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That'd make sense but you forgot to add the ice that's sitting on land and above water level. Icebergs don't start in the ocean. They break off and slide down into water which raises the water level.


Unfortunately the ice above water is already effecting the ocean with weight displacement. It's only the land ice we really need to worry about.


Genius bro why didn’t I think of that


Get that man a lab coat!


If we put it all in the ocean it won’t be land ice so we don’t have to worry about it any more. ^/s


Water levels would certainly rise if it all managed to make it into the ocean before it even melted




Did you know there was a little ice age during the medieval period and ice caps are just now receding to pre little ice age levels. The damn ice caps have been growing and shrinking since before man was walking around. Are humans making it worse sure but its gonna get wonkey even if we are not here. If you look at the ice cores the temperature fluctuations before 12000 bp it is the scariest shit you will ever see.


That's some cool info


I think it'd be a good idea to worry about it all.


I'm sure that's already implied


IIRC the sea level rising has more to do with a higher ocean temp resulting in the water expanding.


THIS![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) Ocean gets warmer, ocean expands. Expanding ocean raises seal level. Glaciers melting on land is secondary to the rising water temperature


Other way around. Thermal expansion is 1/3 while land-based ice melting is 2/3. Source is [NASA](https://sealevel.nasa.gov/faq/12/what-causes-sea-level-rise/)


I can't trust NASA anymore... not after what they did [back then...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


You bastard…


I knew that NASA had nazis as workers back then, but preferential pay?!


You absolute monster! I love it!


I... I want the seal level to increase. Aquadogs everywhere please.


Time to get the clubs ready…


We need to lower the number of seals then, problem solved


It's too late. You people just don't understand. You've all ignored it for too long and now we can't stop it. Big seal has infiltrated every aspect of our life and very very soon they will unmask themselves as the real rulers of the world




If we all drank only ocean water, that would be the quickest way to bring human carbon footprint to zero.


I suppose the purification processes would be costly. Specially with how much shit we’ve been throwing at the ocean


Like Greenland that is basically a cube over land AND WHY THE FUCK DO THEY CALL IT GREENLAND IF EVERYTHING IS FUCKING WHITE!!!


To this day I believe that some idiot was drunk and confused Greenland and Iceland and got them mixed up while naming them


I'm pretty sure it was intentional. "Let's call this lush green land Iceland so other pricks don't come and bother us"


Yep, this is my understanding


They swapped the names to steer people away.


The north pole has no land mass right? Edit: before you all down voted the hell outta me I'm aware that Antarctica and other continents have ice and glaciers. But my point remains


The pole itself doesn't, but Greenland has plenty


The northpole has ice that's above the water as well.


There is no land mass at the north pole. The ice above the water is floating


Yeah thats a good example of water displacement, but it does no good for the ice thats not in the water already.


I was going to say: the original twitterer isn't wrong... technically. But they're missing or ignoring a very *very **very*** (very) important part of the rising sea level story.


Yup, a more apt demonstration would be dropping ice cubes into the measuring cup


The problem is glaciers on land bro


Dude, this is about “Ice Bergs” in a measuring cup filled with the ocean. It’s right there in the image. How can you refute the image? /s


You're going too fast for them.


The problem is there is ice above water too


It scares me how many people can't comprehend this


It's astounding.


Not only that but a lot of ice is also still breaking apart creating new icebergs thus also helping to rise sea levels.


Plenty of people think their are magical wish granting hippies who hang out in the sky with nothing to do but watch them and take requests. The lack of understanding does not surprise me at all.


Ice above the ocean? Idk man sounds like liberal propaganda


Ignore that Frank, it's a bunch of liberal bullshit


Yes there is however as water freezes it expands so as it melts all of the carbon dioxide in the ice( the bubbles) will be released back into the air leaving space for the water to go, with this as stated previously the trapped carbon dioxide will be release and thats the bigger issue


Thank you for the nightmare fuel.


And that’s just the tip of the iceberg


wait the ocean level is at the top and not lower? s/


90% of the ice is below and ice is actually 9-10% larger than the water it will turn into when it melts. So this isn't actually what causes the problem. The issue with melting ice is the ice that sits on land melting and running into the ocean.


It matters more if the ice is on land or not. Once in the water the displacement is more or less fixed and when the ice melts water levels will not change(edit: much). When ice falls off a glacier the sea level rise occurs before the chunk of ice melts.


You know that ice above water doesn't affect water level?


Bro when the ice above water melts it adds to the water


Yeah but the water "height" doesn't change, simple physics. Look it up


Ok buddy


Try it in your kitchen, simple physics, it's okay to be wrong, at least you learned something new today.


“It’s okay to be wrong”. Have you looked it up yourself or asked anyone around you. If there is ice above water and it melts it adds to the water


You can do the experiment in your kitchen.


Most of the ice on earth is floating in the ocean. Ice displacement is 5th grade science. What you should be alarmed about is methane gases are trapped in the ice inches deep and miles wide. Thank God liberals are science challenged.


Most conservatives don't even believe in science.


>Most of the ice on earth is floating in the ocean. Citation needed. >Thank God liberals are science challenged. Citation *definitely* needed


Found the stupid one


There's some but not much. Not like the ice there was 12000 years ago which melted mostly. If it all melted now we'd just have a pretty severe tsunami but nothing worldending. The way it's melting will not exactly drown Florida tho.


Is that what your realtor told you when he sold you a house there?


And yet people still keep flocking here….I wish it would scare people away. FL is full!


Meltwater pulse 1B?




There's also another problem that isn't expressed here. The temperature changes caused by melting ice falling in the water causes currents to change. This fucks with the ecosystem.


will somebody find the very simple, very straightforward Jon Stewart Daily Show clip where he used this exact demonstration to show how people like this are completely insane?


[Shortened version](https://youtu.be/lPgZfhnCAdI?t=8m29s) that’s straight to the point, and [the full segment](https://youtu.be/lPgZfhnCAdI) for anyone who’s interested.


excellent!!!! that's it. great that you got it for us.


I like the number of people in a holup thread trying to explain why this is wrong lol. No shit.


What I was thinking! 😂


The problem is there is a lot of ice in land, not all the ice in the world is floating on the ocean, that's the one that's gonna rise the sea level.


Also there's that when saltwater freezes it displaces salt and becomes freshwater, and the archimedes principal doesn't create an even exchange when fresh water melts in salt water. The sea level still increases when an iceberg melts, plus the land ice as well.


Aww shit, Archimedes and shit. Gonna fuck the saline levels and hose global currents. That's not going to be a problem, Shirley.


OP managed to r/whoooosh an entire comment section lol


Floating iceberg melts, water level stays about the same (+-). Massive glaciers, and miles thick ice sheets sitting on Antarctica, Greenland, northern Canada, Russia etc. melt and flow into the oceans, water level rises. The central part of the US was an inland sea millions of years ago. All that water is still here on earth, just frozen,… *for now*…….


What about ice above water level?


Exactly, huge ass ice shelfs supported by the land


It levels out, they aren’t wrong with this. Edit: Cease with the downvotes, it’s at 69


Antarctica has land under it. Other glaciers elsewhere are on land too. The vast majority of that ice isn't floating, it's sitting on top of land. When it breaks loose and melts, only then does it go into the ocean, which causes sea levels to rise.


In a cup of water, sure. The ocean is salt water. Icebergs are fresh water. Fresh water is denser than salt water, so upon melting it would take up more volume.


I don’t see how no one commented this but Salt water is definitely much denser than Fresh Water, I mean how could it not be, fresh water is water with natural minerals and salt water is water with a bunch of salt and bacteria plus the minerals


Nvm, I forgot about the salt water.


Commentor has admitted that they are wrong, cease the downvotes


That’s just not true


It really is though, try it.


The issue is that the ice breaks off land into the water. It's like adding more ice to the cup, which raises the water level whether or not it melts. Edit for further distinction: An iceberg is what breaks off of a glacier. A glacier is situated on land. So this meme is true for existing icebergs in the ocean. If those melt, the water level stays the same. Just like existing ice cubes in a cup of water. But the melting glaciers are the issue, which deposits more icebergs into the ocean, making sea level rise... which makes this meme very misleading and harmful to take seriously.


To be an accurate example you would need a huge brick of ice sticking out by a good couple inches of the cup. When the ice above water level melts it’s going to raise the water level. You don’t need an experiment to understand that it’s common sense. It’s like dunking a football the waters going to continue to rise until the entire football is under or at water level.


No. Ice that isn't in the water (ice on land surface) will raise the water level, the weight of the ice sticking out from the water has already raised the water level and will result in no rise.




Are you suggesting the ocean has a brain?


It has to have a brain to make up for me not having one


Got damn bruh I can't wait to smoke the shit you been smoking 🤣


My IQ just dropped by reading this


I hate to break this to you but evaporation doesn’t care if there’s higher sea levels or not lol. Also if the ocean had the ability to self regulate why does it take in so much Carbon Dioxide? At some point the ocean should’ve realized, “wow all this CO2 is making me really hot, maybe I should chill out for a bit.”


This is the same stupid crap limbaugh was pushing. The melting ice sheets are not in the ocean. They’re on land and melting into the ocean.


Isn’t he the Herman Cain Award winner who argued that cigars don’t cause cancer prior to getting lung cancer (probably from the cigars he smoked for decades).


Ngl the comments are gold.




That is actually how it works, but all of the ice on Greenland and Antarctica is unfortunately on land and will only add to the total water


Most ice is on land, like in Greenland and Antarctica. Instead of doing that, put ice in a sock and hang it over the cup of water and see what happens.


florida being six feet above sea level (on average) it will be sad to see one of our states to under but I hope i'm alive to see all the finger pointing and excuses. 'biden put too many boats in the water and it displaced the water!' or the such. but we're already screwed so it dont matter. human instinct to hoard resources has caused us to accept the destruction of our environment so some people could get super rich and get some super hot butthole on their dates


I don't know, who's gonna miss florida?!


You will when they flee the sinking areas and become your new next door neighbours.


Not me. It’s America’s Ashtray as far as I’m concerned


Except not all ice is in the water.


Total Absolute Bull Shit Project TABS


I wonder if they use the terms "glacier" and "iceberg" interchangeably.


This isn't true even forgetting about ice above water, ice is less dense than water, so when it melts, volume increases


Ice has more volume than liquid water. Volume of water decreases as it melts. Try it yourself, this is like an elementary school thing. The thing they are forgetting is that the ice shelves in Antarctica are on land and are not currently causing displacement in the ocean yet. If all floating ice in the ocean melted right now, ocean levels would decrease/remain about the same. But icebergs that already are floating aren't the problem, it is land based ice falling in or melting that is the problem.


Wait I'm dumb, I reversed this. You're right volume will decrease or not change, thx


Fun fact I was given by a science teacher more than a decade ago: the most rise in sea levels due to global warming will not come from ice [on land!] melting, but from the expansion in volume as the ocean temperatures increase. Yes, water expands when solidified, counter to most substances. But it also still expands when heated, too.


Wait till they hear of ice outside of water


Sigh. It isn't the icebergs. It is the ice sheets melting on land that cause the issue.


Hopefully global warming is real so I can finally drown myself in something other than tears and GHB. Then I can finally escape this cancer


EUREKA! he has discovered Archimedes principle! Oh, I wonder if someone should tell him about thermal expansion.


So…ummm…thermal expansion makes icebergs irrelevant to the sea level. People point out ice berg to show that…warming is happening, it’s something we can see and point to and make easily understandable graphics. The idea that if it melts the added water makes a huge difference is inaccurate, for the ice to melt the water globally would be hotter and thus have a smaller density and expand the entire volume causing the sea level to rise. Ice melting and sea levels rising are both the *results* of higher average global temperatures. Also when you melt ice in a glass the water level *decreases* because use most of the ice cube is submerged but there is usually a lot of air trapped in it, the air escapes when melted meaning the water coming out of the ice take up less volume then the ice mixed with air. Don’t believe me, go get a glass and some ice, I’ll wait. (Or just look closely at the picture above.)


A more accurate test would be keeping the ice out of the water and letting it melt into the cup


Ya well we still need to teach the polar bears to tread water.




I don't know how the whales feel about this power ranking system.


Polar bears are only found in the arctic and penguins are found only in the anarctic so polar bears can't be naturally second to penguins in anything. They'll never meet except in captivity.


The rising sea level isn’t going to come from icebergs, but from ice caps and glaciers that were originally not in the ocean but end up melted or submerged.


You have thermoexpation of the water. Look at all the water that isn't ice.


As long as I have been alive, there have been all this pearl clutching about acid rain, then global warming and climate change. Folks who want us to do better should really read the story about the boy who cried wolf. Because as a kid I was scared of the fucking rain. The fucking rain. All because my teachers told us that was how the world would end unless we recycled. So excuse me for not buying into any of the other bullshit they are trying to sell.


thats is ice on a water but it dint melt they youst a before and after pic and put them backwards


If he put them in backwards, the water level would be higher if the ice was added.


Doesn't mean we should just let them melt


Most of the ice is actually sitting on land and not floating in the water. The sea levels will rise as they melt off the land in to the ocean


The problem isn't from melting ice it's from the temperature of the oceans increasing as the temperature of Earth gets too hot to sustain the ice caps. The ice caps melting are just an indicator of global warming, but they're not the main issue. Sea levels will rise because as water increases in temperature it increases in volume, meaning the same amount of water will take up more space as Earth gets hotter. Therefore raising the Sea levels.


Yeah that too! Melting ice caps is just the tip of the climate change iceberg




This isn’t wrong, it’s been proven.


It's correct that ice in the water wouldn't raise the sea levels, but the main contributor to rising sea levels is the collection of ice sheets on the land. That ice melts and then the water from it flows into the ocean and raises the sea levels.


No, it's from the water getting hotter due to the average temperature of the planet being hot enough to melt the ice sheets. The reason hotter water is a problem is because water expands with heat, meaning the same amount of water will take up a lot more space.


Ah, my apologies. I was unsure as to how much of an effect each part of this had but I figured that if I grant their position of the post image being correct I could still show that they're wrong in some way. Thanks for illuminating to me as to which part of this is more impactful.


No worries, you didn't do anything wrong just didn't have all the information on a certain topic lol it's very common nowadays, don't worry about it. I'm just trying to spread some awareness about what little information I have on this topic lol


Judging by the pfp, sounds right to hear


Well this diagram is correct, but as I already admitted I was wrong because I forgot that the ocean is saltwater.


The comment section here is very sad and disturbing. This is a demonstration of icebergs. An iceberg is a gigantic piece of ice floating in the ocean. As we all know water expands when it freezes. So the part of the chunk of ice that sits above the water is the extra volume created by turning the water from a liquid to a solid. I learned this from Bill Nye, so it doesn't have to be mutually exclusive from climate change.


Yes that's exactly how it works... water expands its volume when frozen into ice by about 10%. Ice/bergs float and have generally 10% of their volume above water, and is displacing water below the surface, so it should remain roughly the same. The amount of people in these comments who don't understand this is frightening. Edit: the science haters out here with the down-votes yet nobody can prove I'm wrong lmao


Here is the problem. The glaciers that are melting are on land and not in water. Oceans will rise BUT that is normal and it’s part of earths cycle for millions of years. THEY EVEN CHANGED THE NAME TO CLIMATE CHANGE !!!! earth is MUCH MUCH bigger than you think. we will lose some ocean front cities BUT they should not have build so close to water to begin with. That’s that. AL GORE is a fraud


they even changed the phrase global warming to climate change!!! It’s been going in for millions of years. our tint life span is so minuscule compare to earths age. this is normal. Our grand grand children will also go through another ice age. It is what it is.


It looks like it decreased a bit too


I mean, I think climate change is iffy, considering every proposed solution seems to involve handing more power over to the government, but I don’t think conservation of mass is the way to disprove it or make an argument


Guys the ice melting has nothing to do with water levels melting. In some ways they're connected, but only in weather patterns making the ice melt which will lead to warmer air which will make the water in the oceans hotter. Which means since the water is hotter it will expand, raising the amount of space the water takes up. The water from the ice caps is nothing in comparison to the actual amount of water in the oceans.


Ya and ever changing tides that make the oceans go up and down all over planet.


If you see up close the water level is lower on the second picture


Because ice expands as it cools. Therefore it takes up less space. This isn't a good example of global warming. Melting ice adds so little water to the ocean, just think about how much water is in every ocean in the world, compared to the amount of ice on the poles. The real problem is from the water in the oceans heating up due to the temperature of Earth increasing, because when water heats up it expands, meaning the same amount of water will take up more space.


Now, repeat that in salt water


Wait… but it didn’t even stay the same. It went down… are they just that stupid that they couldn’t even see the blatantly better (for them, they’re wrong either way) argument?


All I was told is to not eat yellow snow.


Wait a minute…. I’m pretty sure that just ice water in a measuring cup… it really did look like an iceberg and an ocean. The special effect these days are insane!


How about the people on the ice




In those pictures the water level is almost to the top of the PINT on the left and in the right it is under the Pint. How about: Ocean level remains not the same.


Morons, nobody is talking about floating ice melting. The polar cap and Antarctica are sitting on land.


It’s not wrong but it is deceptive since land ice melting will raise levels. However, hear me out, since the Earth is flat the extra water will just run over the sides. That why flooding eventually subsides. (/s)


The ice they’re concerned about isn’t floating on water. It’s glaciers on land that’s slowly breaking off/disappearing into the ocean.


Just send the extra water to Mars.


If ice is more dense then water then wouldn't melting it cause the sea level to rise since the mass is spread out over a larger area?


Technically the levels would go down a bit cause water expands a bit when frozen However the same can't be said for the ice caps and glaciers that are on land


Psych: https://twitter.com/alexand70504852/status/1507011667208466453?s=21&t=AE5MDgcJNImw1aniJvBWcg


This did not in fact make me hol up


This moron, and the idiots who liked and retweeted it, have never heard of Greenland and Antarctica. Not to mention the other worldwide glaciers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_glaciers


This experiment at face value is completely true…


It’s not even about ocean levels. It’s about the change in salinity effecting the circulation of currents and altering the temperature and then the deep sea currents stopping completely, causing an ice age. These people are so dumb. It was one single lecture in my basic ass bio class, covered in 45minutes.


Man is he forgetting that the icebergs are solid sheets of goddamn ice that reach the bottom of the ocean and are higher than it


global warming is the least of the worlds problems, people can't even be nice on reddit.


Before you talk shit about “fake woke,” THIS is what it is.


The problem I see is lots of people confused on this. Climate change is making ocean levels rise, but not the assumed way. First, polar ice caps melting is PURE water, not salt, which will displace SLIGHTLY more as it thaws, but not all of it. One of the major issues is the longer summers cause the north pole to have less ice for long portions of the year, and this deeply impacts the animals use to there being more ice (specifically polar bears). The main issue comes from the SOUTH pole. Unlike the Arctic, Antarctica is an actual land mass, and ice sits on that. As warmer & longer summers expand, Antarctic melts more of its permafrost, and thus ice that was on the land melts and runs into the ocean either as cold water or slabs of ice, putting water that hasn't been in the oceans for thousands of years BACK in, raising sea levels. Do, the issue is not so much frozen water from the north pole, but actually from the south...but regardless the world as a whole is deeply affected by it


But ocean water is salty and has different density


I proove that the earth is flat because i condicted a very scientific experiment, i measured 1 meter of my backyard and it turned out to be flat(just like yo mom).


That is a cup


Funny how its actually LESS water in the cup…I smell shenanigans




Well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lets fuck up earth then


The water levels out when the glaciers go into water raising the water level


Wonder if they hurd of a little thing called displacement?


I have a g e d so I don't know what's right or wrong


It is Exactly how things work though. The thing those people with negative iq do not understand is, that ice also exists on land(AKA NOT IN THE WATER) and if that ice melt it raises the sea level.