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wait till you see he speaks Filipino


We need to spam Pogi.


Salamat pogi


Thank you, Stingray


"Hi honey" ❌ "Hi pogi" ✔️


"Mahal ko" seems better though.


Go max cringe "Oppa pa kiss~"


He better speak swear with the crunch that it deserves otherwise he ain't it.


Either way he's already won me over with the Trex motif.


Oh fuck. I for one want to disown this mf.


...Damn, he really is beyond saving./s


Negative T-Rizz


when one hakka roast was not enough


Bro's gonna be a BBQ shop by the weekend with all those roasts


[what did jurard mean by this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/974620992980799530/1174638805354037278/1700118610499868.png?ex=656852a2&is=6555dda2&hm=870773b1dbfdc980e39f02b3267c9305246a21c33b9a0d0c4f7eea06ab0493d5&)


Oh hell no, actually fuck that


this mf is doing a cancellation speedrun


its actually ridiculous to me that this douchebag who literally sold dox is somehow not only around but getting responses from holostars


what did he do /gen


He's known for collecting personal information on the HoloEN girls and selling it on his Patreon. The information ranged from relatively harmless to as personal as their real life addresses and names, and everything inbetween. After it was discovered he was run out of the community after throwing himself a going away pity party. But after half a year or so he quietly came back and has now basically become a drama monger channel. Safe to say his standing within the community is very, very bad and nobody wants Hololive talents anywhere near him let alone responding to him on twitter.


I've seen a few tweets by this guy, and I absolutely despise him.


This guy has such bad vibes, I got a feeling he's gonna have a lot of 'manager incidents' in the early months of his career.


He'd have given Noir 'Boar Spear / Anger Management' Vesper a run for his ~~money~~ rice./s


Touch Vesper's rice and you will get boar speared by a half naked guy hiding in a bush, 100% chance


Before clicking I was like "ok, it's probably another overly confident jokey tweet and people are not getting that he's memeing" but then saw who he's calling "homie". Yikes.


Genuinely cringe type shit


True, I think im staying with gavis lol, the ironic cringe


youre simply not powerful enough to handle it, weakling. coward.


They downvoted you for being correct. Nobody understands him like i do frfr


The cringe is only for the selected, enlightened ones, for those that haven’t ascended have not erased the part of their soul that cringes. EMBRACE THE CRINGE!


They denounce idol culture and parasocial but then flock to justify such creepy behavior as "just a joke". Such double standard.


You wanna talk double standards? You should've seen some of the people here when IRyS refused to collab with the Stars, they turned on her without a second thought. That or they blamed le evil unicorns for puppeteering her, as if she has no agency of her own to choose who she collabs with. Check out [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/16073uc/irys_has_had_to_officially_confirm_she_will_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) (made by the same OP that made this post, might I add) if you want to see them in action. It's literally "The talents should be free to do as they please. Wait, not like that!" with these types.


It was far worst in r/okbuddyhololive. There were two threads about it. One was removed but the other is still up. They said she was disrespecting her coworkers etc etc. They even went on about how Cover should force collabs. They even shit on Kiara in those same threads because she was streaming when Cover announced the graduations and her chat was asking her about it. She essentially said she had no idea about it because she had no connection with those guys so they should ask someone else who does. And people did not like that at all. Said she should have handled it better. Like what? That was the best way to handle it. Have them ask someone else who knows them better. Part of it is people coming to the realization that these talents not only do not collab on stream. But don't really interact off stream too. These people had that expectations that they at least "act like coworkers" and that they do talk with each other off streams/irl. Despite the fact Hololive is not an ordinary company. These people are streamers not office workers.


Yeah that sub has an issue of going from being a stupid humor satire sub to having a non-insignificant number of people ready and willing to rip on the girls or their fans. Gura not streaming? "Satire" post about her being lazy. IRyS or Kanata? Shit like you mentioned. One idiot like babski sends a shitty SC? Posts for months about unicorn/parasocial bullshit that doesn't exist. It's a problem. Some of them I'm positive haven't watched Hololive in *years* if at all.


i'm going to be honest, scrolling through these comments i thought i was in r/okbh until right now


"Some of the people here" is doing a lot of heavy lifting, come on


Granted. All I wanted to point out is that these types are here.


So basically you are free as long as you follow our agenda type of deal, disgusting


"You are free to do whatever you like with your content as long as it's content that we want," basically. They use the girls for their bizarre culture war against "le bad parasocials" and "el evil unicorns" without actually giving a damn about them. Same thing happened with Kiara and Kanata.


Case in point the Trash Taste sub now


First time I’ve seen such a bad impression on a holo talent…and of course it’s the Filipino 😔


Buddy be going old school then new school cringe. He's gonna be fun lol


Also bonking speedrun any%


Dude about to cancel himself 💀


This is the kind of thing that nijisanji talents do that hard filters me from their content.


"Aren't allowed to say no" Bro.......wut?


mans really thought it was ok to say that to Ironmouse of all people lmao


Am i missing any context here? Of course it isn't okay to say it to anyone but you know......


No, my point is if you’re gonna be creepy at least have the common sense to be creepy to someone without millions of eyes on them watching what will happen. No extra context.


Unless... that's the brand you're going for lol


Nah, people just making assumptions without seeing her reply


Yeah, I'm guessing management will have a chat with him about that one. That's pretty rapey. Imo you don't get to do a "joke" that edgy until it's well-established that it's far outside of your actual personality.


It's a joke. He's making a joke about people that have "discord kittens" where those people genuinely act like this with people that are more of less okay with it.


I’m aware it’s a joke. It’s still very much an “Uhhhhhhhh” moment. “I’m not actually an abusive parasocial creep with rape undertones, I’m just pretending to be one.” Generally *not* the first impression you want to give. No, I don’t think this is the end of the world and want to start a wave to cancel him. Yes, there might be a situation where this kind of joke could work. (I still wouldn’t advise it) I just think this is a bit of a PR blunder when you haven’t had your debut and it’s hard to pin down your general vibe through text alone.


People are thinking too much with this.


Speedrun to the top, the king of cringe. Holy cow, I've never seen a run like that.


Never cook again.


His small Rex arms couldn't reach the stove.


why are filipinos like this




these guys aren't for me, it looks like


It's joever guys. A Discord mod has successfully infiltrated Holostars


This mans gonna set the record for fastest suspension.


... Yeah no, I don't like him. This is too cringe even for a "joke" attempt.


It's "Bondage ooops Bandage teeh eeh" all over again, I already have my popcorn ready


TRex has contracted Filipino There is no cure RIP


i call this tweet the thanos snap half the people who read it die of cringe


but seriously, i'm starting to think this was a bit... far


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^-Redstoneboi-: *I call this tweet the* *Thanos snap half the people* *Who read it die of cringe* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'm getting old...


Bro fucking quotes the Buddha first thing and then dives head first into being weird with Mousey. I’m strapped in and the ride has started but I want out.


Rule number 1 of applying to be a VTuber is you don't become a VTuber to hit on other vtubers. Even if it's a joke, it's really not a great look that it's literally the first thing he does.


Ladys and gentlemen we might see the first graduation before debut


So the best that holostars could get is a flip rapist whos mates with a guy that sold dox of the girls. fantastic hire there cover cant see how this could ever go wrong.


Disaster of a thread. It's incredibly tiresome when people use this as an excuse to shit on idols or the fandom.


Jesu christ this comment section has no chill, y'all humour is as dry as the sahara desert. Mouse is in on the joke but y'all are demonising the t-rex already.


> Mouse is in on the joke Is she, though? She removed all her likes on him.


She also talked about it on stream later and didn't say anything about being in on it. She also didn't seem particularly comfortable with it, and awkwardly laughed it off.


Could be a multitude of reasons. I mean she was involved in both the Connor and Nux incidents. This community has less chill than the Star Wars, Sonic and Pokemon communities combined. Edit: case in point, I attempt to bring some nuance and within one minute I'm at -2. It's an idol stan community first and foremost. You lot need to learn how to chill.


Ok, I’ll bite. What do those incidents have to do with this?


Meaning she's probably careful with her interactions within the community. Don't jump to conclusions and psychoanalyze because "she removed a like" supposedly. Edit: I better not be on a doxx list now.


you know you're really deep into social media addiction when removing a like is a big deal


Honestly, I don't even know that she did tbh. Nor do I care enough to verify. I'm just tired of overly analytical parasocial nerds sending people waves of unneeded hate when they misinterpret an interaction they weren't even involved in. Edit: people sour I'm calling them out on their parasocial tendencies. Cry me a river.


Hey, actual Tempus viewer here (Fan número uno de mi papu Hakka, also fulltime tomato chucker for God's Blunder) This shit is cringe, man. No need to pretend it isn't. Throughout heaven and earth, he alone is the weird one. EDIT: i take it all back, love this idiot


It is, but when did hololive community have issues with cringe


Yes. Is it is cringe. That is the point. No one is calling it not cringe. It being cringe is the joke.




>(coming off as an actual discord mod to the point Ironmouse removes her Likes). People keep saying this. No one is providing a screenshot of her having liked any of the tweets. Also, she literally jokes about calling *him* Kitten in the begining of her current(soon to be previous) livestream. https://clips.twitch.tv/DeliciousSneakyKoalaBCouch--voNmbzAGLhQIYhB




Wow actual evidence showing that she was in on the joke the whole time and that she doesn't have any problems with it to the point where she even brings up the whole kitten joke. Hopefully, more people will see this instead of making assumptions, but that won't happen, unfortunately, unless this link gets brought up.


If you want "true" cringe humor, watch gavis bettel, he even keyfabe a lot and actually makes everyone laugh(men and women). This guy is just cringe that it hurts to read lol


It's the penis. It scares them


Oh nyo, get this testosterone away from my pure ina-cent idols! Holy fucking shit I am tired of this anti-male idol stigmata...


Honestly tired of posts like yours and Erick's at this point. It's always some idol culture boogey man with you folks.


Irony is that most of the hololive girls (especially jp) have talked about their porn fetishes on stream. But whatever I guess, they're innocent. Lmao




You're not a fan unless you want stars and hololive to Collab? Cmon that's pushing it even for Reddits hololive community


According to these people? Pretty much


Where did ANYONE say that? And this post is in relation to Ironmouse, which a bunch of comments were also getting overly defensive for. She’s not in Hololive.


this just in: ironmouse joins hololive


\>all real hololive fans want mixed collabs lol lmao, as well


lmaoo nobody said that yall are insane


They pretty explicitly implied that if you don't support mixed collabs then you're a fake fan. What else could they mean by that?


Schizo moment. You just made all that up. “Implied” lmao, the post is about Ironmouse and Vshojo what the fuck does that have to do with collabing with Holo girls??


The post I replied to says this: >It doesn't matter if they're innocent. They can talk about their fetishes and whatever all they want. but if there's a penis in spitting distance that's when the "fans" start foaming at the mouth. Where in here is Ironmouse or Vshojo mentioned?


~~fans start foaming because they want it to themselves and not given to the girls~~


Are Kronii x Mumei shippers aware that Mumei already has a boyfriend?


What is blud waffling about


Ehh. There's a difference between a penis and a dick, ya know? Some people are thinking this is the latter.


IM removed all the likes he gave his tweets, she was not amused.


She jokes about it at the beginning of her stream today. https://m.twitch.tv/clip/DeliciousSneakyKoalaBCouch--voNmbzAGLhQIYhB Not that big of a deal lol


That seemed a lot more like awkwardly/uncomfortably laughing it off to me.


I mean if a creepy dude creeps someone out, joking about it at their expense doesn't equate to endorsing it lol


All I hear in that clip is her ranting. Hardly endorsement of an inside joke.


Well watch the rest of the vod then, she jokes with Geega about calling him a kitten, and they're all very clearly bantering.


Without him there to banter with them lmao, they're laughing at him.


She unliked all the tweets. This is just creepy.


She literally joked about it at the beginning of her stream today. Relax lmao. https://m.twitch.tv/clip/DeliciousSneakyKoalaBCouch--voNmbzAGLhQIYhB


Bro these dudes won’t care, they’ve already made up their mind. And her mind for her lol. I swear, this sub sometimes.


It’s obviously a fucking joke. 🤦‍♂️




>y'all humour is as dry as the sahara desert I think it says a lot more that you find "acting like a creep/discord mod" is peak humor apparently. Edit: This post reeks of tourists, good lord.


This comment section really is making the strongest argument so far for separating the two communties to their respective subreddits.


In a way they are already separated, the other sub is just called okbh judging by the people who constantly raid this sub.


Wouldn't surprise me if it was just Niji fans trying to shit up the place, perfect timing for it to happen with a new male Holo gen


It's weird that this community, of all communities, have an issue with cringe.


I would say creepy is the better word although r/Hololive can easily be argued to be both sometimes from the outside looking in. It's best to take this sub even less seriously when it goes into the Holostar fan vs hater mode like it is now. Potentially the one thing more insufferable than the passive aggressive Gura posts.


This is not the cringe that I'm a fan of.


Cringe in general is fine. Humor that just boils down to, "Ha ha! I don't respect consent!" is another story.


Everyone does imo, cringe is just different from one interest to another. But there are some actions that are just universally cringe though (this)


Ah you think cringe is your ally? You merely adopted the cringe. We, the Deadbeats, were born in it, molded by it.


I like the stars, watched teamsnakebite, the poker vods, and a lot of gavis bettels. This one is just genuinely cringe(so far, since hes new)


Hmm. Idk wasn't really funny to me and pretty cringe but idc either.


XD this guy trying to Rizz the Mouse and gets rejected.


There's a total of one braincell in this new Gen, and it seems none of them have it


You know I kinda of wish this wasn't posted now just looking at the comments


The absolute memelord


I'm all in favor of second chances, but if the Ironmouse interaction proves representative of his behavior then I look forward to his immediate graduation.


You’re literally asking for someone to be sacked when you haven’t even seen them. Dude, chill the f out.


You would fail an elementary school level reading comprehension test.


No. I see what you say, but what you say stinks of dishonesty. Of having already made your mind, of going into this with a negative attitude. Once you go into something with “I’m giving them a second chance”, we all know you’re not going to. Otherwise why even post it. Make your mind after debut and then post, if you don’t like them after the second chance, why he’s dead to you or whatever. Yours is a “I’m setting conditions in advance and they’re extremely high and unreasonable” kind of attitude. Or so it seems.


How the one making this Post, specificly cuts out the others Replies from Mousey and does not even provide the Twitter Link, which would show that Mousey was on the Joke and nobody of the them was taking it seriously. The Poster only wants to make Jurard look bad, with hidding this Info.


>Mousey was on the Joke I seriously doubt she was, considering she unliked all of his posts.


Again, mouse unliked all those tweets. She is creeped out by it.


If you're assuming that because she unliked the tweets, she must have been uncomfortable, what can we assume from the fact that she follows him? Also, considering your earlier comments about how Cover shouldn't even debut a new StarsEN, I'm going to, and I hope you'll understand all things considered, make an assumption and say you don't actually care and/or think Mouse is uncomfortable/creeped, you just want to shit on the new Stars members.


Bro’s coping harder than Gojo’s fans after 236 lmao


Nah, I'd keep the likes.


So the fact that mouse liked the first tweet and treated it as a joke, them unliked it when he took it too far dosent mean anything because she follows him? >what can we assume from the fact that she follows him? She has enough common sense to not make a sciene about it. >Then why do you have an issue? It is still creepy. >Also, considering your earlier comments about how Cover shouldn't even debut a new StarsEN, I'm going to, and I hope you'll understand all things considered, make an assumption and say you don't actually care and/or think Mouse is uncomfortable/creeped, you just want to shit on the new Stars members. Yes they shouldn't have debuted a 3rd gen, it is a very stupid decesion not only is it blatent favioratism that they are getting 3 gens in record time this is only going to harm the brand even further. Have you looked at there sub counts? They aren't even going to match nijiens 9th wave, you think this is a good idea? For the company, branch and talents?Oh i doubt you think, coming on reddit to upvotes posts is the only thing you lot do.


>So the fact that mouse liked the first tweet and treated it as a joke, them unliked it when he took it too far dosent mean anything because she follows him? It must mean something, so tell me, what does it mean? >She has enough common sense to not make a sciene about it. How is an unfollow less of a scene than an unlike? Do follows/unfollows, oh I don't know, show a more "I like/dislike person" than an unlike, perhaps? >Then why do you have an issue? I didn't ask this. Why are you making up quotes lol >Oh i doubt you coming on reddit to upvotes posts is the only thing you lot do. Ah yeah, the classic StarsEN hater comment. Really couldn't have outed yourself more if you tried. Also, lol, lmao, rofl xD >It's so fucking weird that you people are forcing words into her mouth, i don't know if you genuanly believe what you are saying but just saying shit you clearly have no idea about is stupid. Better just hear what she has to say about it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/17960lu/comment/k58b6u4/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/17960lu/comment/k58b6u4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Take your own advice bud. Lastly, and this is real important here, I keep seeing you guys say she unliked the tweets, is there a screenshot/archive showing she ever liked them in the first place?


>It must mean something, so tell me, what does it mean? I already answered this learn to read. >How is an unfollow less of a scene than an unlike? Do follows/unfollows, oh I don't know, show a more "I like/dislike person" than an unlike, perhaps? It would have made it more obvious that she finds it creepy, she also has fans who won't like it if she dislikes it. This is preety obvious. >I didn't ask this. Why are you making up quotes lol I just made a prediction of what you were going to ask, low and behold you parroted the same shit instead of accepting that this is creepy you just go on tangents and try to deflect classic keyboard warrior. >Ah yeah, the classic StarsEN hater comment. Really couldn't have outed yourself more if you tried. It's the truth, looks like it hits close to your home. Also you ignored the whole sub count thing you deflect, instead of accepting that this is a bad time for a 3rd generation you completely gloss over it almost like you don't care about them. Refer to what i said about you lot only coming to upvote posts on reddit.


>I already answered this learn to read. No, you didn't. >It would have made it more obvious that she finds it creepy, she also has fans who won't like it if she dislikes it. This is preety obvious. So, it's not obvious she finds it creepy now? Why would it matter if it's more obvious, of it's already obvious enough as is, since you and few others keep saying it is? And also, if Mouse was trying to keep how creepy she found it on the downlow, why are you in this thread, informing everyone that she finds it creepy? >I just made a prediction of what you were going to ask, low and behold you parroted the same shit instead of accepting that this is creepy you just go on tangents and try to deflect classic keyboard warrior. I didn't ask anything remotely close to that after though. >It's the truth, looks like it hits close to your home. Not denying being an StarsEN hater, very brave. Hey bud, noticed you completely ignored 1) me asking for proof Mouse ever liked the tweets in the first place and 2) one of your own comments previously calling out someone for putting words into someone else's, and how that person should "hear what she has to say about it"


>No, you didn't. "Mouse found it creepy" >So, it's not obvious she finds it creepy now? Why would it matter if it's more obvious, of it's already obvious enough as is, since you and few others keep saying it is? And also, if Mouse was trying to keep how creepy she found it on the downlow, why are you in this thread, informing everyone that she finds it creepy? Again, deflection she dosent want to make a sciene about it because her fanbase will shread the guy, dosent mean it is ok. And seeing how rigourasly you lot are defending this i guess you do this it is not an ok joke to make. >I didn't ask anything remotely close to that after though. Funny the question you wrote above that is the exactly same thing you are claiming you never asked. >Not denying being an StarsEN hater, very brave. What are you? A fan? Again completely ignoring the sub count part how is this good for the branch? How is it good for existing and new members to hit all time low? >Hey bud, noticed you completely ignored 1) me asking for proof Mouse ever liked the tweets in the first place and 2) one of your own comments previously calling out someone for putting words into someone else's, and how that person should "hear what she has to say about it" Go through this thread there are 5 people saying the same thing, again deflection baffling that you accept that this is creepy and somehow are making up a fantasy that she was completely ok with it even though she unliked those tweets. And ui literally talked about it, do you have a proof that ironmouse did not find it creepy dispite her unliking the tweet?


>"Mouse found it creepy" Mouse still follows him because she found his joke creepy? >Again, deflection she dosent want to make a sciene about it because her fanbase will shread the guy, dosent mean it is ok. > >And seeing how rigourasly you lot are defending this i guess you do this it is not an ok joke to make. The classic deflection tactic of accusing someone else of deflecting to deflect from answering any of the questions being asked. Answer the questions, particularly this one: "if Mouse was trying to keep how creepy she found it on the downlow, why are you in this thread, informing everyone that she finds it creepy?" >Funny the question you wrote above that is the exactly same thing you are claiming you never asked. I asked several. Which one? >What are you? A fan? No. >Again completely ignoring the sub count part how is this good for the branch? How is it good for existing and new members to hit all time low? So, less branches = good, more branches = bad, so you're against any new Hololive branches, yeah? >Go through this thread there are 5 people saying the same thing, again deflection baffling that you accept that this is creepy and somehow are making up a fantasy that she was completely ok with it even though she unliked those tweets. So your proof is literally just "other people are saying it?" LMAOOOO Hey, want to know what real proof is like? Ironmouse joking on her stream about calling the guy a kitten instead. [https://clips.twitch.tv/DeliciousSneakyKoalaBCouch--voNmbzAGLhQIYhB](https://clips.twitch.tv/DeliciousSneakyKoalaBCouch--voNmbzAGLhQIYhB) >And ui literally talked about it, do you have a proof that ironmouse did not find it creepy dispite her unliking the tweet? \>doesn't provide proof for his claims \>hey bud, got proof? \>uhm, do YOU have proof to counter MY claims? Smartest StarsEN hater.


Once again another threadshitter, what a joke u/hololive you need to start banning people.


This is some /vt/ level overthinking. We get it bro, you don’t like him. Go cry about it back on 4chan.


Why are you obsessed with 4chan dude, you're accusing half this thread of being from there.


Not the way to make first impressions


It's an obvious joke ahsikejdnddj


Not the one you want to open with when people know nothing about you.




It is funny. Especially with the additional replies this image cuts off. I'm genuinely surprised at how many people on this thread are making this out to be some sort of offensive comment from Jurard.


She also unliked all his tweets and replies so I don't think she was particularly impressed.


prolly cuz male idol interacts and makes jokes with a female idol


Eh I think this sealed it, this gen just isn't for me, best of luck to 'em though.


Well, I wouldn't judge the whole gen by one member regardless of the joke


Man I feel bad for T-chan for having to deal with this comment section.


Mane-san has their work cut out for them, but I have faith.


I do find it funny that there are people who are "getting offended for the sake of ironmouse".


Yeah, especially as she joked about it on stream. I didn't mean to start an actual witch hunt on him lol, I figured people would know it was a joke


We all know it was an attempt at humor. We just don't find it funny. "Haha! I don't respect consent!" barely qualifies as a joke. And since we know nothing about him as a character yet, it's very hard to tell how in-character that line is, meaning that could very well be the personality he's going with. Terrible first impression.


This is cringe but funny in a self-deprecating way lol. Reminds me of Coco and Filthy frank. Edit: wait holy shit I commented before I read the comments lmao. This guy will either thrive in the controversy or get graduated lol


Who let bro cooks?


I still can't get over the fact that his name is Trexford. I swear it just gives me vibes that Cover is experimenting with an actual comedian gen.


I, Imma sit this one out first.. Dude literally x/tweet putang ina before we even hear his voice.. Have fun to those who enjoy this kind of humour!


Yeah, im pinoy and cant stand those types of people. They are usually the feeling cool or influencer type of normie


Love it when people take shit out of context and spin it in a negative light. Mouse replied to this with more banter, and she even joked about it at the beginning of her stream today. https://m.twitch.tv/clip/DeliciousSneakyKoalaBCouch--voNmbzAGLhQIYhB


Don't even bother cause, even with literal context showing that it's all a joke to her to the point she even calls him "kitten", this sub loves making assumptions and jumping into hate wagons.


It's crazy how literally within 1 minute of my original reply, I got multiple downvotes lmao. I don't know if it's bots or if there are genuinely guys out there that sort by new and downvote anything that even remotely tries to defend holostars. People like that genuinely provide less to society than the barnacles on the bottom of shipping boats.


Been here for a while, and it really feels like there is a "brigade" in the sub that goes after anyone that says anything they don't like, and you can consistently see "them" in any posts with any slight controversy in it especially in anything involving Holostars where downvotes are automatic.


It is genuinely embarrassing behaviour from grown adults (or immature teenagers). I'm so passionate about this because I want to see this community grow and I really do love the community and hololive, but it's shit like this that just frustrates me to no end. I do genuinely believe most of the community are perfectly normal and it's mostly just Reddit and Twitter, but it's still disheartening to see.


This place is life everywhere else: there are also idiots. No need to track one’s brain too much about it.


Mouse pretty much told him to fuck off with this shit


she joked that she'll call him kitten from now on, it was nowhere near any sort of "fuck off" lmao


I think it’s kinda disingenuous to cut out Mouse and GEEGAs reply’s, since they both recuperate the banter. Especially with the amount of people problemising this tweet without any one involved actually saying anything. I’m not saying that this isn’t cringe, but i don’t think it’s up to us to judge him for it, especially if IM hasn’t called it out. Cause you guys know IM, that woman doesn’t take any shit.


Hm, not quite agreed; I find the joke bad, and if he's going to be like this I don't think I'll enjoy his streams. That seems like a judgement a viewer can make. That said debut tweets are usually a mess and hardly indicative of what a talent is actually like.


> i don’t think it’s up to us to judge him for it Why not? He made a bad taste joke in public. As one of his first posts. If he didn't want to be judged on that, he shouldn't have done it.


Apparently Ironmouse follows his PL account so this strangely intimate banter is rightfully coming out of nowhere lol


Whether they know each-other or not, he had to consider how this would come across when he's on a brand new account. ...also how do people know his PL already when we haven't heard his voice yet?


Yep it's a bit distasteful to newcomers who doesn't have content. >also how do people know his PL already when we haven't heard his voice yet? Following and noticing the indie/socmed vtuber trends, the writing style of their tweets/timetables that fit in that helps narrow the probable candidates. But the easiest way is just for some previous fan to recognize them.


I will be completely honest, if anyone has recognized him from this sort of antics i'm growing a bit concerned


How did you hit negative downvotes in less than a minute, this sub is nuts sometimes lol I do agree with you, I didn't think people would take it so seriously, I feel bad if I started an actual witch hunt on. Mouse was joking about it on stream earlier so I think she's fine


It is what it is. But I don’t think you started anything. People will always find something to get angry over


Everyday I wished to Santa that new StarsEN will be a cool and respectable gentlemen then I remember I keep getting coal every Christmas


This is funny. The seiso meme needs to end


Brooooooo. I think I'm gonna like these guys. The cringe is amazing.


How any of you got the impression that his tweet had rapey connotations is fucking amazing.