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Looks like a $150 job to me.


Shit for $150 I’m surprised the mostly covered the entire floor.


I'm surprised he took the time to drive to their house.


My thought was you couldn't get the tile delivered to the house from the hardware store for less than $150. Much less have someone knock on your door to install it.


It’s possible the tile is only laying in place with no thinset.


Deleting all comments because the mod of r/tipofmytongue got me falsely banned for harassment ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


That goes for about $170 here


Damn inflation.




My first thought 😂


I think you guys mutually ripped off each other


On one hand, they paid $150 to have someone lay their flooring. On the other hand, they paid $150 to have someone lay their flooring.


My neighbor called himself a handyman. A lady called him because a tile came out from her shower with the sheetrock behind it. He went out there, put a small square of sheetrock in, used mastic to put the tile back, then grouted. No waterproofing, no fixing bad sheetrock, no tile spacers. He was excited when he showed me the picture of this crooked tile piece in the shower. He charged $300 for that. Guess I am now seeing what $150 looks like for a whole bathroom floor.


People don’t understand how important knowledge is to flooring guys. I’ve done 100s of thousands of wood flooring, but can’t do tile worth a shit.


Yes. I’ve dropped wood and laminate flooring plenty of times, but one time I decided “how hard could it be” to lay long tiles in my kitchen. Needless to say after a few months I ultimately ripped it out and installed waterproof Pergo instead.


Yeah. I’ve done a tile shower with factory seconds in a pattern where slight thickness differences at the edges looked like a textured effect. Looks cool and works on walls but getting tile to lay right on the floor I’ll hire a pro. The only time I might be tempted to tile myself is over a very flat and level concrete floor where I know there won’t be any settling. I’ve seen way too many tile jobs from reputable guys with a cracked tile here or there within the first 2 years.


Was he excited to show that he ripped her off or that he thought he did a good job? A LOT of people don’t have an eye for good work. Just wondering


The tile and the sheetrock came out together? Can't imagine how that would happen unless someone cut through both.


A lot of people think they can watch YouTube and just walk right in and do it. That’s what we discovered a few years ago. Did he even do an underlayment? Just beware of a super cheap quote.


It’s pretty clear this person did not watch YouTube for any tips or tricks!


“Contractor” thinking to himself: *Sure I can put those pieces down on the floor and make them fit! Just gotta break a few over my knee to get around the vent, and then sprinkle crumbs next to the wall!*


Got a good chuckle picturing the sprinkling. Thank you.


Tile bae 🤌🏻


Now they just need a grout queen to come in and sprinkle some finesse up in that b*tch, and call it good.🧚‍♀️


Grout Queen lol do they just use Pink Stuff from TikTok? 😆


The tiler adding the final pieces https://media2.giphy.com/media/l4Jz3a8jO92crUlWM/giphy.gif


This is me, and I’m fairly sure it would still cost me more than a $150 + time. But wife’s reaction “Priceless”


Yeah. My tile jobs look a zillion times better than this and I learned from Youtube and Bob Villa.


Just bc it's cheap doesn't mean it's going to be bad. Also check previous jobs and ask for references. Our company did not raise our prices like all the other companies in town during the last 3 years. We raised them a little bit, but not a lot. We are still not the lowest priced company but we do that on purpose bc we want to still be affordable. Expensive does not mean the best either. We had one client reject our quote bc the price was lower than the other companies and he was afraid of the quality of work. I gave him all the references I could and he accepted. We won the job. Just have to do your homework to find the right one.


>A lot of people think they can watch YouTube and just walk right in and do it. Honestly if the people at least watch a YouTube video beforehand that explains how it's done properly it frequently comes out properly as well. Especially if one does it on their own place. Images like these aren't from people who fully watched a YouTube video explaining it. These are from people who just said "fuck it" and wing it.


I'm pretty sure images like these are from people who hired someone who needed $150 for meth.


I have to dig a deep trench for drainage pipes near my driveway and garage 😪, should I just tell a meth addict theres meth under there and if he just keeps digging he'll find it?


Nah they’ll think you’re a cop setting them up somehow lol


Naw I’ve seen methheads that did perfect work- it’s called hyper focus. This is def a hallucinogenic at play. 🫣🫨😆


whoever did this has never done it before


The problem is digging through the bullshit to find someone teaching proper techniques. If you don't know anything about it, you don't know the garbage information you're taking in. With tile, proper execution is all about the details. Small things will kill a tile job.


I don't think that's tile, it seems to be peel and stick


Which would actually make it *worse*.


I looked at it to quick... Holy shit, you are correct. Yikes...


It’s most definitely peel and stick lol I noticed that right away! Thats what makes it so funny! It’s super duper cheap and super duper easy to cut. This is either a good joke or was done on purpose to teach a lesson


I can’t tell if you’re joking. Is that really peel and stick?!?


For most of these home handywork kinda stuff looking at the amount of channel subscribers and the comments usually provided a preeetty good idea how good their advise is. It's shitty that YT removes the dislike counter, but at least for basic handywork subscribers and comments are a good indicator.


I laid tile the first time before YouTube was a thing and it came out fantastic. Though I did tile myself into the bathtub and had to parkour out, maybe YouTube would have taught me not to do that.


I did my en suite bathroom by myself fully from YouTube videos with almost no experience. Yeah it’s not perfect, but it’s very good and a pride whenever we have guests over and want a tour. I watch homerenovision and others. Once I settled on a style, I must’ve watched it about 30 times for nuance.


cmon it really isn’t THAT hard lol I don’t do flooring professionally but my last house I did all the tiling and pergo flooring myself…. Wasn’t perfect but I’m the only one who knew were the imperfections were


Year ago I knew a very competent handyman who was on a plumbing job - the scope of work was way beyond what the customer indicated, so a simple job became a lot bigger with the customer pushing for a discount and heavily implying the handyman didn’t know his shit. After the quick visit became “I’ll be back tomorrow at 8,” my friend went out and got a copy of “Plumbing for Dummies” and shoved it in his tool kit before heading out. The next time the customer complained or questioned something, he just stood up, scratched his head, and said “lemme check the book…”


I’ve done a lot of home improvement from YouTube videos and online research- all of it looks 1000x better than this and on par or better than I’ve seen people pay thousands for. But $150 is not a lot of money for any amount of work from a contractor or even a meth head. I wouldn’t expect someone to change a lightbulb for $150.


You know....if I learned anything it's that most people CAN do just that. The problem is the same as everything in life: lack of attention to detail and overall lack of pride for work done.


The times "friend of friends can do it cheaper" had done a disappointing job is too much to count, so if I ever need something done I do it myself or leave it as is if it's not critical and if it is bite the bullet and pay for professional.


Yeah, I had a friend of a friend help me with some drywall after doing a decent job fixing some rot in the wall where we had to open the wall and replace some framing. His drywall work was appalling, so I ended up just saying "I got this, thanks for your help" and watched a few videos. I'm pretty proud of that drywall, lol.


Why would they put any effort into watching YouTube videos on laying tile when they were only getting $150?


And they received a $150 flooring job


Nah OP, you got exactly what you paid for


Had to scroll pretty far to find the right answer 🤣


Interesting I saw the correct answer as tip comment isn’t Reddit funny.


I'm honestly impressed with the level of creativity he chose those shapes with. He must have been bored and accepted $150 challenge.


Ripped off each others meth pipe


Nah, these are the kind of personal touches that turn a crack house into a crack home.


I just burst out laughing.


Wow...lololol Op- you gotta lift the toilet, lay the tile, replace toilet with new wax ring.


Not for 150 dollars you don’t.


I’ll take 150 to r/r a toilet, but no flooring


lol right, I'm looking at these photos going, "well, that pretty much looks like $150 tile job to me"


150 for flooring? Is that a typo? That's like paying 150 bucks for laser eye surgery and being surprised you can't see anything


>you can't see anything yeah sure but now i can shoot lasers with my eyes, who's laughing now? edit: p.s. im asking because can't see who's who


This post alone is worth $150


These comments are glorious lmfao


Wait a minute, that says z-ray eye!


Is good. Is two better than x-ray.


Read the title first and said to myself “oh this will be good for $150!” Was not disappointed


This one op. I paid 200 just for a consultation.


Now he just needs $150 Lazer eye surgery and the floors will look great


$150? Na that’s a damn good job for $150.


Right? Floor is covered in flooring, pieces mostly fit together. I’m expecting less for $150


Pay him another 10; a little caulk will clean up those minor imperfections real nice. 👌


I imagine walking in to see this contractor holding a bowl full of caulk and applying it with a foam brush.


I’d say it’s an expected outcome.


You just learned a valuable lesson: you get what you pay for.


Yeah this $150 will pay for itself in just a few months


You don't always get what you pay for, but you don't get what you don't pay for.


You get what you pay for. It’s a good example of why the lowest quote is not always the one to go for.


My wife wanted me to pick a guy doing our electrical work for our pool that was a little less than half the price as everybody else who quoted us. I told her it’ll cost us way more after he’s done than just getting one of the normal quotes. We went with a normal quote


I've read at least three stories of people being electrocuted and drowning in pools with faulty wiring. Not something I'd love to pay half price for.


I paid $250 for 4 large format tiles to be put behind my toilet lol, I think you got what you paid for. Edit: With no cuts, before the toilet was installed.


I paid a lot of money for 24x48 tiles in my shower just so I would avoid a few grout lines on the floor and the curb. OP got the extra grout lines special.


It's nice that you help the blind by giving them work. But you gotta remember that you'll still be able to see it everyday. My first ever tile job looked better than this and I was just winging it to get it done. You probably would have been better off doing it yourself


Oh, you had glasses?


Wearing glasses during the job increases the price by at least double. The right prescription doubles that again.


Only problem with that is it would have cost him more than 150 to do it himself


Where are the after pictures?




As long as you use 2x4s for baseboards you'll be good to go.


Wonder if you can steam a 2x4 to curve around the toilet


Just pay the same guy $85 and he will do the trim work… wait till you see his deals on plumbing


Just pick up some pre-curved lumber from HD/Lowe's


This is fucking hilarious.


Pretty sure it's a troll post and it looks like a club bathroom. Lok


Yeah 100% a troll post, I can't believe everyone's falling for it!


Are floor registers common in commercial spaces? Looks like an old mobile home to me.


$150 for a mosaic is a pretty damn good deal


150 couldn't cover a saw so the guy just dropped a couple tiles and used the broken pieces the best he could


Damn, dude ripped off the contractor! Mosaic for that price wasn’t worth the time lol


What the fuck did you expect for $150. You got a $150 job.


If you had to ask a public forum if this was acceptable work you and the contractor were meant for each other


Also - if they both thought “yeah about $150 of work sounds right”.


I bet the $150 included materials as well. This as to be a troll post.


Jokes aside you should watch some YouTube videos and tile the floor yourself. There is no way you will do a worse job than the contractor


Even if you just dropped the tile and swept the dust into the spot lol


>There is no way you will do a worse job than the ~~contractor~~ ~~handyman~~ man FIFY






Hopefully you tipped them, that looks like a $200 install to me.


You paid like💩and got 💩


I don't think you got ripped off. That looks about right for a $150 floor job.


Buy it nice, or buy it twice.


For 150 you got what you got...


There's no way that floor wasn't installed by a crackhead


Who else would take a tiling job for $150?


With broken tiles he found in the home depot dumpsters and wood glue holding them down


Is that peel and stick?


Without a doubt. I did peel and stick when I was saving for new flooring and this is very reminiscent of my first attempt.


Came to say this. The sheen in the 4th pic is unmistakable.


All these goobers calling it tile lol


For $150 I think that guy lost money on this job especially if that includes materials lol


This is a joke ?


It has to be.


It really has to be. Also I don't think that's tile, it looks like peel and stick


It's a joke, it's not even freshly laid


You got what you paid for


You paid $150, that’s why it looks like that.


Did you get ripped off? No you spent $150 and seems like you got $150 worth of work


Cheap, fast and good quality. Choose two.


The saying holds true. You want good and fast? Not cheap You want good and cheap? Not fast You want fast and cheap? Not good Seen it happen way too many times


No, you just didn't hire a professional


Nope you got a 150 dollar floor


Any after pics?


Did you throw your meth dealer an extra 150 to tile your floor when he stopped by?




This is a joke right?


You pay peanuts, you get monkeys


You get what you pay for. I’d say that’s worth at least 160.


Did a child do this?


100% worth the money.


Thank you OP. I don't recall when I laughed so much at "did I get ripped off" thread. You made my day.


Looks like Ray Charles did it


Looks like a $150 dollar job to me


That is not a contractor


As someone who is doing a LVP flooring project today for the 1st time (laundry room), I'm saving these pictures for when my wife tells me it doesn't look good. At least I'll be able to show her that it could be worse (before ripping it out and trying again)!


You received a $150 install.


Get what you pay for


You paid for what you got, cheap labor = cheap work


Looks good if it was a 10 year old contractor. Hardly a rip off if you paid $150


Well I mean you paid 150 dollars


You didnt get ripped off you got what you paid for tbh. Lol


This is outrageous… but so is the fact that you thought you could get flooring done for $150. You paid for the crackhead special, and got exactly that.


That’s the new floor?


Paying $150 for flooring is like paying .75¢ for a hand job from a masculine woman with calloused hands. Want better? Pay better.


Nope you got exactly what you laid for. $150 worth of floor installed


I call BS. OP didn’t have this job done, nobody was paid and no job was done. And this isn’t a second floor bathroom. That’s the work of maintenance personnel, inside a rented manufactured home. And the work wasn’t recently done, either, as evidenced by the old dust and gunk in the corner.


No you got what you paid for! A half ass job done by a subpar contractor!


Looks like you got what you paid for man


Yeah that’s a $150 job, you didn’t get ripped off.


Got what you paid for


Nope you got exactly what you paid for.


no! you got every cent of a $150 floor


You got what you paid for unfortunately.


I've learned my lesson on lowest-priced bidder. They are usually too good to be true. They are either the worst out there, or they will con you out of your money without doing a thing.


Nope. That looks like a $150 job. You get what you pay for.


This has to be a joke


This is a troll. Delete thread


This isn’t a real post. Can’t be.


$150? No, you got exactly what you paid for.


Nope. That's $150 work.


If you talked them down to $150, then no; you got precisely what you paid for. In fact, that job was absolutely done at a loss out of spite.


Your red flag should have been someone agreeing to do the job for $150. Lol


$150 for flooring. What did you expect? Normally the edges of floors are covered by trimming because it is almost impossible to make the floor perfectly line up with the wall. that's a Carpenters job. To get it looking perfect around the toilet you likely have to pull the toilet up so the flooring can go under it.


As others have said, you got exactly what you paid for


I mean you got what you paid for…


Skilled labor ain't cheap and cheap labor ain't skilled.


That looks exactly like a $150 flooring job should look. Like shit.


Are we being trolled? You're definitely trolling us.... right?


You definitely got 150 dollars worth of expertise there


That's what you get for $150. Next time pay a decent wage to a contractor who knows what they're doing. Too many people want things for nothing or next to nothing, and they get this and want to be upset


You got a $150 flooring job.


You got what you paid for


Only $150? You got what you paid for


You definitely got $150 worth of work IMO.


Nah that’s definitely a $150 job. Lmfao


No, you just got 150$ worth of flooring work.


Looks like $150 job to me so no you didn’t get ripped off


Looks like you got a good deal for $150 bucks… next time do a little research. If you’re paying a contractor such a low price and they aren’t someone you already know, then the deal is probably way too good! Either they don’t know what they are doing, or they know too well what they are doing and won’t be showing up with the down payment you gave them… ever…


Is that VCT?


Definitely not ripped off. Looks like a $150 job


Special talent there. He was switching to mosaic pattern and continuing into next room. Did you look on the other side of the wall?


You get what you pay for. Your guy got his weekend supply of meth.


Well, you got more than what you paid for. Stop complaining.


For $150. I actually don’t think you got ripped off.