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It's normal for something that has sat in the big box store for months. There is an obnoxious amount of dust that gets kicked up in the air constantly. Sinks and tubs usually have the same junk in them. E- typo


I was kind of afraid to click on that picture link. If it were skid marks I'd be more concerned.


I believe they do test these with water, so if it’s wet then sits in a warehouse, it could get dusty and gross looking. Mine didn’t look that bad, but it was dirty.


I don’t get the impression it’s used, but you’re right it is filthy in the bowl


Pretty dang unlikely. Lowe's is beyond flexible on it's return policy and with that comes some pretty strict rules for the employees. They can get their money back on this product - there is no reason to send it back to the shelf. It's actually WAY easier to throw this in the pallet sized boxes in the back to be carried off to a warehouse, palletized, and sold at a discounted rate to people that buy pallets. Been on both sides. Worked at Lowes for a bit and bought pallets of returns off of them. To actually accept this return and put it on the shelf would either be dumb as hell or a legit mistake. Doubtful.