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A Holomem GTA server would be great! Has there been any word on why Calli stopped streaming Stardew? I don't get to every stream so I might have missed it, and she was so excited about streaming it.


She wants to play more but is kinda busy atm,but she will return at some point


GTA server is gonna be super hard. That game needs NUMBERS unless it's just the normal GTA online server then there's really not much to do there.


They could make events with waky races type stuff, but beyond that I dunno. GTARP needs a large train of logistics and player base to work.


>with waky races type stuff Who's gonna be Dick Dastardly and Muttley?


She said something about Stardew but tbh I'm not in full attention rn so i missed the details.


I'm just waiting for word on why we never got more Tears of the Kingdom from Biboo ;~;


She just couldn't take her bro being in a relationship without Link


It's not uncommon for some Holomems to simply never finish games, or they choose to finish them off-stream. Some of them lose interest (Axel never played Xenoblade 3 on-stream beyond the first episode), others end up continuing the playthrough offline because they start worrying about whether the gameplay is even entertaining at all for others to watch (which is I believe what Ame ended up doing with Nier Automata).


I would say the majority of streamers in general do not finish games that have an end (so not stuff like League). This is probably true for many non-streamers too for that matter. Ones like Kiara that finish virtually everything are a rarity.


HoloGTA would be literal chaos and hilarious. Although, I do wonder how many would play and how often. Unless the HoloStars are invited and some guests from outside the company I don't know how active that would actually be. But it'd be a fun idea even if for just a week or two. Edit: I know some of y'all hate the Stars for whatever reason but be logical here. Do you really truly think a HoloGTA limited to just Hololive will last longer than a week or two? Especially without any additional numbers boosting up how many are online at any given hour? They may as well just play GTA's campaign at that point or another more easily collab-able game.


She did specify Hologirls only actually, so would probably have to hope a bunch of JP girls came too.


Likely it won't see much activity barring it catching everyone's interest, that and scheduling




In this case, I feel like the Holos should run a server and see how it works out. This way all the Holos get to try it out and issues can get ironed out. A season 2 can be used to solve any issues found during season 1 and *if* the Holos feel more people were needed, they can address it then. Inviting Stars and/or non-holos right from the start pretty much ends any opportunity for some of the Holos to try the server out. For example, Miko, Gura, Kiara, and Calli have talked about GTA RP on stream so far (as I know) without having participated in VCR GTA or NoPixel. Some of the invitees would exclude some of the Holos. Excluding the ones who have shown public interest is probably a bad idea if activity and longevity are important. For HoloJP at least, "big" events usually involved Pekora, Miko, and Okayu. Mio and Subaru organize quite a few things too. There are others like Towa, but the point here is that losing out on those five I've mentioned would be a pretty big blow to the server. You'd also want the "grinders". Losing out on members like Kaela and Biboo wouldn't be good either. If we consider all the members that will probably never join the server, whoever is hosting has to invite a lot of non-holos. This also dooms the server into being a "Vtuber"-GTARP server run by Cover Corp and not a "Holo"-GTARP server like how Calli was talking about it. Edit: missing an "if"


Yeah that's fair.


Yes, invite Holostars and outside streamers to make sure that most of the EN don't join the server! Brilliant idea.


This. If a single holostar is there more than half of the girls don't join and the entire premise of Hololive GTA collapses. A literal repeat of the Selen tournament where it was was a "Hololive and Nijisanji" tournament on paper but turned out to be mostly Holostars and Nijisanji. So no, holostars would not solve the population problem. Neither would outside guests. For a lot of these girls the fun is "do stuff with other holo girls".


You’d probably just end up losing more players then. As you said, if Stars were included, then more than half of Live won’t play. And even then, you’d only have the slightest chance of breaking even if every single Stars member did play. And to be fair, the TSB tourney was also planned right around for Christmas. So even a few players that might’ve played were a no-show.


What does .Live have to do with anything?


Hololive? Holostars?


HoloEN and StarsEN. That's it, it's not a difficult concept.


Literally makes no difference


Yes it does


Gotta get those EPIC and UNHINGED collabs so people can watch all the clips of them!


God damn. I was only wondering how active it would be if you limited it to just Hololive. I'd argue most wouldn't play at all and the few who would probably wouldn't play at the same time. Fuck me, you even mention Holostars and everyone comes flying out pissy about it. My God.


If you're envisioning a Hololive only GTA server on the same scale and as active as VCR GTA, its no gonna happen so temper your expectations. Also I can guarantee you the reasons the majority of EN girls wouldn't join those servers is mostly because of "those" fans.


> Also I can guarantee you the reasons the majority of EN girls wouldn't join those servers is mostly because of "those" fans. Hey. Fuck off with that. I see people like you complaining all the time and basically none of those you complain about.


"Those" fans holding the all powerfull invisible gun loaded with invisible bullet. The girls will surely think twice if the invisible army march down do stop them from their ultimate dream, collab with holostars


Well those types *are* the biggest donators afterall. I remember a few from JP even mentioning that they avoid Stars to keep them happy.


Proof or bs


Works fine with HoloMinecraft, HoloProjectWinter, HoloRust, HoloArk, Holo MariKart, HoloWWE, or even HoloTetris. And the only reason we don't have these kind of huge scale collab more often is because the girls are very busy, so their schedules are also simply impossible to align with each other. So yeah, educate yourself first by watching all those stuff above before typing literal horseshit about "le imaginary boogeyman who control the girls from the shadow". Oh, and if you want to turn your head around and say "I mean EN only", EN never have enough people for this kind of activity anyway, and even until now I'd say they still need EN4 or even EN5 to make a Jp scale tournament.


My oshi has outright stated she has no intentions of collabing outside of the Hololive sphere. If that changes, whatever, but as it is currently that straight up means she wouldn't join if it wasn't only Hololive. It has nothing to do with "those fans". I have to say this time and time again, stop infantilizing the talents, they're not getting bullied, they have an idea what they want their content to be. Getting real tired of having to say this.


No no no you don't understand. All of the hololive girls dream is to collab with holostars, but can't because of those pesky unicorn pointing invisible gun to their head. I'm trying to save the girls here, please understand


B-but holostars is under hololive productions. Omegalul s-said so!


Am out of the loop, could anyone tell me why they don't want to collab with stars? Did something happen?


Some simply don't want to, just like some don't care to collab outside of Hololive.


Hm, I get that but not joining stuff because someone is also there seems like more than just not caring about collabing...


They and their fans aren't interested in that for content.


A portion of the fan base throws a fit after almost every collab with a male vtuber. So most of them just won't collab with males. It's likely some don't want to by choice, but others are almost purely the fans.


The sad reality of it all.


Like athletes and mixed gender competitions, they all have their choices and reasons for joining or not.


[Whenever Poochie is not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Poochie?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-6F1O6RcYY)


I don't think the GTA server needs to be as grandiose as something like VCR and NoPixel where you will always run into interactions with one another. Just having a normal GTA5 server where people can run heists with each other or just drive around with whoever they see is online at the time could be fun, kinda like the minecraft servers. Also yeah don't delude yourself if the Stars are part of it many of the girls who may be interested will not participate (and no there is no invisible gun you Nijifan tourists.)


First, not sure why you threw the Nijifan thing in there at the end. They literally did nothing to provoke that. Chill out. Second, the appeal for GTA servers are those unique interactions at any given time. And due to timezones anyone from NA who wants to play most likely will not be playing with the JP members much. Which means you're just going to keep mostly getting NA and JP playing together with themselves with ID mixed in a little. Third, I don't actually care one way or another what happens. I'll enjoy it regardless. I simply pointed out I don't think the server will last long at all and there won't be that many who actually play with everything else going on with HoloFes coming up, 3D Lives surely to be announced among other things like breaks/illnesses/vacations/etc.


Isn't it similar to the rust servers though? The main thing people liked about the rust, and even the minecraft server was those same unique interactions between hololive members. Sure the minecraft server is dead now and the rust arc is gone, but even if it is just a short arc I think it will be fun. I just don't understand why people are acting like the server will be completely dead without collaborations with outside the hololive bubble. I figure some of it comes from people imagining the server being like VCR, but that just isn't realistic, and thats not necessarily a bad thing. The rust server was fine, the minecraft server was fine. If there were enough members, population should not be a problem. Oh and I mentioned nijifans because usually when there is talk of the stars and integrating them into a hololive project, it usually comes from people who are fans of both holo and niji (or even niji exclusively) and want to enforce that culture onto hololive (easy way to spot these people is by them referring to hololive members as "livers")


Or referring to Hololive and Holostars as Live and Stars Holos, Holomems, Stars are what regulars use


If holostars is invited, how many girls will participate?


Plenty. If you looked at VCR GTA or any of the VCR events, plenty of the girls interact with the guys. All the girls who played those events, knew they would eventually have to interact with the stars members. IDK why you assumed it was bad or anything like that. You should have made it clear


You’re assuming those girls will even play on the server to begin with. The girls that play on the VCR server are the ones who generally follow the FPS crowd in whatever they’re doing. Right now they’re all playing LoL, if a Holo GTA server popped up tomorrow what makes you think they’ll drop everything to play on it when they’re already heavily invested in playing with the FPS scene?


How many hololive girls play at vcr gta? There is no need to assume if the girls themselves say that they don't want to interact with holostars. Let's respect their collab choices


Towa, Laplus, Ririka, Ao, Mel, Matsuri, Akirose, Botan. Ao and Ririka has definitely found a level of friendship or comradeship with Aruran coz of their involvement in the Pizza Gang in VCRGTA. We can respect their collab choices but we shouldn't also erase or forget their collabs with holostars.


That's 10 girls out of roughly 64 girls and I guarantee you that if there is a mixed-gender HoloPro GTA server, only those 10 - perhaps plus another 2 or 3 - will be joining. That is hardly "plenty" when you can make it a 64 / 64 (or close to) participation rate by simply making the server Hololive-only - see Rust. Sure, there might be some eventual downtime when the girls are all busy or the server might not be as active as VCR's, just like what happened to HoloRust or MC server, but there should be plenty of good moments as well. Any girl who wants to interact with males (outside of business activities) already has their option of joining VCR server. Mori wishes for a server that all Holo girls (including the popular ones) can comfortably play in.


I'm just presenting the holomems who participated, there's no need for all these hypotheticals. I admire the effort though. Now here's my opinion: People talk about respecting their collab choices, but at the same time rejects their collab choices with male vtubers. That's ironic, isn't it. Whatever parameters Calli sets in this future holoGTA server, if it comes to fruition, that's something i will tackle on and hqve an opinion about once they're set. I watched the stream so i know what she meant (coz she missed the interactions during holoRust). I'm just saying that if you respect such collab choice with holostars, then stay civil whether you like it or not.


> People talk about respecting their collab choices, but at the same time rejects their collab choices with male vtubers. The people saying this are also often the people who bring up, without cease, "Why aren't the girls collabing with the Holostars?" or "I hope the Holostars are in this." or similar statements - over and over and over again. These are people that do not respect their collab choices and will continue trying to force the issue. They will go into streams of people they barely watch just to (against rules of chat) find some excuse to bring up the Stars whether or not that person has EVER mentioned them before.


https://twitter.com/hololivepro_EN/status/1571745933754503168?s=19 They can be reminded of this hit tweet from over a year ago


Actually though i find it weird especially in YT comments when people that are asking for holostars collab are already assuming that such collab is gonna be peak content. I don't mind if that will happen and I'm sure I'm gonna have fun but why though? Why are they assuming it's already gonna be more funny than just holomems playing the same game? It takes a some time to build dynamics between people, you know. This thought has been in my mind for quite a while.


There is need for "all these hypotheticals", though. You can't have a GTA server without enough active players. You can't make a GTA server for just 20-30 people (who aren't even active in the same timezone) because there won't be enough interaction to make it worth the time and efforts. The other poster said that "Plenty (girls will participate)", which is why I have to point out that 10 girls is hardly plenty - even more so when this is an exchange: many Hololive members who would join a Hololive-only server won't be joining a mixed gender HoloPro server but the other way around isn't true. For example: Towa or Mori won't be saying "Oh, there isn't any HoloStar here? Guess I won't join, then", but I bet you that Pekora, Lamy or IRyS, Fauna will say "Oh, there are HoloStars here? Guess I won't join, then" - and they will be talking for the large majority of Hololive girls. I believe it's reasonable to question if a mixed-gender HoloPro GTA server is better than a Hololive-only GTA server (or if it is worth it at all)


Valid concerns but my main point i.e. respecting collab choices, has nothing to do with the hypotheticals. If it comes to fruition i want the server to succeed, but unfortunately right now i don't have any opinions and suggestions on how to make it successful, aside from if Rust happened then GTA can happen lol.


Respecting their collab choices, means accepting their collab choices and not making a commotion about it. Acceptance doesn’t mean you have to continue being a fan though, and people should be free to enjoy vtubers that cater to their tastes. **This is not ironic.** If someone I support did something I don’t approve of and I go watch other people that’s … quite normal? We aren’t married to our vtubers until death or graduation do us apart. My oshi Matsuri can have great moments in VCR GTA but other girls might not want to lose an audience segment just so they can execute a gaming project. As much as it annoys me that unicorns are often hyper imaginative/sensitive, it’s not their violence that stops the girls from male collabs. Rather, that’s sometimes just not the kind of entertainer they’ve decided to be.


Okay you quite convinced me with the irony part. But all the stuff you've said is in agreement with what i said: being civil. Don't make a commotion with their collab choices even if you dislike it.


Matsuri, la plus, towa are some I can name off the top of my head. While they didn't Collab with them, they definitely interacted with them. At least matsuri and towa have collared with men before. Especially from holostars.


...That's not plenty


So all of holostars plus 3 hololive girls, is that enough for gta server?


How many you think would actually play on a GTA server?


Mainly because major part of hololive fanbase is too parasocial to let talents interacts with stars. Just take a look at original commenter downvote ratio. Maybe that's EN only, I didn't actually dig into that situation


> Mainly because major part of hololive fanbase is too parasocial Gonna stop you right there, champ. People are tired of hearing this from people that don't understand when the girls say no - ironic isn't it? They have their own interests and their fan interests to look after. Doing so doesn't mean the fans are "parasocial incels" or whatever else, just that they don't want what you're offering. Continuing to shit on the fans is something none of the talents want. People like Suisei have had to come out and openly [make statements](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrCABLI0qHE) against people like you in defense of their fans. You're not helping the girls or respecting them.


You're a tad bit late on stopping me and explaining all this, other person did quite good job on that. But still, thank you. I'll watch the clip later.


Yeah I saw that a couple minutes ago. I can only echo what ExLuck said and that once again there have been a number of issues that people have intentionally tried to kill Hololive with. The group does have issues on occasion with idiots like Babski, the real push has always been from outside elements. Honestly it's not really until the last several months where people started waking up about this kind of thing in the EN fanbase.


Also, checked clip and I actually saw it. Not sure how it is related to this situation, but funnily enough I remember her saying that fans should not participate in spreading of rumours and speculations and loom at such more rationally (or something on the same spirit), so there's that.


> Not sure how it is related to this situation Her directly addressing the situation in saying it isn't fans doing that shit. Second part of the discussion was her [internet literacy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrEiVj_8EIk) bit.


> let talents interacts War has changed. It's no longer about visible nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles fought by invisible mercenaries and invisible machines. War - and its consumption of life - has become a well-oiled invisible machine. War has changed. Invisible soldiers carry invisible weapons, use invisible gear. Invisible nanomachines inside their bodies enhance their abilities and turn them invisible. Invisible genetics. Invisible information. Invisible emotions. Invisible battlefield. Everything is kept invisible. War has changed. The age of visibility has become the age of invisibility... All in the name of averting catastrophe from visible weapons of visible destruction. And he who controls the invisible battlefield... Controls the visible history. War has changed. When the battlefield is under total invisibility... War becomes invisible.


The great unseen battle....


Invisible army wielding invisible gun, guning down invisible enemies. Invisible war being funded by invisible money.


It seems I lack critical information of some kind. Elaborate on what you mean?


The information is there. It is unfortunately, invisible.


I can guess why I don't see anything funny in your comment. That aside, so far noone disproved my words. I'm genuinely interested if all those downvotes are from mentioned major part of hololive fanbase or I indeed lack some kind of information.


>Why won't anyone entertain a discussion about a ridiculous statement made by an okbh regular? Truly a mystery


Yup, didn't take me long to check. This user posts on the okbuddysub everyone.


...so? How that dismisses my opinion? If you want to say I'm wrong, I'm open to discussion. Literally ad hominem, you love to see it.


In case you're genuine, okbh is supposed to be a joke sub, but it's inhabited by a lot of low-information clip-only fans. So sometimes straight up hate posts against the girls and their fans gets upvoted there, leading to the perception that it's a hate sub. It's all well and good when they stay in their lane, but they've raided the main sub multiple times before with shit takes, random shipping posts or straight up hate posts against the girls, often accompanied by disgusting comments. Hence, people here are wary about posters from there, especially when they - like you - bring out ignorant takes about the girls. You brought out the standard "invisible gun" argument used by a lot of these holo haters, i.e. the girls are "held hostage" by the fans somehow, preventing them from collaborating with Holostars or whoever else. Ignoring the fact that a lot of these girls joined Hololive to be in a girls-only environment, and several of them have made it crystal clear on stream that they only want to hang out and collab with other Hololive girls, or girls in general. It's also a very incel-ish argument, implying that the girls have no free will in how they choose to brand themselves and present their content, and the fans somehow "control" everything - ignoring the existance of girls like Bae, Calli, Amelia etc. who are more open with collabs and are still well liked among the fanbase. Remember that respecting the collab choices of the girls goes both ways.


Finally someone who just explains what's the problem. Yes, I'm genuine. So the problem is not that people deny existence of those fans (or being part of it), but rather that talents are not as restrained by them as I said. For me it was not something out of ordinary if talent decided to not collab with stars and avoid unnecessary drama, but I can see that I was fed false information and it's not the case to the extent I thought it was. Fair statement. Also explains invisible war comment. Thank you. Edit: honestly quite hillarious combination of theme choice, being from okbh and not knowing about such raids. People thought I was baiting troll and I was confused.


The "invisible gun" argument has been spammed here so often that people automatically assume you're a troll if you're using it. Glad to be of help.


Like ExLuck said. It's been a consistent problem. The girls here are most of the largest female streamers in the world and Hololive has been getting raided by shit stirrers for years over a variety of things. A popular thing to shit on the fanbase for are things like the Aloe and Rushia situations, but when people actually dig into it they find that a lot of the people that were doing the harassing had nothing to do with the fanbase to begin with. It's a lot of fans of other agencies/people or just plain "normal" folks trying to amuse themselves with drama. In the end though, comments are public and people that attack a community tend to have their other public comments scraped up. It's given away their "game" to try and attack the talents and make their fans look like shit time and time again.


It happens so often especially when Okbh is infested with fans of Nijisanji or other companies, heck some of them suspiciously don't seem to be fans of the girls as well when you look at their history that's all just hating on Hololive or the girls and then you look at their history and see they frequent Okbh AND r/Nijisanji and see how either they don't care about the environment cultivated by a majority of the holomems or are just outright stirring up drama and then retreating back to their dens pumping their fists at annoying people I stopped going there when the Kiara and IRyS hate wanking was at top, they even had bad things to say about FuwaMoco of all people and when confronted, they pride themselves as not being censored and they can hate any holomems all they want. It's hypocritical really, they're no different from unicorns that hates Stars just for existing


When it comes to the jp girls, it's pretty established whether or not they will and would want to interact with the boys from stars jp any time I seen clips of the jp girls interacting with the jp stars, no drama happened. It's only when the en girls interact with the en boys does anything happen. Sure, I might not be seeing the drama for the jp side since I don't speak or read the language but there must be a level of understanding.


>no drama happened Oh there absolutely are drama, though it's quite contained this time. No one makes a noise about La+, Towa, Matsuri (except for that one stunt Matsuri did, but that's another story), but Ririka and Ao have been getting some heat because of their involvement


Yeah, either I missed it or there were not that much drama as at EN side. Also we either discuss something wrong and don't understand it or those parasocials are on the hunt.


While I dislike the unicorn people on Hololive who lose their minds at the idea that their parasocial woman has *gasp* males in their lives, it is a different situation when some HoloMems themselves have said they don’t want to do collab with men. I do think it might be too dismissive to simply lump it all together as “fear of fan pressure” (though undoubtedly that also plays a part). For instance, Kanata has said she doesn’t want to because she doesn’t think it fits her idea of an idol. Regardless of how you feel about that, it does influence decision-making. Personally I’d like more cross-pollination with Stars, but I think for now a shared server where that can happen by chance instead of pre-planned will limit the server population, and thus viability. Not everyone is La+, Towa, Matsuri, etc. It’s important to recognise that behind the scenes, different mems will have different opinions.


I was implying the ones who already interacted with the boys, but I guess people were down voting for thinking every girl in general


Honestly at this point there is probably more girls now that will Collab with Stars now than won't. Although Collab or not, there might not be enough total players to make the server truly successful. While it will be fun for a couple days. Your not going to have 20+ members constantly online for 8+ hours a day. I've counted at least 31 members who have had an on stream collab with stars before. And there are even more of the girls that at least had collabs with Males other than stars. I think the biggest 3 that won't join are Miko, Pekora, and Kanata. Which honestly, is a huge hit for a GTA server.


31? Who? I try counting and only get 17. And that's not even considering if they actually play with holostars if some girls are not even participating.


> Honestly at this point there is probably more girls now that will Collab with Stars now than won't. Untrue. I’m pretty sure large majority of Hololive haven’t collabed with Stars anytime recently outside of pure professional interactions > I've counted at least 31 members who have had an on stream collab with stars before Yeah, with all due respect, I’m calling this BS unless you are counting business collabs. Kindly name those 31 and let us know roughly when the last time those collabs were


Maybe he count Ina, Irys, Lui. I want to know the names so i can see how he count it


Sora, AZKi, Suisei, Roboco, Mel, Fubuki, Matsuri, Aki, Choco, Subaru(now that I look into it they might not of had any on stream collab, just talked about each other enough), Towa, Botan, Polka, La+, All ID minus Kaela and Reine(I forgot Reine actually never collabed with any) Calli, Ame, Kronii, Bae, Mumei, Ao, Ririka. Then some really minor interactions with Nene, Ina, and Watame. So 30 if you exclude Subaru not actually on stream. And 27 if you don't want song cover interactions or otherwise. Probably 80% of these interactions are with Roberu. Whether through his channel or VCR events. ID in general has always been open supporting Stars. Roboco and Choco did an Apex collab with Astel. Then EN girls have pletny interactions minus Mumei being 1 time in the Gartic phone collab. Even Kiara said she's not against collabs, just doesn't know how to interact/awkardness. And honestly there is probably more that would collab if it wasn't for anxiety/shyness, Worryness, and/or still new (advent/Regloss) So we don't fully know their stance yet.


There are a lot of holes in your list of 30, though. First of all, you said >I've counted at least 31 members who have had an on stream collab with stars before I have to point out that interacting with isn't the same as collabing. It's like saying that IRyS collabed with Oga and Shien because she talked to one on Twitter and replied to other on stream chat once even though she has made it clear that she isn't up to collabing with HoloStars. I was curious about the "31 members who had an on stream collab with Stars before", not the 31 members who interacted with Stars in some manners before. Moreover, in current context, I'd like to bring up that for idols, "business collabs" or any interaction for work / being done in professional environment, get a pass as well (i.e: Pekora's collab with Hikakin, IRyS working together with the catboy MC in Dokomi, the whole HLZTL thing, Kanata's MC special event, etc.). I'm clarifying those two points because I can't remember when the last time Nene collabed with a HoloStars was. Would you mind reminding me of said collab? I do remember, however, that she met HoloStars in Valorant while playing with Holo girls once - and she made sure to clarify afterwards that it wasn't a collab and was just a coincidence. Hope you wasn't thinking of that. That was an interaction, not a collab. Similarly, the "business collabs get a pass" aspect would rule out Ina, too, since I believe you was thinking of her cover with Axel and several others. If she collabed with them in another occasion outside of work, please feel free to remind me. Then there are the "I did it before, but not now" girls. You counted Mumei. It's true that she indeed collabed with StarsJP once years ago (in a big collab with Bae + IDs). However, she was noticeably uncomfortable during that collab. She has since stated, at least twice, that she "joined Hololive to play with the girls" (quoting her) upon being asked if she was going to collab with HoloStars so her current stance is rather clear. I don't quite remember when the last time Subaru collabed with HoloStars either. She did it with Maimoto before but that coincidentally stopped as Hololive grew big. Whether she suddenly becomes interested in throwing away idol status and playing with Stars is rather questionable, would you agree? That leaves 25 and I'm being generous (I'm counting those who only interacted and openly supported HoloStars like Sora as well). 25 over 64 doesn't say "there is probably more girls now that will Collab with Stars now than won't" to me - although I have to admit that even 25 is higher than I expected. That's still 39 girls who have never collabed with HoloStars over at least 2 years (6 months in case of Advent) and I won't bank on them suddenly finding an interest in playing with HoloStars over being idols / CGDCT


Not to mention most members aren't going to participate if more then half of Hololive isn't playing.


> Watame iirc the only time Watame had interacted with Stars was with Kaoru on twitter. Why is she even in here


Your information on Kiara is outdated now


Reine collabed with Tempus a couple times.


I don't think you can call it a hololive server if it from the start excludes the chance of members like Miko, Kanata, Lamy, etc joining. >And there are even more of the girls that at least had collabs with Males other than stars. Basically everyone besides maybe Kanata will collab with male celebrities, like voice actors, game devs, singers, etc. This isn't really controversial, it's not like the majority of their fans are hardcore about this, it's just that the general hololive audience has no interest in male streamers.


Feel like the GTA server for holo girls simply wouldn't be populated enough to have a fully functioning RP server honestly.


Yeah, especially if it's just the ID and EN ones.


It'll be small, I'd imagine, but it would be enough for them. Especially in terms of controlling who has access to said server, so no random players outside barging in wrecking the place.


RP servers have a lot of scripting and added code, who’s going to have time to make something like that for Hololive?




A lot bigger undertaking the modding a Minecraft server


Sure, but it's not like it's something staff couldn't easily do or pay someone to do


NoPixel back in the day had a 24 player cap, and it was one of the most popular GTARP servers with that limit, and it generated plenty of content. Granted, there were a lot of people that could clock in 12-16hr sessions and they didn't have other obligations. Same with the VCR crowd. But it's definitely possible. GTA is basically a sandbox to have impromptu collabs just like Minecraft anyhow. Maybe in some crazy attempt at a mega collaboration, management could convince VSPO and Nijisanji to join in and get more girls to participate too.


It's gonna be super hard theyre gonna need numbers in terms of bodies and play time. It's just not gonna work properly unless they agree to basically play only a small fraction of the entire map


Being one of those people that was regularly on pre "the boom" of NoPixel, it was great, but only cause some of us, to be blunt, were a touch addicted. Some of us were on like 8 hours a day or more every day lol A lot of us still weren't streaming back then either or far less than the ones that stuck with it are now.


> She wanted to play Bloodborne but there’s no more perms for it [Aw darn](https://youtu.be/WWaLxFIVX1s?si=7nHFlcXqGHKgA7tP)


A certain Knight from another kingdom was streaming it a week or so ago, I wonder if something changed from Sony not to give perms for streaming it to Hololive. *Inhales massive Bloodborne 2 or Bloodborne PC Copium*


> I wonder if something changed from Sony not to give perms for streaming it to Hololive. It's also possible that Hololive put in the request but just haven't heard back yet, that's happened in the past with other games. I believe it was Altare who said at one point that there were games he'd request perms on and it could take like 3 months to get clearance, like, the company would unofficially say "Yes" but take weeks or months to officially sign the paperwork. Until the contract is FINAL nobody can stream.


Na. They *used* to have Bloodborne Perms. Calli had already played it a year ago They just *no longer have perms*, they were actively revoked after having been given for some reason


I know that they used to have Bloodborne perms; not having them now doesn't mean that they were "actively revoked." They could have also been passively revoked, i.e. they only were allowed perms for one year and then would need to re-apply for every extension after that.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Oh, a hunter, are ya? And an outsider? What a mess you've been caught up in. And tonight, of all nights.* - Eileen the Crow Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


I hope that EN + ID Mario Kart tournament does happen eventually. This past JP tournament was a lot of fun.


EN maybe, but ID? probably not considering how they did in the tourney. edit : alright guys, have you seen last en-id marika tourney?


Yeah that's why I was thinking it could be less super competitive and more good fashion bantering, kind of environment. At least imo


Who cares if they’re all zako? Are you watching for the entertainment or to know who’s the best?


Even if people get competitive, this tournament would open a new training arc which, in turn, would help prepare both EN and ID members in closing the gap to JP and come back even stronger for next year's New Year Cup.


They’ve done it before and several of the better ID players didn’t play. Last time it was super fun and more just shit talking back and forth and having fun together than super serious like the New Years tournament is


I’m honestly not sure how much acting vs how actually stressed out Suisei, IRyS, Kronii, and Bae were. If it was more the latter, I rather prefer everyone shit talking each other in VC.


Haven't heard of anyone in any branch talking about playing FF7/R even though Rebirth is close. Does anyone know if they have perms for that?


Shishiron said she wanted to play it on her last stream. I don't know if they have perms yet.


IDK about perms but maybe Subaru will want to play it


Yeah Subaru and Pekora played it a couple years ago but dunno if they lost perms, seems to happen a lot


More that the cover policy on game permissions changed circa 2020 after the great purge.


I don't think anyone has perms to play Remake. I know Axel was playing OG 7 and said they don't have perms for Remake. I believe one of the girls mentioned it as well. Even in Nijisanji, Reimu is playing the OG because there is no perms for Remake. It's weird that they don't have Perms for Remake though. Even more-so when they can play pretty much every other game in the series besides. They will probably get perms for Rebirth when it comes out though. Because while they don't have perms now, Remake was streamed over a span of 2 years in Hololive.


Kinda weird cuz didn’t Subaru play through remake? Guess perms ran out


Yeah, Subaru, Aki, and Pekora have a full playthrough still up. Aqua, Miko, and Miyabi have also played it, but their vods are privated for them. So I'm not sure if the latter played the game to competition on stream.


Yeah I figured that was the case, oh well


Yes! Red dead 2. I really want a holomem to experience this game but most give up due to the slow start


I love the game but IMHO its not a good streaming game, too drawn out and story heavy. But we'll see how biboo does it


Calli [already started RDR2](https://www.youtube.com/live/GVV6sp6lVxQ), and she seems to be enjoying it very much so far


To be fair the entire game is exceedingly slow. When it’s good it’s good when it’s not it’s paint dryingly boring. It’s honestly probably not worth it to play for most girls viewership wise and better off as an occasional/off stream game


a GTA server would be nice . ASSUMING for a sec . the server is as popular as their peak rust . it still would feel a bit... empty... unless all member go hardcore 10hour+ stream for the duration . Which is why VCR server felt alive . the game was open around 12hour ish a day before shutting down til next day rinse n repeat . people woke up and server was blooming for whole duration Let take hololive server ... let say at peak time we have 4 cops online... 4 medic online ... 4 gang member... 4 baker... 4 mechanic... kinda thing (i am being positive here) it still would feel like a empty world , it might bring some good interaction between member . but i feel this project might be harder to see bloom =/


Yeah such things thrive with large populations and peak is a hard thing to reach


I still remember the original ID+EN MK tournament with ID Gens 1 and 2 plus EN Myth + IRyS with her original model back in 2021


God I fucking hate Sony.


It's weird that Hololive is denied perms while another corpo has no problems with it since a certain purple knight has been streaming it for a few weeks now. I don't understand why Sony doesn't just let Hololive have perms since it's just more eyes on the game.


I've noticed the same thing with Pokemon where the Hololive girls seem to only be able to play the most recent Pokemon game and only for a very limited amount of time, whereas that doesn't seem to be the case at all for the other corp. I don't even think Holo has perms for the Scarlet/Violet DLC. It's so weird.


This specific case is because Cover's Pokémon perms are from a Nico Nico deal with The Pokémon Company that guarantees them sponsored tournaments when games come out, they get an official stream and official prizes from TPC. The problem is that the perms only last for a few months after the game's release. They basically can't stream it after the tournament until a new game comes out. Cover could probably get normal perms, but they probably don't want to lose the sponsorship. Koyori talked about asking if they could play the DLC, but they really can't.


Exclusivity probably?


Sony needs to try harder with getting actual game exclusivity on their dying console instead of restricting stream perms exclusivity. There's like no reason to get a ps5 outside of like 3 exclusive games if you own a pc.


PS5 has sold over 50 million units, it isn't dying.


What makes a console is the games on it. The PS5 has lost almost every exclusive ip it had from the PS4. The console being out for 4 years and having barely 12 exclusive games on it and you still have people defending it on a vtuber subreddit is actually amazing.


Good point. I think console exclusivity aside from Nintendo will be a thing of the past soon.


sekiro let's go biboo


The last EN+ID tournament was pretty nice


For GTA I would like to see Miko terrorise the city while Subaru tries to stop her


Advent has been a blessing. They are motivated and have clear directions and goals. That said, besides the Sport Festival, the girls haven't done a large event that spans multiple weeks, but I'm sure they'll do fine and create memorable memories with the other girls


I feel like GTA Meme Olympics would be incredible in Hololive, or like random 5 star uncoordinated 2015 youtube bullshittery.


Nice looking forward to see the gta5 hololive server


> asked the staff about the possibility of a GTA server for all holomems for people with sysadmin job, how hard it is to set up one?


Not hard. The actions and emotes need to be integrated separately for a lot of things. As others have mentioned, if you want to make custom events, you need to write your own scripts. But you gotta think running a private GTA server has some IP ramifications that would need to be cleared up. And more external modules means more permissions they need to secure. Vaultroom is a lot smaller, Japan-specific organization compared to Cover.


That all sounds pretty awesome. It seems after improving a lot and how far she's come... Calli seems to really want to play Mario Kart. Good for her! I kinda would love to see EN & ID find a big multiplayer game suitable for "tournament" play for fun they could make their own. My first thought was Super Smash Bros Ultimate but I feel like not enough of them have the game to justify that unless they did 1v1's or two lobbies of 4 player FFA.


Did Calli stream Bloodborne on PS4 or PS5? Has anyone ever streamed a PS4 game on a PS5 before? Maybe Sony is just anal about allowing only PS4 games to be streamed on a PS4 and PS5 games on a PS5? Bloodborne released on PS4 and Biboo, after saying she'd recently got a PS5, said that "we can't play it on PS5". The way she included the "on PS5" part struck me as odd. She sounded excited about finally being able to play the game so she doesn't have a PS4? If she did she'd have already played it and maybe been able to stream it. Also, how do you collab Armored Core 6? I thought it was single player with PVP online, no multiplayer.


They're gonna do PvP for AC6. Both Biboo and Calli bring this up whenever it arises in their convo.


Koyori streamed Bloodborne fully with no issues on PS4. If your wording is right, maybe Sony only lets them play it there.


given rockstar's track record with security, I am not confident about a GTA server for hololive being secure but then again, all I know is how hackers could easily join your private online GTA game back like when GTA online was new


nice, thanks for letting us know!


Cool to hear that Calli is motivated, but it's honestly probably the worst timing imaginable. 5th Fes is in like 2 months and everyone's gonna be focused on training for that. You've got Bae starting her move to Japan and Ina going to Japan for training after her personal trip and I wouldn't be surprised if more members follow


she's not doing them sooner; they're all still being brainstormed especially the big events. Then, she's gonna present them to the management and wait if they're gonna be approved or not. Besides that, she's still have other music project to work on especially that really expensive one.


To clarify it sounded like Calli only had the idea for the tournament recently. So it probably won't happen for awhile.


Biboo and [Morizzler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mzk5AvrGEB4)




Would love to see a seamless co-op pebble & scythe playthrough of Elden Ring!




They can and have in the past, most just don’t want to




I know Ollie does a lot of specifically cross-branch collabs. And almost any JP member does a lot of collabs among each other. It’s mostly EN members that has less focus on collabs because of timezone funny business. If I had to name someone, try fubuki.


Every member decides how they make their content, it's simply a matter of choice. There are members who collab with stars and there are members who don't collab with them, hololive in general does not collab much with people outside of Hololive because the audiance enjoyes the dynamic between the members much more then with someone they don't know. There is a long history behind it too, even when the Taiwan thing happened Hololive was isolated because nobody else (understandably) wanted to get involved with the agency least they get caught up. So holomems mostly stick together with each other, it's more comfortable for them and also great numbers wise, so they don't really have an initiative to go out of their comfert zone and drastically change the content they have been doing for half a decade now.


Because of the massive backlash that a lot of the girls would get from doing so. It's an unfortunate byproduct of JP idol culture. Their is a certain subset of the fandom that can't stand the thought of *their* girl collabing with some dude. So most of the girls avoid interacting with the boys altogether to appease the simps which are of course the biggest donators. Shame that it has to be that way. ​ Except for the ID girls. They don't give a fuck.


You don't have to throw every bloody fan under the bus like this. You could just say, "People prefer this dynamic and the holomem chose to go down that path" but no, its unfortunate, its a byproduct, its to "appease". I don't get why we can't be respectful here.


Its pretty stupid to not have permits for bloodborne, its a great source of content, not blaming holo, sony is the one to blame for not allowing people to have fun.


A GTA Online server for all Holos, eh? Can it reach Vanoss Crew levels of content if the VCR servers has shown? That would be hilarious!


She was reminiscing the holoRust arc so maybe she wanted that kind of interaction back.


I've never liked any of the gta rp streams I've seen. Not from holo, not from the offline tv crew, not from any streamer I've ever seen. Im no authority. I think my tastes are pretty normie, but i just can't enjoy what gta is in general. I don't like the style or gameplay that gta provides. Rust was awesome, though. Maybe it's the lack of world building freedom in gta. I dont like how its a pre built city. Dark, hollow, and dead. A dead city run by a couple of people trying to act like a normal society. ... its not that deep. GSH Idk, I just wouldn't watch any of the gta streams if they did them


Honestly I do get you. I rather Minecraft or Rust or maybe even ARK. GTA is fun but I prefer more sandbox type games for rp and server stuff




A couple of reasons to consider in addition to what others have already mentioned: - Collabs between EN and ID have always been easier to organize as there is no language barrier between them. It's also much easier to include EN/ID members in JP events as the other way around - about half of the EN/IDs rosters speak fluent, or at the very least communicational level of Japanese, so it's much easier for them to push through the language barrier than the other way around. - Including ID members helps in boosting the player count and makes it an actual tournament. EN alone could fit into a single race with a couple of no-shows. - Including everyone in the event would make it feel like just a lower budget version of the New Year Cup, which would, in turn, make both events less meaningful than they'd be on their own.


One concern was the time. Biboo said it was rough on her. And ID just has the most flexible time i guess. Most JP members stream at night. Maybe she'll eventually invite JP members to have them experience the EN streaming time lol. Biboo also suggested to make it a 200cc race to make it more chaotic lmao.




Well a Mario Kart EN-ID tournament has already happened in the past so maybe it might be a just for fun collab. It can also be seen as a training arc. Something must have lit up in Calli to want a podium finish from anybody in EN/ID in the main tournament.


Honestly I would've preferred Star and Live MK Tourney. It's a lot more fresh in idea


A reminder to not use "Live" to refer hololive members, use "Holo". While I do understand the "Live" logic, "Holo" is the term that has been used by the talents, staff, and most fans since the beginning of Hololive. Also, "Live" term is too close to Niji's "Liver". Respect our tradition, respect their tradition too.


Since when was this a thing?


Since the company's beginning, OKBH user.


A better question is since when was "Live" a thing. I don't remember people ever use "LiveJP" to refer to Hololive JP, people never had any issue using "Stars" and "Holo" back then.


I just kinda used it because that's what came up in my head. Since Holo for me refers to all of Hololive Pro


The abbreviation for all of Hololive Productions is HoloPro.


Holos on a server like nopixel would be hilarious but its such an uncontrolled environment cover management would have a heart attack.


Holostars EN got perms for NoPixel recently so maybe the girls can join it too at some point. Bettel's going to be playing it later today.