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I've fought zote so many times that I can predict his every movement and usually beat him without taking damage. But my least fave boss is markoth. He forces you to play very slow. You just chase him down but don't get too desperate or act too quick cuz one wrong move can make you take so much damage.


I'm too impatient ahaha, like I love fast paced bosses (hornet/grimm) but zote has this irregular attack pattern, but yeah you're right playing 1-2 hits patiently will get through him pretty easily.


First I thought about No Eyes, or Nosk, but then I remembered Oblobbles in pantheon. Boy, do I hate them


i like the abyssal shriek so i just saved up some soul and spammed it to take out atleast one of the obblobles lol


The way i deal with them is the opposite, i deal some damage to one than to the other, so when one dies, the other one doesn't take too long (i don't really know if this info is true, but for me it works not to get mad)


or just try to get them both in your shriek radius and blast the shit out


This is what I do to a lot of early bosses (especially tweedledumb and tweedledumber) spam Abyss Shriek and watch the boss die.


Abyss shriek and fireball (easy double/triple hits) both make insanely quick work of the Oblobbles. (Most players don't understand how OP spells are - if you start seeing nail as a tool to get more soul and continuously emptying your soul on spells, most fights become way easier.) No Eyes is my pick - it doesn't feel like you're fighting her, she has no attacks and just teleports and lets these stupid random floaty things fuck you over.


Nosk is pretty easy, you can cheese the majority of the fight by staying right against the left side of the platform, you do have to run around a bit when they start dropping acid from the ceiling, and jump over them when they charge from the left side, but other than that I didn't find it all that difficult


Markoth. Fuck Markoth


I understand this in his ascended arena but I've never had any problems with Markoth when I've actually had a floor to use


Normal Markoth is easy. Ascended Markoth is tough, but you are able to fuck up twice before dying. Now Radiant Markoth is a horror story...


It's been a while since I've tried but you just dodge and dodge until you have a 1 hit window, repeat until you charge enough soul for 1 spell and shoot him. Then repeat until he dies. (The process may take a bunch of hours). ^/s ^if ^it ^wasn't ^clear


Oh don't worry everyone is taking about the ascended version, it's just that they suffered for it for so long they stopped specifying. It is now entirely, Fuck Markoth


Genuinely considering cheating this fight on radiant because it’s so unfair


Definitely marmu. I don't know why nobody mentions it. the physics of the boss are so stupid and it only has a single attack, which is just contact damage. It also does annoying things like change velocity mid air, or cancel animation and shit.


If you know what you're doing, Marmu is one of the easiest bosses to do hitless. Also easy to let your guard down and be hit by


Yeah. but I'm not exactly talking about marmu's difficulty. The boss is just incredibly poorly designed.


I feel like the fight just happens so quickly and is so one dimensional that it ends up being really forgettable. So no one really ends up with a strong opinion on Marmu, but it is generally negative


yeah he is a bastard


Uumuu in Godhome, without my boi Quirrel this fight is such random bs


agreed. quirrel goated


FUCK THAT FIGHT. I can do the rest of that pantheon pretty well but that fight fucking gets me every time


I hate that fight for two reasons. There’s the obvious, but also because I can’t bring grubsong/weaversong, because the spiders kill the jellyfish.


This is the correct answer


I give uumuu a lot of credit for the uniqueness and creativity of the fighting style. But yeah, it gets frustrating as hell


Invincible Fearless Sensual Mysterious Enchanting Vigorous Diligent Overwhelming Gorgeous Passionate Terrifying Beautiful Powerful Grey Prince Zote


My king.


No eyes: i despise doing Mirror's edge parkour and avoid the ghosts for reach that bitch who most likely will teleport 1 second later


I will not tolerate Morror's Edge slander


Is there a time you need to beat her within? If not, she becomes one of the easiest fights


godtamer 🙁


Best strat for God tamer is pogo it. Nothing will ever hit you up there. When it rolls it'll always bounce back where you stand. I throw out a ddark and then jump back to pogo again. Battle will usually last in 20-30 seconds


thanks for the tips i really appreciate it!!


Knowing he will land where you stand is key. So once he hits the wall, you can kind of find your footing to dash before he lands on you, then turn around and get your hits in.


ahh yeah that, when it moves around and throws those infected blobs its pretty annoying


big same


I never completed p3 due to him ...goes easily till zote and just die there.


Fun tip: if you don’t save zote you don’t have to fight him in the pantheons.


Genuinely contemplating starting a new save where I dont save zote to get the p5 achievement. If I get lucky and beat Markoth its zote who obliterates me😭😭😭


Omg same it took so long because of zote and then i just spammed zote (lost atleast 5 masks). Healed back up using dream nail on Uuumuu (I hate uumuu too but atleast better than zote)


dude same im on p3 rn, nkg is so much easier than zote cus of how predictable nkg is. i keep losing to zote in p3 or if i do best him its at 1 mask with no soul so i just die to uumuu


I see people hating on markoth when the way to beat him is simply : wait for his shield attack, go up to him, slap him til death, if you have some nail upgrades or spell upgrades, you should be able to kill him by the end of the attack, competely skipping his 2nd phase. Now onto the least fun boss, i would have said flukemarm, but i recently discovered i can pogo her to death , which is 10 times more fun, so my pick is THE FCKIN OBLOBLES, THEY CAN GO DIE, I DESPISE THEM WITH EVERY OUNCE OF MY BEING. Honorable mention on the "not fun" list : radiant xeno, i just don't like chasing him around with him forcing you to parkour on top of avoiding his attacks and still hitting him, ain't fun to me.


^ all the markoth haters need to see this i agree with you on xeno, he just moves around so much with his array of swords


Nail upgrades actually make markoth harder iirc. This is because they are a dream boss. Dream bosses' health scale perfectly with nail upgrades. This means that spell attacks are actually *less* effective against dream bosses after you've gotten nail upgrades. Ergo the boss is more difficult. Edit: This is not true Everything else you said I do agree with though


Not perfectly, you still need a few less hits per nail upgrade. 40 at nail 0, (a bit under) 36 at nail 1, 32 at nail 2, (a bit under) 30 at nail 3, (slightly over) 27 at nail 4. It's only really true if you use lots of spells


I stand corrected! Thank you!


Agreed. Also it does make the easiest strategy just a little bit harder. (Fight with nail until he reaches half, then burn him with spells)


I mean, look, radiant markoth was harder for me than radiant absrad, radiant NKG, you get the idea. That's because the hardest bosses in the game have somewhat consistent patterns that can be learned. It just takes execution. This also makes them rewarding to fight, knowing that you've mastered them. Markoth? Only bullshit, nothing else. No patterns, aside from his shield attack. It's fine to play patiently, it's fine if the window to attack is slim, that isn't the issue. It's the fact that while waiting for that attack window, you need to jump across tiny, janky platforms while knives get thrown at you from random directions, and not to mention THERE'S NO FLOOR. Now, he's not a hard boss if you're allowed to get hit. You can out-damage him easily. He's easy to beat on attuned, hell, he's even easy on ascended, but radiant? Absolutely not. You'll make ONE mistake because of the random bullshit he throws at you, and then you lose your radiant attempt. And since he doesn't have a learning curve like a pattern-based boss, he's just not rewarding or fun to fight in my opinion. Worst boss fight ever. But if you like fighting him that's cool, not trying to say otherwise


I have dexterity issues I hate all of them bosses equally it took me 3 months to get past the Hornet I hate this game so much that I love it


Traitor Lord


I can't even say to be honest I think there is no bad boss in this game they all are pretty well made But I do prefer bosses that feel "fair" I liked dung defender because he seemed beatable and every time I died I saw it was my fault and noticed what I should have done differently It's why I adore nkg and Grimm because the fights are fast paced but easy to read and it becomes a sort of rhythm of dodge and attack that I think is beautifull... fuck obblobles


i love the obblobles hate and its perfectly justified, fast paced ones like nkg mantis etc really have this rhythm which is fun to play with, i will never get bored of playing nkg over and over.


How could I forget mantis lords Littelary one of the most fun fights in the whole game I love it so much But yeah Nkg is the boss i died the 2nd most to during my first playthrough being like 30 deaths or so and I still never got angry because I knew it was my fault and not some boss bullshit... (My most died to boss is hornet.... ...green path hornet...)


No Eyes I think is bad because of the sheer boringness of the battle. Once you find the spots where the floating things can’t get you, the boss is just a waiting game.


Yeah but at least it's easy Obblobles is frustrating enough where you may actually get hit and it just makes it even less fun because there's rarely a healing opportunity


True, I remember getting so pissed on the Colosseum of Fools because of the Obblobles.


Colosseum? Yeah now fight them in pantheon after 5 hours straight of trying to get the platinum for this game...


I’ve heard so much about p5 that I don’t want to even attempt it lmao, that would just suck the life out of me.


True But I am hunting plat trophies and the hollow Knight one is by far the one I'm most proud of


Oblobles suck


Abs rad because of the very high probablity that you get bullshitted out of a hitpoint


Ima say it, UumuU, just not that fond of fighting them due to how annoying they are i. The pantheons.


Oblobbles just suck man


NKG, I strongly dislike bosses that repeatedly disappear for no reason. As far as I can remember, NKG and Soul Tyrant are the worst culprits of this.


nkg is so fun though 😓😓 hes super fast paced and theres like 5 main attacks. Just kearn how to avoid them and hes as easy as false knight


Nkg has 1 attack where he disappears. Elder hu is much worse


That's exactly why I hate elder hu and flying nosk. You spend extended periods of time just waiting, which I don't really find true if nkg and soul tyrant. I have a bigger issue with Grimm's pufferfish


Watcher knights first try absolutely sucked. Every other boss was pretty simple for me. When I killed dung defender first time I was so sad because everyone talks about how much they love it.


I enjoy Zote.


fuck Radiant Markoth.


you are the reason zote has all those titles behind his name /j


No eyes




I hate Traitor Lord


- Markoth - Absrad - Oblobbles Can't make up my mind on who's worse. Picks might be slightly influenced by my experiences doing them radiant, but they'd probably be the same either way.


Markoth, fuck you markoth, no one likes you


Mastered every single boss in preparation (except zote cause I can't stand him flailing around and obliterating me in the dumbest way possible) for pantheon of hollownest only to get destroyed by his stupid shield, like I swear to god I've gone through countless hit less runs til I have to beat that stupid corpse


One between markoth or uumuu on pantheon, fuck them


I left zote in deepnest, which meant that he could never turn up at dirt mouth.


the way i regret doing that...


I'm so glad I didn't, zote was so annoying. Tiso should've lived in his place.


Absolute radiance, only thing stopping me from getting all achievments (plus only boss i haven't done radiant)


I spended 1 week on beating her on radiant so I understand your pain


No eyes isn’t hard just so annoying, same with Nosk, feel like I can never get a groove or even doge based on anything other than luck


Markoth, It's my favourite of the dream warriors lore wise, but not fight wise


Flying Nosk, not because he's especially hard, but because he's after Uumuu in P5 He's ended my run an impossible amount of times


Elder Hu, two attacks which are barely different


Hot take. Marmu. Fuck Marmu.


Maybe I’m just shit but for me it’s sadly Pure Vessel.. no matter how much I try, I will still never understand its movement. I’m probably just garbage tho.


you need to wait to him to atack only hit him between 1-3 hits (depending of what atack he does) and sometimes just evade hus atacks is a hard fight but one of the best designed


i hate zote but less because his boss fight and more because he's zote


Elder hu. Genuinely just one of the most boring bosses In the game next to markoth


Nightmare King Grimm. After a four year hiatus, a month ago I came back and fulfilled my promise to myself that I'd kill him before Silksong came out. "Once you get the hang of him he's really fun" I saw this sentiment over and over and I gotta say it never became fun. I didn't feel like I had overcome some great ordeal and had truly become the best. The only thought i had was "ugh thank fuck that's over"


GPZ, you CAN'T ONE SHOT THE MINIONS PN ALL BINDINGS AAAAAAAAAAA (same goes for collector but they're nowhere near as bad since they're based on minions, you can prioritise the minions, GPZ has minions AND his own set of attacks, I've got him on radiant as well its just so much harder with the minions being a two shot)


Soul tyrant he teleports around so much an I hate it


This is mine too. The grunting teleport pisses me off soooo much.


i feel like he got a lot easier after sharp shadow, just dashed through those ground wave things and orbs but yeah the mid air tp is annoying


no eyes is so boringgggggg


The massive moss charger was one of the most unenjoyable fights imo just because it was so predictable. It only has two moves so it’s easy to read. I understand it’s not a required boss and more of an enemy encounter, but I just didn’t find it to be all that interesting.


This may be controversial but False Knight, I struggled but it was too boring as well




Hall of gods/pantheon uumuu, I just can't 😭


Definitely elder fucking hu. Just pancake spam in an easily avoidable pattern. I've literally taken him blindfolded. Yet he takes a bunch of time with all bindings in the third pantheon, it really grinds my gears having to redo that fight every time I die to the collector


The soul master. I guess not many people had troubles with him but I sure did. Made me quit the game for a little while. Finally beat him but I just couldn't get it down for a while. Too much happening for me to process




Zote, Markoth or any Multi-enemy boss (except mantis lords) Zote for pretty much the same reasons, Markoth for obvious reasons and bosses with multiple enemies just end with me getting chain-smoked and overwhelmed


I did the golden Zote statue so I've fought him so much it's one of my better ones. Honestly I CBA with obblobbles. They're time consuming and annoying.


i didnt do it ahaha i hate him too much to try that


I LOATH AbRad. It's been my only barrier in the game for a couple months. The boss is the peak of "git good" from any game I've ever played. I can beat him, just not reliably enough to do P5 cuz I'm old and slow. Of all the normal bosses... Markoth and No eyes on ascendant can blow me.


Also Zote but it’s because I feel really bad hurting him


AbsRad. By itself maybe not the least fun boss in the game, but spending 40+ minutes getting there in P5 (with more than half of that being obnoxiously easy), only to die to a homing orb clipping through a platform and being forced to repeat it all again hurts everytime.


It's a tie between the watcher knights and god tamer, guess I don't like bosses that roll around


Uumuu, fuck Uumuu Boring in the first fight, annoying in the pantheons


Honestly all of them i suck at boss fighting so much T-T


Surprised no one mentioned Galien, he's piss easy but for some reason I just can't escape his sawblade scythe or whatever, so the battle turns into me button mashing to get it over with instead of even trying to dodge


Broken vessel because it took me the LONGEST time to fight him the first time I ever played 😂🥲


Elder hu. I think nosk is more boring to fight but at least he's a little challenging. Elder hu just had bad fight pacing so it's impossible to get in any sort of flow state while fighting him for me.


Radiant Markoth is just not fun. At all. I’ve beaten him and don’t want to do it again. It’s very slow paced and rng paced. If you manage to get him in a good position to spam shriek or pogo nail, great. Sometimes he hovers just under the lower platform spinning his stupid shield.




Fuck Markoth




What’s so bad about Uumuu




Watcher knights


Elder hu is such a slog to fight


No eyes. Ik a lot of people hate Markoth but I’ve never had any problems with him, even in pantheon. But no eyes? She has the worst attack pattern making it annoying to dodge/predict, sometimes just teleports inside the thorns so you can’t hit her without spells, and is just an all around pain


I have to say no eyes. Altough i do not mind bosses teleporting, it becomes an annoyance when they teleport as soon as you hit them once, there is a safe spot in the middle bottom which is weird and bssically anything that happens completely breaks any momentum you have. The fight is just slow and annoying.


Brooding Mawlek. Not because it's hard but I just hate how the boss functions. I like hard bosses, not just a boss with a lame attack.


The Dream Warriors. Not the refights of old bosses.  I’m talking about Motherfucking No-Eyes and Markoth’s ilk. Every single one of them isn’t fun in the slightest 


Elder Hu. No skill required and you can’t speed it up. Only two attacks. Nothing good to say here


Either Soul Master or Traiter Lord… but probably Soul Master


Oblobbels personally, there’s bosses I dislike more but this boss I dread fighting because I can’t get the hang of it


My least favorite is either Markoth from a “trying to beat him on radiant” standpoint. My least favorite just to fight is Elder Hu. I don’t know why but I can’t stand that guy. He’ll do the left to right pillar thing like five times in a row so I can’t hit him. It’s such a time drain when he’s so easy. It feels like if grub mother could just leave the arena for five seconds for no reason other than to prolong the fight.


Marmu and maybe GPZ.


No Eyes. It's just so annoyingly boring, I hate it.




This one might be obvious but definitely Flukemarm. Worst gameplay of any boss I've ever fought by far. Somehow, they managed to make a boss worse than no eyes.


I got personal beef with soul master, but the godamn watcher knights always gets in my way, and I hate them boys...


Regular Uumuu. Godhome Uumuu is aight


Markoth 100% .. I've died to p5 markoth so many times


Markoth is a figment of my imagination. He is not real and thus he cannot hurt me. I made him up,you can't prove he's real


Elder hu, especially when you try to speedrun and the fucker does 5 pancake rows while he's gone


i was so frustrated in p2 i started crystal dash when ever he did that thing to catch up to him on the other end


Oblobbles, Marmu, Vengefly kings, and flying Nosk are more annoying than challenging.


yeah all these fights take so long specially with bindings, just poking to eternity


ascended markoth. i have flashbacks from RHoG of that bastard.


marmu...holy fucking shit I am NOT excited to lose to this bitch on P5 all bindings


Not enough Vengefly King hatred here. He's such a slow fight that it makes me impatient, making me get hit way too much against him


honestly you're right, specially with all bindings it takes forever to slowly poke on him


Pantheon Uumuu and Grey Prince Zote.


the reason p3 is so annoying


No eyes, the boss is just bad, it’s a awkward bullet bell where she teleports constantly


I really hate the collector! He isnt my least favourite but i think he deserve to be mentioned in the conversation


Markoth and GPZ


I hate bosses that are boring and need patience to kill like Elder Hu and No Eyes.


Im not sure why anymore but i really struggled a ton with traitor lord in my first playthrough and that „trauma“ is something i still feel in normal playthroughs


markoth is an abomination


Radiant Markoth. When I finally got him I died at the same time and the game gave me the win so I kinda feel like I still haven’t really got him.


No eyes. Most boring annoying boss.


Hornet 2. I hate this boss. On a personal level. Because of those fucking spikes.


brooding mawlek


I have personal beef with the watcher knights, those fuckers took me so many tries it's not even funny


Flukemarm with low dmg nail


Grey prince zote and nightmare king Grimm. Hate those fuckers


No Eyes is such a boring fight for me.


No Eyes. I know they're not a hard boss. But they killed one of my five steel soul runs because I just underestimated them. And now I hate them.


I have the exact opposite opinion to you zote being my favorite boss along hornet 2 but as for least favorite it gotta be mawlek idk I just think hes kinda off place in this game idrk how to explain it but he also kills tiso so it's justified anyway


Markoth is fine in the overworks but that P5 arena is miserable, huge barrier for me


flying nosk.


I'm a very aggressive player so any boss that makes me wait is an asshole to me, but if I had to choose just one I'd say Uumuu. She's honestly just a weird mechanic done wrong, especially in the pantheons. The fight is unfairly confusing for new players and painfully slow for old ones. Having to wait for a nuke jelly to spawn (which can take several turns) is an even worse change to the fight. And forget being able to manipulate the jelly if you're using a pet, especially the spiders, who are the ones used most often. As for the favorite boss part I'm pretty sure most players (or at least experienced players) are highly aggressive which is why the mega bosses are such fan favorites, because they all require quick responses and constant movement. And the mod bosses are all that times 2-10 depending on the boss.


Uumuu. What is this bullshit? Just let me hit the thing!


Personally for me it's Nosk. With pretty much every boss I either enjoy doing the fight or I take great pleasure once I actually win the fight. With Nosk I don't really find the fight enjoyable at all. It's just kind of a boring fight for me and I don't get much amusement out of winning either.


I'm stuck on Sly, so yeah


Either Markoth or Marmu in most circumstances. Markoth is obvious and Marmu's tracking sometimes feels extremely annoying. Specifically on radiant it's definitely Zote. The fight is not my favourite but actually pretty good on attuned/ascended but on radiant it feels so bs that he's the only boss I haven't done on radiant because I don't have the patience to (I managed to spend over 20 hours on beating absrad on radiant).


Oblobbles/gpz are my nightmare




Honestly, it’s Soul Tyrant for me, he can get so annoying with his teleportations and can just drag out the fight for way longer than necessary, and especially when he just keeps spamming his orbs attack and almost immediately teleporting away after that


Markoth … no more needs to be said


MILFluke, easy but unquestionably annoying af


For me it was broken vessel. This fight was too easy for me


MARKOTH. he is one of three bosses i have left to radient in the hall of gods. Whenever you take the floor off, he is without question, the most annoying for me. also he's the only reason i can't complete p5. (I know it's a skill issue but i hate him)


Probably brooding mawlek, just feels like I’m jumping left and right until it’s dead


Although bosses like no eyes, Markoth, and Zote are annoying (especially in godhome) I can't say it was entirely unfair, even with bad luck I could've played more strategically. As much as I love the concept and original fight, the most unpredictable and unfair boss has to be Nosk, him pausing in the center and the fast paced movements combined with lingering infection blobs really throws me off and his hurt box is huge so you can't get too close without a slight movement killing you


Elder Hu is not my favourite. I don’t like bosses that spend a lot of time off screen. Not a big fan of NKG and Soul Tyrant either. Marmu really sucks on radiant and all bindings




Any boss that just randomly telaports away, I think it's a horrible mechanic for almost any boss Edit: especially soul tyrant




Uumuu without quirrel


Okay guys. Let me be clear. A boss being hard af doesn't mean it's bad. It can make the boss fun. I think that if I beat a boss without even trying, the boss is not fun. Do yall hate nkg cause it took so many tries? The feeling that you get when you beat a hard boss is much better than not beating the boss and calling it trash


Any boss that runs from me. Mainly the damn cultist. Special mention- white defender if you choose not to cheese juggle him (ALWAYS cheese juggle him...)




BEES 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝


Hard for me to say but I’d say the least fun bosses are the ones who just use 1 attack the entire fight


Pantheon zote too, but radiant nkg is my fav


Markoth has become a little more than a nuisance in my time fighting him. Zote, however # Fuck him. Collector's kinda annoying too, but only when I don't have enough damage to one-shot the Primal Aspids.


Markoth. Don't even think I need to say anything else 


For me it's definitely the False Knight, not so much because of difficulty, you can cheese the shit out of him anyway, but the screenshake made me throw up  I can deal with hard ass boss, I can't deal with unstable screens