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Tbh I would love to do any hobby that requires dexterity


Bird watching. There are websites (merlin, birdforum, ebird) where you can take pictures or record sightings, and basically play a competitive game with people in your area on how many birds you can "collect"


Oh nice but I don’t think I would be much into it though because I’m not really a nature or animal guy and my phone camera is broken to hell


Skill toys come to mind. It’s a blanket area — so that includes balisong, begleri, yo-yoing, cardistry, magic(?), juggling, contact juggling, etc. There’s a lot of options to pick from and they are pretty affordable.


Tbh I’m gonna try song writing see if I like it


I’m might try using a balisong


Grab a yoyo! Once you get down a few basic mounts the limit is your imagination!


Tried balisong it’s quite fun just trying to make it though big flips beginners playlist, if you do play with balisongs could you give me some tips


Honestly, though I own a balisong…I haven’t played with it much lol. Only things I can suggest is to practice individual steps slowly and then later combining them if you’re doing combos. Other than that is more practice, repetition, and getting the flow down.


Building models is fun. Even Lego is pretty cheap. If not there's plenty of models you can make from CNC cut out stencils with either glue, bolts and nuts or it just clips together.


Yeah I love building Lego but I’ve done it so much that I’ve found that I can do bigger sets in 1-5 hours and the small ones only take half and hour I’ve completed the Optimus prime transformer Lego set in 4-6 hours and that was a hole in my wallet TBH it kinda sounds like I’m bragging I’m not I’m cursed because if I want to do a long Lego project it’s gonna have to be a quite expensive set I don’t know if Lego prices are cheaper in America but in the UK it’s a bit pricey


Why don’t you make your own Lego creation and not one from a set. It would take much longer to figure out how to make. If you have done a bunch of larger sets you could use those pieces?


I’m not ever gonna take apart a complete Lego set


How about diamond painting? It is across between paint by number and legos. Another idea might be crochet or knitting. It takes a while to build something but the basic idea is that you get a pattern from somewhere else and follow the pattern. All of the cool patterns are really difficult so you will need to start with something basic and simple like a scarf or something.


Tried crochet it’s fun