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I would pull the sofa back so that the front of the sofa still sits on the rug. Maybe even pull the rug a short distance from the tv stand. This will add up to more space being taken up and leave an acceptable amount of negative space behind the sofa. If you add things, you might not be happy with the additional visual clutter.


Some people need the couch closer to the tv to see (I'm guilty of that)


Especially for murdering tweens on Warzone.


Luckily my gaming days are mostly behind me, just think my eyesight might be not as sharp as it once was. That or 4K tv has too many fine details for me to see 30 feet away :)


Good choice. That way the third window is brought into the TV space.


As a movie buff, do not move the sofa back. That placement is perfect. If you don't care about movies, then go ahead as normal :) Regarding the space behind, a long rug and a plant on the left wall.


You pull that couch any farther, when you sit, that tv will disappear. Put a dinner table there. Or even a poker table.


that is a giant televison


Have you tried an optometrist?


Have you tried going outside and getting vitamin d with your 94k karma?


You may want to change your username to negativedaikon


Just like all the downvoted comments on their profile lol


I saw your comment hours earlier, where you called me a he before you edited. Did you just assume my gender? I understand your generation wants to make up biology.


Cool anyway why you so mad on Reddit? Is it fun for you lol I’m genuinely curious


Oh, So it is fine for others to talk shit but not me? Fuck off.


Okay look I shouldn’t have talked shit so I’m not innocent, but you have to admit you overreacted to that first person and purposely tried to offend them about something completely trivial. It was a childish response, and I know I’m just a stranger on the internet but hopefully someday you gain some self awareness; people will talk shit about you less if you do


Change your name to VitaminDdeficiency. You and sledgehammer tried to be punk dicks and act like a victim. Both are pathetic.


Just move it further away from the TV.


This is the answer. Don’t be afraid of open. Don’t confuse empty with clean. Clean and open is nice.


And add a chunky coffee table


And a lounge chair facing the window to make it more conversational


and acrylic chunky coffee table screams open space!


I agree especially bc the tv is larger so it’ll still be watchable and maybe even more watchable from further away


You should move it further into the room to start. The front feet only need 4-5 inches on the rug.


Embrace the space! Looks like a great spot to dance. Space is luxurious.


Oh my god!! I have a pretty good sized living room and haven’t bought furniture for it since I don’t know how to lay it out yet but I’m definitely leaving an open space for just that!


My husband and I ballroom dance and this is definitely what I thought of 😍


Exactly! I love it as it is


For the open space, a Great Dane or Newfie to keep the cat company. Or move the sofa back so the front edge of the sofa is at the edge of the rug.


Or a Great Pyrenees. They like cats.


Can confirm.


Move sofa back and add sofa table


Maybe a bar table that is the same width as the couch and add stools.


This! We put a bar height table behind the couch that is the same length as the couch and a couple of very comfy nice looking bar stools. There is a power strip that I mounted underneath. It gets used so much! You can sit there and eat to watch TV, no more crumbs on the couch, and if you use a laptop it’s a great place to sit. That table gets used a LOT.


Exactly! I don’t have the layout to do this but would love to in my next place.


That’s a good idea


I second a bar top with stools. Something very simple that compliments the color scheme. It'll add more entertaining space too


Looks like you have the beginnings of a wooden Metrolink about to start construction, so maybe a cute train table instead of the bench?


Very observant! And also a very good point. The little shoes point to needing play space, so a train table or lego table. And some toy storage.


Edit to add: before pic of living room [https://imgur.com/gallery/VHHlMto](https://imgur.com/gallery/VHHlMto)


We did you move the couch closer? As others say, I’d move it back. But keep the rug orientation as it is now


A shallow table and a few chairs. I did this out of necessity in an apartment and it was great. I could eat, work, draw, etc while watching my favorite shows


I would get a larger run and move the couch back


Exactly. Sofa should be in front of the left window. Larger rug needed. They are only using 2/3 of their room for some reason.


Pool table 😎


It’s a beautiful room


You wiil find here amazing ideas about how [enhancing the space behind couch ](https://scdecorum.com/enhancing-the-space-behind-couch-12-ideas-you-will-love/)


Dinning table


I think that’s right by her front door though which would be sorta weird


I would back the sofa up more and have a cabinet or something thicker behind it


Actually adding to that idea pull the couch and rug back a little more and then put a coffee table in


First of all, it's not empty space, it's fgn acreage right there. You got a dining set? Boom. Especially if the kitchen is to the left. p.s. don't move the sofa, move the rug up flush to the edge or the credenza dealio (looks good, just dk what it's called), and drop a coffee table in between. Pull the chair away from the window, so it's closer to the coffee table, so there's a grouping of seats. Put a plant behind it. Or, if the front door is to the left, put a sideboard behind the couch and make it a household landing zone, for incoming mail, and to assemble things that are going out. Maybe have a big centerpiece on it, florals or sculpture or whatever, that could, you know, kinda tie the room together 😉


We sat further away from the tv growing up with screen half that size. Why is it squished in so close?


That’s a big kitty


Just move the couch back. Seems unnecessarily close to the TV.


Cat jungle gym


I think the couch is way too close to the tv, it would actually look better a couple of feet back (it will almost line up with the middle of the first window in the pic. And then you can add 2 cozy chairs.


This is the real answer!


A rug


Add some plants!


Maybe it’s just me, but there’s nothing wrong with having empty space sometimes


Empty isn’t bad! It’s space. If you want to make it smaller then I’d move the couch back a bit. I think it looks good the way it is though 😁


I disagree with everyone saying to move it further away to take up more room. In my experience people like smaller seating areas where you can talk to people in the adjacent seating area because people tend to want to do different activities. So I’d recommend a small round dining table with three of four comfortable chairs setup behind sofa with maybe a pendant hanging over the center of table to anchor it. Even with no J box you can swag the power cord and hang it in the perfect location.


I totally agree. I love how cozy this feels. The dining area is to the right of the couch currently. https://preview.redd.it/hxlphbqsh15d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d154ea99ad5821889eb32eb890e6f7c7a016615f


You didn’t make it cozy, you made it cramped. The sofa was in the right position before. The problem was you had the recliner in front of it and nothing to the right of it. Plus, your coffee table was too small. https://preview.redd.it/r1zpgdwmb45d1.png?width=2388&format=png&auto=webp&s=34a96ccf0a088f83ebc1aba010f63b4adca1c123


The rug was also oriented the wrong way in the "before" pic.


Gotcha, hmm. Can you take one more wide angle shot that shows everything together for me.


Here it is! https://imgur.com/a/Wav92XW


It's lovely, and it's better than your "before" pic, but the seating area looks a little cramped. I think you'll still have the cozy vibe you're going for if you scoot the couch back by a couple of feet. Keep the rug in its current orientation, and keep the corner chair angled toward the couch. I get why you wanted to change the "before" arrangement -- the rug was oriented the wrong way and the chair facing the TV was the opposite of cozy. Overall, I love your space and style and all that sunlight!


Thanks! I can see how it all works together now. I suppose it would be silly to have another dining type table and chairs. What if you just did a round table with no chairs as sort of an entryway table? Keep some kind of centerpiece on it with daily items being placed around the edge. Like a big floral or dry seasonal foliage arrangement It will act as a focal point when you walk in the door.






Thanks 😂




Id add a rectangular dining table and six chairs. If you have company watching a game- you need more seating and that would work well. It would be much better for entertaining.


Depends on what your needs are. I could see a kitchen table there, a desk, a kid's play area...but if you're covered for those things, let the space just be space. It's a luxury, honestly.


A fancy rug


Sorry to not add anything but I looove your floors and windows. Your space is beautiful


Nothing I love it


Another sofa


If you have a dog (or dogs), that space would be their playground to run around.


If I had the space, I would make it as my exercise space. You know, yoga, dancing, or others.


A small table with a couple of chairs for chess, puzzles, games and crafts. We LOVE ours.


I suddenly felt cozy. Your room is spacious and I like it that way. Might wanna try to add mini bookshelf near your window, change your coffee table and you're all good!


Bookshelf backing up to the sofa, remove the small white table/bench that’s presently there. A circular rug, two small armchairs and a small table in the middle of the chairs. If you want to really single out the space, hang a circular mosquito net from the ceiling enveloping the bookshelf and carpet area. Best of luck


Lego space/train table for the kiddo!


Like yours, my living room wasn't "missing" anything, but my open concept living/dining/kitchen was desperately lacking in kitchen cabinet and storage space. The back of my sofa faces the dining/kitchen area, so I placed a large buffet/console behind it. Not only did it give me tons more storage space, but it helps to visually divide the spaces. Just an idea!


Why do so many people hate a little bit of space? I would leave this as it is. It gives your lovely cat some room to play with his or her toys.


A grand piano, then invite me over to play.


Move it back 12-24 inches and add some baskets for toys. Looks like you may have kids from toys in other pictures and having nothing there is PERECT. Let them play!


This is really tricky! I saw your earlier photos and can see what you mean about the couch being too far away from TV before. I think I would try to split the difference, like if the couch used to be 5 feet closer to front door move it back 2 feet. Then I would get a substantial piece of furniture to replace that sofa table - like a long/low bookshelf or cube shelf thing, and fill it with books (or baskets for toys). You’ll still have a lot of floor space but I think filling the back of the couch more visually will help it look more open/airy vs open/empty.


I would get a bigger rug and move the couch back to align with the first window. Then you can add another small loveseat in front of the windows and two chairs across from it with a big coffee table.


Pull the sofa back a bit. Add side tables and table lamps on both sides. Behind the sofa, a sofa table that only takes a portion of the length would look nicer. Behind that, on the left hand side of the photo, there is a partial wall that is crying out for a cabinet, about waist high, for a bar or something similar. Here’s a picture as an example: https://preview.redd.it/trpemkhhl55d1.jpeg?width=867&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2b51cde0a46feb73ebe0a92c5942c5a8493405b


A small little table with a couple chairs to enjoy morning coffee!


lovely place you have!


When we had kids this is where we’d put the tent. The tent was an amazing play and chill space but also a great place to quickly stash all the toys then zip up. It would be a great spot for a puzzle or game table. A little bistro set would be cute.


The sofa provides a place for people to sit while watching TV. Create a conversational area in the open space. Add a rug to define it as a separate space. Two (maaaabye three) comfortable club style chairs in a color that distinguishes it from the tv space. Ditch the bench behind the sofa and add a console for storage and more visual interest. You could also make this into a space for a small round table for cards or board games if you like those activities. Found rug if you do the round table. And, just my personal taste, please add a little color in that room. White walls, white drapes, white furniture….just some accents.


That would be a great space to do yoga, or a similar activity.


Another sofa facing the other way


Another cat.


I would move the couch back and a little to the left, then put the recliner on the right side of the couch at an angle and put a small end table between the chair and the couch. I would move the lamp to the other side of the tv because you have enough light from the windows you really don't need a lamp there, and then you can move the kitty thing to that corner. If you don't need or want a coffee table then by all means (with a toddler) don't use one. I would take the two tan chairs and put them behind the couch and the coffee table in front of them or if you have the room between them, kind of like a sitting room. I would add another rug (if you could find another one close to the other one would be great) to put under the two chairs. The chair by the door can go in another room if you have room for it. You could always use the bench at your dining table for added seating and put one of the chairs at the end of the table. I would add another area rug under the dining table as well. I saw the little cubby shelf at the end of the table. You could always put that behind the couch to use for shoes, and other things when you come in or go out the front door. Or depending on how wide the hall from the door is you could put the cubby under the coat rack by the door. There are so many possibilities it would be fun to just try some things out until you find something you like.


I've seen people put a bar-height table behind the sofa, with bar stools. You could put another sofa, back-to-back, or a couple easy chairs for a seating area.


I would swap that bench with a table that side that is as tall as couch then u can put books and picture and more things on it to section the space off! Move couch further back off of it and center it with TV


Bar with stools!


Move the sofa back even with the starting window then center your rug


*Move the sofa back* *Even with the starting window* *Then center your rug* \- Interesting\_Salt\_399 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


As others have said, move the sofa back so the front legs are on the back of the rug. Leave the sofa table behind the sofa. Move the recliner so whomever sits there can see the TV, too. Move the lamp between the recliner and sofa so you can either sit on the recliner or lie on the sofa to read or take a nap with the cat laying on your chest. Move the cat tree closer to the window on the left. Get another cat to keep that cutie in the picture company.


Pull that couch back!!


If you don’t paint that insane asylum ass room 😤😭


More cats


Console table with lamps etc


Pull sofa half back against rug, get a bigger buffet cabinet or large flower set up to put on that back table. Get a runner rug. Put a half moon table against that column to the left w a light or flower arrangement


Bring the TV down 8-10 inches. The center of the TV should be at eye level when sitting.


Pull the sofa back so the front is at the edge of the rug




Bigger rug. Move couch back further!


A reading area? facing away from the tv?


More cats.


Nothing . Just let it be as it is


If you like to read you could put some bookshelves (make sure you leave enough space or put something soft on the backs so people don't bonk their heads when they lean back) it would kind of separate the room a bit and make it feel like you have a tv area and a chill/reading zone


Everyone is telling you to move the sofa back more, but I think they’re wrong. Keep it right where it is so you can see the TV properly and just enjoy the free space. It doesn’t need to be filled up.


A couple more cats would go perfectly!


Great space for yoga or dance practice. Otoh, a small game table where you can set up a puzzle in case the movie gets a little boring?


I’d move the couch back and open that area, expose the rug, and get a little coffee table. Like I’d move it so far back the center window is at least fully displayed. You have an amazing living room, but the actual living room area comes off as cramped and the beautiful windows aren’t being utilized to their potential.


Add a rug with a busy pattern and maybe put one of those long ottoman bench. Maybe put some tall plants on the sides. Or maybe a skinny tall long table top with barstools


A rectangular dining table and a few chairs.


card table and chairs


I can’t do cartwheels or round offs but that empty space is a great spot to do it.


A large interesting area rug


A dining room table? Or maybe just a big rug


Some tall open shelving. Need to play with furniture arrangement to make it feel cozy. Create smaller areas within the room. Get some items with colors other than white. Need contrast.


I like it, if you want to separate it, you can have a high bookshelf like ikea kallax and add a small round table with some chairs, maybe?


You could have a library table rather than your narrow bench behind the sofa. It would be higher than your bench and probably twice as wide. You could have a lovely curated introduction to your home, with a vase of flowers maybe and some carefully chosen ceramics or baskets for depositing keys, mail, whatever needs a landing spot as you come in the house. Then just enjoy the breathing room that's left. The bench looks like it would be more useful at the end of a bed or maybe as a foot rest or coffee table in front of the sofa, if you moved it back some.


Some reading nook chairs, a little table, small area rug. A cozy area to sit and enjoy a book, a relaxing drink… they can face what I’m assuming is a window?? But they would face away from the tv area https://preview.redd.it/57jat78p0f5d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f64b6adc8e17656c784d0161f1945741e9f4600d


Don’t fill in on purpose, it’ll fill in. Just wait.


You can do a way bigger couch!


Shuffle board


A large rug


A large bookcase. Will basically section the room and you can still have a bench entryway


Hot tub?


I have a set of long shelves that sits just under the back of the couch and is almost as long as the couch. I store things in it because I don't have a lot of storage in my space, and it's also nice to have something behind me for an extra drink or something like that


I’d back the couch up a bit and enjoy the space.


Think of this space in 3rds instead of halves. That will make a much more appealing room


Ooo interesting thought. what would you suggest?


Move everything closer to the TV including carpet.. it should touch the TV stand and then u can get two sitting chairs for behind the couch


It's too much white you need color


The room needs a large sofa