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I have no prob but why do you still charge me 10%?


The app provides friendlier service than the average hk waiter.


But you are not tipping the app. You are still tipping the waiters.


nah bro in hong kong, you are tipping the restaurant. waiter will not recieve a single cent


For the rental of the app.


More money for the boss to pocket, why else?


For takeout


I wish. Most CCTs charge for takeaway boxes.


I personally don't mind it, can sometimes take ages to get someone to take your order


I agree. Also for people like me who can barely speak Cantonese, QR codes are a lifesaver.


Most QR (web) ordering systems I've encountered accommodate special orders easily. If this restaurant's fails you, tell it to the owner to change that. Or just ask the staff to do it for you.


QR code order and charge you 10% service charges, what a joke


I know almost nobody does it but you can technically contest the service charge, as it’s essentially a forced tip and not a legally imposed tax or fee.


Same thing happening in Canada, seriously disgusting


Simply the owners not wanting to hire people for recording customers' orders. Shouldn't be like that but they want to minimise their expenditures.


It isn't exactly as black and white as straight expenditure minimisation. Since the combination of govt crackdowns plus Covid lockdown period, the F&B industry in HK had alot of experienced people leave in order to pay their bills. Since re-opening most places find it hard to find service staff both BOH and FOH and all roles in between Ask around any of your local eateries, most owners and chefs will tell you the bargaining power has changed. Now obviously, the easiest solution would simply be to raise the offered salary. But remember we're suggesting offering a higher salary for weaker to no industry experience and that includes language proficiency to explain menus to customers. Remember also that whoever is left to teach were themselves likely juniors or new to industry themselves just 2 years prior. A growing number of places are actually resorting to shore up their manpower with part-time staff because there isn't enough suitable candidates for full time. Part time costs more on the books per hr than a full timer which is important due to the economic downturn this city is facing. Furthermore, dining habits since lockdown ended have changed with QSR and fast casual dining being a larger part of the pie and subsequently high end/fine dining spending going down. It makes less sense for some businesses to dedicate costs on table service when the demand for it is cooling. QR code systems themselves aren't completely costless. There are subscription fees, larger changes to menu, pricing all are additional service charges similar to how Foodpanda/Deliveroo operate. A major purpose for these systems is ironically to speed up order to kitchen with the goal to increase table turnover rate rather than minimizing costs on FOH service staffing. Obviously changing to QR ordering systems benefit larger floorspace shops where that system can replace what would have been 4-5 staff, if a shop used to only have 2 FOH it's less of a net win. If you want to, there are still plenty of places that do not employ QR systems you can choose to dine in. But I'm sure you already know the prices are steeper generally for them.


This qr ordering will be more prominent in the future including AI and robotics be replacing some of the human labour force in the fast and casual dining sectors.


Just as an aside, parallel things like Shokken have existed for decades in other regions. It really isn't a biggie. Specifically speaking about HK in current climate, I don't think QR is impacting labour force, it's the lack of skilled and trustworthy labour force and the associated costs like training, order errors and theft that lead to increased QR use. I know some places are going a step further and testing out robot wait staff to refill water and deliver meals, that will be an interesting development and honestly alot of it comes down to customers demand to see just how much and how quickly of an impact they make.


Love ordering with QR code. People always complain the waiters in HK are rude and service is bad. You can avoid all of that with QR code, minimum interaction, no need to deal with their shit, and it means less work for them, so maybe they won't be in such a bad mood all the time and give better service. It's a win win.


Godsend feature for introverts and zoomers


I always order "less sugar" and shame that most such qr code order would not include such option.


on iced lemon or lai cha? Siu tim is a must!!


I don't mind the QR codes that take you directly to a website. It's the ones that require you to either install their app and/or create accounts, then go through sms verification - those frustrate me to no end


The main issue in HK is that the apps behind these QR codes are crap. Most of my experience in HK was atrocious, whereas in Shenzhen they usually work great. When well done, it's a cost-saving measure that's quite convenient for customers.


> that's quite convenient for customers. is it fuck what if your phone is dead, what if it's low battery, what if you dont have a phone


Then you call the waiter over as a backup. They are not going to kick you out just because you don’t have a phone. 


So just call the waiter all the time, problem solved.


Only 60 mins is off putting


Waitress sis idle af but still tells me to online order😂


Just don’t charge us the service charge when you actually didn’t provide any service


Alot of phones have huge security vulnerabilities with qr codes


I especially hate it when the restaurant makes their own website for it and its buggy as shit. Happened multiple times before.


Completely disagree. That's peak efficiency. Been in too many situations where I raise my hand and takes so long for someone to come. I would have finished ordering with the QR code.


So instead of the QR code, you want a cranky underpaid old woman that you can never waive down with a bad attitude and temper taking your order? I'll take the QR code 10 out of 10 times, thank you. The web interface can be optimized so you can customize your orders (little sugar, no sugar, little milk, no milk). This depends on how good the tech provider is. If you are so against technology, give up your Octopus and credit cards too and go back to straight cash. I'd like to live in 2024.


Love QR codes. Don't need to talk to anyone, well I can't anyway. It's all paid right then and there and food comes to the table without fuss.


The restaurant can hire lesser employees, as the system is one off payment. The order will not skip easily. Be Synchronous to the cashier system. Customer don’t need to worry about the staff are standing next to you and waiting for your order. Hong Kong is transforming to higher technological city


Easier for those of us that don’t speak the language…as long as there’s an English menu!


I prefer QR than having the tiger auntie staring at me looking at the menu book


Also only allow 1 hr to eat


At least in the past if you didn't have your phone they'd have an ipad you could borrow. Now many don't have and it is so annoying. I've had to walk out of resteraunts and bars because of it.


I spend a lot of time in mainland china. sometimes I prefer ordering from the QR code because I can take my time and usually they have special accommodations options right on the app and it actually allows me to take my time to think. That is only when I am dinning in ordering. I absolutely hate ordering fast food from the QR codes. I think it's a waste of time if I am only ordering something like a coffee or lemon tea to go where I could just tell you the item I want and the size of the order and that would be the end of that, but instead I have to leave what I am doing on my phone and scan your code and then wait for it to load and get to the page, have to search for the location, then finally open the page and look for the drink that I want to order but sometimes the page isn't very clear where it's located I have to go back and for up and down search for that simple order. it drives me bananas!


You can really see how this sub skews by the responses. Not a lot of "KL/NT" responses here. A lot of harbor techbros who prefer paying more for shittier but (debatably) faster service.


yeah its ridiculous


See many times finally still need to do the order by waiter,where is the self-help point and they still need to use waiter to serve food,how to decrease the employee still not get the benefits of qr order


Because government give out free money in the form of 科技券 for "innovation" of this kind. Where they spend 1/10 or less on a vendor's solution and keeping the change The worst kind is where you still have to go to the counter to pay in cash because digital transaction fees costs too much


When a restaurant starts doing this, 10/ 10 is a sign of enshittification


I think HK needs to keep pushing this. Of course at the start some experiences won't be perfect, but it's the best way forward. Same as literally any other tech. Considering that most of the human to human service experience in HK is not up to standard, this is a god send.


I love QR code ordering. What’s the problem?


A badly set out one vs a good one


I still prefer a badly set QR code menu over ordering with the staff but that’s just me.


Personally, I love it when a cha chaan teng has a qr code for ordering. It helps me avoid explaining what I want to eat to staff that don't speak English. Most of the time, even if they understand the language, they get nervous and mess up the order and I'm too much of an introvert to tell them. With the qr code, I don't have such a problem. Even when there's no English version of the menu, I can easily use the browser's translate function to understand all the items. Plus, I don't need to ask the staff for the bill. I can just bring the qr code to the cashier and pay. All smooth


yk putting a cross on a qr code doesn't work right? qr codes put extra spare data in extra spaces, so putting a cross sometimes don't work and you can still scan it


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Usually I have no qualms with QR code ordering, but there was this one time my order went in with a dish the previous customer left in cart. My guess is poorly trained staff didn't reset/clear things for my table.


It’s good for the business, in terms of man power and also collecting data.


Good for foreigners to order if there is a language setting in it. Other than that, its useless


I hate it when I have to wait for the webpage to load (that is, if you're lucky that it did load, some restaurants have poor reception that you must connect to their wifi first), scroll through the menu or find the section you want with bizzare names, and click through thousands of customisation options that you're average diner won't even consider. At last there's the shopping cart that you have to remember to confirm otherwise nothing gets place. All the effort for my order of a bowl of noodles that a waiter can take in under 10 seconds. Personally I have no issues delivering my order despite being an introvert, but considering my own experience of trying to order in Japan I guess it's a godsend for those who don't speak Cantonese lol


wtf, qr order is some of the best invention


QR code ordering without +1 service charge *chefs kiss


More restaurants are doing this in US since covid. And they still want you to tip 18%.