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...with her identical twin!


Typhoid Sheri


I haven't laughed that hard in a while.


The 2nd twin reminds me of this. https://media.pri.org/s3fs-public/styles/open_graph/public/migration/PriMigrationsVivvoFilesImagesMigration/pri.org/files/Jesus_PaintingNEW_293150090.jpeg?itok=dkZ5Q2-C.jpeg?itok=dkZ5Q2


It's a clone.


You mean clown?


Sorry I meant quone... As can be seen she was a difficult patient and when the patient gets difficult you quone them.


Define Quone, Kramer. You know, to quone someone.


Do you have a medical dictionary?


The lady in the very back is her identical hand twin!




This hand is your hand


Drunk History did a great segment on her, it was hilarious.


"Do you wash your hands after you take a shit?"




"I'm Irish, I don't have time for this!"


I don't get the reference


It wasn't exactly oblique. They said it was something called "Drunk History" that did a segment on Typhoid Mary. Are you really incapable of putting the pieces together? [Here, I'll do the easy part for you](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=drunk+history+typhoid+mary)


Ugh, the light mode of letmegoogle that is always so jarring. That's the most offensive part.


That’s ok champ, it will all be fine


You're being excluding


Maybe watch the episode bud


No. Nobody is allowed to make references that I don’t personally understand!


Since you're so goddamn lazy: https://youtu.be/12wh0lfHb2U?si=oVxI1y--RVGcE18w


Can someone summarize the video so I know what it says?


Maybe research it yourself then you lazy pants


She didn’t either.


You could look up that episode of Drunk History. Just a thought.


Some of their episodes were cheeks/gut-pain- laughter hilarious.


Drunk History was great, sad that it was killed


There was a great fictionalized arc about her in The Knick as well.


I loved that show so much. I’m so sad they discontinued it after only one season.


Weren’t there at least 2 if not 3?


Oh you’re right, there were 2. It has been awhile since I watched. I just remember they left us on a big cliffhanger before canceling it.


I wouldn’t call how they ended it a cliffhanger at all. Pretty damn conclusive of an ending. Maybe you didn’t watch it all?


The Dollop did a great podcast on her as well


Well, I never also covered the story of typhoid Mary




This lady's butt grease killed at least 3 people.


I wish you would have said that so differently


I do too, but at the same time…I need to know more about this lady’s butt grease. What is it and why does it infect so prolifically?


She was a cook and didn’t believe in washing her hands, even after taking a shit. So yeah…potent butt grease.


Worse than Papi from Seinfeld.


Just for the record it's "Poppie".




What's wrong with PiPi's water park? It's 90% pee like it should bee.


Butt grease is more pleasant than butt yeast. Imho.


You know from personal experiences?


What a day to have eyes


Her specialty, peach ice cream, was what did it. Almost everything else she made was cooked, therefore killing the disease, but the peaches were raw. She rubbed her filthy hands all over them before adding them to the ice cream and the rest is literally history.


As a cook you’re touching plates and dishes as you plate food up. You’re garnishing meals with uncooked ingredients. You’re potentially touching already cooked food with your hands. You’re making salads and shit loads of “uncooked” meals. Especially if you’re a shit fucker Typhoid Mary who doesn’t wash her hands.


I don’t know a lot but I don’t think Typhoid Mary was garnishing her plates lmao


She’s crossing her arms in the photo because she’s angry they ate the garnish


Yes, but the peach ice cream was what George Sooper, the man who investigated and tied all the deaths together, did so because of the connection of the peach ice cream.


How very 2024 to ridicule past sanitation standards. She did very little that imo would be considered wrong, especially for the time. How frightening is it to be stripped of your civil rights in such a way.


She refused any attempt to be tested while every household and workplace she worked at was contaminated. What do you think about all the people that died after encountering her ? She refused to wash her hand and violated the order to stop working in the food industry when people were dying because of her. She wasn’t stripped of her rights right away… only after multiple attempts to get her to stop. If people died because of me, I would be horrified but she was in denial while she was the the common denominator in all the the outbreaks of the disease. To be confined for the rest of her life is a harsh punishment but she wouldn’t stop propagating the disease…


We just went through covid, how hard was it to convince people about masks and covid? No go back a 100 years and try to convince someone one that their very ability to not get sick is killing people.


I’m sorry but the fact that every workplace was contaminated was something you can understand without knowing in detail about bacterias and viruses. Common people could understand it already because some people were already willing to be vaccinated during epidemics since the late 1790’s. Of course it wasn’t much but still…


1906 was when food saftey laws started getting passed. Her actions where between 1900-1907. Get off your high horse, it was a significant change in history not just modern history. Acting like it was common knowledge when in reality the food industry really didn’t start getting its shit together until the late 30’s for raw and canned goods and the 50’s for preparation areas.


I do didn’t say it was common knowledge but after being asked by multiple doctors and experts you should realize the situation. The fact that she spread it at first was tragic but not her fault. The fact that she refused to admit the risks she represented after people explained it to her is the problem.


a 1900’s dr? That’s a tough sell being so close to the snake oil generation and the narcotics in everything drs. Being asymptomatic is still a very confusing thing for people even with modern medicine.


Bruh what. Experts of epidemiology already existed at that time. George Soper was the expert on typhoid that identified her.


Does a 1900’s cook know what or who any of that is? No. You can tell them. And the low level of education they have still leaves open a high probability of rejection of those things. Do people really think a pre 1900’s education would include any that? And how about the pre 1900’s education of women? Med schools didn’t even accept women until the later 1800’s. There are layers to shit beyond well we told her so.


Many cultures around the world have practiced ritual handwashing before cooking and eating for centuries. It wasn’t something new in 1909. I am quite sure that her wealthy employers would’ve been horrified if they saw her defecate and then proceed to prepare the food they were about to eat with feces on her hands.


That’s still happens


Hate that everyone is downvoting you bc you’re right. No one even explained to her that she was (supposedly) a carrier or what that meant. They essentially used her as a lab rat. There isn’t even any real evidence of an autopsy to suggest the disease was living in her gallbladder (which is what most claims suggest).


Hopefully cooks wash hands more now


>Hopefully cooks wash hands more now In 2012-2013 only 20% of medics (in Netherlands) washed their hands.


That’s because being Dutch, there’s too much bending down to the sinks, it’s causing back issues.


Really? I find that hard to believe. Medic in Ontario and anytime one of us degloves, hand washing is top priority. People are gross.


They did a study at St Boniface Hospital in Winnipeg in the early aughts, where there was someone by the sink clearly making a check when people washed their hands and only like 50% of nurses and doctors did. IIRC the number dropped to like 20 or 30% washed their hands correctly. All of the doctors and nurses that I have seen over the past three years, only use hand sanitizer and it is super gross IMO.


Thank my adhd and ocd like tendencies that I wash my hands over 30 times a day. At least a minute each.


>Really? I find that hard to believe. Ben Tyler (Tiggelaar),"The Ladder", 2018, p23: *"..Vicki Erasmus..published a study of hand hygiene in 24 Dutch hospitals... norms regarding handwashing were followed in just 20 percent of all cases."*


I would think as a medic you would know what deglove means and that it's the wrong term for what you're describing.


Both uses are common.


Context is everything my man, just be content with the content.


Maybe because everyone uses 70% alcohol or sterilium instead?


In 2017 they were up to [40%](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7486593/). After 2020 I bet it's doubled again.


Dutch are not known for being clean...




But she wasn’t even sick! /s


Watched a documentary about her, It wasn't right that they expect to survive doing laundry and not offered her any training to do something else, but I lost sympathy, when she got a job as a cook at a children's hospital.


That blew my mind - that not only did she keep cooking, but chose to work at a hospital of all places! I didn't realize it was a children's hospital


And continued to not wash her hands


What did they do to this photo? It’s toasted. But in all seriousness, Typhoid Mary sucked really bad because she KNEW what she was doing and she kept running. Confining home girl to an island was the only way


It's complicated. There's good chance she really didn't believe what the authorities were telling her. Germ theory still wasn't as prevalent. And as an immigrant, there weren't really better job opportunities for her


Be that as it may, she still refused to wash her hands anywhere she went. She still sucked.


She was quarantined on an island in the East River for a while. I believe the buildings are still there. https://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2015/06/north-brother-island-photos-typhoid-mary


I explored that island 9 yrs ago. Crazy


Kate Mulgrew was born to play that part.


I have a feeling she would turn it down lol


Radiolab’s episode Patient Zero starts with her story. Such an amazing episode


The Knick did a great episode about her.




It looks like this photo was manipulated. Original shows her bed sectioned off: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/30/sunday-review/the-ethics-of-hunting-down-patient-zero.html edit: [photo](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/10/29/opinion/sunday/30MCNEIL-web/30MCNEIL-web-superJumbo.jpg)


This one seems doctored as well, look at her bed frame and sheets. My guess is they edited this one and then someone took it and filled the blanks back in.


I wish society would tell me to stay in bed all day


Without a tv or phone, I would cry




She would've fit right in during COVID


Yes. She’d have been posting ‘I’ve been around dozens of people with typhoid and never caught it even though I won’t wear a mask or get vaccinated. #TyphoidIsntThatDangerous’


AFAIK no one explained her her condition, but I can be forgetting


Nah, she knew and refused to listen to the authorities. From the wiki: She was forcibly quarantined twice by authorities, the second time for the remainder of her life because she persisted in working as a cook and thereby exposed others to the disease.  They flat out told her "you are killing people, stop touching shit (literally)." and she pulled the same bullshit all the anti mask/antivax assholes did during COVID.


Pretty sure I’m related to her on my dad’s side. My grandmother hated it when we (my siblings) would bring her up. My dad and his two brothers and three sisters weren’t aloud to work in the food industry.




What to do with Typhoid Mary is a good question to ask libertarians. It’s not her fault you aren’t immune, so why should she be imprisoned just because you and your children aren’t sufficiently evolved?


Because she continued to knowingly spread the disease to people. After her first quarantine, she signed an affidavit promising to stop working as a cook . She eventually broke that promise to cook in restaurants, a hotel and even a hospital. More people died. She was forced to go into quarantine a second time because she couldn’t be trusted. She had a sad life but she truly was a risk to public health.


Right and the govt should have paid for her to not cook. Back then you couldn’t really like switch careers , especially as a women, so asking to give up her only means of living with no additional support, what did they expect was going to happen. Yes she should have stopped but would you if it meant living in poverty?


She was born in Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland. What other options could possibly be open to her?


She could be a town.


> Because she continued to knowingly spread the disease to people Yes but it shouldn't be up to government to stop people dying. Typhoid carriers can self-regulate and even if they don't, people will stop going to her restaurants once they start dying so the free market will solve the problem. Only a bit of /s because this is the point u/shootingpains is making.


> Yes but it shouldn't be up to government to stop people dying. What? The government is obligated to look after the general welfare of the people.


It's sarcasm, pointing out the idiocy of it


I see it now, my bad I had a reading comprehension failure.


I think you looked over the initial comment describing this as a conundrum for libertarian ideals.


I think we learned their stance on all that shit during Covid and it wasn’t good


That's the exact tipping point between anarcho-libertarians and societal libertarians "Do not make rules, it will affect society's ability to develop" vs "We don't want more rules, but if society dies of a plague there's no society to develop." Issues like health codes, as well as the privatization of sanitation and the HHS sit at this junction as well.


That's not libertarian, that's social darwinism.


Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V


The original covid influencers


Mary, we have to cook


fun fact she was born in my home town in Northern Ireland previously part of Ireland.


Shout out to Cookstown


When u think about it she is sort of like a super villain with her “power” to make people sick


Her story is actually really quite sad. We take the knowledge and education we have today for granted.


The original Karen


This looks like a fake photo. Both women in the forefront are identical


Anthony Bourdain wrote a fantastic [novella](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhoid_Mary:_An_Urban_Historical) in her defense. Might be some of my favorite writing of his.


If Mary had been born today she'd have been an anti-vaxxer that gave her kids raw milk. 


Yeah, this lady was an asshole.


Imagine trying to explain Typhoid Mary to one of our modern vaccine deniers.


Nobody even told her why, they just held her and eventually they just took her to the countryside and she lived isolated.


Where’s her MAGA hat?




When she isn't even symptomatic. There...fixed it for you.


What an asshole.


Give that woman a MAGA hat


A real peice of shit, although, after the pandemic it's clear the lesson wasn't learned for a lot of people.


She did her part to take down the American aristocracy


Anti vaxxer Goddess. I guess...


You can't say landlords don't do something good!


Yeah you can. They suck and contribute nothing to society.


I bet you don't even know why I made my comment. but, you saw a hobby horse, and needed to flay it.


Say the word landlord in any kind of positive way even jokingly on Reddit and you’ll get slammed with downvotes/people airing their anger.


indeed. I don't disagree with it. But that's the exact reason my comment of ironic humor is so desperately attacked. Reddit can't stand duality. I'm wondering if anyone downvoting even understands why I made the comment ... maybe more people read more than only the headline than I am guessing? maybe?


Apart from maintaining their housing stock.


As if you’re any better. You do realize most people don’t go from living at home to owning a house right, what do you propose we do to replace landlords. Please feel free to contribute since you wanna complain about those who don’t.


The number of properties owned by landlords is part of the reason for that, though. I think around 20% of properties in the uk are privately rented, many of which are the kinds of properties people would otherwise be looking at moving into. Also as it stands rent for many is quite high and that money could otherwise go towards owning a home whereas rent is just pissing money into somebody else’s mortgage or expenses.


I agree with everything you said, I’d say 20% is on the low end honestly I think it’s probably much higher in the west. I do also kind of agree with the paying for peoples mortgages thing, a lot of landlords do use rent for that, but that still doesn’t change the fact most people cannot afford a mortgage when they first move out, ontop of property taxes and maintaining your house. It makes sense to rent for afew years well you find a career or finish schooling, makes a lot more sense then taking out a mortgage, ina few years if rent prices keep climbing then I’d say definitely go for a house because the way it’s going rent is gonna match the average monthly mortgage payment soon. I Just don’t see the point in generalizing them all into the same group and complaining about how they don’t contribute to society over Reddit, most people here aren’t doing anything to earn the right to criticize what other people do for the world.


I paid just as much renting a 3br house than my 5 br house mortgage. Only thing I could afford was 10% for a downpayment and had an established credit history. This isnt about being able to afford a mortgage.


When did you do that fresh out of high school? Or did you rent or live with family until you could afford your own place or your mortgage payments, this is my point you can’t do this fresh out of high school. Again none of this changes the fact most young people cannot afford a mortgage. It actually is about being able to afford a mortgage because how else are you supposed to get a house at a young age without luck or family wealth. You also said you rented a house not an apartment. It’s pretty obvious that paying a mortgage to own your own house is better than renting one.


There is potential options that fall between homelessness and a slumlord who owns 30 properties and drives the cost of housing up. They aren't a natural requirement to society, just typically people who have money who prey on those unqualified or unwilling to purchase a house which is also pricey since they have to compete with slumlords buying up properties to slap a coat of paint over everything and charge 3X what it should actually cost.


Have you ever actually met or talked to a landlord before? You know they’re not all evil with some underlying plan to destroy the housing market, matter of fact most people aren’t like that landlord or not. Most of them are good people who want some passive income. You’re right though they aren’t a natural part of society, very little of the systems of modern society are natural, we created the majority of them. It doesn’t mean they’re all bad because they’re part of a system that didn’t naturally come to fruition.


I've met plenty. I live in a major city and unless you have money or bought years ago you rent. Obviously some have been ok people renting out their place. Most of the privately owned have been greedy, get rich hacks who try to do the bare minimum while price gouging you, and the rest have been corporations. All of them aren't really useful to society and most of them have been terrible predatory people. Whether their intent was to "destroy the housing market" greedy people owning multiple houses do just that.


the classic “you can’t critique society because you yourself live in that society.” Also, you dont even know that commenter you just imagined he wasn’t contributing to society and went off on that imagined version of him???


I didn’t say that at all, i said if you wanna claim that someone doesn’t contribute to society then share your thoughts and contribute yourself. Not even close to whatever you’re talking about, do you really think it’s ok to sit online and tell people they don’t contribute to society? And yes I don’t know this redditor, just like none of you know every landlord on earth, it’s hilarious how you all think it’s ok to generalize and assume things about millions of people but my assumptions of this redditor is what triggers you. Also It’s pretty evidentially clear people who can afford multiple properties contribute a hell of a lot more to society then someone who complains about other people on the internet, that’s not even arguable lol. Do you seriously not see the hypocrisy in saying I don’t know this guy but I’m assuming things about him when everyone here is doing the same about landlords…. Reddit is fucking hilarious sometimes.


Youve swung too far into being angry and nasty for me to bother too much with this after this message. You’re in these comments fighting for a minor semantic victory which really says it all. I see you saying, “Not ALL landlords, have you ever met a landlord they arent all bad” like we are criticizing their individual personalities and not the morality of their very existence. That is very blatantly not what we’re talking about when we say landlords dont contribute to society. Landlords are bad because the system that they work within makes a basic human need, shelter, into a commodity. They “contribute nothing” because well… have you ever rented?? If not, I’m not sure how you have any feet to stand on here. So okay, not all landlords are specifically evil people but MOST are taking advantage of us either directly or indirectly purely through how the system is set up. Whether it’s via high rent, poor maintenance/property management or outright scamming (withholding deposits for minor infractions, maintenance traps, purposefully unclear language in the lease.) You would share at least some of the sentiment that renting and landlords suck if youve ever rented before which seems unlikely based on your responses. But yes to summarize, landlords don’t contribute anything at all to this society other than complicating the lives of normal people. Most of us HAVE to rent because home ownership is not as attainable as it was. And as a result we get put into situations where we’re pissing away money to bad faith renters for something as simple as a roof over our heads.


I’m done arguing with you people. “We’re criticizing their individual personalities” you people are so ignorant, so you know every single landlord individually? Are you insane? You guys wanna stretch so far to just include every landlord in the same boat. I’m sorry buddy, most landlords are not Jared kushner, rents high the housing market sucks I’m mad too, I’m not gonna cry about it on Reddit and claim a certain group of people are worthless to society like the people here have. It’s legitimately pathetic. Just look at how you started our conversation, you put words into my mouth and couldn’t even properly comprehend what I was saying even though it’s all there clear as day, then you tried to claim I’m ignorant for assuming things about redditors even though every one here is assuming things about landlords, this shit writes itself it’s like a comedy sketch. Yous are all just angry and looking for someone to be mad at, I’ve never seen projecting so hard in my life, who’s more angry really think about it, the person defending a group of people or the people telling them they’re worth nothing to society….. hilarious 😂


Man I knew it wasn’t worth engaging with you but I had convinced myself that maybe you werent this much of a jackass and just needed someone to earnestly engage. Ah well, I hope some day all that hate youre carrying around catches up to you 👍


Which is exactly why we need a regulated market. Not only have landlords taken so much of the housing market that housing has skyrocketed in pricing, they also gouge the renters for money. Not to mention most people can afford mortgage payments. I would say literally any other job actually provides more use to our world than landlords. At least YouTube streamers don't sit around crying about how essential they are to life and then paint over an electrical socket.


I agree it does need more regulation it’s ridiculous at this point, if it’s setup for people to take advantage they most definitely will, but most people cannot afford a mortgage though you’re wrong about that, not young people anyway, telling young people to take out a mortgage before they have a good career is bad advice. If most people could afford a mortgage then we’d all be paying off our own homes rn. I would say the only reason you say that is because it seems you have a resentment towards landlords, if you can’t afford a house (most people rate now) then they are a temporary solution until you can. It’s also funny you say landlords cry about how useful they are but I’ve seen maybe 2-3 landlords on this sight defending themselves over the last like 3-4 years and I’ve seen literally hundreds of people like you complaining about them. I think it’s pretty clear who’s doing the complaining here.


I love that you're using posts on Reddit as your metric for what's happening in the world that is so funny. Thank you for letting us know not to take you seriously at all.


I legit can’t tell if you’re joking that’s how nuts ya sound. I’m sure all you landlord haters are using real world interactions and data to base your insanely ignorant assumptions on aswell. Sorry I don’t take hypocrites seriously.


man all you do is deflect using heavy implications and then deny deny deny. cant be wrong if you dont ever stand by what you said, right?


Quote me, where did I deflect, I’m not gonna continue arguing with people who get mad at the exact same thing they’re doing but are too blinded by ignorance to see it. I’m not gonna have a good faith discussion with hypocrites, you’re trying to say my argument shouldn’t be taken seriously because I’m assuming things on the internet. What do you think everyone else here is doing, do you know how arguments work mate? If everyone else is gonna assume then it’s free game, you all assume landlords are bad people, I assume you all don’t know what you’re talking about. Pretty simple.




You could google Typhoid Mary?