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“Precept 44: You Can Not Breathe Water. Water is refreshing, but if you try to breathe it you are in for a nasty shock.”


10/10 advice


10.1/10 advice


44?? Dear Lord.. I thought I was almost over at a round precept 15-20…


Whose gonna tell them that theres more than 44


10/10 advice


I unironically think Zote is a cool character. He's such a meme, even Team Cherry for sure had fun making him and his events. His annoying and selfish personality and stuff like his own bossfight (meme fight in Coliseum and tough one - Grey Prince Zote) makes him literally the most memorable character in game. Also, keep in mind the thing that he's absolutely confident in his own power and greatness (which is insane if you think about it), this even spread to HK community


Bretta alt account discovered


Hes the absolute goat of the game, and im tired of pretending hes not!


Fr, with one of the best boss fights in the game


I guess you aren't wrong. Most of the game is dark and sad, he's one of the only characters that stopped my feeling of hopelessness by just being funny so I never completely hated him at all.


I like him too


Haven’t finished the game yet but fuck Zote he looks like my math teacher/j except for the math teacher part


You’re not alone! I think he adds a certain something by existing. Everyone else in the game shows signs of genuinely struggling with the destroyed world… And then there’s Zote, an unrelenting braggart who never gives up on puffing himself up. No matter what happens, even getting capture and almost killed twice, he doesn’t ever get that he’s not as strong as he thinks he is. Although, clearly he has some skill to have survived so long. And somehow he hasn’t gotten infected, either (perhaps he follows his precept about not dreaming well enough to keep The Radiance out…?) The fact that this jerk can somehow survive and still say jerk things and be a jerk is…almost heartening, in a way…? Like: yeah, Hallownest has fallen apart and there’s nothing left…But there’s still good people around, and there’s still jerks. This world can heal…!” That, and I have a soft spot for characters who are super overconfident but don’t quite have the skills to back it up :3 I suppose I admire that confidence and wish I could be that confident myself…!


Couldn’t have said it better myself but you forgot one thing… he’s also adorable, I mean look at the lil cutie


That too~! But to be fair, adorable applies to almost everything in this game. Singing miner girl? Adorable ☺️~! Floaty jellyfish? Adorable ☺️~! Fluffy bee knight? Adorable ☺️~! Angry moth goddess? Adorable ☺️~! A worm covered in mouths? Adorable ☺️~! Twisted creature that uses fake bodies to lure in prey before it unfolds its horrific spiderlike limbs? Adorable ☺️~! …maybe I sort of lost it a bit at the end: I have a very wide range of what I consider adorable 😅…I play Binding of Isaac as well, and consider most of the enemies in that game adorable, so…


Omg yes I love Hive Knight, I felt so bad when I had to kill him




He also has the best boss theme imo


Yeah, I love the marching feel of Hive Knight’s song~!


He's not an asshole but at least you understand his greatness


Omg Bretta I’m a big fan


Why? She tryin to steal your boy


He makes really good fly food, he also makes incredibly good spider food. Whoever you choose to feed him too I think he contributes a lot.


Wait people don’t like Zote? He is hilarious!


I assume it’s just a meme to rip on Zote, but some people genuinely don’t like jim


I'm not a fan of jim, but I dislike Zote even more


Really? Jim’s kinda an asshole


At least he's got some redeeming qualities to him, unlike Zote


But cmon his name is JIM, that’s how you know he’s an asshole


I love him too lol


I'm too servant of the legendary zote


I love him so much! I'm glad I accidentally didn't rescue him on my first playthrough so now I always have him around. He's just a mad little jerk and I want to hug him.


I don’t wanna have to get the achievement for ditching him :(


Right? He's too cute!


He’s my favourite NPC.


my only problem with zote is we never get to understand how he passed the wasteland it will definetly be explained in zoteboat


Zoteboat: Coming in 10492.


you're not alone. he's annoying but i love him.


Who is Zote? To the blind, he is the light. To the starving, he is the bread. To the thirsty, he is water. To the dead, he is the light To the sick, he is the cure. To the prisioner, he is the freedom. To the lonely, he js the company. To the traveler, he is the way. To me, he is everything. If Zote thinks, I agree. If Zote makes a mistake, I forgive him. If Zote says, I listen. If Zote wanders, I admire. If Zote has 100 fans, I am one of them. If Ztore has 10 fans, I am one of them. If Zote has 1 fan, that’s me. If Zote has 0 fans, then I do not exist.


Zote is my babygurl


Rest in Peace


Zote is kinda funny, like how you can fight his dream boss several times and he gets harder each time. Just wish he would accept the fact that he is very much mortal.


Mortal? Zote?? Preposterous


Same currently working on analyzing his precepts because a lot of them imply that he is like this because of family abuse


The one about Mothers was especially telling imo


Same for the one about fathers


I don’t remember that one, but I remember the mother one saying something about how all mothers will betray you


The father one talks about how fathers act as though they own their children


Zote would have some words to say to the Pale King then lmao


I remember reading a fic that was basically that


The exact wording is "Beware the Jealousy of Fathers."


I like and dislike Zote. I can't bring myself to let him die, yet I dislike everything he's about, minus the *overwhelming* confidence, and the single punching bag you get for a little bit. Wish I had the confidence this lil guy does.


hes such a cutie


It broke my heart having to leave him for the trophy


Zote is one of the best characters in the game. You cannot change my mind. He isn't as good as gorb, but still 11/10 character.


Honestly? Zote is powerful. One of the strongest in hollow knight. We see countless people die throughout our journey, cloth, quirell, tiso, and leg eater, and whilst we can see zote die, what does it take? It takes being in the maw of a boss from before you see him all the way until you defeat mantis lords, which, for casual players, is a pretty long time, whilst cloth dies the first moment a boss contacts them. Even if you ignore how long he survives in vk’s mouth, he walks around hallownest using life ender as his weapon of choice, and we see in the coliseum that it physically cannot deal damage no matter what he does, so he might as well be without a nail at all, and he goes to the most dangerous corners of the map with this ailment, whilst quirell, dies as soon as they drop their weapon, in crossrads/resting grounds none the less. They also survive in the coloseum, in which tiso does not, need I say more? And another thing, they go up to dirt mouth, where they spend the rest of their days, and they live just fine, but do you know who does die as soon as they enter dirt mouth? Leg eater. (I’m just joking btw, don’t take this too seriously)


stop the zote hate


Precept #1: Always win your battles


Precept 2: Never let them laugh at you.


< 3




i love zote so much i even cosplayed him, was the first and only cosplay i will ever do


To quote an exchange between 2 character in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie "You've got to be the worst pirate I've ever heard of." "BUT! You HAVE heard of me."


Do pe churo namen o manta dublem. Bis manama bobles. Bis bobles bera. Bera! Aklaba! Aklaba bubtis. Emen ba depra da bapanada. Lok dis. Ba! Puroktis, eh? Manta wanta wanta chokta ba na zur, wunto arewa bis na challa. Oto vi chur onomen ob wanta manta doblem. Emen ba tempra bapanada oktis. Munta arewa bis na challa.


I love Zote's precepts!


Zote is my grumpy little baby and I would die for him. Anyone who says otherwise just knows Zote would kick their ass




I hate him. I love him.




Finally, someone who respects their superiors!


Yes, I’m a big fan of Precept 14


dont worry there will soon be 0 fans


Imma get a boatload of downvotes dumped on me, but I still feel the need to say the deed: >!Fuck you, him and anyone who likes him ;)!<


You brave soul. 🥲 Anyways, here’s my downvote.


He’s an annoying piece of shit but he’s a meme and it’s fun to list all the adjectives I can think of for people to confuse them. He is memorable.


As a person who gave up on pantheon 3, I agree with your flair


The time I beat it I spent 10-15 minutes on uumuu alone. I just threw 3 jellies at him and called it good enough.


Odd choice, but kay