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Bat looks a bit big for him.


OR HIT THE GYM. But yeah


Does look a bit heavy which could be the direct cause of the hands dropping and rolling early


It does. It’s always a quandary for skinny kids this age.


It’s a 28/17


Huge thing I learned recently is the inconsistency with the actual weight vs listed weight. Picked up an Easton recently that was a 16oz but actual weight is 18.3oz. We have three bats and they are all off. This apparently is a big issue with the USA stamped ones. This may or may not be your situation.


I’ve noticed the same, recently got a -8 31/23 and its actual weight was 24.8 w the factory grip.


He’s fine. Will be whipping that thing around by 10u


Yes, the bat is def too heavy.


Hard for me to totally tell, but make sure his knuckles are lined up so his wrists won’t break his swing up so much.


I noticed hands rolling on the first take. Also, anticipating contact.


All great info, but build a swing one thing at a time. 1st. No batting cage. A baseball tee is your best friend. Live there. 2nd. Batt is too heavy. Third, tell him to stay back. No “lunging” which is basically his head and body going forward. So..get a tee, proper bat, and have him take swings keeping his head a still as he can. This will fix 90%. Lastly, the baseball field is a lot wider than the cage. As he keeps his body back he will let the ball travel more into the zone which will help with roll over, casting and create a ton more power. Have hime take 25 controlled swings hitting off a tee a day, with the only thought is keep his head still. Don’t over do it. Have fun. He’s so young. Slow and steady wins this race every time.


This. Hitting off the tee will help him tremendously. Probably wouldnt be a bad idea to move to soft toss after that. Then go hit in the cage.


All of what this guy said is great advice, wanted to emphasize their third point. “Lunging” at the ball is a big no no, causes too much head movement. When we swing we keep our head still and eyes locked on the ball. Second point I want to make was there’s a difference between having a “stride” and lunging, picking up the front leg before your swing will give more pop. But the stride needs to be controlled and the movement needs to be purposeful. Use the stride to aid with timing and you’ll be on the right path


Lunging is the first thing to fix, as the rest of the swing is dependent on staying back. He is not essentially goes back foot, front foot, swing, back foot. I’d be a fan with working off the tee with no/small stride to get the feeling of starting the swing in the right position. Swinging out of a proper loaded position often fixes other issues as well and is about as far as I’d go trying to fix an 8yo swing anyways.


His bat gets flat pretty quick, and it causes his hands to roll over early into contact. As he gets stronger keeping his hands in the zone will be easier for him, it kinda looks like he’s just throwing them towards the ball. If he keeps working he will have a killer swing by 9u


So tips, work on keeping the hands high, while the lower half engages and bring the knob through the zone. Working with wood bats can help a ton as they weigh a bit more and help him find the barrel.


Your bat can be flat early, you hands roll over when you catch the ball too far out in front. There are plenty of hitters that get “flat” early and still dont struggle with rollovers cause their on time


Yea but they’re strong athletes not young kids


I think just based on the kids bat path either A) The bat is too heavy B) he’s using his hands to create an upward angle He’s not rolling over during contact at all now that i’ve watched frame by frame.


Get him a bat more suited for him.


Being completely straight with you: His swing is fine. The bat is fine. He is fine. But he weighs 60 pounds and the bat is as big as his leg. Feed him, exercise him and let him grow. The swing will fix itself in 10-20 pounds.


Agree with this


Little bit of a lunge with the front foot also. Stay back longer


The first thing that jumped out at me is also that the bat looks to heavy. When he goes to rotate you can see him kind of throwing the bat at the ball and losing all his power. I don’t know what bat he is swinging but CatX and Dirty South Swag are two of the best balanced bats you can get for this age group.


He’s raising up during swing


In addition to other things, he’s lunging.


Beyond the hand rolling everyone mentions, he should also work on keeping his balance and his feet on the ground, otherwise he’s losing power. In the batting cage, have him hold his finished swing for a three count until he can do it without falling over. Better balance leads to better control and vision.


It's the t-shirt


I don't know that I track a lot of the comments here....his swing looks pretty good to me. The one thing I notice is that he's pulling off the ball at contact and falling back away from the plate a little. Its not full "step in the bucket", but its why he rolls over that first one. Sometimes going a little wider with the feet can solve that, or look at drills to keep that front side closed a tic longer. Also, some heavy ball work might help him brace better for contact, as it looks like he's got great hand-eye to get to the ball but maybe isn't strong enough yet to drive through contact.


The bat is swing him. Go a little lighter so he can generate some bat speed on it. Wait until he fills out to get a heavier bat otherwise you're putting him behind the 8 ball


is this in ohio? i swear i’ve played here before


He’s rolling his top hand over. May be because of too big of a bat.


Well hitterman, lots of people disagree with me on many things. You are in good company.


He’s 8u. Tell him to see the ball hit the ball. And have fun.


loosen the front arm, he's locking it out before contact which causes hands casting, and improper turn over


Closed stance no, bat head is down. Needs to have bat up. Swing plane needs to be parallel to the pitch. All the youngins need to be square, balanced and athletic. Bat ain’t too heavy, if his mechanics were better would be hammering the ball. Remember the goal is barrels, hitting as many balls hard as he can


High tee work to help him not drop his hande


YouTube… connection ball hitting drills and consider a rope bat. That age… -12 bat.


Rolling his hands a bit, and disconnecting the bat from his frame. Hockey/split grip work on the tee helps, emphasizing his back hand staying under the bat. Look up Teachermen for tips on using his wrists and getting a little bit of tilt.


he needs to keep his head in. he is pulling out and it’s causing his barrel to not hit the ball correctly also he could tilt a little more just to be on plane better


Tilt a little more, how do you mean? Lean forward..?


tilt to the side more so you can reach pitches better


Bat looks long for him. Have him choke up.


One thing I notice and my son has this issue. He isn’t keeping his head down into contact. He is following the ball off the bat. Aka ball watching. Think of it like golfers. A good golfer keeps their head down through impact until their back shoulder comes through as the follow through. Also, dropping his hands at contact. Work on keeping hands above the ball. But I believe someone else brought that up already. He has a great natural swing and a great foundation to start with.


What does keeping hands above the ball mean?


Stay back he’s to out front hitting with his eyes and hands, put more weight on the backside and stay back he will then start to drive the ball


He is casting so needs to bring his hands in and hit inside the ball. Also needs to finish high.


His hands are rolling early and he’s not connected. Emphasize top hand facing up through the hitting zone and having the bat stay connected. Best way to practice that is get a little dodgeball and have him hold it with the handle of the bat against his shoulder. Ball will fall forward if he stays connected through the swing; will fall backwards if he disconnects too soon. Also, lots of tee work. He’s doing fine. Some little things will make a huge difference


Selden, NY


Harwich, MA? I see the zip line tower in the background. Hope you enjoyed the traffic.


Brutal traffic!


Bats too heavy, choke up and his swing will be more level all the way through


Yeah let him be a kid and stop analyzing his swing at 7 or 8. Just teach him the love of the game and he’ll be fine.


Back foot is towing rather than rotating on the ball. So his weight is more forward, causing hip rotation to be less effective. Lazy set position with the bat, to where he has to lift and rotate the bat at the beginning of the swing. If he can cock the bat rather than hitching, he will gain a quicker swing (not more powerful, just less time from decision to swing and bat being over the plate). Head should finish looking at where the ball and bat make contact.


Choke up! The best advice I ever got when I was younger was to choke up on the bat, and it helped immensely!


He's rolling over and not staying through contact. Might be because bat is too heavy as well


Look up videos on staying connected, holding the Ls, moving the box. All similar. Oh and that bat is too heavy Wood for BP will work wonders.


A lot of people on here have little to no idea about what they are saying. The batter is slightly out of sequence and slightly out of mechanics, and this leads to the bat drag that you are seeing and every other diagnosis getting posted. This batter is pulling back his load stepping and landing and swinging roughly at the same time. There should be a definite land of the front foot, followed by a pull of the top hand/elbow and it resembles a punch, not hands back to the catcher/umpire. As the pull back is happening the top hand should look as though it were holding a cup of water and that water spills onto the plate. This batter never gets to/rushes/cheats this batting position. This will also change the timing of when he starts, needs to start earlier and start slower-he will catch up to speed when he deems necessary. These pitching machines are also horrible for timing and the starting position for these machines should be front leg lift. If you control your front leg, you can keep it elevated and waiting for the start of these machines to deliver the pitch. At that starting point, hitting off these machines is a beneficial activity. If the hitter starts from a normal position, they exhibit the rush to contact, and are practicing these habits.


I noticed the front (lead) foot thing as well. It looks like he's losing a lot of his power because his foot is coming down so much sooner than he's coming across with his cut. You probably have a lot more experience with this than I do, but shouldn't his lead foot be coming up a little higher as well? You may be right.. the batting machine could be throwing him off a bit. I'd like to see the same video with a pitcher throwing at him.


The front foot heal plant needs to happen on time. It doesn't matter about how high or low the leg goes, but I generally see higher leg kicks that start early enough can pause easily at the apex of the lift, and manage their timing to the ball. It's hard to control a pause that is lower than the apex of a lift, or if you take a small step. As I said earlier, this leg lift position is where we should start when hitting off the machine.


With my swing I have a much higher kick.. I almost look like a pitcher. Lol But I get crazy power. I don't know how you feel about it, but I have a funny feeling his swing might look a little bit different if a real person was throwing a ball towards him. It almost looks like his timing is hesitating and starting again at certain points. I thought the same thing as you.. the batting machine might be throwing him off.


100% will look different. The machine is closer to hitting off a tee than hitting off a real pitcher Send me a video of you hitting. You can pm me or post foe everyone.


Keep in mind I'm not the OP. 😆 I'm just another guy that's saw the video and saw something out of place and tried to help a bit.


It’s a joke folks. Lighten up.


Never drop back shoulder


It's actually not the back shoulder dropping that causes this, it's when the elbow points down and gets ahead of the hands. If that elbow stays clearly behind the bat, then the shoulder tilt usually just goes nicely along with wherever the bat needs to be.


Hitterman disagrees.


Great lower half rotation to contact, hands need to be above the ball though. Try and get him to keep his hands near his chin during rotation.


Weight transfer from his back leg through his hips into a swing needs a little bit of work


Looks pretty good. But it looks like he extends his arms to quickly before contact


Lets Go Rangers


Elbows are getting ahead and dragging the bat through the zone. Tell him to swing like he’s trying to stab the ball with the knob end of the bat. Or just buy him a hype fire


A couple of things I noticed. First, he leans back instead of remaining centered during his forward move. Second, his swing looks OK, maybe a little heavy of a bat. Third, tell him to hit the ball when it’s deep in the zone. He’s hitting the ball too out front cause the rollovers or weak bloopers. He wants to picture swinging when the ball is at his back leg or when he feels it’s too late. Fourth, his swing needs to be done when the bat is at his back leg to maximize coverage. Notes: edited for extra comments


Funny you mention he hits the ball to out in front. All his hits go opposite field. So isn’t it getting too deep?


Not if the barrel is dragging through the zone


Little man has a great swing! Wouldn’t mess with it too much. Just have him get in his batting stance and get to where he thinks contact is. Hold your hand in front of his bat at contact point and have him push the barrel of his bat through your hand. Provide some resistance to the barrel so he feels the muscles needed to finish through the ball and not roll across it.


Finish the swing over his shoulder instead of across this body. May be due to bat weight


Lots of people have mentioned the heavy bat. But my two thoughts are: 1 - unstable/jumpy feet. Maintaining a solid foundation helps setup everything. The hip rotation is great. 2 - look up some drills about emphasizing “extension”. This will keep the bat path clean and eliminate the wrist rollover seen in the video. Keep swinging!


Shouldn’t his back elbow be up more?


I wouldn’t change much. Keep his weight transfer consistent. It changes pitch by pitch. KISS method. Keep it simple stupid.


Tell him stay down on the ball after hitting it. He’s tryna see it too quick(popping his head up)


He actually looks like he has a great swing, other than that bat is way too heavy ! He can't get it around and control it very well ! It's a balance between too heavy , he can't accelerate the bat fast enough to arrive on time and too light he can't put enough kinetic energy into the ball ! Get a bat sized for him better and he'll look way better ! Nice step forward starts rotation with the hips and seems to be in a pretty good position ! He has to have a bat that he can arrive on time with wether it's inside or out ! If it's to heavy and he can't arrive on time he'll hit .200 ! Get him the right sized bat, he can hit .400 ! Good Luck !


It’s a 28/17 which is what all the guides pretty much say to get.


Ya, he should control that bat, but I think that bat is controlling him !


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTgO\_j5sKCg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTgO_j5sKCg) I have an 11U at home and no professional experience or affiliations but I think this is a good video for information !


The bat in his stance is way to parallel to the ground. Needs to get the bat up and pretend the knob where he holds his hands is a flashlight and should be pointing toward the ground at the plate.


Yea he's 8 I wouldn't worry about it if he's going to be good he will be....Bat dies look a little heavy


Dipping his hands when he launches, bat may be too heavy for him considering his leg kick is on time and his hands load well. Also providing a real time swing is way easier to critique vs slo-mo everything looks a little funky in slo-mo i find.


https://preview.redd.it/i2lq9nemzoad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee3651a3cb937ec2dad2a8b7a32b5b0f24a7362 This is him at his launch point and it definitely looks solid for people saying it isnt. I’d work on keeping his hands above the barrel when he’s swinging creating angles to pull the ball in the air vs trying to create launch angle with his hands.


Hands above barrel? So barrel will be more parallel to the ground?


Its a hard concept to explain over text, but watch some clips of mlb guys hitting for extra bases, unless the ball is at the top of the zone (in which you need a flat path to square the up properly without shooting it straight pop up) the bats come through the zone with the hands above the barrel creating the contact angle that is ideal for liners.


Bats too heavy. Bro needs to start bulking up and hitting the weights


He’s 8. Getting him to eat is a pain in my ass


I wish I had that problem I've got an 8 year old and I feel like he's eating enough for two or three at the moment


Great swing. Bat is a bit big. I would get a smaller bat or have him choke up.


What’s the poor kid behind him doing 😅


Bat is too big, once he gets one his size work on “swinging through” the baseball and keeping the barrel through the zone.


That is a very efficient swing, you don’t want to ruin those moves at a young age. The best players at the college and highschool level were never coached as a young kid. Tell him to hit the ball hard and see what happens. Let his body move how it naturally wants to move.


Try soccer


Try soccer


He swings like a girl.. maybe he shown try tennis ?


Yep start practicing soccer kid!


He’s 8, not sure what you’re trying to say but I’d stop talking down to a kid tryin to improve his game.


lol what a jerk