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You think oh no its a training accident, like maybe he was following her and he lost concentration or something. Then you read the news report... Police will allege Ms Hoskins jumped onto the bonnet of the vehicle and reached for a door handle before the car was driven away, and she fell to the ground. It will be further alleged the mother-of-two may have been dragged along the road by the vehicle.


My understanding of it from reading Aussie news is they were having a domestic of some kind, he got in the car to leave, she jumped on the hood and tried to get in and then fell and smashed her head, there may have been some minor dragging.


wow - tragic either way


Tragic and stupid of both of them. Her for jumping on the bonnet and him for driving off with her on it.


My parents had a huge fight and my mom tried driving away so my dad (who was abusive) laid down in the middle of the driveway… My mom drove right over him and we felt the thumpthump of him underneath the car. He lived but man, still can’t believe she did that


Fucking hell. Hope you're doing well and appreciate you sharing something so personal


Didn’t get any insight from this either because I still don’t understand why people who hurt each other like this still want to be together. My parents tried to stay together for the kids and that was when they had their nastiest fights. Kids can handle divorce, living through abuse is a lot harder


My parents had the same logic of being together for the kids, but every second they were together was miserable for absolutely everyone. The moment my mom decided to move with us away I realized that the constant anxiety I felt at home wasn’t normal


It’s better to come from a broken home rather than live in one.


Absolutely. But in situations like that you can’t always act like an adult, at least some people can’t. Fight or flee instincts. Just recently thought about that while reading some stuff regarding Dante’s Inferno. Where those down there in the deepest circles of hell weren’t murderers (acting out of human emotion) but people who betrayed other people (doing it with a plan and clear mind).


I was brake checked buy a big guy once. We came to a complete stop on a 80 road, he got out of the car and walked towards me. So naturally I'm like, hmm let's not wait and find out what he is going to say/do. I backed my car for 3 meters, steered away from his vehicle and made an attempt to drive off. Guy was like no no don't drive away you fuck, I'll jump in front of your car. I guess I could have hit the brakes but who do you think won this encounter? Guy went over my car and landed on the opposite road. These days when I think about it I would have done it differently, but at that moment? No way I'll be stopping for an unknown threat that has already shown he doesn't care about his own safety.


I think about this scenario constantly after a few close road rage incidents. I'm a very diplomatic person and was able to sweet talk them down to the point of getting them back in their cars. But holy shit. All the what ifs. Could I have died or been hospitalized over some traffic stuff?


You were able to sweet talk your way out of road rage situations? Story time!


Idk if it’s so much of sweet talk as it is ass kissing and apologizing. Road ragers don’t want to hear rational thought, they want placation lol




I think you have the wrong guy?


Anyone who can't act like an adult is a psycho


Anyone who doesn’t understand human emotion is a psycho.


Anyone who can't contain their emotion to act accordingly is a psycho


No, people like that are human.


"minor dragging"?


I phrased it like that because it's somewhat unclear. She may have been dragged or just booped her head some. Papers had conflicting reports.


“Bonnet” means hood in case anyone is wondering


Thank you lol. I don’t understand the downvotes you’re getting


Not really, the "arrested and charged" part kinda suggests it was malicious


Danny Butterman: Hey, why can't we say "accident," again? Nicholas Angel: Because "accident" implies there's nobody to blame.


Not once in the news post does the word ‘accident’ appear though. OP made it up




I inferred it from the lede, then when I kept reading, I thought “Holup!” So I posted it…


Lol well the rest of us aren’t bound by your inferences. And the reason it’s reported this way is an old thing called ‘innocent till proven guilty’. Hardly a ‘holup’


Love your username for making a statement about word choices. ​ Also, feels like long enough since I saw Hot Fuzz for a rewatch


They even hate eachother


Don’t police service guidelines say they should be referred to as incidents rather than accidents?


Yes but it's not the coppers saying that. It's OP.


Getting hurt afteer jumping on a moving or starting car is not the drivers fault


Under Australian law it would be classed as involuntary manslaughter, they draw this conclusion by assuming it was unintentional.


It also requires that he acted recklessly or negligently


You are wrong, In Australia it is involuntary manslaughter, maybe in your country it’s not the drivers fault


I think they meant it in a moral sense more than a legal one


Still...morally you can stop. What's she gonna do? Yell some more? Hes gunna be morally and legally fucked in Australia


Don't let your wife see this...




Her husbands arrest is unrelated but they thought it was a good ending paragraph


Sad, but not a HolUp


I feel like mods have given up at this point


Walk away. I tried. What a pointless tragedy


That's why you shouldn't be in the same professional field as your spouse. The competition ruins your relationship.


I can think of many things that may also have ruined this relationship not related to being in the same professional field.


Leave my small penis out of this


And my axe.


Guess she should have stayed to the side of the road where cyclists should be


Why are cyclists always hit by cars and not car drivers. We haven't even rolled out killer autonomous cars yet.


Anger turns in to rage in a spit second. Never take people anger for granted. Sometime you think, “oh they would never do that”!!! Don’t underestimate rage!!!😡


You either die a hero (cyclist) or live long enough to see yourself become a villain (car driver)


When he tried to leave and she wouldnt let him… Well, tells something about the story i guess… Some females is better to leave alone, too much testosterone…


Some females… dude let that grass touch you


I forgot… Every female there is and ever was is a gift to the world.. There have never been a bad female ever… sorry


The issue isnt you saying some females or saying something bad about women. Issue is using that language. “Females”. Your alpha-sigma-meta-pro-male sexist brain need some refactoring. Stop watching so many tater-tot videos


And what is a tater-tot video ? I havent heard that before…


Andrew Tate


I dont like the dude… He is a narcissistic bigot…


Exactly. And like i said, either his movement or incels use the word female in a non-biological context. So using the word female is a problem in a non-biological context. It doesnt make sense even if he didnt exist. Like 10 years ago if you said female i’d give a similar response. Probably would be something along the lines of “what are you? A documentary commentator?”


Well, im not any of those, so im guessing you get easily offended… Namecalling and start labeling people as you see fit… Have a nice day.


It is easy because if something sounds like a duck and walks like a duck, it is only logical to think it is a duck


So is there only one female then ? Or some females ? I have no issues with females, i wouldnt exist if it werent for one… And your assumptions about me is wrong, and why the need to attack ? Insecure or something ?


A first grader could read better and understand what i meant than you. I have no problem with you saying something bad about women. The issue is your language, your mentality. The alpha male movement. They are the ones using female, them and the incels. If you dont want to be associated with them stop using “female” in a non-biological context.


So basically someone on reddit maybe not even english speaking using an english word is bad and makes him a bad person make it make sense


Im not english, im from Norway…


I thought so. The other guy is the bad person in this story because we hurt his feelings with an english word. Female...


Seems so unfortunately, wonder if it would have been the same if the roles was reversed and i said: some men is better to leave alone, too much testosterone…


Yes. First thing you learn about gender is boy/girl man/woman. Not male/female. When you use female, you have a certain capacity. And you know what it means


Dude my first language isnt english and the other guy too. And just because in youre mind you associate an english word with a person doesnt mean its a bad word. Let us use english words without having a degree in englsih. And again you are the bad person in this story


English is also not my first language. It isnt so hard to say woman instead of female. Literally shorter and easier. Not to mention words have meanings an contexts. They change with time. For example in psychology you can(eventhough they try not to and use other words) call someone a moron or a retard but if you use those words in a non-psychology context you’ll get the looks. Same with female, it is ok to use it in a biological environment. But especially after the alpha male movement, if you use it randomly people will give you the looks. I apologize for being rude at first. That was my bad.


Get professional help. I sorry you were bullied but doing the same behaviour to others and masking it as some kind of a sick community service is not going to help you heal


How many more posts will we see from people who simply don’t understand the laws reporters are bound by




See my other reply to you, explaining one of law’s most basic tenements


Got it. No question about reporting or the law. It just unfolded in a very unexpected way from other stories in which someone riding a bike gets hurt by a car.


He has a history of DV or something, pretty sure he has priors


Still didn’t make her jump on the car as he drove off. Actually, him trying to leave seems that he was attempting to avoid the DV that you asshole’ly brought up as if he caused this.
