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Not only does increase your fall speed but it also cancels landing animation when timed correctly


Gotta love Cyclone Slash ! I did know that you can cancel the stun, i just wanted match the normal drop for the demonstration


fun fact, you can spam click attack while spinning in the air to fall slower instead, could be used for some weird skips or just for fun


I use the mash to do mad damage too! i love the utility of this move!


Wait you can? I’ve played this game so much and somehow didn’t know


yep, i only know this cause i used to speedrun hollow knight for fun, so i kinda learned all of the funny tricks


Opening the inventory does the same thing and with better uptime


Not anymore Edit: I was wrong


it still does, you just need a physical frame perfect input right as you fall from a ledge, this will let you do an inventory drop


Ok thanks


It's cool that you have found and timed it on your own! 😀 For this particular fall the fastest way to drop are: 1. Inventory drop: drop from the ledge and almost simultaneously open your inventory. Your terminal velocity won't be capped and you'll fall really fast (no stun animation either). You can do that on all platforms with latest patch. 2. Descending Dark: if you fail the inventory drop, cast this spell to get down quickly. 3: Double cyclone slash: the one you just found. Given that you time it correctly you can avoid the stun animation too. Edit: these are not my findings but speedruning community's. You should hop in on the discord server, you'll be amazed all the techs/strats they have!


I knew of Inventory drop's existence, i thought it was patched so i didn't bother learning it! Yesterday i finished **Steel Heart** and **Speed Completion** so now i will start learning strats for actual timed runs. thank you for the info i'm kinda hyped!


The original inv drop was patched, the one you got opening inventory on mid air :)


The change to inventory drop was that in old patches you can just open your inventory at any time to get the speed but in the current patches you need to open your inventory on the exact physics frame (hollow knight has 50 physics frames per second) you set off of a ledge.


> which means it will save you HOURS ! I don't know what you've been through, but I can feel your pain LMAO


People have mentioned inventory drops, but dream nail drops are also possible and really funny (both, just like cyclone uncap fall speed). On current patch just tap off the edge and inv/dnail right after. It’s around frame perfect but you can just keep trying.


i had no idea a dream nail drop existed, i am so exited to learn and do some runs!


Is this going to change speedruns forever? XD


apparently it is already known, and other tricks exist that are faster, just with a much tighter timing


Grey prince zote isn't that hard, I don't really understand why the community hates him. Most of the attacks are very predictable (I did HoG Radiant, besides Markoth and Absrad)


"Hey look at me, I'm the .01% of players willing to invest hundreds of hours into the game to play it at almost perfect level (I must make sure to bring it up despite the post not really being about Zote). I didn't struggle with that boss, I don't understand what the other 99.99% of the community is on about 🤔" Some people really have no social awareness at all 😂


I have beaten Grey Prince Zote on Radiant when I had 150 hours on the game. Also, I never said he's easy


So what, are you the benchmark to which everyone should base their experience with each boss from? You continue to prove my point 😂


I don't get your point. I just explained that in my eyes, he's predictable, the community just doesn't understand his mechanics. That doesn't mean I'm laughing at anyone. That doesn't mean everyone sucks besides me. It means that I just understand this boss in a different way than most players


That's exactly my point. No one asked and the post was not about your opinion, actually the post was not even about Zote, it was about Cyclone slash which happened to contain a meme comment about hundreds of Zote attempts. With that in mind, you could have just said "I don't think he's that hard, he's predictable" and you would have made your point just the same (still a bit cringe due to the reasons I mentioned above). But not satisfied, you had to bring up that you beat him (and all other bosses that also have nothing to do with the post!!) on radiant. Why? Who knows. I guess you think that strengthens your argument? Sadly it's the opposite, and the downvotes agree with me, I'm just the one bothered enough to point it out.


I'm as bothered as you, but since you made the job of replying, I'm quite satisfied :D "Look at me guys, I'm good at the game, please look at my skills, I wish to be seen" people are annoying as hell


I don't think he's hard, he is just so annoying to learn, once you learn to respect his bullshit he is pretty easy. I still hate him and will always be participating in the propaganda through memes!


I agree with you


Its just the telegraphing that throws me off, When going for gold statue before godhome, it was always annoying when he poises for the sword attack, but immediately trips over. there are several examples of this that would just ruin the run


I agree, telegraphing is horrible, but he's more predictable than for example Soul Master/Tyrant, Elder Hu, Grimm/NKG etc


yeah, hes only hard when you are at 3 masks after beating p5 markoth.




**Do not dare disrespect him** He is Zote the Mighty, and he is not to be disrespected. *he also has your home address*


Zote deserves to be in hell


Takes one to know one