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Hey /u/ArunVerma_1, thanks for your submission to /r/HolUp. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Political/outrage bait shitposts are no longer allowed. This is a humor sub, not a serious one. If you're mad about something, that's great, post it somewhere else. Love, the mods


It’s almost like the false dichotomy of left and right only exists to drive the divide between people. Weird


It's an agenda pushed by both sides so the Government can do shady shit. No one seems to know or care that the Senate/House of Reps make way more money through shady ways than their actual salary


Jesus. I didn't know people could actually see past the curtains. Makes me feel a lot better.


It’s hard to keep hope up some days in the current climate hah. I find just living my own life instead of worrying about trying to “save the world” by obsessing over the current news cycle is much more conducive to my mental stability and happiness


It's quite unfortunate this is the truth, though.


Once you realize the same 5 companies own the biggest stakes in all major media outlets, things start to add up.


Precisely my friend. People need to realize media isn’t some truth delivering entity of the people. It’s designed to evoke a reaction(and make money). Any time a news article makes you feel mad or sad or helpless about something it’s designed to make you feel that way. Question every narrative


Where does it say you can marry a child, is there some republican bible im missing?


Is disinformation about a Tennessee bill that would add common law marriage. The first draft of the bill accidentally left out an age limit, when they were made aware of that they changed it to have an age limit. People kept saying it didn’t even after though.


People are weird


Wait we can harass groups of people because of mistakes let’s go.


It didnt accidently leave out an age limit, they refused to add one, and were made aware that their desire to maintain child marriage didnt vibe well with the republican disinformation campaign consisting of calling everything they dont like pedophilia


I’m pretty sure the Republican Bible is just the Bible.


Between 2001 and 2018 there were 300 000 marriages of children as some states allow marriage with parental permission at the age of sexual maturity which is 16, most notably According to Unchained At Last which studied 200 000 cases between 2001-2015 the youngest girls to marry in 2000-2010 were three Tennessee 10-year-old girls who married men aged 24, 25, and 31, respectively, in 2001. Extreme examples include a case in 2010 in Idaho, where a 65-year-old man married a 17-year-old girl. In Alabama, a 74-year-old man married a 14-year-old girl, though the state has since raised its minimum age to 16. Of the 200 000 67% of the children were aged 17. 29% of the children were aged 16. 4% of the children were aged 15. <1% of the children were aged 14 and under. There were 51 cases of 13-year-olds getting married, and 6 cases of 12-year-olds getting married. Republican Bible reads: Suffer little children come unto me…they stopped reading after that


Let's assume your stats are true. 99.99% of right wingers would find this shit disgusting.


Every time some one tries to change the law so they can't marry kids in Idaho the "right wingers" stop it.


Literally not my stats just have to Google “child marriage USA” https://www.unchainedatlast.org/child-marriage-shocking-statistics/ I doubt very much they would be that disgusted given their history on abortion and women’s rights and human rights in general. The majority being in Texas which is a Republican strong hold since 1980…they may say “oh that’s terrible and I’m totally against it…” I’m front of a camera and then do what all republicans do…nothing because that is the heart of conservatism it’s cowardice and an inability to adapt so they try to keep everything status quo to a period where they were comfortable which was the 1950’s


Well that’s gross. Seems like they’re getting around to fixing it though. Just not a priority.


I suppose “better late than never” is one way to look at it…


The more you know!


The sadder you get


Where did you get these stats? I can't tell if you're serious or making these up as a joke haha


https://www.unchainedatlast.org/child-marriage-shocking-statistics/ Or just Google “child marriage usa”


Thanks for sharing this! I was skeptical at first cuz it was from a charity that accepted donations, which made me think they might be altering the numbers to get more people to donate. But I checked some other websites and the results are the same or extremely similar. Which is fricken insane


Always good to fact check and it is horrifyingly insane but not unexpected, the Mormons are famous world wide for it and there have been several documentaries over the decades about their practices and they are just one group. The one thing the majority all of them have in common is Christianity…ultra conservative “the Bible is the ultimate truth and law” Christianity so when republicans spout off about a “Christian nation”with “Christian values” this is what they are referring to but never say out loud…women are property and comes back to the 10th commandment “You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”


There are few if any laws (the few that exist are state laws) that prohibit a child to marry. So long as a parent gives written approval, children can be married in the US. It’s really disgusting that this hasn’t ever been addressed.


Many states have marraige laws regarding children. Things are super complicated as each possible senario involving one could be anything from a child wothout a family or legally an adult. To some cultures marrying off their children in arranged marriage. The laws cannot handle such complication.


Child marriage is legal in many parts of the US.


People talking shit about democrats AND republicans and me realizing that both sides are equally fucked and involved in fuckery.


Average Democrat and Republican hater: ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


This an Official DMCA notice to take my pictures down from your post, lol.


I thought it was me, and I was in my feels about it. But now I know it’s your pics.


Weakest centrist/independent/undecided voter be like


Ignore my first reply, I misunderstood your comment😬😂


It’s all bourgeois drama to keep the working class fighting amongst itself. Dem and Rep probably meet during vacations at the same cabin and talk shit about us poors.


Cabin? You mean ski chalet.


*Florida beach house.


Not Florida, Bahamas


More likely it was Little St. James until a few years ago


*Bob Lee Swagger walks in*


Yep. Working class solidarity is non existent because we've all been convinced we are enemies. They pay a lot of money to make sure classism never comes to the fore front of public consciousness, they are happy to keep us focused on other issues.


I’m my country there’s a lot of divisiveness lately, but as soon as those bastards leave the congress or whatever, they go drink together and plan how to steal more from us, how much I loathe politicians




Truest statement. Corruption runs deep in both camps and they purposefully pin us against each other as a distraction.


As someone who both has far right and far left family members I can agree both sides are fucking weird and annoying to be around Although thanksgiving is very fun to watch


What do they debate about? Who’s the most liberal?


Typo, meant to say liberal


Ye, this is right


I was told as a kid, the only difference between the two is that a democrat will kiss you before he fucks you


I like some romance


me: dutch and not caring because we dont have such problems... who am i kidding the 2 biggest parties are constantly acusing each other.. no memes tho .\_.


Both parties are idiots


Comment of the year. At least it should be. My sentiments, exactly.


I'm liberal- when I watched the latest confirmation hearing for the new Supreme Court Judge I found myself angry at everyone. Democrats - gave her these soft ball or long story based questions that were just designed to make the politician get more votes. "Here's my own struggle about being a black man now what was your struggle like being a black woman?" Republicans - gave her these nutty flavor of the month red meat questions that were complete nonsense. Just designed to get more votes. Racist babies, pedophiles, CRT etc. "We see you went easy on pedophiles!!" "Can babies be racist!? Have you read this stupid book? You're liberal you must agree with all liberal views!!"


The parties are not the same, this is just something ignorant people say who don’t know enough about policies or politics.


>The parties are not the same, this is just something ignorant people say who don’t know enough about policies or politics. Of course they aren't the same. It's called the lesser of two evils. That's two different and unequal evils.


That opinion was *maybe* valid 40 years ago. Right now, you have liberal democrats, leftist democrats, conservative democrats - and crazies.


While both parties aren't good, it's fucking ridiculous to imply both sides are equally fucked when one side constantly spawns people like the proud boys. Or people who try and take over the capitol. Or people that constantly invade blue cities to attack them. One side is clearly a fuck ton worse and it's blatant to any one not intentionally ignoring it.




Yeah I remember when Democrats tried to violently overthrow the government


You remember the civil war?


It's pretty bad when we have to go back more than 150 years to prove the "both sides are equal" line, isn't it?


Just saying people be crazy. Though I have to admit that the Democrats actually did a better job at attempting to overthrow the government...


And why do six year olds need sex ed at all? The misrepresentation of the bill in Florida has been the most alarming element of it.


Pedos everywhere


No I just want to tell kids concepts they won’t understand for years confusing them and just show the intimate acts that if you talk about them will get you banned if of most social media platforms. Totally not abusing children./s


There was a pretty recent sting operation that caught 17 pedophiles. A few of them were Disney world employees. Given epstein and weinstein as well, I'd harbor a guess that there are a lot of perverts in high places.


it’s not sex ed, it’s telling kids that some people have one mom and one dad and some have two dads or two moms.


yes officer, this person right here


6 year olds aren't getting sex ed. Republicans make up scenarios to be afraid of


If that’s the case, why are so many up in arms about it?


They’re up in arms because the bill specifically targets concepts like gender identity and sexuality and prevents teachers from talking about it. This includes discussions about what students might feel towards other students or how they feel themselves about their identity. I can confirm from personal experience as a gay man that at this age (elementary school) this stuff comes up. You start noticing that you’re different from other classmates in certain ways and even though my parents and area are pretty darn accepting it’s something I still had trouble with and was lucky enough to have a teacher I could talk to about that kind of stuff. There are other concerns about the bill including mandatory notification of health or support and other vague parental notifications that could force schools to out a kid to their parents regardless if the parent is supportive. In addition to the bit about suing teachers. It’s not “pedos trying to teach 6 year olds sex” like a lot of people in this thread try to paint it.




Just so I can identify the particular brand of bad faith/troll, what kind of groomer am I? Generic pedo or some kind of gay agenda indoctrinator? Or both?


If thats the case then you should not care about the bill at all


Ok well if 6 year olds arent getting sex ed, why does it matter if its getting banned? Better safe than sorry


Sex education has proven to reduce teen pregnancy and enable kids to report sex abuse and pedo behavior. Because they are made aware of what's going on and educated in that it's bad and how to report it. Keeping kids ignorant means that any curiosity or sexual treatment from an adult is seen as something you don't talk about and kept in the dark. Pedophiles rely on this hushed behavior to keep things a secrete and not tell anyone for fear of getting into trouble. I don't know how to make this more clear. Teaching kids sex education and how they can report such things enables kids to identify it and report it. Why do I know this? I was sexually abused as a kid. If you want to keep people ignorant then you're an enabler to pedophilia.


I actually see the logic here, thanks for the insight


[people as young as six have gotten pregnant ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina), of course this is an outlier. But the bill isn't just about six year olds. The discussions about sex are limited up to 6th grade, where kids are 10-11. 10-11 is a very common age for kids to begin puberty. With how the internet is in today's day an age kids are learning unhealthy things about sex from tik tok or Google search. It is better for them to learn about their bodies and reproductive systems when they hit puberty or just before. This was they understand menstruation, they understand pregnancy, they understand sti's and harm reduction. It is better they learn it from school rather than an *actual* groomer.


Sex Ed at that age should be undertaken by parents, but that makes them uncomfortable so they try to push it on to schools to do it


I didn't get sex ex from my parents. I wish I had descent sex ex as a kid which would have no doubt helped me put a stop to the guy who abused me. By limiting healthy sources of education and helping kids learn how to report it, you're enabling pedophiles to keep it a secrete and even tell kids they'll get into trouble if they say anything.


Love how your experience of abuse and how education could have helped you is just literally ignored and not replied to every time you bring it up cause it doesn't suit their narrative. I wish someone told me "some people like boys and some people like girls and that's ok" at that age. Instead I tried to talk to a school nurse about my sexuality and gender and was told "you're disgusting and are going to hell." But people will love to argue it's all about grooming and not trying to help kids understand that they're not monsters for being different. Even if discussions of sex are not part of the damn conversation.


That's because they're running interference to stop meaningful action. They try to confuse, insult, laugh, blame, change the discussion, distract, anything that keeps the discussion away from actual progress. Because they are pedophiles.


Its better to learn from a parent thats open about this things and understand them also Me and my brother are more comfortable and learned more about both sexes and sex in general from our mum than school as no one is comfortable to ask any questions in a room full whit ppl that you don't know well enough and trying to keep up an image


You might have a good open parent to teach you this stuff. There are plenty of ultra religious parents who would teach misinformation, and abstinence only. Sheltering kids, while generally done with the best intentions in mind, often leads to them acting out later on.


If you read that bill at all you would know that the age range described is pre-school- 3rd grade. It’s a seven page bill it’s not that hard to read it. 6th grade is already normal for sex ed.


The bill is about pre k to 3rd grade


You have a point that teaching kids should be done safely, and I can agree with you on that. However, the bill in florida isn’t banning that. It’s banning the practice of teachers having private and secret conversations with children about sexual topics Apparently there’s been a lot of controversy of teachers having sexually talks which children, and then telling them “don’t tell your parents”. That is what the florida bill specifically targets


The bill is through 3rd grade, which means age 9. Which basically means kids are on the cusp of beginning puberty. It’s perfectly timed, whatchu mean.


This. You'll be down voted for it because people want to keep kids in the dark and enable pedophiles instead of stop them.


Love when people talk about politics and show zero understanding of it


Twitter moment


That’s literally most people at any given time about any given topic.


Reject modernity, return to monke. ![gif](giphy|eopRZZj20N320)


Our generation with their shit over the top generalizations... too brain dead to think of rational arguments and points; instead: accusation over accusation. Talking to both sides here


Yea the fact that people believe any of this propaganda, is disturbing. 5 year olds don’t need sex Ed. Stfu you fucking pedos.


Ok groomer


User name checks out! 😂😂🙄


Me too


This thread is like Exhibit #1 in why this world is totally fucked.


america's politics is shit




Nothing makes sense


According to what republican? Marry a child? This is bullshit. I know of no republicans that think this way.


Democrats and Republicans are both equally fucked in the head. Tribal bullshit until the end of days.


And Democrats can't even define what a woman is because they are not a biologist I don't like Republicans either but at lease they aren't bat shit crazy


Uhh i’ve definitely seen some bat shit crazy republicans. The ones that won’t allow women to get an abortion are bat shit crazy religious psychos.


Umm yeah. We're now at a point where Democrats want "Abortion" even after the baby is born [https://www.lifenews.com/2019/01/25/new-york-law-legalizing-abortions-up-to-birth-revokes-medical-care-for-babies-born-alive-after-abortions/](https://www.lifenews.com/2019/01/25/new-york-law-legalizing-abortions-up-to-birth-revokes-medical-care-for-babies-born-alive-after-abortions/) ​ [https://www.allaboutpopularissues.org/after-birth-abortion.htm](https://www.allaboutpopularissues.org/after-birth-abortion.htm)


"Let's kill babies" - a sane person


“A mass of flesh without a developed brain is a baby because that guy that lives up in the sky says so” -a sane person


I mean the brain still isn’t developed when the baby is born and continues to develop until 25. During the first year tons of development takes place. Newborns are without a developed brain. Bad measuring stick.


Yet bacteria is considered life.


Click the link and shut up, respectfully. https://www.liveaction.org/news/infant-bodies-infanticide-attempted-abortions/


"Uhhh uhhh uhhh" isn't that what your hero Joe biden always say?


No there are definitely a lot of bat shit crazy Republicans out there, but it's a different type of crazy


Yes they are lol You either don't pay attention or your extremely biased


Bat shit crazy like killing a cop during a failed insurrection crazy?


Bat shit crazy like murdering and looting during a set of riots intended to fight for equal rights?


Oh, that's just "mostly peaceful protest". Oh, that fire in the back ground? That's just mostly peaceful buildings burning on fire. Oh, those innocent people who died inside the burning buildings? That was just mostly peaceful deaths


Shots fired No really


Mostly peaceful shots


Some shots fired but mostly peaceful protesting


I’m not American but the fact that republicans voted in Donald Trump shows they are bat shit crazy.


You’re bat shit crazy if you think Biden has made America a better place to live.


I don’t live in America thank god. As an outsider I can see Biden is useless but he is a million times better than Trump.




Ahahaha. Yeah, I'm sure whatever shit hole country you're in elected just the bestest, stunning and brave president like, ever!


Doesn’t take much to be better than Putin dick licker Trump


No country recently has elected good leaders. So your comment is literally the pot calling the kettle black.


She's got the room temperature IQ goin on. Give er a break. I'm not talking about Fahrenheit either.


Dems are pushing for pedophilia, not republicans. Republicans are against sexually grooming children. Guns are a right, sexual education and sexually grooming underage children is not.


Wasn't a republican recently outed for fucking kids? And weren't a few also outed for rubbing shoulders with paedophile suspects? Or are we going to ignore that?


the left wing and right wing are two wings of the same bird


Compared to the amount of democrat leaders, the republicans still have a pretty good record. Besides the Dems just elected a child porn supporter to the Supreme Court so there is that


The "marry a child" bit is heavily debunked (and silly from the outset), not to mention that the GOP aversion to masks is actually an aversion to the mandates and sexual orientation discussions are literally described in the bill as prohibited at the district level (not the classroom level).


According to Democrats, if you change a baby diaper without consent you are committing sexual assault. And if a child wants to mutilate their body, you must let them do it otherwise you are abusing the child. And if a mother wants to get high and/or drunk and crush their baby in the middle of the night passed out, they should be let free because they have suffered enough. They also feel if you do commit a crime, no matter the nature, you should be free to go commit other crimes until your trial.




Same thing about republicans allowing the marrying children. The point is to straw man both sides stances.


Maybe you should look at the CA laws and see who passed them. Outright assuming ALL of these laws are "Republican" is ignorant.


He’s not far off….


[Not sure if you mean BS as no one said it or if its they are crazy. But here is your proof.](https://www.newsweek.com/diaper-ask-baby-permission-changing-says-sexual-consent-expert-918981)


That's not Democrats, that's in Australia


Shh! Don’t bring facts in a discussion, my man! This is America where we take a random person’s personal views to be the platform of a whole party but refuse to acknowledge the actual platform and words of the politicians as anything but just hearsay! That’s how to scare people into obedience. 🙄🙄🙄😂


[How about a UK mom? I could keep looking for an American mom if you really need to see it. ](https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/morning-outrage-mum-insists-parents-13937790) Couldn't respond so I added the American mother here. [Before picking up her 6-month-old son, Raven, Nisha Moodley, a mother of one in San Francisco, always asks his permission.](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/mom-always-asks-babys-permission-picking-223943068.html)


I'm a republican. We do not want anything on this post. Edit: I do think that what is being called child abuse is child abuse.




You should stop generalizing an entire party over 1 states bill.




Not to forget that they admitted that they made a mistake and forgot to add the age and changed it in the bill which actually gets voted on


No, no we don't think that


"Race, gender & sexual orientation" are the new ideological buzzwords of the day. Teaching kids to believe in postmodern ideology uncritically is literally the definition of indoctrination, and that's some real Nazi shet right there.


Fucking libs….


Better than fucking kids like a bunch of Republicans have been caught doing


Not trying to stick up for them, but just as many Democrats have been caught as Republicans


Epstein, Weiner et al were Republicans? Who knew!? ​ BTW, they weren't!


Are you sure is the Republicans


Okay groomer.


I’ve shot guns since I was 7! It’s great and teaches you that guns aren’t toys and don’t be a dumbass with them! So screw you lady. But yeah both sides do engage in quite fuckery you see


Yes, it's only the dumbasses with their fingers on the triggers in pictures as well as the amount of shootings that makes every single American look irresponsible with guns :/


I know that and the crazies. Man people are dumb. How can you blame some plastic and steel for people doing stupid shit?


Because their families were lost to shootings.


Ehh yeah


No republicans say that


According to Democrats, killing human beings is fine.


You do realize you're talking about an eight year old, right? Right?




yeah well I don't want my kids being taught that gender is a social construct becuase it's not.


This is a massive exaggeration of literally everything conservatives believe in.


You can no longer marry someone underage in America, a gun is an inanimate object it can’t kill someone without a HUMAN pulling the trigger. And if you fuck up and get pregnant a living human should not be killed because someone is irresponsible and fucks without protection


Sure but why do they need to teach preschoolers about sexual orientation?


lol, bringing up Judy Blume books, they really are trying soooo hard to do everything they can to add to their delusions.


Below 8 years of age….. it seems a lot like “grooming”.


Straw men, straw men everywhere.


I don't think any of the arguments on either side can become any more un-nuanced and disingenuous at this point


ok groomers


I apologize for this dumb cunt as a native new Jersian


First of all, it’s not “letting them” do these things that’s the issue, it’s “forcing them” to do these things that’s the problem. Creative way to paint an innocent narrative tho.


I’m pretty sure pedophilia is more of a democratic thing so I don’t get the marry a child thing


Both sides are full of nutjobs. Just a bunch of hypocrites arguing.


both democrats and republicans are both fucked in the head same bullshit from both sides man


Why are the left so obsessed with teaching sexuality to young children tho


If you're a parent, you can teach your child whatever you wish. This law prohibits TEACHERS from going behind parents' backs and teaching kindergarten-3year olds highly sensitive topics like sexuality and gender dysphoria. Seems pretty reasonable to me


Liberals…. 😂😂😂


Just showing that she knows jack shit about what she is talking about.


If you believe this, you’re dumber than Jo.


Damn this comment section really worries me...


This is just incorrect in so many ways.


"Letting". The issue is its semi-part of the curriculum


She has a point though. Removing the right to abort a pregnancy and trying to legalize child marriage is incredibly fucked up. Can we just have control over our damn bodies and not marry children? I wish we could get rid of the whole party system honestly. George Washington called it. Having a party system is a horrible idea. The GOP is wanna be Christian Sharia law and the democrats are too liquidy and keep trying to please everyone while getting nothing done.


Talking to a CHILD about ADULT choices is WRONG at 3/6 no child understands the importance of choice of sexual ordination Politics they care about friends Family if they are being treated fairly Let them be KIDS they can choose for themselves when they are older but we shouldn't take their childhood away


Don’t forgot indoctrinate them in church the minute they’re born. I was in a church nursery while my parents attended service, kids service until high school, youth group from middle school til 18. I was lucky to be in public school and attend a college where I was finally given answers to questions I’d always had and perspectives I’d never considered.




And you your credentials are???