it makes shitloads of money from men who drive across the bridges from Saudi Arabia on the weekends for some mysterious reason that *definitely* has nothing to do with alcohol being legal.


Eh. Alcohol is considerably more common in many Islamic countries than most westerners realise. It's not even illegal in many.


When I worked out in Dubai, I had a nice little dive bar as my local, which a few Emiratis frequented. Nice blokes mostly, just drink and chat like anywhere else. But they'd always wrap a napkin around the beer bottle so you couldn't see the logo. That way they could pretend it was a barbican or a 0%.


*invests in big arabic napkins*


And Christians are supposed to love thy neighbor. Doesn’t mean they always do.


They are the largest importers of alcohol, if memory serves


actually seems like the beat place to drink and drive really


I hate that guy almost as much as the guy who cut down sycamore gap


What about the Harambe guy


At least there was a reasonable argument for killing Harambe, unlike cutting down sycamore gap


Theres only a reasonable argument for killing Harambe if you’re a Hillary Clinton apologist


What, the fact it was posing an extremely serious threat to human life?


Yeah I was immediately reminded.


im learning all kind of reasons to hate humans in this post


Of course humans destroyed it


I assumed that if not already destroyed, by shining light on it, some fuckhead would ruin it in the upcoming weeks.


General rule of thumb: if something is referred to in past-tense it’s more than likely that humans are the reason for it


Like "The Senator." A 3,500 year old tree in Florida, one of the oldest in North America, burned down because a lady was smoking meth underneath it [https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/floridas-oldest-tree-burned-down-by-woman-smoking-meth-beneath-it-6536131](https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/floridas-oldest-tree-burned-down-by-woman-smoking-meth-beneath-it-6536131)


Two things. 1) How're you gonna write a whole article and not include one photo of the damn tree? 2) Why tf is this article filed under "humor"?


I’m not familiar with the Miami New Times but I guess it’s a tabloid. Here’s the Wiki article with some pictures: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Senator_(tree)


https://seminolefl.mugshots.zone/sara-barnes-mugshot-09-08-2021/ Mugshot of her


The other article say she was 26, but either way that's a ROUGH look for her age no matter which it was


This was after she got arrested again. Meth wasn't to friendly to her


Georgia Crack heads burt down a i85 bridge in Atlanta


The Sahara being once green and now a barren "wasteland" wasn't people. Nor did we kill all the other trees that once surrounded this one. People suck don't get me wrong, but there are plenty of natural catastrophes and destruction.


>general rule of thumb:


I don't think it's often enough proportionally to be a general rule of thumb. There is likely just as many if not more natural disasters and destruction compared to man-made. "Half the time" might not even be appropriate. "Rule of thumb" is something that is broadly accurate.


Mother nature is far more unforgiving and destructive than man. If we actively tried to destroy our planet we would only get a glimpse of her worst days. We should remember that before she comes to collect on our tab.


yeah, we think humans are bad? The Permian-Triassic transition period would like to talk. (Permian-Triassic mass exinction, \~95% of all life died out)


They said general. Sahara has been like that for a long time


Yea I don't think it's general enough. The sahara Alternates between lush green and desert approx. every 20,000 years. Homosapiens have been around for plenty of those.


Nah. Untold droves of humans cherished it, one drunk asshole destroyed it. Don’t let the actions of the few sway your opinion of the many.


Exactly. Without humans nobody would be around to be awed by it. It's not like the scorpions care.


that's part of why the location of the world's oldest tree is kept secret beyond which region it's in. [john green had a really lovely (and sad) video about a famous tree in sweden where he briefly mentions it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESyJop31cmY)


That was nice.


Hes not affiliated with us.


A, as in ONE human destroyed it. Don’t blame the death of this tree on everyone else in the world.


Only tree for 250 fucking miles and someone manages to crash into it. I don't care how drunk he was. That was intentional.


Exactly my thoughts. No way this was an accident


Why am I not surprised that it took a drunken fool to crash into that tree


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Nah, stabbed. With a wooden knife made out of the tree.


Ahh yes, justice.


DavesGameCave for president.




I hope so, sounds like poetic justice


Yea, for sure that happened actually


[That one guy driving through the desert](https://youtu.be/MTLL_6A2fA0?si=VxN1SlN_H0RG3PJe)


Wow… I hate that guy now, killed a miracle of nature!


How the fuck do you even manage to be drunk *in the Sahara*? 250+ miles deep into the Sahara nonetheless. Surely by the time you’ve had your liquid lunch, filled your car up with fuel and spare alcohol for the ride, and then driven hundreds of miles, the sheer heat would cause you to sweat so much that you’d inevitably sober up? Bet this fucker had low alcohol tolerance like a pussy. Fucking weak excuse for an alcoholic.


... They were probably drinking throughout, not all at once before they set off.


I did actually say this.


You also called him a pussy and a weak excuse for an alcoholic, which was funny


Thanks! I do try to be humorous.


The fact that it was the only obstacle for miles probably made it more likely to be crashed into.


i almost downvoted this comment in the sheer anger of that drunk driver.


This guy is a serious contender for worst driver of all time. No matter how wasted you are, how the hell do you manage to do that?


Fucking hilarious ending. Like bro...250 miles no tree...and you hit the one fucking tree.


You need to tell the rest of the story. The drunk driver worked for an oil company. He was in the desert surveying the desert for possible oil. In place of the tree, they built what could be called a signpost for a navigation marker.


Wow, fuck this piece of shit asshole.


Bro managed to hit the one thing in the entire desert


How the fuck did that guy manage to hit the singular tree? It had to be on purpose


God I really fucking hate humans. It’s like that teenager who cut town the Sycamore Gap Tree. Just WHY?


["Some men just want to watch the world burn"](https://tenor.com/view/some-men-just-want-watch-burn-gif-19105046)


That tree was a brave warrior to the end. o7


>The driver became known as the man who managed to crash into the only obstacle in miles. He had one thing to avoid And couldnt even do that. We should get his name and shame him.


Ok but who the fuck drunk drives in the middle of the desert


They probably figured there was almost no chance they could run into anything. Better odds than drunk driving on a busy highway


What the fuck was he doing driving a car in the middle of the Sahara desert?


Wish he was publicly executed, live on the air for the world to see


Target fixation heightened by alcohol


time to eliminate the Tree killer (except he's already dead and this is a bad wheel of time reference)


I wonder if we could grow more trees there now




Maybe some people do deserve the death penalty


Would it be possible to plant a new tree at the same location? It would of course need human support until its roots extended to the water underground, but it seems like it should be possible.


It would need watering for hundreds of years before it's roots reached the water table. This tree likely was the last survivor from an old forest that died off as the desert expanded, as deserts do in dry/wet cycles and with the climate changing. Edit: in particular, the Sahara desert moves in 40k year cycles due to Earth's rotational axis tilting. It was quite lush 10k years ago in ancient Egypt and got more and more arid gradually. Cave paintings in rock formations well inside the desert show elephants, lions, lakes, river's, crocs....


An apt punishment for the man that drove over the old tree would be to cultivate a new tree in its place.


Or just put a bullet in each of his knee caps and then force him to drag himself out of the desert.


Or we could cut out his tendons with a wooden knife made from the tree


Who hurt you?


The guy who destroyed the tree, dumbass


I mean, sure, but then no new tree in the desert :(


I think it'd start to just rely on humans and not grow its roots underground.


It **could** be possible to attach a new tree to the old roots with enough tech and professionals.


300 years to just get smashed by a drunk driver while being the only alive tree in the located area. Shit


That's why we're fucked: we can conserve a natural site for years but then one drunk asshole can destroy it all in an instant.


Natural selection has been real quiet since this one dropped


Hope Groot fck his bloodline.


"And here I stand."


Tf does one crash into the only tree in the whole desert?!


probably was looking at the tree since it's the only thing for hundreds of miles around, and since he was drunk, he drove where he was looking


Similarly, there's a tourist attraction in Bahrain called the Tree of Life.


The jackass who crashed into the tree should be rotting in the deepest depths of hell




The thing that really crushes the soul about it is that THAT was the very best one of its entire lineage, and the very best suited for surviving in such an inhospitable environment. A paragon that could have been cloned and propagated endlessly in this modern age. It could have been to the greening of deserts what the HeLa cell line has been for cancer research. A gem so profound and rare that you could not have ever reasonably expected it to exist outside of theory, much less for you to have been so lucky as to find it.


Thought it was a decapitated ostrich at first


Really surprised that no one cut, some people like to destroy "special" things just because it is "special"


Imagine living for 300 years and Steve spawns


“I’m gonna live forever!” Random ass drunk driver:


Maybe another tree could be grafted to this tree so it can utilize the roots that have already been developed


it's possible, although the roots are likely too old at this point, but it is possible.


Is it bad I thought that was the tree from Lion King?


I like to imagine it's a crabby grumpy motherfucker but has the absolute best life advice


And was destroyed by a drunk😓


I blame the tree.I mean what was he doing standing out there by himself. Just an accident waiting to happen


Groot's Origin story


Yeah, and a drunk mf killed it...


This is the tree that faded into the godfathers mustache?


If I remember right didn’t get hit by a drunk driver


Otherwise known as reading the top comment from the original poster.


Ummm I didn’t see it and I still don’t see it


Nice meme OP. Is there a sub for history meme stash?


Naw lol it’s my history meme page


300 years if nothing when you survived 10 000 years in the Nordic wastelands. EDIT: Honorary badge to be downvoted when providing historically accurate facts. <3


You mean the area with a fuckton of ice everywhere? Ya know, WATER


Tf does that even mean?