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I mean HK has been embracing Beijing support for 4 years already...


Everyone knows this is why HK is fucked


Shhhhh.... Nsl


4 years? Since 1997 more like


Don't disagree....




I hate myself for singing it instead of reading it.


How can you not sing it if you know the song?


唱不唱都不系好緊要啦。最緊要系,同子華講:跟著去邊度。各人有一個方向,堅持下去,離港留港,都有所發展。總能有所改變。 即使過去都返不去啦,未來總是要過下去。




If officials had any brains it would keep HK at arm's length as a semi-independent facilitator of politically inconvenient international business. HK could then serve as a model to entice and reduce Taiwanese opposition over time. Superficially let HK on its own and it can claim all the credit it wants when times are good and use HK as a scapegoat when times are bad. Most HK people would be happier for it too. But alas, the "educated" leadership just couldn't help themselves.


Beijing itself is a total failure


One thing to disagree with HK’s treatment by Beijing but you’re living in fantasy land to think Beijing is a failure when they couldve continued with Maoism instead of embracing Deng’s liberalisation which actually improved the lives of millions. China a country of 1.3 billion could be a lot of many other things right now that are 100x worse. Maybe even a giant North Korea lite who knows. But everyone replying to this comment is delusional lmao comparing states like Vietnam and the Gulf States (which is literally built on what is almost the closest thing to modern day slavery which makes Chinas factory look like a working class heaven).


It's a shithole.


Nope, China is pree lit these days


Which country has been more successful than China over the past 30 years?


The USA is the most successful country in the past 30 years. China is the second, thanks to the western world allowing China to join WTO. Now, do tell us, how's economy of China in the past 5 years or so.


Yeah right, most successful is a bit broad


Chile, Ireland, Vietnam, and the gulf states come to mind.


Don’t forget Ireland and much of Eastern Europe! :) Ireland’s per capita GDP now contests Norway and Singapore despite being historically impoverished.


You live under a rock lately. China is in a shit hole in the past 10 years under Xi. X I will lead China to goto war and shredded into millions pieces. To answer your question, US is the most successful in the last 30years and the next 100years.


> next 100years.  Hahaha you're a brainwashed fool. The US is on track to turn into Christian Iran the next time a Republican gets elected.  


Without chips, China is going back to the stone ages


You're being dramatic. Losing access to chips would be less harmful than the Evangelical agenda for the United States (to purge all wrong-faith and wrong-race persons from the United States), which will trigger a civil war. 


Haha these days anything needs a chip you can go back to stone age with your CCP comrades


Catching up is way easier than innovating to overtake. China's industrialisation and subsequent liberalisation was amazing but Shanghai is not what Hong Kong once was, and it's not New York, London, Singapore.


China's miracle, built on debt, leverage, stolen IP, protectionism and made up GDP.


Plenty of other Asian countries grew their economy before china while china was mired in the cultural revolution. China suppressed their economy for decades before finally getting things right in the 80s


"Support"? That's a funny way to describe an attack on essential rights and freedoms.


What does that even mean? It’s just like the slogans of integrating more with the GBA without anyone actually speaking out what it means. Which is becoming more like GBA, and competing with GBA cities in everything including salaries, rents, work time etc. Don’t see how HK will benefit from that. Workers won’t, and not even landlords will. Something has to give if HK becomes more like mainland. And the funny part is a lot of the elite pro regime figures will feel it in their wallets too.


Seems like some HK officials haven’t been embracing Beijing enough. Is it too hard for them when it’s being given to them from every possible position—this throbbing support of Beijing’s? They really need to look themselves in the mirror.


This liaison office’s hillbilly doesn’t know shit,just like all his predecessors.


Fuck off. Man can't even speak cantonese, what right does he have to tell us what's best for us?


So HK is not embracing BJ's support?? I thought it embraced even more after 19


As a HK local, HK is best without China. The whole is a better place without China. So FUCK YOU Xi, China and all the Chinese.


reddit sells user data for AI training. question is whose country AI is buying?  


They're already connected to Beijing.


The comments from John Lee sound like typical communist party slogans. Lots of flowery language but no substance.


Communists are all the same, sell you an ideal picture of society while grabbing as much power as they can for themselves and taking away your freedoms while the country goes to shit


Doing business lah


You guys completely did not get it, "success" here means at least at the same level as other GBA cities, not what HK used to be in the past.


Haven’t we had this discussion in 1997 already?


Don’t forget to smile! 😃


As successful as Beijing is lol


HK is in a dilemma now. Companies choose HK cos of the slightly more freedom and yet having the access and perks of a Chinese market. The more it embraces China as it can be seen in recent years, it become more inbalance, and more resources have to be spent to navigate the politics while doing biz


Going to annoy a lot of people. But this is 100% true. Hong Kong is suffering most due to jobs and consumerism moving to Samchun. Beijing has been choosing Samchun for so much investment and making it a tech hub for years. People forget that 60 years ago it was just a train stop with no residents. Hong Kong needs to become the preferred location for companies to set up in. And to also bring back workers and consumers. Rent is a big issue. But also labour costs in Hong Kong is way too high for most Chinese companies. This is something the central government could definitely help with. Also helping make IPO in Samchun seem less favourable than in Hong Kong. Hong Kong needs Beijing help on this front.