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What happens if you unlock divergent universe early? without even being in penacony? is it a huge deal? does it only unlock the radiant feldspar map? and makes the story seem janky? asking for a friend


Divergent Universe, do I have to do a run every time to raise my points or will just farming for relics work?


Is there any way to toggle back to my builds in divergent universe? my aventurine is built better, but because he isnt on a 4 piece set, it forces me to use their relics. Its making me not want to do the mode at all because i cant use my characters on them.


Anyone who actually completed Stranger in a Strange Land before starting Divergent Universe think it’s worth it to do them in that order?


Is Herta Lc s1 any good on FF, i didnt get it until now and it gonna take me like 2 months to get it to s5.


Unless you already have Clara's LC or something similar already leveled, it's not gonna kill you to use the s1 LC. No point in sinking resources in something else and she's getting very favorable buffs for the time being in moc


Goodpoint, plus I saw too many comment saying if you going for her LC, it's better just to go for her e1.


Is it worth leveling up Firefly's skill? From what I've read, most of her damage comes from her breaking and super breaking and not the damage listed in the skill description. And at level 1 her skill already gives 50% energy so no matter what level it's at, I'm gonna need to use 2 skills to get my ultimate. Unless I guess I get hit by the TV's debuff that saps energy.


Not necessary but if I were you I'd do it (at least I did currently mine is 4/10/10/10) Because that extra 10% can do a lot 10%×240= 24 so that extra 24 can do a lot sometimes But again as you said at the end it's gonna be a 2 turn ult


Right. She'd have to get hit a lot or get lucky with the happy TVs to get a 1 skill ult. I might just hold on leveling it until the double resource event starts. Or hold it at level 1 cuz that seems funny.


If I want to get better score in pure fiction should I get firefly or Argenti?


Is Fu Xuan, Huo Huo or Lynx good for Firefly, or do i need to build my E1 Gallagher?


ur trolling if u dont build. u think hes 4 star hes bad lmao...


They're all viable for her. It's just that Gallagher is her best choice because the debuff he can apply to his enemies via his Ult provides a bit of extra Break Damage, so it lets her hit a bit harder as well. E1 Gallagher is still good, but he still lacks the cleanse from his Skill so just be careful if dealing with enemies that consistently apply debuffs for example. Otherwise, it doesn't matter too much imo unless you're tending to lean more into the min-max territory where you're trying to squeeze out as much Damage potential as possible for her.


I got e1 firefly but lost on the LC banner. Is her LC worth pulling for or should I just leave it and use Indelible Promise?


S5 Aeon is good on her. If you want to use that on someone else, than Indelible Promise is also fine.


In Divergent Universe, when an equation is not yet expanded, does it even have an effect? I'm not sure if expansion means activation or enhancement


No, expansion is activation.


Lost my 50/50 again, currently sitting at 45, pity. Is it possible to get Ruan Mei before her banner ends?


Probably? You still have 9 pulls from the event + a bunch of pulls from the new Simulated Universe


Probably. You need at worst case 45 more pulls and I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s at least 50 more pulls before the end of her banner. Just have to work through all the new content + whatever you haven’t already done.


I see. Hopefully I can get her. Thanks!


Uh... what are the prequirements for Divergent Universe? I don't have the quest on my quest log and if I want to activate it on the quest menu it tells me 'If you skip the prequirements it's not the intended way to play'. But on the event announcement it says you only needed to finish World 3 of the SU? I already did this YEARS ago. What exactly does the game wants from me? I don't want to quick start it. I want to know the rewuirements.


There's definitely a button you can press/tap/etc that says "to have the best experience, complete Stranger in a Strange Land" which is part of the new main quest. I did the quick start though and it doesn't matter, the Divergent Universe access point is just in the new area so it comes with that recommendation I guess.


Got E0 RM and E0 Firefly (right in my jades.....) Are either of their eideons worth pulling for?


Worth is subjective, they're both useful but it depends on the opportunity cost of not spending those jades elsewhere.


Cool, think I'll save the jades for Jade. The only 5 star that I bothered to get more E's for was Acheron just to ease up on the team comp lol.


https://preview.redd.it/132etro2hh7d1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a92eb23da91354d75242256c741766dd64e9bb3 Should I get Ruan Mei or Firefly?


RM. Even including the free Yukong you have very few offensive supports


My 300 selector is coming up. I am only interested in these four (with current eidolon): - Bronya (E1) - Himeko (E2) - Welt (E2) - Clara (E1) I am most likely taking Bronya E2 for the speed boost. Is there any reason to rather go for one of the other three?


Firefly or jade?


Likely Firefly. What characters do you have?


I have almost all the ss+ tier list characters including ruin mei


What other characters do you have?


Nvm I already pulled and starrail apologised to me for making me lose 4 50 50 in a row by giving me E1 firefly in a 10 pull


guys, I'm panicking! In the first 10 rolls I got Ruan Mei and Gallagher, I have +120 passes. I wasn't planning to pull for Firefly, should I? The problem is that I need to know if I also need the light cone of Ruan Mei and Firefly. I'm getting close to finishing the game (I still have a lot of content left, but I want to start building my second team). I show you the characters I have in this image My main team is Dr. Ratio, Topaz (with light cone), Bronya and Aventurine. It seems like a good time for my second team to be Firefly, Ruan Mei, HMC and Gallagher, would that be good? Recommend me what to pull, please! https://preview.redd.it/1rbr5gjsgh7d1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=58dbd1be98be1712e1d5ee292b369e02a30aa6cb


That's a good and very strong team, but I would only pull if you like Firefly (or desperately want a Fire DPS) since Ruan Mei and Gallagher can be pretty flexible. Firefly's strong, but there might be other DPSes (and there's already Boothill and Xueyi etc.) who also focus on BE and appreciate them. Ruan Mei works as a general buffer outside of BE as well. Please don't panic and be pressured by the new 5\* hype to pull. Also, RM and Firefly lcs aren't as good as their early eidolons. Also, I think Robin would be a great pull for your FUA team XD


Sadly, I let Robin go because I didn't like her much, and I preferred Topaz in every way (I started to play when Aventurine). I understand that Gallagher and Ruan Mei are flexible, so I am happy with them. The good thing about following to pull in this patch is that I can get eidolons for Gallagher. Firefly I don't dislike her, I wasn't originally going to try to get her because I didn't know if Ruan Mei would cost me too much, just like I didn't know if I was going to go for her light cone. The only character I know I clearly want right now is Acheron, but of course, I imagine there's still a bit of time left for her rerun. So my biggest fear is to pull for Firefly, and then she becoming not very useful (which I doubt seeing people's hype). And the doubt if I should get the light cone from Ruan Mei or Firefly, or their eidolons for the team to be good. I need to create a second team, and I don't know what's my best option with the characters I have. Thank you for your answer!


If your fear is Firefly not becoming useful eventually, I wouldn't pull for her, haha. It sounds like you want her purely for her kit (not a bad thing) but there will probably be more 5\*s you like in the future. Up to you whether you want to pull her only because of meta. She'll prob be good for quite a while. If you're desperately needing a second team, you could try for her, but I personally waited for a character I liked since the lost MOC pulls are prob less than pulls for characters I don't actually like. Have fun!


What set do I use on Imaginary MC if I'm using her with FF?


HTB is the best 4pc Watchmaker holder, and its break effect buff coupled with HTB's can help your allies with 4pc Iron Cavalry reach the required 250 break effect.




4p Watchmaker




Hi is there any important lore drops or story-telling from Divergent Universe? Coz I’m not sure if I want to skip story and access it early to farm for firefly ornament sets. Thanks.


No, it just takes place in the new area (Feldspar?).


Oh so no important character or story reveal like with new characters Jade or others I assume? Thank you then. I’ll get to farming.


No it's just you, Screwllum, and the new game mode which has no story in itself.


Very nice. Very cool. Very much thanks. May you win your next 50/50s with no sweat.


For those who have end game firefly builds already done, how much atk does she have avg?


Worth pulling for firefly if I have boothill? Is there a team that’s good for boothill while still giving firefly her best teammates? Or is Ruan mei too important for both of them


Id honestly advise against it. Running both at the same time will hamstring the other. This might change when they eventually release more break supports but the future is uncertain. It will still be fine if you switch between the two, though.


If you like Firefly then yes, pull for her, she'll carry you well enough that you can ignore the loss of Ruan Mei in Boothill team Boothill without Ruan isn't as detrimental to his damage as Firefly without Ruan, he can run Bronya + Pela/Silverwolf set up and do just fine, he can still do crazy number without Ruan Mei


Ahh that’s super helpful! Thankyou!


RM is pretty important for both of them.




Pretty sure her LC isnt BiS. Herta shop LC is better. If you really want to invest in her, Yunli's LC is probably the way to go. You also don't have to spend starlight on cones necessarily, just use them for rolls np. That said, if you're going to find yourself in a situatuon where you need Aeon on someone like Jingliu or DHIL, then her LC is a good sub.


Damage-wise her LC is actually worse than Fall of an Aeon S5. Use that instead as it is free. The only LC I'd get from the shop is Bronya's LC.


If you wanna build her on a budget, aeon. If you wanna invest more, blade SIG. Could also wait n see if yunli works with her somehow.


The Hertha store destruction LC works just fine on her.


Between pulling for firefly LC and getting Ruan mei E1 which seems better ? I also use Ruan mei in my dot team so I'm leaning towards that unless Firefly LC is like Achron's or Blackswan's


If you're running Aeon on another DPS, S1 >>. imo


2.3 story spoilers: >!So how are we going to go back to Luofu next patch if we’re worried about fuel supply?!<


>!Space Anchors are canon, not just gameplay convenience!<


hows Himeko compared to an E2 Xueyi? just got them from my pulls today and i wanna funnel my resources into one of them. i have harmony mc, ruan mei and gallagher at level 60 ready for a break team.


Neither has weakness implant but Xueyi has weakness ignore on her ult (and fua at E2, iirc) at least. So for Himeko you are a bit more dependent on the enemy's weaknesses. In general pve, Xueyi is ahead imo. However, in Pure Fiction Himeko is miles ahead of Xueyi. Honestly, both are more consistent if you go the usual crit build instead of super break builds unless the endgame buffs call for it.


Hello! I have a friend trying to invite me for the JUN2024 player return web event. Can't figure out for the life of me how to use her invite code though, and I haven't done one of these before. Do I enter her code somewhere on the webpage, or is it something I do in-game? Also her code in case others wants to help her out lol. GA8F4HJH9N


What is the HSR size on your mobiles after 2.3?


It's 21.86 GB on Android for me. I'm not sure if it makes any difference, but I already finished the new trailblaze mission before checking...


They haven't given the deleting past quest resources option like in Genshin yet right?


What is the prerequisite quest I have to do to unlock Divergent universe? I don't wanna do the early access route


Finish the current Trailblaze quest.


I have S5 MotP, S1 MotP and S5 meshing cogs, how should I split them between Ruan Mei and HMC?


If you can reach 160 BE on Ruan Mei w/o MotP, then Cogs on her. If not MotP on her. TB can always adjust.


The opposite from the other commenter for me, give Ruan Mei the s5 cogs and HMC s5Motp, Ruan Mei break eff needs capped at 180% ( which means you only need 160% out of battle), While Hmc wants as much break eff as possible (there's no cap or limit)


Give S5 MotP to Ruan Mei and Meshing Cogs with HMC.


these are my characters, with the release of ruan mei and firefly, i want to pull one of them but i dont know which to pull https://preview.redd.it/hok063cjbh7d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c2e9ab84044332461e054332444d7d382fb0d0b


I assume your main team is Dr.Ratio / Topaz / Robin / Fu Xuan. That leaves two options: - Xueyi / Harmony MC / Ruan Mei / Gallagher - Firefly / Harmony MC / Pela / Gallagher Of the two above I'd most likely go with Firefly and get Ruan Mei later. Chances are, you might be able to replace Pela with Jiaoqiu who is coming in 2 months.


i got them both on 4 pulls 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Haha, Congrats! Have fun with a good Firefly team, it's amazing.


You are right, they are my main team. I needed direction of whom to pull. I appreciate you for answering, thank youuu :>>>


https://preview.redd.it/85xbmyoxah7d1.png?width=519&format=png&auto=webp&s=86ab670e02211e7b8fae0c522398de5b6c7824af Should I pull for Ruan Mei or Firefly? (TB level 50)


In a bit of a dilemma here. Had enough passes to hit pity twice, and to no one’s surprise, i lost the 50/50. Got RM eventually. Im now trying to get FF. Im currently 35 pulls deep into the banner. With the new event and other gem sources, I can probably grind and get another 10-ish pulls worth today alone (optimistically). Which would put me at around 45-50 pulls. Assuming i hit pity at around 80 pulls, i will need another 30-35 pulls. With that said, I have 700 undying starlights right now that I can exchange for 35 special passes which will carry me to pity. The only 5star LC i have is Bronya’s which i have on Robin. By exchanging for passes, I essentially miss out on a free 5star LC. Im not sure which would be best to get if i were to get one. Im thinking maybe Final Victor (Gepard LC) for Adventurine for aggro and DEF bonuses, but the Trend of the Universal Market LC has already been working out very well for him especially when paired with Ratio. Other than that, I fail to see value in the other LC’s even with an unused Bailu, Welt, and Clara all at lv1. Question: Would it be wise to swap my starlights for enough passes to hit pity for FF? Or should I buy one of the 5star LCs in the shop instead? Fully aware that i could also lose the next 50/50


Tough question. As fully f2p, I’ve been thrilled with Moment of Victory for Gepard (my first sustain), then later Adventurine and Fu Xuan. I’m saving now for a second so Adventurine and FX can each have one. At the same time, I haven’t had to choose between the 5* LC and reaching pity for a character I wanted. I’d say if it was guaranteed, I’d suggest FF no question. With another 50/50 on the line… I think I’d still go for FF. If only because the wait to save up for your next 5* LC should be shorter than the wait for FF rerun (I think).


I'm so sorry about your 50 50, I lost mine too but eh, I got gallagher E6 and xueyi E4 and I was assuming I was gonna lose anyway, at one point pulling feels a bit boring tbh Anyway, firefly! Always go for passes with your starlight, always always. They are the best bang for your buck, a light cone is halfway to pity in price for what you can get in pulls so it's not worth it, especially if you lose the dreaded 75 25 and you get the same one you got


Dude i came in the banner with already Xueyi at E6. In 110 ish pulls i got Xueyi another 5 times, Gallagaher 2, and Misha 2, and a few 4 star LCs. Considering Xueyi gets benched IF i get FF, Gallagher is priority. The game threw Xueyis at me left and right. The one unit i had max copies of.. okay thanks for the advice. I forgot to mention I already have Bronya’s LC which is probably arguably the best LC in the shop anyway.


Terrible gacha, that's why I don't hope for anything and just skip all animations till I get the thing I want. I saw bailu while eating my sandwich and I didn't even flinch. If you have bronya's LC then you're golden, no need to buy anything but pulls


For those who finished 2.3 story without spoiling how long is it?


It was over before I even realized it


That's what she said


Felt pretty quick. Maybe 2 hours?


Is it bad to unlock the simulated universe early?


no. doesn't make a difference for the story.


Not really? There are spoilers tho so if you don't mind doing that then you can go ahead and do it.


I quick started and didn't notice any spoilers, just that it goes to the new area.


Hey, quick question in regards of the new Banners. In terms of 5 Stars i already have: Welt, Adventurine, Sparkle, Acheron, Robin, Clara, Topaz, Himeko, Ruan Mei, Jingliu, Yanqing, Gepard, Bailu, Blade, Bronya, Fu Xuan, Dr. Ratio, Dh IL, Luocha.. I was thinking of pulling firefly mostly just because i like her in terms of design and playstyle, as i dont really have a break centric team currently.. I have all 4 Stars i think.. However i am currently questioning pulling her, since MOC isnt really a mode im struggling with - Pure Fiction is what i usually struggle with, which is why thought maybe pulling for Jade would be better.. However Firefly will probably be better for Apocalyptic Shadow, and the upcoming Nihility Unit will probably be benefitial for my Acheron.... uuuuh so many variables to consider.... What would you guys do ?


>General Information: I am semi f2p - as in i buy the monthly thingy, but not really anything else You can call yourself whatever you like but that hardly seems F2P at all. It's not just down F2P and the whales that spend whatever they need to, there's a broad spectrum in between and a low spender is a low spender. Anyway you've got three weeks to pull Firefly or not, what's the rush? Try her trial, try Apocalyptic Shadow, see how those shake out before committing to anything.


Advice Just pulled firefly, should I go for signature lightcone OR Ruan Mei? Or E1 FF?


Ruan Mei if you don't have her, but you can still pull for Eidolons if you like. You can replace Mei with Asta or Pela, but you don't have increased toughness damage or ungabunga damage on Super Break.




The cavern is here with the relics but where is the planar set


Planar is in Divergent Universe, accessible in the Feldspar.


Thanks my boy, haven’t touched that cuz it says it has story spoilers


What should my team's be? (I'm Trailblaze 53. Check comments for the second picture) https://preview.redd.it/j0egu4n69h7d1.jpeg?width=1613&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ce37295c93e1c8f3d48a152706e6c1a777ac917


Firefly (Boothill works here too), HMC, Gallagher, Ruan Mei I'm not creative enough to get a 2nd one going.


That's my problem. The hyper carry boothill or Firefly will work amazing, but the other team is iffy


FF+htb+RM+Gallagher is your strongest roaming around team as well as FF best team. That does leave you a bit screwed on BH supports though. I guess you could run asta+pela




What are Jade's best artifact sets?


Between Ruan Mei and Harmony Traiblazer who should i try to have more break effect? I only have one memories of the past, sadly


Hatblazer should have more BE. That way h/she can give 15% of her BE to the team. And this boost is uncapped as well, so the higher BE the Hatblazer has the more she gives out BE.


makes sense! thanks


HMC, Ruan Mei only needs 160%




Anyone has sound delay issue after the update?


https://preview.redd.it/fdhz47uq6h7d1.png?width=744&format=png&auto=webp&s=502f9eb5777219732b0328923749e13b0b006aab I just pulled Ruan Mei, for what I have is this an ok team? I also got Xueyi to E3,so im unsure if I should use her?


It's a very good team. Feel free to replace Himeko with dps characters of different elements when in need. Xueyi is more versatile in this regard, but it's not like you couldn't do without her


I swapped out Himeko for Xueyi and I’m not sure if that was the move, Himeko being able to attack multiple enemies is missed.


That's what she was designed for after all


Is Firefly’s S1 a significant upgrade over S5 Fall of an Aeon? I have her at E2 right now, with E0S1 Ruan Mei, E6 Harmony TB with S3 Memories of the Past, and E6 Gallagher with S5 What is Real.


FF's LC is just the cherry on top, but it isn't a significant upgrade... maybe 1 less cycle in MoC I guess. If you have JL you can give her Aeons.


I have E0S1 on Jingliu, so S5 Aeon was given to Firefly by default. I don’t have Blade or Inhibitor Lunae, so I don’t really need to free up Aeon for anyone else. In that case, I’ll just save the jades for the next patches then, thank you!


How do we unlock divergent universe without skipping content Normally, the event info tells you what missions to do to unlock it, but I can’t find the info in app or online


Divergent Universe is in the Radiant Feldspar, so I'd assume you need to finish the current Trailblaze quest to access it.


The event info does tell you, it's "Stranger in a Strange Land" from the new story quest.


Pulling Firefly, gonna team up with Harmony Trailblazer, RM and Aventurine. Should I build Gallagher for Firefly?




For Pure Fiction, how would a team comprised of Firefly E1, Harmony Trailblazer E6, Gallagher E6, and Himeko E0 perform?


...maybe surprisingly good. Firefly breaks can continually trigger Himeko's FUA. If you have enough investment in Himeko she's an awesome sub DPS.


Confession, I got Firefly E1 by accident when I pulled too soon attempting for Ruan Mei twice. Well, might as well use E1 Firefly.


How big was the update for mobile?


Less than 5gb


Thank you, but why does mine says.. 7GB..? Is this normal?


Probably depends on the voiceovers you have. I only have JP downloaded so it took me less than 5gb.


Hmmm that's likely.... I have both english and jp installed. Btw I forgot to mention that there was a 3GB dl before that 7gb update.. Did that occur to your installation progress as well? Sorry if I ask too many questions..


All good! In my case I downloaded 2gb+ first and then there's additional download having around the same size as the first


All right:) Seems the procedure is inconsistent but have the same results.. Thank you very much! I appreciate it. i hope you'd have a great day! You've been a good help.


I wanted to ask generally because I thought it's just wrong


I’m at E0S1 Firefly and have exhausted my pulls. Try for E1 or get S1 for Ruan Mei?


Try for E1 (or E2 and beyond). Mei can use Meshing Cogs or MotP.


Will going straight to unlocking the new simulated universe affect what happens in the new 2.3 trailblazer quest?


No, although the game tells you that it'll spoil you.


Nothing, it's still there.


Is Welt even useful nowadays? What teams? Got him trying to pull E1. 


He's not top of the meta but he can certainly be usable on superbreak teams. His advantages on Superbreak are Bounce skill (high toughness damage) and massive slow+delay to extend duration of break. He also is possible on Acheron or Ratio teams as additional debuffs source but his SP cost is a bit too high to be really good options on those.


Managed to pull Firefly, however I don't have Ruan Mei. Would it be worth skipping further FF pulls to get her eidolons to get Ruan Mei? I'm assuming that would be the smart move, but if her eidolons are THAT good I do have a break/fire team for her that wouldn't need Ruan Mei.


Ruan Mei can work with various teams, however if you'd like to pull for FF Eidolons you still can. Asta or Pela can replace Ruan Mei in FF's team, just don't expect high damage numbers even with Hatblazer though.


It's just too tempting, but I'm probably also pushing my luck. I got nothing out of 60 pulls last banner lol. I guess I'll save the daily reward tickets for Ruan Mei and be glad I got FF at all.


How muck BE can Aeons LC give to Firefly compared to her Sig (60%) ?


She gets a bit more with her sig LC since it already gives a flat 60%, but you can close the gap by increasing her ATK% through substats and other means. Like using S5 Aeons and attacking a lot to stack it up (for ATK% to BE conversion).


That is what I was asking. I remember someone has convert the ATK stat form S5 Aeons into BE Stat for Firefly but I cant recall the number, I was asking for this


For every 10 ATK that exceeds 1800, she gets 0.8% BE. Its on her A6 major trace.


How important is level 80 for Ruan Mei? I know level is big for BE characters, but she's a support (is she really gonna break that often...), so I'm wondering.


She does break damage from her talent and ult even if she's not the one to break, so... pretty often.


Ah, didn't know that. Thanks!


After firefly First Copy what do i pull if i already have ruan mei, Heard e1 before light One Is It true? And After e1? E2 or LC?


Copypasting my comment from a few days ago: Pros of E1S0 * Firefly turns SP-neutral during Complete Combustion * Stepping stone for E2, should you continue pulling * Can use the 4\* Misha LC for more BE, or 5\* Fall of an Aeon for more ATK (she converts ATK to BE% on her Enhanced Skill) * EDIT: She gets 15% DEF ignore on Complete Combustion. Pros of E0S1 * Adds a Vulnerability debuff to attacks, increasing her and her team's damage further Pick your poison.


Never had an issue before this patch, but whenever I try to pay with either Paypal or card, the complete purchase button is greyed out no matter what I do. Anyone know what to do?




Yeah this team can probably brute force fire weak PF as long as they don't die like from enemy action advance conditions






Is Firefly's LC needed as much as Acheron's LC? Or E0S0 firefly is fine herself. Thanks!


From what I’ve gathered from CCs and guides is that it seems firefly’s lc options are pretty f2p. While ofc her lc is better, the alternatives are not the worst and do not have the same night and day difference as Acheron’s. The most value is her E1, as it makes her enhaced skills during her ult not use skill points which is hugeeeee. TLDR: E0S0 is good, lc not mandatory, most value is in E1S0, overall firefly is good as is, it’s her teams which are a bit premium. Hope this helps! (Please take what I said with some grains of salt)


Thank you very much. I dont have spare jades to e1 and roll for her LC at the moment. Really helps to know that she's good as is


If you only have enough for her LC, then you would want to get her LC but it isn't that needed. She can also use other Destruction LC just as well, like the Herta LC.


Thanks for the info!


I'm (was actually) playing on 64 gb mabile and even after deleting many apps and videos I still wasn't able to download V2.3😭. What size does it have on mobile after downloading the full update? Mine went upto 31 gb before I deleted it.


Looking for help in completing the invite code event please! Send yours as well so I can help out as well :) [https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619reflow-emk7kj/index.html?inviter=GA2AYEM69N&hyl\_landscape=true&hyl\_auth\_required=true&hyl\_hide\_status\_bar=true&win\_mode=fullscreen&utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=link&utm\_campaign=ingame](https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619reflow-emk7kj/index.html?inviter=GA2AYEM69N&hyl_landscape=true&hyl_auth_required=true&hyl_hide_status_bar=true&win_mode=fullscreen&utm_source=share&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=ingame)


https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619reflow-emk7kj/index.html?inviter=GE5LLCGSHN&hyl_landscape=true&hyl_auth_required=true&hyl_hide_status_bar=true&win_mode=fullscreen&utm_source=share&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=web Do i just need to click on yours?


Apologies, I didn't read it well. I think this is only for returning players haha


Is everyone running HTB on low eidolons or did y'all already max the damn clockie tower 😫


Many people had more than maxed it out (or near to) by the time it became available, and it's been a month and a half since then, too.


Maxed Hatblazer


I grinded it recently, haha. Just got it like this week/last week :P It took all of the clockwork quests, all the other Penacony quests that give clock credits, all the bird credits, and probably like 80% exploration... took me like 2-3 weeks lol.


Does pity get shared between standard and limited banners?


No, silver rolls don't affect gold rolls at all. Similarly, LC and character banners also have separate pity.


No. Limited banners of the same type (Ruan Mei, Firefly, Patch 2 characters vs. light cones) will share pity though.


No. The Standard banner does not share the pity counter with the limited banners.


how do i lower the storage it uses on my phone? i'm seeing people say theirs is only ~23GB but mine is ~28GB after a fresh install.


Could be a language pack thing


HMC with RM, who should go first and who benefit from who ?


It's not extremely important since you're likely going to use her Technique to start with skill in endgame content anyway, but having RM move before HMC means their skill's toughness reduction gets buffed, starting the breaks on enemies faster. wrt Ultimates, the RES PEN from RM buffs Superbreak damage. HMC doesn't actually do much for RM in combat, but the eidolon to share BE% is certainly very neat. Like sure RM can do superbreak damage when she basic attacks now, which scales with her high BE%, but the toughness damage from basic is kinda sad anyway.


I just wonder if both have ult whos whould I use first, but from this i think RM should start first always


Ideally once its up you want to try to keep HMC ult up indefinitely. Ruan Mei's only lasts 2 of her turns and takes 3/4 turns to build generally, so its more of timing it to catch big superbreak burst from your DPS carries while trying not to lose uses of her ult. Also make sure that if you have ult ready ON RM's turn, to use it before you basic/skill, as it will only count down when her turn starts.


How big is a dmg boost is e1 firefly compared to e0?


Around 10%, but the skill point reduction come into play a lot depends on your team


Thanks what about e1 to e2?


Don't know cause I only got E1 😀


Is it ever ok to ignore to preferred main stat rolls in favour of good substat rolls? (For example, HP/Def on characters where it isn't integral to their kit.)


It's fine for supports. Like with my Asta, I prioritize high SPD rolls and looking for an HP% chest, so now the only set effect she is using is the 2pc Penacony planar and 2pc Hackerspace.


Apologies, I appear to have phrased that badly. In the example you have given, I would mean forgoing the HP% chest in favour of a different main stat chest (such as ATK%) because it has better speed substat rolls.