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It looks like a 80s Burger King.




Depending on your taste, I’d wallpaper one wall…maybe something like this (but there are many options): https://www.janeclayton.com/sanderson-dandelion-clocks-wallpaper-slate-dopwda103-us/


Oh wow, that paper on the dark wall instead would be STELLAR. so lovely!!! OP you NEED TO be proud of your desire for bold color!!! But it also has to be balanced with natural light.


You made my day.


Definitely add wallpaper! It will tone things way down. This example is beautiful Also, repainting the ceiling from black to white would help immensely Then, once the furnishings are in, the total look may be cohesive and not so *Halloween* themed


Ohhh. I think the wall to the right of the dark gray window wall would be great with this. Install just to the beam area.


Lovely suggestion 👌


Were you going for Halloween? Haha


Needs a hamburger chair with tomato and pickle throw pillows and hot dog sofa with the dog roll. Popular with Gen z right now. EAIaIQobChMIrpCn_d7dhgMVTkh_AB35qwG_EAQYASABEgLSF_D_BwE https://shop.gessato.com/hot-dog-sofa/?srsltid=AfmBOorcwUTW2M4bvHiOW_zmq4rJzyXeYg3lcFAD4AI2DCB1Bbfj5EzHdI8


I think those are my gym’s colours




No, not even in the US. Cleary not an original gym branding.




it's too halloweeny. i tried to do a warm sunset color once and it was just straight up halloween. had to paint over it.


It’s the black. black ok, orange ok, together =🎃


You guys big Philadelphia Flyers fans? Or really big into a Halloween vibe? 😬 To each their own, but if you're asking, I'm not into it. It's just such a specific color combo with a very particular connotation for me. I def prefer a neutral or even a stark black/white wall and then pulling color in with art, furniture, or drapery, etc.


It looks gold to me so I was thinking maybe Steelers. 😆


i do in fact love halloween and fall lol, just though the black and orange might work together


A plum might have worked better


Maybe softened a bit? Like a deep charcoal (iron ore, kendall charcoal) and orange clay?


I feel like this color is much more vibrant than your mockup. Not sure if you’re good with that.


it did feel different in person yeah


Wow, I’m going to sound really stupid here, and I’m not giving you a hard time at all, this is genuine: Which one is the mockup? And, how did you know that? I feel like I’ve seen similar responses before, and I’m definitely being dumb about something here… please help! OP - I had chosen the exact same color once (the house was quite differently-shaped and the room had sliders and a ton of natural light, but no matter). After it went on the wall, I had an immediate “uh oh. No.” reaction. Gave myself another 24 hours to give it a chance, and… No. It’s a pretty color, but apparently doesn’t work well on a wall!


Yeah I don’t see a mockup here either. Maybe the person is assuming there was a mockup before OP painted?


Thanks for making me not feel so alone! I guess I need to remember the sorting algorithm next time I get confused!


It’s a few comments down!


Ah, ok thanks, haha I thought I was missing some magical ability to differentiate between 2 pics whereby one was a mock up (and yet, the color looked exactly the same in both, to me!


It’s your house so it only matters if you like it. I personally do not but it isn’t my house so my opinion doesn’t matter.


Um, clearly your opinion does matter as the OP is asking for yours. You gave it too be saying you personally don’t like it.


Are we intentionally keeping both colors? Alone they’re… not great. But together they’re…. Extra not great.


It’s hard to say. What type of furnishings and such are you planning on using in the space? Is it possible to post a mood board on here? As of now it looks very block print. If you style it with pattern and texture it could be pretty groovy.


here is a mockup i made roughly outlining it https://preview.redd.it/3hxwzcig7n6d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=b47860d0e0bcbdab382980e537eb3c9c456582dc


It's the shade of orange. You need to go way way darker, almost to brown. The light in the room is sending your already bright orange into overdrive. And maybe a better quality paint, something more matt. That would help absorb some light rather than bouncing it all over the place.


OP have you considered wallpaper? There’s lots of great peel and stick options on Amazon that give a modern wood panel look, I think this could give you the same kind of vibe without it being so orange. I think this would look great with the black accent walls.


might alter the position of the couch and desk but the idea of the room overall is the same


What app do you do this on??!!! I been trying to do stuff like this 😭


This would make for a KILLER creative space! Art office, 3D print lab, cosplay room, etc. It's so playful and fun! I'd paint a creative area like this.


I don't know, I like it. It looks bold and bright and very... Interesting. Edit: think of your furniture colours. Use bright art pieces. I think you can make something cool here.


Yeah I love the orange! Just maybe not with the darker color, that part just looks unfinished to me. Not sure if it's the color or if it's a flat paint or something, but the light just doesn't hit it right. But if they maybe do all orange, or do the brown(?) in a lighter shade I think it could still work. My parents have bright gold, orange, and brown in their living room, they are in AZ so it really works with their southwesty vibe (not saying it has to be southwesty, just that with the right decor it could still work well)


I was thinking it could work, too! It needs some relevance like a patterned rug and textiles. Personally, I would have started with an inspiration fabric, rug, or art. I also think a third color needs to come in; probably a deeper orange that leans a little brown, or I think the right blue-grey could work, too.


No. Just no.


This is usually when people panic, however, until you have the furnishings, plants and artwork in place you can’t truly see your vision through. As much as you’re tempted to change the paint now, I suggest finish the space, and live with it for a month and then decide. If it’s not right after that, just push everything into the center of the room and repaint. No big deal. Could try a step down orange, taking some brightness and saturation out of it. But keep going now.


yeah thats a good point, i will finish it then make the decision then


I definitely think it will chill out once the room is decorated. Maybe use a lot of blues and greens to soften it up a bit -maybe like a blue curtain and lots of plants? Then it will feel colorful and not as stark


Looks like the lobby of porn hub


Nooooooooooooo, lmao I was trying to picture it with plants and furniture and everything else, and now I can't unsee it. That would be an immediate paint over for me if I were OP and read this comment.




Im really sorry bro... I'd love to see an update photo


Nearly done! Will probably post an update next week sometime


I love orange, so it looks good to me. If you decide it's too much, you could repaint the orange walls to terracotta. I use it on walls a lot, and I love it.


Where's Jack


looks like when my mom painted our living room black & gold when the steelers were in super bowl xl


If I ever bought your house, this would be the very first thing I'd change.


Or a showroom for Harley Davidson.


This was a bad choice my guy


It’s too Nickelodeon orange for me


It looks more yellow on my phone.. like a spaghetti squash orange. I don't see nickelodeon orange.


Honestly I'd do a sort of gold/warm cream tone paint with that dark wood.


I would move furniture in before deciding. I hate every room I paint at first. And I start to like it when it all comes together. I know it's a pain to move stuff in and then back out again if you decide to repaint. But I think that's the best way to decide if you like it.


I personally like it and can see what kind of vision you’re going for, I think once you have everything decorated it will make more sense


I painted my entry way what I thought was going to be a teal, but ended up being much closer to a painter’s tape blue LOL. Anyway, I sat with it for awhile and decided it wasn’t my vibe and painted it another color that I love now. Thats the cool part about painting is that it really isn’t that hard to change. Finish moving stuff in and decorating, give it a bit, and then make your decision. That said, while this orange is my favorite color I don’t think it’s working for me, in this space, yet.


I don’t like it. I would have personally gone with a more muted orange and maybe an earthy brown in place of the black. The contrast between the two is too much for me.


Man, not for me. That Orange is... orange


The room looks like Halloween. That orange is truly hideous.


It’s a no from me dog.


I think decorating with modern cream light fixtures and splashes of bold tropical colors could make it a very classy vibe. Send pic after you furnish!


thank you for the suggestions!


You a San Diego Padres fan?




I like that orange it makes floor pop and brighter and I think blue is pretty but it will make it appear smaller being it's darker


I like it! 🖤🧡


it doesn't look bad per so, but too much. As someone who also chose a bold color against a neutral (bamboo green covered with light beige bookshelves) I loved it and then quickly grew to hate it. It's on my list of things to repaint to something a bit tamer.


Darker colors are gonna make the room feel more cramped and small. They work well in a study or office but for a larger living space you may want something lighter. It also all blends with your darker flooring. I might repaint the ceiling white. You might then consider a lighter orange shade…think a peach or citrus shade. I’d avoid the black accent walls. Another option is to go with an orange accent wall with black accessories/furnishing. Keep in mind it’s your house. You can have a Halloween vibe if you want. But I strongly recommend repainting the ceiling at the least and reconsidering the black accent walls.


All I think is Harley Davidson


It's too pumpkin. It needs to be a bit more autumnal/rust....a few shades darker will look much better if you want to stick with that colour.


Black walls, floor AND ceiling is grim and oppressive AF. That said, if it's an aesthetic that you guys are digging, then go for it. Maybe paint the two end walls orange as well, and just leave the pillar and small section of wall black to tie the floor and ceiling together.


“Let’s paint the room Naruto”


When you’re going bold is easy to get scared. This is especially true when we live in a world that keeps pushing a neutral aesthetic on all of us as if color is a ticket straight to hell. You won’t really know if you love it until you fill the space with your things. Go ahead and furnish and decorate it. And then see how it makes you feel.


I feel like in your mockup you were going for more of a cosy relaxed, terracotta type vibe. Instead this is like, bright pumpkin orange. I don't think it looks bad, but I don't think it's what you actually wanted.




I hate it. The best thing about paint is— it’s easy to change!


It’s giving Harley Davidson shop


🎃🕸️ 🧙


I hate it all, from the ceiling to the orange and the wall/ceiling/floor all being the same.


Not that


Personally, and i say this PERSONALLY so I don’t get downvotes for being rude. Orange is the ugliest color for an interior wall color in any space. It can be the brightest room, still a huge no. I’ve worked in painting and renovation, I’ve done some amazing colors, but orange is one I never liked doing. Obviously you can do whatever. But I personally say there are better colors lol, maybe go darker? The floors are black, and most of the other walls are already black, room is bright so it just doesn’t hit right for me. I do think during Halloween this room would be absolute vibe.


I love how you left the window wall the darker color. I love that color and you can do a lot to make that room great. The color reminds me of a place I stayed in Belize in a little bungalow on the beach. It was called the mango casita. The floors were just like that and it was decorated with dark wood furnishings.


My brother did this same color scheme in his room when he was 15... With that knowledge, can I suggest some brittish racing green accents to really drive it home.


I love it! I would have just done one bright accent wall but hopefully you can decorate it at the same level and the orange will be minimal! I did orange in my kitchen and accent red with navy blue— of course the buyers painted over everything BEIGE! https://preview.redd.it/xhvlsb69ft6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1c5362262e35a33ae4c15cbe6f61621a88a95f1


Weird, just did my basement almost like this. Went with more of a pale goldenrod tone though, and most walls the yellow, ceiling and one wall (in a niche alcove where my desk is) the cracked pepper. I would do the smallest side-wall and the beam? strip in the middle yellow, so the color isn’t broken up and striped, and only the end walls are black. Get a very vibrant rug (deep red turkish style!)


Change the dark paint to white or yellow to white and the ceiling


Agree. Dark colors in a house is not a good vibe.


I think once you put furniture and decor in it, it will come together.


À lot of negativity here... I like it a lot! It's great that someone is brave enough for some colours and I think this is an awesome combination. I have a different colour in every room and an orange one as well. I mean the black obviously makes the room smaller, but as it's longish I guess that's what you want, right? Make it more square than long? In my case the room is too small for a dark combination, but the orange with a light colour to compliment it makes it really refreshing. And it doesn't bite with anything in it, to my surprise. So, I like it!


I love the orange😍 but I also have my room highlighter yellow and Reddit is not a fan😂, so I’m the last person to ask😂


I have to agree with the people who say it looks bad, with the caveat that I'm not seeing the finished room. I would need to to see the room complete with furniture, area rug, window treatments, art work, and accessories before I could say with confidence that the wall colors were bad choices. Though I am confident in suggesting you paint the air vent cover to match the ceiling. It sticks out like a sore thumb.


Dark colors make a room feel smaller. Learned that long ago. Orange gets old fast but if you love it, it’s your home. If you’re dead set on that, try a really light pastel orange. For the other walls, see what else you like in a color palette. If set on a darker color, well, again, the walls closing in feeling. Maybe just the one wall (the smallest one) to add as an accent. Ceiling white. Otherwise you are basically just making a cave.


The skirting and architraves look out of place. Maybe paint those a different colour


I do not like it at all personally. But it’s your house, as long as you do it’s all that matters


I actually love it :)


Your mockup seemed to be more copper than straight up orange. I think if you can find a more coppercolor you would enjoy it more.


I like the Black accents, but the orange is not it. If you’re going with black then a more muted, darker would fit better imo. You could go with a dark and moody vibe.


Too bright.


Too Halloween 


Orange makes me happy!!🌹


I dig it but I also have blue and yellow walls 💜🤣


The black ceiling is cool but I would have done white walls or white ceiling and one accent wall with the orange. It is a pretty orange color just a lot for the entire room to be like this.


I feel like doing a wainscoting or something to break it up might make it look a bit better, as it stands now it reminds of a teens Halloween party. Either way though, it's your home, so if you like it go with it, you make your house a home for you and nobody else.


Pumpkin spice


I get the vibe you were after, but your mockups look more like a darker burnt orange, whereas this paint colour screams discount halloween bin. Maybe repaint the orange walls in a better orange?


I don’t care for it personally. I did the melon color in my youngest child’s bedroom. I immediately regretted it but it stayed on for a few years bc DH didn’t want to repaint! Lol


it’s giving pornhub headquarters


I thought it was a place of business tbh rather than a home but maybe with all the furniture in and the right decor it might look good.


https://preview.redd.it/u4s0cr80qq6d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=457fe36b53a65a2b5761b2bc9c32dbabc8760e4b I’d go with a more muted orange and color drench the room (paint the trim and ceilings the color as well).


As a Bengals fan, I dig it!


Is the ceiling wood or wallboard/plaster? If it’s the latter I’d paint that white. The dark color makes to room look dark and small. Edit: And I totally missed you painted some of the walls dark as well. Don’t do that. Make the walls one color (even orange), let that be the backdrop for what you’re putting in the room.




I like the orange. Lights up the room and it's unique


I stay stick with all orange cause black encloses


It looks like a Harley Davidson room.


Giants fan?


Ima have to pass on this. Black and white would’ve been better


Orange is a very energetic colour. Were you going for more of a terracotta colour? This colour orange might get on your nerves quickly. I don’t hate it because I have the same colour in my basement gym.


Linus Tech Tipps Ahhhh colour scheme


It’s giving me coffee shop vibes or like a retail or commercial space.


It’s a no from me. Looks super dated. Go with all one color and def not that gold color.


I instantly liked it. It's warm, but not boring. Looks different than the mockup, but I say go with it! It's interesting and friendly!


My immediate opinion is that I don’t like it, but is there a reason you chose these colors? is this supposed to be a man cave and these are said man’s favorite team’s colors? If that’s the case, then I think this could make sense once there is some memorabilia on the walls.


McLaren fans?


Bobs burgers Halloween episode where the Bob rolls onto teddys pet and kills it


It's giving pornhub or halloween


If it wasn't so black, and you had gone with white or cream and just had some darker brown furniture pieces it could work imo. But that shade of orange is.... Challenging to make a whole room around as you have it now. I think it's back to the drawing board.


Why would you ever choose this color???


I love your bold ideas. But no. Change the dark wall to light and maybe ok, but I think everything needs to come up at least two shades.


I kinda like it 🤷‍♀️ my living rooms main wall is a similar orange, I have a darker greenish color instead of black tho. I like the contrast. I think if the black had more of a green/blue undertone it would look better


It's giving Mizzou Tigers


I would go with a more calming and neutral olive green color… but if you like the electric pumpkin…


Are you a Bengals fan? You can make it work but probably need wallpaper like others suggested.


i wanted to do this to my bedroom when i was like 11 bcus i had an obsession with Garfield 💀 i’m glad she said no hahah


Yes repaint it the paint color is pretty bad




Happy Halloween




Local B&Q customer support office?


What exactly are you aiming for here? Because it’s giving unhealthy bee obsession. 🐝


It's a very bold choice. I think I would find it overwhelming with time. Maybe the same colors in a shade or two lighter 🤔


I think the room doesn’t get enough natural light to support such bold colors. These colors simply overwhelm the space, especially with the dark wood trim.


A&W vibes


Definitely getting Halloween colours vibes


I kinda love it 😍


Sorry, I’m from the 70’s and it’s too soon for me.


That's the color of my garden/sun room. I love it! But I also have more windows and plants to offset the orange a bit. It looks beautiful in the sun! And I'm using it as my launch color for the rest of the house. I'm doing a sunset/sunrise - native American color scheme. So I guess my suggestion is to carefully pick complimentary colors to go with it And all will be well.




Are you colorblind? Genuine question


You like Hermes?


I love the orange personally but not a fan of the other color. Can't tell if it's black or navy?


🎶This is halloween/pumpkins scream in the dead of niiight.


Creamsicle, no, to much of it.


I like the black. Orange is too bright. Try a rich terracotta instead.


Happy Halloween


I get your vision. Have them mix the color with 50% white and add 1 more coat.


Gotta get rid of that school bus marigold yellow! Maybe a slate/charcoal?


I love orange and had a pumpkin living room for ages (very divisive—can’t tell you how many people would say I love your home but this orange lol). Pairing with black or dark brown is like wearing orange with black…it feels more like costume or set design because of the halloween connotation. Red and green together have the same issue. The only way out of that if one is committed to using these color combinations is to change the saturations of one of the colors, use a blend of one of the colors to add unexpectedness to it, or invite lots of white or cream to the party. I used a slightly creamy ceiling and creamy trim although had I been braver (and single) perhaps that might have been celery green lol…


Pinterest is your friend


My husband picked out an orange like this for our living room and I really did not like it but he said I could pick every other color in the entire house if I let him pick this one so I rolled with it. I call it our cheeto wall. I will say, it got much more bearable once we put things on the walls to sort of break it up. I don’t hate it anymore (but would definitely repaint it in a heartbeat lol).




What other colors are you into? Or what other colors are already existing in your home in adjacent rooms? Depends on your taste but personally I would completely change the colors. It doesn't read as very homey to me but that's my perspective. You obviously have a specific sense of style so I'm sure there are other colors you can choose that still speak to who you are but create a relaxing setting.


Are you a Cleveland Browns fan?


That orange is tough for me, but I don’t know how it would look with your furniture. Are you going for cozy? Glamorous? Funky?


Halloween headquarters


I like the colors! I would not have gone with such a dark color on the ceiling, personally.


Did you paint the pornhub HQ?


I actually like it! Feels modern.


thank you!


I think it suits this room pretty well, matches the floor too. Good job




I like it! Paint color changes take a while to get used to. Get furniture and artwork and/or plants into the space and I’m sure you’ll love it!


i guess all that matters is do you like it? You have a vision. Take pictures when it comes together and share them.


It’s not to my taste, but I think it’s cool! Clearly a vision here. I might like it more if the wall with the door to the closet (? bathroom?) was also brown. It’s a little visually jarring to go from orange to brown to orange to brown in such a small corner. Plus, then the space with your bed will feel differentiated from the space with the couch and entertainment center. I might also suggest an opposite sectional, if possible, so that the back of the “L” faces the bed and makes it feel even more private from the couch/entertainment center. The couch will also feel more open/inviting to the door.


thats a really good point about the sectional, thanks!


Its Halloween everyday with you!




Looks like it could vibrant and fun. It depends on what you put in the space. Something that is both traditional in form and color won’t work as well as something modern or funky.


Very Hallowe'en...


It makes me want Halloween candy or a double cheese. 🤔


I like it!


I love it. The only one I’m unsure of is the one black walls and the flat part of the ceiling but like the black beams and floor with this warm yellow is awesome. Ppl here just don’t have vision ngl. ETA I think ppls screens are also showing different shades of the yellow / orange. Why don’t you say what the Pantone it looks closest to IRL is ?