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Be practical first. The lighter colors won't last long (a week in my house).


And the two darkest match the floor too closely. That leaves 1, 2, and 5 (if they really have to go with the greige neutral color palette, that is).


My friends with no kids have successfully had it for 1.5 yrs lol


Remember that it’s going to look huge different on a larger scale. I think maybe consider some warmer tones, less grey/beige


This could be a meme of "show me how you are afraid of color without telling me you're afraid of color".


My first reaction was: Green


Like the tape!


I came for this choice, too!


😂👏🙌 👍


Green or camel leather brown


Red! Definitely red.


I prefer furniture and walls to be neutral "boring" colors because then it goes with whatever smaller accents I want to use. Want to switch out the normal pillows with Christmas pillows? No worries. Now I want some blue decor out? Cool beans, still looks great. Smaller accents are easier to change and store if I want to do different colors or decorate for holidays.


I agree with this. Always neutral furniture because I have other things that I want to be the focus.


Splashing color doesn't mask the bleakness


I suppose it's a matter of opinion and personal preference, really. Spaces should work for those who live in them, I prefer a neutral base with splashes of color, you prefer a base with more color to it. There's no wrong answer, just what's right or wrong for each person.


Depends on if you want the couch to be a focal point or a canvas. I prefer something as bulky and mundane as a couch to sit in the background. To me it’s a utility item not decor.


I’m a fan of neutral interiors. Neutral colors are not bleak. You can add accent colors you can go all out with art.


The people who make neutrals bleak are doing it wrong imo, there's nothing inherently wrong with those shades, it's a matter of how you use them. Not every home needs to look like a rainbow


As someone who painted each room her first apartment a different colour, I agree. While I understand the satisfying “crisp” feeling of whites and greys, I really don’t understand the monochromatic house thing… my MIL has a beautiful house, and is currently doing renovations. She took her beautiful beach-themed bathrooms upstairs, and turned them into white marble, light grey walls and dark grey floors, and the powder room matches them… even the artwork on the walls only have small swatches of colour, and are mostly black, white and grey.


The white/gray/black has come & gone, but I can’t imagine all the rooms being a different color unless they are complementary shades of a color theme…artwork, rugs, throws, pillows can add the right amount of contrast without being schizophrenic


Haha they were all various shades of blue, green and purple.. my sofa and furniture was black, and then my bedding was Navy Blue, so it was nice. My dining room was the only « crazy » room where I painted a wall neon green, but the other walls were a matching pale green. ETA: my artwork was also all disney- most of it hand painted by myself.


Oof! Well at least you liked it! 👍🏼


There is nothing wrong with minimalism or a monochromatic color palette. There are a lot of ways to design a space.


I hate the narrative that “color” is always the answer to make a room less boring. It’s really more about textures and layering. You can do a neutral palette, but add some wood, stone, rattan, linen, marble, and vintage styling, and you’ve got a very pleasing room.


Not really—she has 3 distinct neutral colors and the work perfectly together. A neutral sofa in a darker shade added with colorful accents will be gorgeous. Death by beige is when the wall, the trim, the floor and the furnishings are all the same color and hue.


I mean. Clearly some of these comments are being hyperbolic but let’s be real here. Posting this almost begs for folks to mention the fact that everything in this photo is extremely monochromatic and, for most folks, ‘uninteresting/uninspired’. It’s difficult to look beyond what we’re literally being shown here.


You are not wrong in the slightest.


It’s their preference to want neutral colors.


You do realize that you're only seeing the color of their couch right? You don't know the accents they plan on using or the rest of the layout. Your comment seems unnecessary rude, sometime it's better to keep quiet if you have nothing positive to say.


Beige and weight are great fur furniture because you can go ham on the cushions, throw blankets, and decor. It you pick a coloured couch and either don’t like it or get tired of it, you’re stuck with it for a decade. When I see people buy coloured furniture my first thought is that they’re incredibly stupid and/or in creative because they’re not planning on changing it up at all for the next decade.


I have a beige couch now but regret it cause it gets dirty too easily. My rug is also beige (beige and green) - I love my rug, but it too shows the dirt too easily. Eventually I intend to redo the room with blue furnishings instead.


It's probable that the trend of beige/white /gray tones with smaller "pops of color" will be dated at some point just like all home decorating trends. The light neutral tones industrial complex is winning right now, but soon enough it will wither. My point? Even if you pick something you like, but think you've made a color blunder, it's fine! Ride it out until the next trend or enjoy it anyway!


"ride it out" is a hefty call when you're down 2 grand (and that's on the cheap( for a single decent couch that you're stuck with for a decade.


I would try a rich brown tweed with some flecks of the wall colour in it.


Oh! Second this. A pathway to making a room feel warm!


5 and I agree that you will need some color (pillows, blankets, art, plants, etc)


Thanks, we’re planning on having some plants around the house and looking to incorporate some forest green colour maybe through pillows or as an accent chair


I am a big fan of neutral main pieces and changing color as my tastes change. I googled sofa colors for grey hardwood. Some neutrals, blacks, navy, turquoise and this caramel tarnish color showed up. I liked the No. 7 color.


Hear me out, I just a color pop couch and I love it. Mine is burnt orange and brings so much warmth in front of my fireplace. So cozy for the holidays.


I have a turquoise couch. I've been just as in love with it today as I was 5 years ago. I decorated my living room and then subsequently the main floor to complement it. My wall colours for the main floor all work with the couch too. It's so easy to pair it with seasonal & holiday decor. The living room, hallways, and one landing are all beach themed to go with the couch.


It was either turquoise or orange for me! Matches my indian living room theme.


I've had my orange couch for 10 years. Love it still.


Now I want an orange couch. Bad. Kthx bai!


I gave my rug and sofa colors above. Accents either in peach/rosy pastels or blues or greens or a mash of thrm


1. Navy blue. 2. Emerald green. 3. Sage green. 4. Plants. 5. An art for the wall.


Was coming here for this! My couches are navy blue and not only do I love them, they are a great neutral. White/grey walls provide a nice backdrop for large, bright art. Accented with hot pink, rich yellow, and fun colours in accessories.


8 or none of these it's all kind of sad and beige


"...new from the Werner Herzog collection..." Seriously though, Of the selection offered, 3, 7, or 4, and I'd add pumpkin or lapis blue throw pillows or an "odds and ends" rainbow afghan. I'd also add a red and cream Persian-esque rug.


I was thinking the green might work?


Green would be lovely!!


Ha! I laughed out loud.


literally none of these


My thoughts exactly. I've never seen such a hard choice between such boring colours. I'd do a royal blue couch and go from there. At least a bold colour is a statement.


And most blue couches are going to be as neutral as any of the swatches above. Navy is a classic staple for a reason.


Wish I could award you


I want to say 2, but PLEASE add some color with maybe some throw pillows, curtains, a rug


Whichever is the furthest from gray.


All of these are depressing


Yes! The grey floor makes me sad, the blah couch color makes me exponentially more sad.


One day historians will study why gray had such a grip on Millenials. They need to let it go already. Not only does it look sad. But it also looks like every cheaply flipped house on Zillow.


Ohh thank God finally someone said it. These are depressing right.


Looks like your only options are gray or beige.


Greige perhaps?


Not the white one…. It will be a nightmare to keep clean. If you have kids or pets pick the closest to dirt color as possible. Top right or bottom left.




I like #1 because it looks warmer; I also like the texture.


I like 1 too, but agree with others, get color into your room I other ways if you don’t do a colored couch.


Is this a serious question?


Stop buying all this gray stuff. Every post is how do I add color. I am not fussing at you OP but I wish everybody stop buying all this gray straight line furniture. There isn't any warmth or coziness with most of it.


It looks like the Alibaba version of Kim Kardashian’s house.


5 or 9, as long as there is a LOT of color added with rugs, blankets, pillows. Everyone is hating on grey, but I have a grey couch and (off)white walls, and my living room is otherwise FULL of color. It's nice to have some neutral pieces to add color to, rather than start with a boldly colorful couch that then defines/limits your remaining palette.


Yeah we basically did the same thing and we have wood trim to warm things up. I love that I can change out my decor colors - way easier than changing the furniture color! And not everyone loves a ton of color in their home. I have touches of it, but I'm just not a fan of vibrant colors in my home. I tend to lean towards more calm, earthy tones.


I like 8. Personally, I won't get another colored sofa/chair again like other posters are suggesting. I got sick of the color after awhile and it's not just something you can change due to affordability. So, I get why these are the choices. You can always incorporate color with rugs, pillows, throws, and decor. These are just the "base" as I like to think of it.


Exactly. People should really back off in these comments... not everyone likes the same things and going neutral for the expensive parts makes complete sense.


The comments are so judgy and obnoxious. It’s what OP likes, and most of them are being too judgmental to actually help them with their question. There’s others neutrals people could suggest too if they don’t really care for one of the samples.


Neutrals can also be done beautifully if that's what the OP likes. An all neutral room isn't for me, but if that's what someone likes, I can appreciate that for them. Some people just like a more clean and simple look. And yes, the comments are pretty spicy in here. Yikes!


I agree. We picked neutrals for permanent fixtures and things like large furniture. I'm not replacing a couch every few years. I want it for life basically. But we have fun blankets, pillows and rugs and art. Plus we live here so there's definitely evidence of life everywhere you turn. (That said we have kids so easy clean, dark ish color ther hides stains well we got a warm brown couch)


None of these. All beige or grey and sad. Try a brown leather, or a colour. Green would look lovely.


Be careful with a light couch!!! I had a friend with new jeans that sat on mine. When they left I could see the dye had rubbed off and stained the couch 😭


Info: decor? aesthetic? Style of the couch? It’s hard to tell. I would go with 8 based on what I read in other comments


I don’t know how people always ask these questions in isolation. Picking things one by one without a plan or style in mind is a recipe for regret.


Methinks it’s rage bait atp. Especially with how little OP is interacting with their own post.


Maybe because people are being assholes here? They asked for help choosing from a certain selection of colours and most of the people commenting are ripping on their choices. I wouldn’t want to engage with those folks either.


Which beige, gray or white goes best with our beige, gray and white?


Which grey beige goes best with my greige vinyl floors?


Tbf posts like this are almost begging to become rage bait bc exactly- we’re not being shown any sort of actual vision for this space.


I like 1 & 6. Warmer


Saaaame same


The room needs warmth. Of the swatches here, I only like 8 but I don’t love it so I’d keep looking. The swatch colors here might look better/feel warmer or cozier in velvet. I’d also consider more vibrant colors to offset the predominant cool taupey greige vibe.


do you have children? Usually you would do the highest contrast, but that would be white and a white couch is just asking for it. Blue would be better.


Do you have small children and or dogs? If so, a darker color would serve you well. If not, any of the colors would go well.




I like 6 and am annoyed at everyone obsessing with colour. It’s fine! In my view colour is best to add with cushions throws rugs etc that are cheaper and easy to change. And keep the expensive items neutral.


Same! I like 6 and 1. People need to stfu about color. Some people like color. Some people don’t. Some people just follow the trends as they go in and out! Who cares! Also these are lovely neutral tones that color can be added to easily if one so desires. A beautiful red or blue Persian rug. Throw pillows with texture and color. Art.


It's Like people never saw an inside shot from architectural digest


I don’t think people here understand some people enjoy being sad beige individuals and find comfort in it. 😂 I am one but I prefer the term neutral queen


Queen of Cream!


The green tape color is really nice!


My eyes immediately zoned in on the green tape, and thought it was the nicest option, too!


What is your name? "u/gonehalohunting" What is your quest? "To decorate my room." What is your favorite color? "Um... er... AAAAARGH!" I don't want to see your floor or your walls. I want to see your rugs and your artwork. I want to know what your and your partner's favorite colors have been since middle school. I want to see something joyful.


He who would decorate the living room must answer me these questions three, ere the perfect couch he see! Seriously though- the builder finishes are meant to be bland and ignorable. Pick what is important to you and work your way outward from there, not from your background inward.


I like 4 the best! 5 next.


The wall seems to have a warm white colour, just ensure the couch you choose will have a warm undertone as well. We chose a cold grey against a warm white and we still regret it…


8 is honestly the only one I’d probably go for, but I also love the white/cream couch look so I’m a little bias. I have a couch very similar to that, it’s a Winston couch in the color “anders ivory”. I absolutely love it. However I’m single, no kids or pets. Or else I would’ve opted for something darker. But if you can go for a cream/ivory color like that I think it would look great. With some colorful green accent pillows and such.


Dark teal




None of the above. Get a color.


Depends on what your rug looks like. If the rug is mostly light, you could go darker with the couch. Just seeing the swatches on the dark floor with the wall, I’d say 1 or it’s too dark


7. White couches never stay white 😅🤣


I’m curious to hear how a professional interior designer would approach choosing a sofa color. For me, I’d be looking at more than floors and wall color but also the size of the space, the rug, art, the feeling of the space and everything else overall. Also while I like the look of a light colored sofa, and it often looks nice in a Pottery Barn catalog, I would feel more comfortable with something a little darker to avoid worries of stains and marks standing out. I also like more of a contrast here of lighter walls so I’d lean towards one of the darker tones.




Bottom middle. Is that 8? That’s my choice. Hope you get lots of colorful accents!!


I just feel like they’re all the same level on non-impact. From my perspective, it doesn’t matter which you pick; they’re all wildly neutral.


Do you have dogs or kids? If yes then get the drak one. No kids or pets get the one you like the best.


These same colors are what I used when I first moved into my house. I changed it pretty quick. Grab color, jewel tones would be gorgeous in here.


8 or 9


I think the room needs a touch more beige or brown


Do you have children? If so, go dark


Whatever you choose - accent with color and live plants


Really think about if you’re sure you wanna deal with a WHITE couch.


Wall and floor are warm tones, couch should be cool for contrast. 4 or 5.


I just loved N8! I think it's perfect.


I don't even see colors. I am literally looking at some shades of beige, dude...


They’re all horrible


The tape color is super fun. I would choose none of the actual options.


A color! Any color


Gray is done. I wouldn’t invest in gray furniture at this point. Literally anything with some warmth.


You will pry gray off the midwestern moms wearing gray sweatpants, beige pool slides and holding their pink Stanley Tumblers from their cold, dead hands.


“From the creators of the sad beige baby…”. Greige is so blahhh and honestly super dated. I vote for the tape.


I like no. 1 because it reads as a natural burlap shade. It is easier to clean, and can work with lighter or darker colors. BTW personally would advise not to get a couch with a chaise section if your house or apartment is small. Seems like everyone is getting them these days.


I like 2 and 5. Both are a medium tone so they will be good for wear and they also appear to have more of a neutral undertone similar to the floor so they could go either way with other warm or cool things that you use in the room. I know other people are giving you a hard time but I feel like this is a post I could literally make myself over showing my friends and family six white coloured paint chips 😂 I think going with a big piece of furniture in a neutral is a really great idea and decision for longevity. Definitely spending the money incorporating neutral tone colours in other pieces like rugs, pillows, accent chairs, and plants is an excellent idea. IMO


6 or 9


I have these walls and these floors. I’m had the darker color and it made the room look dingy - regardless of throw pillows. What worked for me was to match the floor board - the white. Then I added in straw colored baskets, ottoman etc. it looks bright and alive. Trust me, the darker color will depress you.


Do a navy blue or burnt orange, green or red Something bold since a couch takes up SOOO much space (You would probably enjoy having something darker to cover accidental spills etc.)


Looking at the floor and walls, it should be a color.


I was thinking red, or orange or a fun bold color


Bright red or dark orange, with lots of plants and abstract art


Grey apparently


Orange or turquoise maybe purple


Thanks everyone for the suggestions. Didn’t expect this to bring out so many strong opinions. We like the idea of going with a more neutral coloured couch and providing colour within our home through throws, pillows, plants, wall art, art on shelves and perhaps an accent chair. It’s not that we hate colour, but couches are expensive and not something that we can easily swap out if we get tired of the colour. Hence why are looking at neutrals.


But neutrals are a trend. And they’ve been a trend for 15 years now. Right now that floor and those colors say “developer flip job”. Bring some character into your home. You won’t regret it. Right now it’s poised to look like a plastic surgeon’s waiting room.


The plan is to bring in colour, just not through a couch because once we commit, we are stuck with it. We like the idea of changing out our decor with the seasons, so having neutral furniture that can go with most things would be ideal.


All nine of these are the same colour. Unless you meant the green tape? The green is lovely. Go with a green sofa.


None of these are colors.


Not pictured: color


Are you “[sad beige](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/14/style/tiktok-beige-apartment.html)” girlfriend?


1 or 7. If you have kids/pet just go with 7. Ignore the haters. Add some art and fun color elsewhere. Reddit design hivemind is gonna hate unless it's green...


The green one!


Any other color, but NOT those you posted, OP. Unless you want to be surrounded by depressing beige/grey. Green for example would be nice, or terracotta. Or even red! Not sure why people are so afraid of more bold colors...


The thought of a red couch is nightmare inducing.


Red or green- too matchy and bland


The couch should be a color.


3, 5, or 7, depending on the rest of the space. What is the wall colour? It looks like BM Old Prairie


Our builder told us it’s this colour: https://www.sherwin-williams.com/en-us/color/color-family/white-paint-colors/sw7637-oyster-white


Don’t let people hate on you for liking neutral colors. I got absolutely roasted by Reddit for my “grey hellscape” … but furniture is EXPENSIVE. If you are selecting fabric swatches I can guess the sofa you are choosing is not cheap. Stepping completely out of your comfort zone for a green sofa is probably not financially great advice for an custom non-returnable item. My advice is to choose the darkest (3 or 7) sofa that feels the most comfortable. I think you could do better than these swatches, but none of them are “sad” and people on Reddit are over dramatic. Accent pieces and decor items are easier to take big risks on bring color into your home - so do that whenever the time comes.


Thanks, we are spending a lot of money (for us at least) on this couch, so we can’t afford to simply replace it if we get sick of the colour. Too many people here seem to have assumed that just because we want a neutral couch, that our whole house is going to be neutral which isn’t the case. We picked these swatches because these were the fabrics that were available for the couch we like (comfort was our priority) and are neutral in color and most resistant to wear, pilling and color transfer.


None of those. They are all the color of sad oatmeal.


Your home is going to look like a hospital waiting room. Please consider an actual color. Green (like the tape) is actually great advice.


5, dead center.


Bottom left or top right ✔️




2 or 8 but forsure not 3 or 7 they blend with the floor too much


3 or 4


6 for me








2 & 5


One or six. Less matching brown and not white enough to show every spot.


Ummm. 5??


Number 6!




I went with something similar to 5. It's got a little warm, a little cool, and a little depth, so no matter what direction you go it won't look like the wrong tone.




I’d pick 6




I like 5


3 🌝


6. Compliments the paint. Doesn't disappear into the woodgrain of the floor.


Agree with 5…. Olive velvet pillows , accents chairs or curtains would be such a statement! Your art of sofa should be 2/3 length of sofa… find something with olive and and additional color to use as another accent color to go with olive Pillows… post after pics!


Lower left


I like 5. It goes well with the floors. 2 and 1 are my next picks.


One . Has the tone of the floor but light enough to have some contrast with the floor . 3&7 are too close to blending into the floor . The rest are too gray or beige .




I love 1 or 5. I like the paler colors but with my dogs I’d be worried about keeping them clean. I like the very neutral palate you’ve chosen because it’s easy to add and change out accent colors with rugs, pillows, curtains and artwork.


I feel like number 1 is the best choice. It's warm and inviting and I feel like it's the most versatile.


2, 3, or 5. They look great with black & white.


The gray one! lol!


Cherry red


None of the above. Go for something different to avoid this being a sea of beige.


Red. Think of red as a neutral color You don't really buy that concept I know. But just try it, it works.


All of those colors are boring, unless that's what you're going for?


3 or 7.




Dark grey



