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Thank you all for attending hololive SUPER EXPO 2024 & 5th fes. Capture the Moment! Which moment from the events captured your heart? # NOTE Regarding VODs for all concerts, there will be a delay before they are available for view while we confirm their contents. Follow our X accounts and we will announce the availability of the VODs there.


SPWN. I'm begging on hands and knees here. I already had to cancel one watchalong hangout that I had bought snacks for. Please, release the vod.


Like they need to make an anouncement. Its been a week. A week is not a few days.


Please release the vod. I have a watch party sunday


Not sure if I am allowed to ask this, so excuse me if this crosses the line. But how live is the FES actually? As in, how much of it is pre-recorded and how much of it is live with the talents in the studios performing the acts? I haven't watched any FES live yet, so I don't know if there were any cues that I could use to tell if it was live or not. But I am really curious about the tech and organization behind it. If they can do this live it would be an amazing technological and organizational achievement every year. But I doubt the tech can be good and trusted enough for such a live, paid, and costly production. We have all seen how mocap can be messy at times.


It would not surprise me if it is up to the talent to decide if their performance was live or recorded. the MC portions all seem to be live but the singing I feel is a mix.


I can see that. Suisei tries to be live whenever possible.


Generally, we just don't know what exactly is live or pre-recorded or what the logistics around fes look like. In some cases it's pretty clear that a performance was pre-recorded, like when an EN or ID member apparently wasn't in Japan during that time. But sometimes there are also indicators that a performance was most likely live. Some random ones I can think of: * During 3rd fes Nene performed on day 1 and also had an MC segment. On day 2 she hosted the Expo tour panel together with Polka, but because she overexerted herself on day 1, her voice was in pretty rough shape. You can check out how bad it was in the [Expo Day 2 VOD](https://www.youtube.com/live/TtB0GZLum1w&t=10811) (~3 hours in if the link doesn't work properly). * Last year Chloe had an MC segment after her solo performance and she was out of breath and pretty exhausted, iirc Polka or a staff member even handed her some water. And as others have already mentioned, the MC segments generally seem to be live. * Mio mentioned that they had multiple monitors in the backstage area this year, including one dedicated to showing the live audience ([Clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4xCcakgprs)). So at the very least it seems like they were at the studio or the venue itself while the fes was going on. There's also been a bunch of other stories from various members about stuff that happened backstage. But again, we don't really know for sure. And while it can be interesting to speculate about how exactly the fes is done, at the end of the day it doesn't really matter imo. It's a super fun event one way or another.


Performances are pre-recorded, but chat segments are live. This is how we get Fauna in some sets - she's not even in Japan during fes.


At minimum, the MC segments are most likely live. As for the performances... Think of it like a really good magic show. You can expend a lot of effort trying to find the trick, or you can sit back and enjoy the illusion. :)


holofes was absolutely fantastic this year. wow. i did miss the last hour of stage 3 cause i just could not stay awake but i've heard a lot of good and i can not wait for the VODs and tho the big event is over, its been such a blast to see so many talk streams from everyone about how it was and performing but also all their stories from meeting each other and interacting, endless fun to hear what they all thought, how they got along and in some cases, trolled each other. love everyone at hololive, thanks once again for an amazing holofes


I've never seen Lamy so energetic, she's really good. Great song selection for everyone, great everything! I want to thank all the staff that made this possible!


With SPWN having yet to upload the vod, I feel like I'm becoming the definition of insanity with how much I refresh


Frankly my patience is worn thin. If they are refusing to provide the product in a reasonable timeframe I may just look for a refund.


I'm mostly annoyed with how much people want to downvote this topic. If we have a problem it should be handled openly and cleanly to avoid any long term problems. Not uploading streams in a timely fashion is an issue. It creates business and cash flow problems. If they're open and clear with why it helps to prevent backlash.


It's odd. Usually they provide it either instantly or 24 hrs later. This is the first time in years that it's been this long.


I honestly don't want to get a refund. I'm just upset and venting. I worked 12 hour shifts all weekend while it was live and work 2 more today and tomorrow. I have some personal projects this weekend I wanted to do but may cut some of that out If they're available by then. I already got spoiled on stuff I didn't want to see yet and missed all the holomems talking about it on their streams. I just feel low about the whole experience and this is my first fes. This is my first fes memories.


Its not just SPAWN. I bought ePlus, and they still arnt showing the Archive. ​ They noted that the archive wont be available right away... but I would have preferred at least an ETA, seeing it is now over 2 days at this point.


I feel like, with this happening for a second time, that realistically if you want to see the original event you have to be awake for the live broadcast else you're going to see a recut eventually. I dont think this is very healthy, thoughts?


Same bro same


Hololive hasn't yet released the Stage 3 playlist, right? I'm currently only seeing Stage 1, 2 and Honeyworks.






Fauna is glorious to look at. She has one of the top models in the entire company, and the way she schmooves in it. I LOVE IT. That being said, I look forward to her improving in her vocals! She does great in groups, but can't quite front her own song yet. I heard a ton of potential in her solo song though! Excited.


Not sure if this is the right place to ask or if it's even ok to ask. I don't go to conventions or irl events so I hope someone would fill me in. In events like these (holofes, conventions), do the talents themselves go to the venues? Do they just hide and disguise themselves and go around the event areas? And when there's a meet and greet or other personal events, do they actually appear in person to meet the fans? Or is it like their avatar on a screen with a webcam to talk to the fans?


they are some who will go to the venue and some are don't (depend on them) , All talents who will perform on stage will be at the venue but on the backstage hidden. I think cover let them go around the venue and sign some standee before the expo started. For meet and greet, you have them in their avatar. Most of them are in the backstage or at the studio. talents cannot show their face when working.


Thank you! That seems reasonable. I guess the talents just have to be very careful when they roam around the venue, or maybe they roam around and sign their standees before any event attendee goes in, so they avoid being identified.


The day before the expo, they allow the talents to tour around the expo grounds and sign everything.


And obviously, the public is *not* allowed into the venue during this time.


For the meet and greets, you only get to talk to their avatars. Never will you meet and interact with the people behind the avatar.


Thank you!


My personal thoughts after watching stage 3: I knew it was a long shot since they appeared last year, but I was kind of hoping for Startend again since they're my favourite trio. However, I really like how most of the combinations this time was really unexpected. In holofes 4, it was very obvious what the units were going to be, such as Shiraken ( - Suisei, but then she appeared anyway), Startend and holoX. This time, we had combinations such as AquaRoboFauna, AmeMumeiShion, AyameLamyAnya. The team behind the unit assignment cooked well. On the other hand, Manjigumi copers will have to cope for another year... Manjigumi have been starring on the same stage for 3 years in a row already lol. However, SPWN camera team burned the kitchen down yesterday. There were a few instances of the stream going totally dark for a few seconds. Please never cook again.


We still got a StartEnd nod with Towa and Aqua's emcee segment ~~Also Soiree includes "Startend" what are you talking about? /s~~


I agree with the combinations being unexpected. Especially since you'd think, "Oh Suisei, Towa, and Aqua are on the same stage. Startend will happen. Or also Miko and Suisei for Micomet is for sure!" Then Cover is like "Think again."


I'm fairly certain there have been no repeated combinations since 3rd Fes (possibly since the first one but I didn't watch the previous 2). Though Micomet hasn't happened before either so expecting that was fair game.


Well there was Towa and Suisei and 3rd Fes, and then StartEnd which includes them in 4th. It's not exactly a repeated combo, but it's still two people performing together for 2 years


What a jam packed weekend. Thank you hololive staff, talents, spwn, and everyone enjoying in person. Definitely planning to go next year if I win the lottery. At this rate and the concert overlapping EXPO, I really hope they consider adding a day 3.


Anyone know if we have to wait for Spwn VOD or can everyone else see it and I did something wrong


I remembered last time it's immediately uploaded, maybe they gotta do some editing this time


Last year they did some editing on the Deco stage and Day 2, and the VODs for those didn't come up for like 2-3 days or so


The VODs are not up yet


I'm wondering the same thing. I've watched the last two FES on SPWN without any trouble, but I haven't been able to access any of the 5th FES concerts Live or VoD.


[Looks like Cover invited Omocat to attend all 4 stages!](https://twitter.com/its_omocat/status/1769494413934485803)


New Hololive Omocat merch incomming! Lol,


Any news on when the eplus vod comes up?


Does anyone have a song list from each day/stage? I'd like to know what was sung by who so that way I can think about it when it comes time to buy the Bluray, which I hope isn't too expensive...


https://x.com/CascadeHope/status/1768892785225277536?s=20 This guy posted excel sheets separated by stages listing all performances and what they sang.


Thank you.


I'm now obsessed with Matsuri's deep voice, I rewatched her duet with Iofi 8 times so far and I had trouble sleeping. I'm die thank you forever.


another year another fantastic fes! these few days have given us again so many amazing and wholesome moments, this is what Hololive is really about!


Did they have any Akira Toriyama tributes during the show? A moment of silence? Anything like that? Or do you think that would have just sucked the positive energy out of the crowd?.. Personally, I hope they did.


This is an idol concert. This is where people go to live in a dream.


This is like asking Fourth of July celebrations to have a tribute to Queen Elizabeth. They're completely non-adjacent spheres outside of both being in Japan. It would also come off as exploiting his death for views. There's a reason why his family waited a week after his death abs probably funeral to announce his passing.


Holofes is not an anime or manga focused celebration. It's a celebration of Hololive. Not to disrespect Toriyama, but a tribute to him in holofes is both out of place, and would completely be out of touch with what the event is supposed to be. A tribute to him in say Comiket would be a more fitting venue.


I personally wish they would make the archives available on-demand on Youtube or something after a few months. They can still make them paid. Making them blu-ray exclusive I feel is a bit too restrictive.


Or at least make all the blu rays purchasable in a digital format.


Plus, aren't Blu-Ray's from a completely different perspective from different cameras? Or at the very least pieced together and directed from views different from the ones seen on the live stream? If not, at least partially unique?


From what I saw else where, there's subtitles at least. Also they're handled by Bushiroad so there might be some exclusivity shenanigan going on in the background.


There arent, recently at least. 2nd fes was the last one (and maybe only, i am not sure) with subtitles


Got any idea when we can expect a blu-ray? Unfortunately I missed the entire thing because it was happening at night for me and I had appointments I needed to be at... I wanna cry.


I was so sleep deprived I slept through 3 alarms, and missed Stage 3. When do the archives go up?


It’s hard to say for sure, they typically take maybe a day or two, but there have been unlucky cases where it took over a week so, knock on wood.


Easily the best fes so far. Great to see complaints from last year about the groups and songs being too predictable resolved, production quality was top notch, plenty of surprises, everyone killed it.


still saw some complaints that the songs and group is random. i mean this people.. you can't satisfy them.. lol


They had actual pyrotechnics this time around! At least in the opening, I don't know if they used it anymore after that. But that's the first time I've ever seen them use pyro on stage. I love it when bands use pyro in their stage shows.


Pyrotechnics were also used in previous fes, depending if it fits the song.


They used them over the 2 days, but i'm not sure they were new. And with that i mean i'm sure they had them at concerts before, i'm just not 100% it was at one of the Fests


I had a great time for my first concert. Even though I didn't manage to get a penlight, a Korean guy sitting in front of me lent me one. I honestly would not have enjoyed it half as much if it weren't for him. Hololive fans are truly a great community. The first thing I'm doing tomorrow is going to Radio Kaikan to buy whatever penlights are being resold so I can pass this favor on




>she works so hard but then she is always ready to push and promote and thank others. That's the thing I appreciate the most with Hololive, promoting each other/collaborating feels more important than compete against each other. Really feels like a big family.


yeah, they are one big family.. Hololive has been improving every year.


Fantastic two days and 4 lives. I still don't really know all the music but it was great to watch. My only complaint is that everyone seems to be overlapping/doing their reflection streams at the same time tonight ;;


That's what Holodex and vods are for ;p


A 35p dropped 2023 birthday 35P Costume Mascot Keychain on his way from stage 3 to Tokyo Station If anyone saw it pls pm me Thxs [merch link](https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/sakuramiko_bd2023)


It was fucking amazing. I love Hololive


[Ayame's brand new song "melting" releases at midnight!!!!](https://twitter.com/nakiriayame/status/1769350112470593957)


It really feels like there's true unity now between the three sister branches, and I think it's an experience that no one except Hololive can give.


[Remember to give some attention to the live band that had to play 105 songs for the HoloFes stages in two days](https://twitter.com/rocksakurai/status/1769341630329541059). Truly unsung heroes.


When the credits rolled and their names appeared, the audience in the venue gave them a big round of applause. Their efforts were certainly acknowledged


If I had to reach for a *single* complaint about the entire experience, it was that the live band didn't get shouted out at any point during the third stage show or what I saw of the other three, at least. I'd be happy to take a correction if I missed a shoutout from the other paid shows (so far I only tuned in to #3. *^(So far.)*) They were absolute troopers and deserved a chance to take their own extended bow at the end of it all.


They were mentioned in the credits and the crowd cheered when their names came up.


Damn, talk about endurance!


Thank you to the talents, musicians and staff involved for your efforts in creating this amazing event, every year you find a way to outdo yourselves, I look forward to what you will bring for the future 👍


my summary: it was peak.


Being in the audience was AWESOME!!! I don't know if my ears survived though.


If you want to sail the cursed lands of Xitter, plenty of happy mamas and papas today too [Case in point, Asagi-mama](https://twitter.com/asagi_0398/status/1769345151498129904)




....now what?


Day 6 of holofes coming in a few days with Suisei's birthday!


Start anticipating the lads' side 5th anniversary concert! And hopefully we start getting some Stars EN action now that they're getting their 3Ds! Also, I wouldn't be surprised if, after Advent gets their 3Ds (^(which I absolutely think is happening before, or on, their first anniversary)), another North American live show/tour is announced for later in the year. Especially after Connect The World was such a success.


We start saving up for 6th fes, off course! And maybe a hololive summer 2024! Water and air diet, IKZ!


Yup, at least 2-3 large concerts and maybe a handful of sololives in 2024. I already bought 60,000 yen at current rates for those events lol. The yen might not be as weak next year so us kagainiki's may feel the price jump.


It was funny getting my stage 3 ticket today. I'm so used to the yen-dollar conversion rate being close to "1 yen = 1 cent" that, when I realized a ticket was closer to $50 than $75, it was a pleasant surprise.


All stages were amazing looking forward to the rest of the year.


Fuwawa's on-stream rough tl of Suisei's letter: > Good job today at the live. It's the first live that they sang together as a duo. Because a number of things, Suisei thought it'd be the last time that they'd sing together, but she was really happy when AZKi joined Hololive. She's really happy to be able to sing together and be with AZKi today. She feels like The Last Frontier is a song that cheers her on, and there are lyrics in it that really push her forward, and she changed the lyrics to reflect their feelings now. There's a lot of experiences they had together and separately, and there's a lot of similarities Suisei's really happy to have with AZKi, so she feels very close and happy about that. They're looking forward to spending more time together.


There really just isn't enough words or prose that can accurately describe how peak this year's fes was


Writing this message as I still sit in my chair here in the concert hall, wow what a weekend it was. All three stages - damn, fantastic. Banger songs and a good mixup from last year. At first I wasn't a fan of the three display setup, but after experiencing it for all performances, I think I like it now - albeit the corner blocks still sucks to sit in, it is way better in the middle sections. If they removed a speaker or two, I think it would be better. But once again, thank you Cover and Hololive for another great year! Can't believe this is a tech company first, with somehow one of the best entertainment division I have ever experienced.


Sui Azki part had me crying in the club. Glad both of them decided to stick around. Wouldn't be the same without them.


Thank you Cover for giving the big stage to shine to your talents and to us your community so many memorable moments over the years. Please keep nurturing your talents' dreams, they all deserve it. Congratulations to all the people involved in the events (talents and staff behind the scenes) and see you next year for another blast.


What an amazing couple of days. Everybody absolutely destroyed their performances. And the crowds… just wow. Will definitely be getting the blue rays. Oh and Sui-chan, you’re so unfair. Please stop being amazing


Thank you Hololive Thank you staff Thank you Holo member Thank you Yagoo Thank you the musician What else idk, but really really thank you so much for all. 👏 edit, also idk what will happen tomorrow but I gonna try harder so that I could see next year fes also. 🙏


thank you hololive.. last year fes, i was part of the broke gang. This year, I was able to bought online ticket.. Next year, I'll try my best to get a ticket for holofes in Japan.


Stage 3 hands down the best of the three for me. I can't give "the entire thing" as highlights so I'll try to come up with a bit less. * Personal bias shining strong, but Mumei. She's said before that she thinks mumei is a difficult song to sing, and doesn't like singing it in karaoke... was that a bluff because she was going to perform it here? * And then La+ right after with another killer dance performance. We have so many great dancers now. * Speaking of which, Moona rocked both her solo and her duet with Okayu. ID coming in strong again this fes. * Shion's performance did a Botan on me, in that I didn't expect it to be a highlight but then it was. * While SSS was going, I was thinking about the groupings and thought that Fauna would work well with Roboco. So imagine my surprise when some organizer in the past was reading my mind and did indeed put the two together with Aqua! * I absolutely love Rad Dogs, so to hear Towa-sama (and her simps lol) perform it was amazing. * Can you go without calling Suisei a highlight? * Speaking of which, the INNK reunion had me in tears. Such a beautiful, complex song that I think only these two could perform. And then the MC afterward had me in *more* tears! EDIT: Oh, and once again a huge ARIGATOU to the band! Every performance was elevated by them working hard across all four stages.


>Speaking of which, the INNK reunion had me in tears. Same. I was expecting either Suisei or Azki to close Day 2, but having both sing 'The last frontier' was even better. I can only encourage people to watch [the original mv](https://youtu.be/-9wUbw5qevU?si=9EgK_VJV0srwF1tS), it has a criminally low number of views for such a good song.


Fantastic weekend. There was a lot of hard work and love put into everything. Fes was wonderful as always, a huge thank you to the girls, staff, and the fans themselves. It's the combination of every little bit of everyone's support that allows events like these and for them to grow and do new things.


These girls have come so far man... emotions were very high this weekend. Hololive is amazing!


My god. This was incredible! I'm gonna try my damnedest to go in-person next year.


First time being able to watch all the concerts. Wow, that was blast. Might have to attend in person one day.


And with that, it's over, now to wait for the archives so I can watch it alongside Advent and anyone doing future watchalongs.


This was absolutely incredible!


My brain is absolutely fried right now after 2 days of concerts, but it was all worth it. This year’s concerts were fucking amazing and it gave us some combos we wouldn’t normally have and I loved that. Some performances fucking blew me away and certainly lived up to the title of capturing the moment. Anyways I’m going to knock myself out now


Three Stage this year absolute blast , best FEST ever






Ayame got a bad Rep because of the time she was off in 2022, but once she resolved her personal situation in 2023 she has been reasonably active. Though she got a bit burnt out after the Valorant VSaikyou she has still been going back for around a stream a week except for the last month.


It having so little chance of happening is why I always hope for it whenever there’s a big event. I know one day it will feel like the best announcement of my life when it happens so just gonna keep hoping till then. Also people said the same thing about gen 1 before their concert, how they were so distant and didn’t really do many activities together, but we still got a gen 1 concert so the dream is still alive (no I’m not coping).


So incredible! So amazing! I love HoloFes! All of the girls did great!


I'm sorry, this is gonna be sappy. I can't fucking... I started crying during Sorairo Days because of just how far Ame's come and how big she feels to me anymore and how she's where I started on this wornderful, crazy fandom. I just realized I spent the last month and a half since Mel left in an emotional funk and just felt it leave right then and there. Just fucking, thanks to Ame and Hololive and Cover and Yagoo and fucking everyone here and I feel like I can go to sleep this morning and wake up later today better than I was before.


Supposedly, the job of an idol is to be a light for the fans to look towards in any situation, and by that definition, Ame is a hell of an idol. I’m glad you’re feeling better. Hololive is awesome!


That was simply amazing. Only regret is not flying to Japan. Now I crash. Hololive saikou!




o7 Time to save up for 6th fes, and maybe the 5th fes blu ray.


Ladies and gentlemen, it has been an honor experiencing this with you all. We laughed, we cried, we screamed our hearts out. Anther mind blowing HoloFes has come to pass. There’s too much to put into word how amazing this year was. Not a single missed element, just knock out after knock out the whole weekend. A years worth of hard work on full display. I can’t even begin to imagine what next year will be like. Big thanks to to all the staff and crew, and the live band for making it all happen! And of course the talents! Thank you for being the shining beacon in a dark world! I love Hololive! Here’s to many for Fes’ in the future!


i guess no surprise announcement or teaser this day?..


This stage in particular is one of the best I've watched across all of the holofes we've had. Experiencing it at home was amazing already so I can't imagine how insane it was in person. Really hoping I can attend one live some day!


I'm so fucking happy to be a hololive fan. There's a lot of bad stuff going on outside of it and were eating so damn good right now it's a miracle. This year is better than it's ever been for them and looks to get even bigger. As always, make sure to appreciate and don't take for granted what we have now.


Absolutely amazing performances from everyone! I LOVE HOLOLIVE!!!


I cant write anything more coherent than "Amazing, everyone did beyond great" right now. Maybe i'll be back later with some food in me and some time to think things Whoever decided to make "expect the unexpected" the unwritten theme of these 3 stages, congratulations, you are a magician. As for this last stage performances: Most improved => Ame Most "this destroyed me down to tears" => Foxfriend with Letters


Most improved has to be Ame, I agree. For me, the “why did this destroy me” moment was Mumei’s performance, it was utterly beautiful. But then, there was also the Fansa performance from day 1, and the Our Bright Parade opening from the very first stage… it’s impossible to pick one because the whole event was so special.


No announcements?


None, it seems. They actually announced a fair bit of stuff over the festival itself, so it's not too surprising that they held off on any teasers or anything else. >!I also dare to hope that the plans for EN4 are still in flux because they're in discussions with a certain former fairy, and ID4 for a lost kuntilanak to begin haunting things alongside Ollie, and given everything else, hammering out those plans and getting the talents situated, ready, and trained with the rest of their gens will take time.!<


Right, thanks, I'll check out the Expo VOD. >!Lowkey was hoping for an ID4 teaser, but oh well I'll let them cook!<


It’s still so cute how they put the fanbase names at the end of the credits every time




I love hololive


You love hololive? I love hololive! We love hololive!


Ah, another year another fest.  Twas a blast all, same time next year!


Thank you everyone for making this successful. Absolutely wonderful Live


I once thought the fest would not be able to get much better, boi never before have I been so glad to be so wrong!!!


Every year I wonder "how are they going to top this?", and yet they always continue to outdo themselves.


What a god damn event. Cover constantly improving every year! BLS GOD LEMME WIN THE LOTTO FOR NEXT YEAR


Capture the Moment as a song didn’t really hit the same initial high of Our Bright Parade imo, but after hearing it over three stages it’s really grown on me, now I don’t think I can hear it without getting emotional This was a really strong Stage, and Fes as a whole for Hololive. I know it’s only gonna go higher from here


the little "we are with you" break down with the SSS leitmotif part really gets me right through the heart now whenever I hear it in the instrumentals during the waiting screens I get a little emotional


I agree. The song will always be attached to this weekend for me, and when I hear it, I’ll think of everything we saw over these two days.


Absolutely the best thing I've watched - Massive thanks to the girls, staff and Yagoo for these incredible memories!


Nothing but Amazing


Capture thee moment time to catch some sleep


Holy shit that whole thing was amazing all the through.


That post-Fes feeling already hitting me. Thank you Hololive for another great HoloFes!


Another fantastic year! I can't wait to see Advent up there next year.


what an event my god


That was probably the hypest Fes so far....amazing vibes


Best fest ever, until next year


Another fantastic fes, if they keep one-upping themselves each year, I'll keep watching


GG everyone. Was a ton of fun. Thank you, Cover, for an amazing experience. Everyone was so great. I can't wait for the VODs so I can watch it all again.


when the VOD would be available? the yesterday stage still not available yet


They sometimes do edits, like they might replace the shots with the pillar blocking the view with a different camera. Wait for the news.


Official Twitter just says 'soon'.


Hololive i kneel, thank you to all the HoloMem and HoloStaff for these amazing 2 days!




These 2 days are truly a "Capture the Moment" experience!!! Holofes, the annual event wherein for 2 days, Yagoo's dream of seeing his talents become real idols come true. THANK YOU HOLOLIVE!!! THANK YOU YAGOO FOR YOUR DREAM!!! THANK YOU A-CHAN, NODOKA AND THE REST OF THE STAFF FOR HOLOLIVE!!! To everyone here, see you next year on 6th fes!! WE! ARE! HOLOLIVE!


Best fest ever so good


Its actually kinda cool that Cover lets talents choose so much about their Fes shirts like Suisei and Aqua having them down


We are absolutely winning! Every fes gets better and better. I already can't wait to see Advent and ReGloss added to the roster. What and amazing 5th fes and here's to 6th fes




Thank you, Cover. Thank you Yagoo, A-Chan, Nodoka, T-chan, and every single staff member behind the scenes who we don’t know. And of course, thank you to each and every one of the talents. Thank you for an amazing weekend. I fucking love Hololive.


I love howw happy amee look shes so cute




Yesterday. someone here called Suisei as the only one with the shirt down but it looks like Aqua has it down too lol


It was the same last year with those two as well.


AquSui teetee


I had forgotten at the time that Aqua was also not one to be casual about that sort of thing either.


Yeah, i did and seems i lost the bet. I'll forgive Aqua because she's cute


That’s 100% fair.


Suisei and Aqua are the only ones in the entire thing to not show stomachs in the t-shirt again.


Are Suisei and Aqua the only ones with a non-tied up shirt? That's pretty funny.


So beautiful, so good. Thank you Hololive, thank you for the performances. Can't wait for next fes already!


Suisei is of course T-shirt down, and so is Aqua, which also isn't super surprising, it's something they share.


Ame standing right next to Suisei on that key visual. Given how much improvement she’s shown, and how much she absolutely shone in both of her performances, she deserves to be standing there.




Too easy a bet, no bellybutton Suichan :D But surprisingly we got an Onion too, guess that's how they got around Towa


its non-stop tears. they are not sparing us at all


No suibelly :(


This stage this whole event wass amazing every year it gets better


is this last song?. did i miss towa solo song?




She sang S.T.Y. a while back


Thanks... Oh God. Of all the time i went to the bathroom.. i really miss that..😭


They’ve both come so far and faced so many trials. You can’t help but feel for them. May they both continue to shine brightly!


AZKi's smile made Suisei cry when they had their first duet in Suisei's 3D performance. And now Suisei returning the favour


Oh nyo My kokoro isn't ready for this