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I think they should add more options for LC, but otherwise the amount of time and TB power saved for $9.99 is great.


wait for 4.0 xD


Longer, actually. Genshin’s got less than 7 weapon types iirc, while hsr has 7 “weapon types” (lightcone paths). If they waited to introduce new ones until the earliest you could max refine one of every bp lightcone, it’d take even longer in hsr.


> Genshin’s got less than 7 weapon types iirc Five + these hands.


Those hands make you a catalyst user, hope you enjoy TTDS


Tell that to Wanderer


4pc Nobless wanderer with ttds as support for my xiao


[my honest reaction](https://ibb.co/g3n3zJP)


You made him a what 😭😭 I really wanna see that




YOU REALLY MADE HIM A— that’s amazing


Bruh they can just make so many PNG s for lightcone and slap some stats on it and easily boost B.P value.


Was really worried I wouldn’t enjoy not changing weapon appearance in exchange for those pngs but honestly I think I prefer the pngs than weapon appearance


What's "bad" from Genshin right now is the talent materials are only for "Sumeru and Fontaine characters", the guide of light, praxis, admonition, etc. They could just, instead, give us full option including the Mondstat book and Liyue as well even if it means there are 2 pages for that selection


That'd be nice. Anything to avoid the mond talent domain would be nice.


it will be longer than that if they will follow Genshin. Genshin only added new BP weapons after you R5 all the BP weapons (assuming that you don't picked a BP weapon more than 5 times)


The LCs are pretty lame, although I am using the Qingque one (Peaceful Day). But everything else about it has been very worth it. You're able to seriously reduce the time you'd waste running the golden calyx. 250 of those LC level up items would take 10 days to farm, and that's enough to bring 1 light cone all the way to level 80 and another one to 60 or 70. The question of value really comes down to how fast you're trying to do anything. If you want to get your teams ready, but you don't care if it's a month from now, then the value probably isn't there for you. But if you want to finish building shit right away, it is the only way to go.


Yeah I feel like the BP LCs are kinda...not that good which makes me feel bad every time I have to choose it. The erudition one is decent but I have JY signature, so I kinda spam the harmony one refines but even that one is just okay imo. Nothing like a serpents spine in Genshin that makes it feel good to get the weaponry


Yeah I'm probably gonna max out Erudition. Hopefully they add more by the time I'm done T.T


This! I’ve been working on maxing erudition one for JY. None of the other ones appeal at all. Big contrast from Genshin where I still use all of the original BP weapons.


I think the preservation LC is a good one to have - not necessarily because I think it's good in general, but rather because it offers something completely unique from other preservation LCs so it can't easily be replaced by any other LC. I don't know if it's necessarily the "best" in general, but I do think that it's probably much harder to powercreep than other LCs because they're not as likely to create other LCs that fill the same role as it.


I'm gonna S5 this one for funni DPS Fire MC build, unfortunately don't see much value in the others so why not lmao


I think the trick is to pick the same one every month until it's maxed out. The Destruction one is absolutely insane if you Superimpose it. I've picked Nowhere to Run every time and my Clara absolutely cracks skulls. At Superimposition 4, it's giving a 41% attack bonus and she auto heals 21% of her attack as HP every time she kills an enemy. At S5, it gives 48% atk and 24% healing. At that point it's violently outperforming just about every 5 star lightcone. Granted, this literally takes 5 months and $50 to accomplish.


Did you really forget On the fall of aeon lc which absolutely free, have higher stats, give 64% atk buff and 24% dmg bonus on broken enemies at S5 which you can farm in less than 5 months?


nah fam, it *violently outperforms* every other 5 star LC


my poor child got baited into buying 5 battlepasses to have a lc worse than herta's LMAO


You're a monster bro lol


not just Herta's LC, I'm pretty sure the only 4 star destruction LC's that are worse than BP LC are Woof and The Moles lmao


You know, that and the thousands of resin worth of other stuff too.


Lmaoo, the sweet summer child


Personally I have mixed feelings on how much TB power is saved because farming level up materials is made such a bottleneck in order to push people into buying the BP. I mean, I've bought each month since release.


BP for resources are only worth it when your account is new. When your account is mature and you don't need to build any more characters, you can skip BP.


8 limited wishes are worth 10 dollars alongside the atrifact modeling resin. That alone makes it worth it, redt is gravy


The modelling resin is obtainable on free BP. You only get an additional 100 relic remains on paid BP at the same level.


Yeah, if there's something I would change about it, I'd swap the 100 parts for 2x self-modeling resin on the paid side. The rest of it is more or less what I expected. I was actually a little shocked that they gave a self-modeling on the free side.


Thats still not bad that's 2k resin to get that many mats, for a package cheaper than fast food meal.


They make everything expensive as fck so you think any non-scam bonus is actually worth it and "great value".


the bp, at its core is a huge time saver, with a bit of bonus currency on it. It is easily many thousand fuel saved in resources.


That's just nuts lol. You can get entire games for 10$, there's no universe in which that much for 8 wishes - literally nothing but 3* xp fodder - is even close to good value.


Your also neglecting the time being saved that's a few thousand fuel saved as well. It's cheaper then buying one meal of fast food.


Well they have to make money somehow. They're giving away "free" story and jade for f2p to save and pull. Paying 10 dollar to get BP is considered cheap to support Devs. And it's not essential to progress character skill lvl beyond 7/8. It's possible to clear hard content with a team at lvl 70~75 with skill lvl 7. Assuming you have the right relic set up.


Lol what are these stockholm syndrome posts. "they have to make money somehow" ? are you actually serious? those poor devs making literally billions per year from wealthy people gambling? ffs..


I mean yeah that's the point? They gotta make their money somehow.


The BP is being used to condition people into thinking it's a good idea to spend money on HSR, so they'll spend more money on top ups, the money generated from the BP itself will be negligible.


I think BPs are used to make low-moderate spenders happy. If a game caters to whales, it's alienating 95%+ of its player base, who ends up feeling like they can't advance without spending. With the BP (in Star Rail and in Genshin), I feel like I'm advancing at a fast enough pace while spending a reasonable amount of money. Having a solid player base is fundamental for these games. They need players to grow - happy players lead to a larger player base. And if they can capture some whales, they'll make more money from them. I think very few people who purchased BPs get tempted into top ups. The benefits of the top ups are marginal compared to the BPs - I don't ever see myself doing it.


I mostly agree. I feel like engagement is one of the biggest reasons battlepasses exist though. Make players feel even more like they need to keep logging in or they're missing out. Free to play? You still get stuff just by playing. Paid for the BP? You don't want to waste your money. Make sure you max the BP.


I've spent on top-ups in genshin and switched to being a low spender not too long ago. It's great because I don't feel guilty for spending a ton of money but I also don't feel too terribly left behind. When I started hsr I immediately started as a low spender and haven't really felt the need to do more than that. Bp actually feels worth it bc you're not expecting anything big, it just helps you get places you want to be faster, same with the $5 ticket/welkin. Top-ups are basically just buying the character you want right off the bat and imo feel much less satisfying in the long run.


self control is overrated amirite


That's like saying Costco's $2 hotdogs, free samples and pricing in $X.99 are devious plots to part you from your money. It's not exactly wrong but you're loading a lot of negativity to an otherwise pretty common sales tactic. I'm very curious how the people complaining about Hoyo's pricing scheme imagine a 'fair' sales plan.


Yep. I’ve been getting the elation one for Jing Yuan and keep superimposing it. But once it’s at max none of the other ones appeal to me and I might hold off spending on it till there is something good


Honestly by then I imagine I'd hit some sort of "equilibrium" (no pun intended). At that point the battlepass resources will wear out its usefulness.


Well it gives about 10$ worth of Jades plus a whole bunch of other crap that makes building characters nicer, so it's worth it for me.


holy crap I just realized that a 10 pull is like $20




Genshin and star rail specifically have insane prizes for pulls. Lots of games have way lower costs.


Yup. But if you plan out things well you can pull anyone you want for the price of welkin plus BP easily. I got 40k jades (saved up for Fu xuan and pulled for SW got lucky) saved up for future pulls


As long as you don't want every character. More like 1 of 2 or 3 characters.


As long as there's self control.


No, this is standard prize for popular gacha games.


I've played quite a few gacha games and I think only fgo was comparable to this. What other games have high prices?


GBF is ~3k yen for a 10-pull, and all cygames games probably have similar pricing structure. 10-pull in FEH is ~$20 (although for what it's worth, they have 5-pull sessions instead of 10).


I'm not really new to gacha, I just f2p through all of them and never really look at currency prices


well, most other games have pull/gems packs that have more pulls for cheaper aside from the basic option


Welcome to mihoyo* Greedy bastards


One pull in hoyo game is worth more than other games. In many other gacha you can pull 160 times and your account is still not any stronger compared to say pulling for one copy of Dan Heng IL. This is the same with Genshin. Not to mention both games are so easy to clear all content. Not p2w at all. No matter how much you spend, you'll still do as well as a F2P. Pulling is for your own enjoyment only.


~$30/£20/¥3000 for a 10-pull has been standard pricing long before Mihoyo started doing it.


Don’t worry most people are clueless, another thread I was in people were assuming $50 was enough to buy full pity


Well it sure would be reasonable for way more people


Tbf, it is, you just need to buy it 9 months in advance


Yeah I did these maths when I started and pretty much resolved to never ever spend on pulls. SOS 4 Lyf.


Yeah the number of times I've thought about buying pulls and then dipping out when I saw how few I got for my money is unreal 😂 if it was 10 for 10 I'd probably have spent a lot more 😂


Yes either you spend a month grinding the jades (assuming dailies only) for a 10 pull, or you skip the process and pay up for it Average gacha game business model


But are jades worth $10? That's the real question lol!


Well you can get 600 jades for 5$ (with the double), and the BP gives you 1320, so yeah it's about 10 dollars


I was just pointing out how overpriced the paid gems in gatcha games are lol, at least to me anyways.


The genre is a scam. Hundreds of dollars for a single character only to wait weeks for content that last less than half an hour. I find gacha games to be more enjoyable when you pay less, because it lets you push the game while being bottlenecked, I myself only throw money at the games when I'm having fun and want to reward the devs. I think this game has been pretty generous with free pulls and my luck has been great, so I do the 5 dollar a month pass.


At least there no PvP. So no pay to win gameplay and most of the content can be clear with f2p units. Even endgame content is possible with a full deck out 4 star team.


Even just with welkin you can get pretty much a character every two banners.


It's your second cheapest option for pulls after the supply pass. Yep it's hilariously overpriced already but the 100€ pack is worse and WAY worse w/o the first time bonus. Worth it? Absolutely not. Doable with a proper job? Sure. Thankfully whaling isn't needed in HSR or Genshin, so we can get by with Welkin/BP just fine. We really only need the big packs if we are impatient and want too much stuff at the same time.




That would basically cut their profits in half. Remember these are targeted at whales for whom money is no object.


Has anyone run some polls on whether people would be willing to whale more (as in shoot for E6 at minimum, if not E6S5) if prices were cut and whether that would offset the lost profit from discounting gacha currency?


No needs for any "polls." If that were the reality, you can be sure that the gacha companies would've done it long ago. Things are the way they are precisely because this is the system that generates the highest profits.


idk, i think hoyo alienates dolphin, the reason theyre no.1 always is bc their audience is so large they can just not give a fk. ​ ive whaled hundreds in other gacha game like azur lane, nikke, and ak, the only things i buy from hsr is the monthly gems thing bc everything else is just such a daylight robbery


When you look at it through a purely business lens, 1 person spending 1k is better than 20 people spending $50 since that one person spending 1k is a lot more likely to spend repeatedly, whereas someone spending $50 it's much more likely to be a one time thing. Of course it's not like the coolest thing ever that they care most about profit but oh well it is what it is


I am VERY sure that Hoyo's financial analysts, and most other gachas that feature similar prices, did their research. :'D These guys are pros and know their target audience and what the market will bear. Genshin and HSR are already on the friendly/"cheap" side. There are Gacha's out there that do not feature a pity **at all.** Now THAT is scary.


whaling isnt needed is such a low bar bc every semi popular game are like that, i think gi/hsr is actually worse because its the only game i played where im forced to buy welkin cause if i dont i basically go from barely having a gems income to having no gems income


Being used to subscription MMOs for well over a decade, where I have to buy a Box AND pay a monthly fee that is comparable to Welkin+BP, to even be allowed to log in, I can't really sympathize. I mod for FF-XIV, so I have a tiny, little glimpse into how much work, sweat and tears go into honing artistic talent and then realizing such a project. The least we can do, as customers, is to give something back as a sign that we appreciate their work. The whole freeloader mentality is asinine in my book. As if you people somehow have an entitlement to the work of others.


i wouldnt call myself a freeloader or having a freeloader mentality, i am someone who doesnt mind paying for a game i enjoy. HSR isnt an MMO, its a gacha game that i feel pumps out less content than most other gachas i play. i have spent way more on other gachas buying stuff that i want, i hate that in HSR i feel like i have to spend money on subscription to get stuff i NEED, instead of what i WANT. also the fact is that hoyoverse is the most profitable gacha company of all time, in what way is their work not already rewarded enough?, in an ideal scenario i would pay them for skins and packs to get an eidolons of character i want, just like any other game i played. instead i am buying subscriptions because its the only thing they have that offers any value and if i dont buy it the game is straight up not enjoyable


Great value, totally worth it. If anything, they should add an over leveling mechanic, so you could keep leveling it up for stuff like credits or exp materials.


This! I hit level 50 with 12 days to go and am now just waiting for it to reset. At least credits please!


I like having about two weeks of leeway on the BP. But I would like it if it worked more like the HI3 BP that gives you misc rewards up to 30 extra levels.


wait, how do you people level up so much on this think? i dont even buy the pass bcs i always feel like im stuck on lvl 15-20 forever


If you just do your dailies and weeklies you pretty much finish the battle pass automatically, or at least get the resin. Faster if you do the event objectives, which just happens if you play through the events the game puts out.


Just making sure you complete the missions on your battle pass. The weekly limit of BP EXP gained is 8000 (10 levels) and that doesn't include the missions that last the BP which are usually 1400 EXP. By just hitting the weekly limit you can finish it in 5 weeks


Do you even do the weekly bosses and cook 10 items each week? That alone gives you 10 lvls per period + the warps and I'd be at 15.. are you even playing the game?


The amount of points it takes is fixed at 800 points per level, so 50 level ups is 40,000 points. You have an 8000 point weekly limit that is pretty easy to hit, so in five weeks you could hit level 50 doing only dailies and weeklies. But if you complete some of the "this period" stuff, you can cut out a whole week or two of that easily. I hit level 50 sometime last week on the current one.


Really wish they’d do this. I can usually complete the pass several weeks before the reset and the sudden drop in resources coming in feels bad. Doesn’t need to be jades or anything just give me a few XP books and light cone level up mats. Also without it I don’t have the incentive to do the daily / weekly stuff.


They should over level and give you Fuel lol


They did that with Honkai Impact, where you have 70 levels at base with the paid pass and then 30 more levels with random rewards, I wouldn't be surprised if they imported that to Star Rail


I dare say more self-modelling resin. I used 3 in a row once on a friend's account and was given the 3 same shitty substats.


The shitty substats have very high rate of appearing. It's better to use the resin on supports since they don't need damage substats. Personally, I use it to get the increase healing rate stat and speed stat on my healer's relics.


You don't want to be stuck farming support relic domains when the only thing you're missing is speed boots. Best to get it over with using self-modeling resin, especially when the substats matter very little, if at all.


So I use the self modelling resin on support items like speed boots and ERR rope? Instead of Cdmg chests etc?


Yes (and especially because you have more support / tanks compared to your two DPS), everybody needs some broken keel ERR or messenger speed boots


More generally, for pieces where you lack a piece with the right mainstat. I used it for a couple SPD boots and ERR ropes, but also a few Crit chests because I didn't have any -- and thus a Crit chest with crap mainstats was still better than my ATK chest with mediocre mainstats.


Crit chest pieces technically have the same droprate as speedboots do? At least thats how I remember it. I just use it for whatever I haven't gotten for a characters mainstat after getting everything else. Between ER rope, crit chests and speedboots that is. A part of me has been tempted to use it to try for better substats before, but I would only do that if I didn't plan on getting any new characters for a couple patches. Hasn't happened yet ^^,


So much this! Someone saying they only used it for speed boots first was the best thing I ever read on this sub in regards to the relic end game. Substats can leave something to be desired but speed main stat comes first.


Energy regeneration ropes are the best for that exact reason. Substats arent that important, and they are super hard to get.


Eh, I rarely run SU to farm relics but have to at least twice a week for rewards and get 4 tokens. Compare that to using stamina on sub par caverns and it’s free real estate. Much more like to get ERR ropes than speed boots over time Edit: yall downvoting me seem to misunderstand. I understand the percentages but I don't run support caverns making the practical percentage chance to drop speed boots essentially 0


Yup. Only thing I use it for is spd boots or ERR ropes for supports. The rationale is rolling a dmg sphere or crit body for my DPS is worthless if it has bad subs and I have to keep farming anyways.


Yea whenever I use on the DPS i get bad substats, meanwhile all my supports’ ropes came from the resin since I stopped using them for crit body pieces 😂 also since getting err rope is hell


Yep, I always use the self-modeling on ER Ropes


i used to use my resins for seele upgrades, but i found more value for getting on set spd boots and err ropes for supports


I have only used mine in energy Regen so far. Afrain to use them all for some reason lol


Expectation issue. The SMR isn't designed to help with substat farming. It's designed for the beginning phase of the game to help you get a set with the correct main stat faster. As you already experienced: SMR won'T make a dent in endgame farming where optimization of substats is the goal.


Usually it's the second most efficient thing (next to the $5 30 day path) so it's not bad tbh.


It's always, always going to be good value. Buying straight gems is for the whales, while battlepass options are for anyone and everyone below that that isn't F2P.


The LCs are the weakest part. I'm working on getting Erudition S5 but then after that, I'm not sure what I'd go for. Nowhere to Run?




Honestly the abundance is the first ones I went for because while it looks bad on paper actually ends up being fairly decent. While it isn't a ton of healing your healer is going to be using basic attack most of the time so it is still a good amount of trickle healing, if that trickle healing saves you from casting a single extra heal in battle it makes it more worthwhile than any of the others. It also is one of the few that has max hp which helps outgoing heals almost as much as the outgoing healing buffs from other lightcones but also makes your healer less likely to get killed as well. Funny enough it also becomes the best lightcone for your healer that gets paired with jingliu by far. Something like Shared feeling looks really good until you realize that your healer is rarely using their skill so that energy regen stat is kinda dead. The only healer that really gets good use out of shared feelings is luocha and blade combo because the regular free skill use. The hunt one is terrible unless you need the dispel but again the dispel is kinda rng as well. Really useful in certain fights at the cost of way better damage options. Especially since the hunt has a straight up better herta LC. Harmony is also way too RNG in my opinion. Erudition is kinda terrible since you won't ever sit at max energy most of the time on most characters. That said QQ actually does get a lot of use out of it but for most other erudition characters it is kinda bad and the erudition LC's are kinda bad and hyper specialized for specific characters. The problem with the preservation one is that the def scaling onto the ult really isn't going to be adding much in the way of damage. I think later on it might end up really good but with the current characters you have better options.


Erudition BP LC scales off Max Energy and not its current value. You can use your ults freely. The LC you may be thinking of where you sit on your ult is Subscribe for more. I think I grabbed the Abundance LC on my first BP, but then I was blessed (or cursed) by getting 2 of the Bailu LC from standard. I don't see myself leveling the BP one at this stage but I'll have to see when I get my hands on Jingliu. I'm guessing Luocha's healing field will suffice.


Luocha is actually looking kinda bad for jingliu. His healing field is not on demand and due to the nature of how jingliu works your going to have most of the characters hit 50% around the same time. The way it works is your going to be doing a lot of burst damage to your characters as you probably use the drain skill 3 times back to back, then you will have 2 turns where you build back up stacks/ultimate. Literally the ideal rotation is build up 4 stacks to transition with 2 skill uses, use 1 stack of the blast, ult, use free turn for second stack, then use third on next turn after that you need to use 2 normal skills to build back to 4 stacks. On top of that him taking a lot of damage as a low hp healer makes his survival a little iffy if he gets targeted. He also scales on attack and not hp which means much less damage for jingliu.


Interesting take. He seems like her best sustain option by far to me. Luocha has borderline 100% field uptime, so it shouldn't matter how many times Jingliu is draining HP. Considering how tiny the amount drained is per attack, Luocha's field will more than overheal the drain since it will activate with *every attack* she does. So it doesn't matter if she bursts out 5 attacks draining HP in quick succession, since every attack she does is overhealing any drain done. The only time it would ever be a real concern is if somehow you start taking a ton of turns with her while the field is down and somehow nobody drops below 50% HP, which seems extremely unlikely. Jingliu also only needs about 3.5k HP per teammate to max her drain buff, and any well built Luocha easily has that much HP unless you completely neglect defensive stats, so that shouldn't be an issue either. Imo he's easily the best sustain option to pair with her, I just can't see how anyone else would be better. Her drain is far worse for Fu since it ignores the damage splitting, and other healers have to actively heal the drain instead of passively doing it like Luocha. Gepard I guess works fine as long as damage never gets past his shield, but he's not as comfy in general as someone like Luocha or Fu. Curious as to whom you think is the best fit then.


Fun. Which healer are you planning? I think Luocha's field is up most of the time, but that's my impression with using him with Bronya and Blade. I don't know Jingliu's kit and so don't know if that'll work in that as a duo dps team. Feels like Luocha's always overhealing.


This is highly exaggerative and just flat-out wrong to suggest Luocha will be "kinda bad" with Jingliu. He's not bad with literally any character in the game, it's unlikely a character ever comes out that Luocha is actually bad with. I don't know why you're speaking so matter-of-factly when this is baseless speculation. If you've built your Luocha correctly he's also NOT a "low HP" healer, you can easily get him to 5k+ HP without sacrificing too much healing. What you said is redundant, any character is gonna have iffy survival if they get targeted frequently. You forget whenever you attack when Luocha's field is active you restore HP to the whole team. So I don't know where you have this idea your team will ever reach 50% HP in the first place. Also, Jingliu barely drains any HP in the first place lmao


> Honestly the abundance is the first ones I went for because while it looks bad on paper actually ends up being fairly decent It looks bad on paper because it is bad on paper and in practice. Healing based on target's HP is not worth a lot when the unit you want to heal and keep alive has low HP, and tanks with high HP are last to die.


same im maxing that erudition LC for my QQ and then imma max out the abundance one for my Lynx


Carve the moon is pretty great, I have it at S2 works well as a generic statstick. Didn't get DanceDance or Planetary, didn't want to use cogs because stats are too low.


I still use Cogs on Asta. The stats aren't too much of an issue now that my relics are more leveled (+12). I was able to get Memories of the Past to S5 relatively recently, but haven't gotten around to leveling it as a replacement for Cogs. Low priority since I can clear content without it. Just a nice to have later on if the content gets more challenging.


*cries in canadian $15 bp*


It's $12.99. Buy it through the PC client and don't pay tax.


How does the no tax work?


Different online payment processors have different agreements with financial institutions in various countries and not everyone charges tax because the transaction technically takes places not where you are located. So they don't pay sales tax to that province or country. It may have changed but the last time I did it through the PC client I was only charged the 12.99 and not the taxes, just a flat 12.99.


sobbing in 3rd world country (the amount in my currency is equal to at least 4 meals)


Yep yall do be paying $1.5USD extra




Correct me if I’m wrong but paid battle pass only give you 4 passes & 6 fuels. I believe you include the free reward which should not be considered here.


>Trace materials: > >8 purple and 8 blue ≈ 16 runs at worst luck? Its 24 purple and 32 blue trace materials\~ (3x8, 4x8)


HI3 and GI launch player here. Spent a bit on HI3, like maybe 12-15 monthly cards total, and spent none on GI so far. Currently swimming in resources in HI3, like I literally can't spend all my gold and other basic in-game currency, except for those weapon "ascension" mats and of course the premium currency crystals. I put quotation marks on ascension because it is way harder to get those ascension mats than in any other Hoyo game where you just need to run some dungeons. No, I didn't actually upgrade everything in my HI3 account, only Valkyries which are all at max level, and most of their BIS equipment if I have them, and a bunch of general-purpose placeholder equipment that are actually good. In GI, I find myself currently upgrading all my characters to at least max ascension, and putting whatever good artifact pieces I have on them, and I'm also currently stockpiling on Fontaine upgrade mats even though I only have Lynette currently, all because I have nothing better to do for my daily grind. What I seem to be "running out" of constantly is mora. Running out here means I am below 500k, in which case I start spending the teapot currency on the weekly gold until I am at 1M again. I'm telling you all this because it seems that you are very likely going to be swimming in resources down the line, such is the nature of Hoyo games. What you need to consider when spending real money on their games is the pulls. That, to me, is the only worth it thing to be spending on Hoyo.


idk man basing my $10 spending habits on where I'm gonna be a year from now seems pretty silly. Doubly so when I don't even know if I'm still going to be playing this game in a year.




>. I just hit TB68 so I'm closer to getting extra credits generated. What do you mean by this? Do credits drop rate increase at TB level 70 or something?


Instead of Trailblaze XP, you get Credits after Level 70.


Once you max out on TB level, all your subsequent TB Exp gets converted to creds as you earn them; 1:1 ratio IIRC.




>What you need to consider when spending real money on their games is the pulls Okay, but the battle pass has the second lowest cost per pull after the daily jades. So if you're planning to spend more than the $5 pass, it makes more sense to buy the battle pass before buying straight jades


The way I see it is how much enjoyment will you get from BP. The BP lets me skip the golden calyx grind, which means I get my characters up to a usable state faster (I got Kafka and Fu Xuan fully built within a day). BP lets me enjoy the characters I already have more.


Yeah, but have you considered that I am poor as fuck?


So much math but the hypothesis is false, you are counting both p2w to f2p mats. Fake news.


If youre leveling most characters and trying to invest in alot of units, yes it is worth it. If youre just hyper investing 2-3 characters and blowing all your fuel/tbp on these characters then its not worth it. We still get resources from events and end game. ( I have 22 characters max ascended, most at level 70) I have 10 lightcones max ascended some at 80 and some at 70 Most trace investments are at level 6-8 for both dps and supports for about 12 characters The battle pass is worth it if youre upgrading a lot of characters


Gonna take the chance to ask someone that's doing what I'm aiming to do, what's the best stop point for dps? Lvl 70 or 75?


Go full send to 80. Damage is also dependent on level difference. If you are pressed to not go to 80, just stop at a level where you unlock all relevant traces (I think 75?).


For DPS definitely go till 80.


Early in the game so yes for me. I'll probably get the first few months


I have to get one of each of the light cones. Just for collection sake.


If you're going to be spending money, it's arguably the best money you can spend. Significantly worse roll rate than the monthly pass, but still double the rate of normal gem buys plus a bunch of resources. Now *should* you spend money on the game? Idk probably not, but $10 every month and a half isn't very much so it's not worth losing sleep over. If you're young enough or poor enough that that's a nontrivial amount of money, definitely spend it on something more worthwhile. Do you know how many real games there are that cost $10 or less?


The Light Cones are really mid, the only one worth a damn is Erudition. If I could pick 2, I'd pick Erudition twice. I wish they were better. But apart from that, you get a nice chunk of Jade and tons of Fuel's worth of upgrade mats. It might not be worth it for an account that doesn't have a lot of characters to build because it is already at endgame, but it's worth for an account that's getting there, at least once or twice.


Carve the moon is pretty damn good. Depending on rng is amazing for moc10 to get min cycles.


It has way too strong of a competition to be worth spending $10 for, though. You have Cogs, Dancex3, Planetary, and Bronya's LC.


You can guarantee S5 with enough time. I use Tingyun a lot and it’s hard to justify using any other lc on her. Maybe Dancex3 depending on who she’s with. But yes I guess you have “easily accessible,” options.


Even at S5 the rng makes it one of the worst Harmony LC's available. Cogs S5 or Bronya LC (guaranteed with enough time) are both a lot better. Dance and Planetary are alsol better, altho both of those are gacha. Recommending a BP user to get Carve the Moon makes no sense to me when most of the other options are better and 2 of them are F2P friendly on top.


But then again, that's a total of $50 for an S5 light cone that's basically a slight upgrade at best. Tingyun is usually using S5 Cogs with Vonwaq for consistent 3 turn Ult, or Planetary if you use Jing Yuan or Kafka.


Yeah paying 10 dollars a month for 5 months in order to get 120 jades a month for a total of 600 jades is totally worth, xD


You don't get it in order to 'clear,' you get it in order to 'min-turn,' since you don't need more than two Tingyun ultimates in order to clear it, so the other LCs that give energy regeneration are useless in those cases.


Honestly, for $10 very happy with it.


Last 3 passes in finished with 25 days left. Wish they had more, if only for something to do. Not because the value of reward. And more resin. All the resin I’ve used have had substats as bad as the stuff I’ve farmed and dismantled.


Now compare to Diablo 4 🤣


Cries in Lag


It's worth the $10. Lots of everything you want. Maybe more character materials cause purples are so low in drop rate from the calyxes. But I'm happy with what I get for $10. Maybe another LC or more LC choices since some of them just aren't that good.


is this including the free part of the BP? or purely the paid part?


Including free rewards


i kinda forgot what are the free. but i personally think worth it. unless you are pure f2p players.


The fact that the jades and tickets are, at least in my opinion, the least valuable part of the battlepass says a lot imo The extra materials just help so much with character-building. I've been buying the BP since launch and not once have I ever been stumped on something because I wanted to build a character but can't because I couldn't level a character up and their traces.


if they added more lost crystals and star rail special tickets for 10 summon it would make it perfect


Worth it yes. Wish the refresh was quicker though. And I feel like this is a good place to add some more of the too-rare self modeling resin. But overall I’m not disappointed in what it’s providing. I only buy this and the 30 days of 90 daily jade. That enough for me to pull on every other banner and level up in a decent time.


Most of these LC aren't good, IMO. So you pay for materials and wishes. It's better than paying for pulls, but no by much.


Just the fuel alone its worth it lol


Yeah, and mainly for the char exp, trace mats, credits, and fuel tbh - saves so much time building characters... the jade and passes are just bonus


Very worth it, especially with how easy it is to finish. I would have to actually grind to finish on time in Genshin, but I've been done for 2 days now in Star Rail


Would be nice if they round off everything. 2 mil credit. 5 golden tickets. 10x material each 15 fuel 700 jades And maybe 2 self modeling


I spend extra to get cute new avatars and a head start on advancing through the Battle Pass. All that biggering is triggering more biggering.


First 2 patches it's worth it, after that you don't know where to use the resources anymore.


It's subjective, same with Genshin's BP. Really depends on the person's finances and what they want, some people are a lot tighter on cash than others and are trying to pay off student loans, so for them spending money on shit like this is absolutely not worth it, they should be trying to budget their spending as best as possible. For someone with a lot more disposable income, less/no debt to pay off, and really into the game, then this would offer acceptable value comparatively to a lot of other things they could buy


It's okay as a start. Some of the LCs are okay too (namely Harmony/Erudition), but it'll def be one of those things you stop buying after a year until they introduce new weapons in it a few years later. signed, A Genshin mfer


My answer will always be no when it comes to almost anything's price, but since that's whats on offer that's what I gotta pay for it and I do. I'd probably extend the BP all the way to 70 and provide another BP weapon or specific relic crafting material at the max level. I generally end up completing the BP by the end of the first hall's banner.


for a digital commodity, they could add more tbh. Like enough to fully upgrade a 4\*'s traces or something. Would also make f2p players convert. Probably.


Yep, its fine


Make it cad 9.99, would buy it more than one time out of FOMO if it wasn’t 15cad


Since I am in Australia. For me the battle pass is 18 AUS dollars so it is definitely not worth it. I will only get it if I am REALLY tempted or need the materials. Like how the 100 dollar pack is 165 AUS dollars over here. I just want the pretty characters :(


Definitely worth it , those fuel alone are worth it imo I would pay $10 for 10 fuels


Genshin has much better BP weapons relative to HSR BP LCs. So maybe add more and better ones.


What a weird comparison


Not really. They're pretty similar games made by the same company, and the BPs are pretty much copy and paste with some differences. If anything, it's probably the only real fair comparison.


Genshin has better bp weapon but worst summonable 4 star only fav and sac are worth it HSR has worst bp weapon but all the summonable weapons has there uses


This isn't really true, here we have good and bad gacha weapons too. You just use the best option you have. For example, if you have swordplay, the rest of hunt lcs don't have many uses. For example, most Harmony characters want memories of the past or planetary, the same is for Favonius or sac. It's not that they're the only good gacha weapons, it's just that why use the rest when you have the better weapon.


No, you'll soon be at a point where you'll have nothing to spend your power on but sinking it on relic domains so those mats will only let you get to that point faster and those weapons will be useless eventually. I have all genshin BP weapons R1 except serpent spine as R5 yet i dont use a single one of them anymore.


I think of it as a tip to the developer. I only buy it once I hit 50, at that point I figure I've played the game enough to spend a bit on it.