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they making honkai energy


Get ready for the... Honkai impact


You know that's a bad thing, right?


Is it really a bad thing when you can make waifus using it?


It is when the super radiation hates humans in particular.


human male to be more specific


Radiation is sexist?


More Kevinist than else


It is canon that men have less resistance to Honkai radiation yes.


Flu is sexist so... Why not?


Men who work with nuclear material tend to have more daughters than sons The senior engineer on my submarine had 4 daughters, no sons.


Human males not named Kevin


Don't forget Adam


Siegfried as well with his MANTIS genes.


and Welt


I can fix her.


Well that's the GGZ Honkai energy, the HI3 one is just Prometheus telling people to get their shit together. GGZ Honkai is the one that's the "murder all life" kind.


As long as it's science, it's a good thing! *Mobius vibes aloud*


"Your honor, the prophecies told us to bring about disasters! It was all in the cat's scripts!"


https://preview.redd.it/wof9qh3zl58d1.png?width=245&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef489c97d9e10cb324e1147738da0e484dca833a the sewer computer supports this action


It was all the will of the city,,,


But we might end up with a tuna goddess at the end.


Samuel Hayden:


Maybe that's why they play Honkai Star Rail, to enjoy the game and invest in nuclear energy.


Or they are trying to make zero point reactor from PGR.


I would honestly prefer the sexist space radiation over the Punishing Virus.


We getting Seele irl out of this LETS GO


I don't know if this is fake news, but mihoyo has always been serious about "tech otakus save the world".


It's not fake, mihoyo has been investing in nuclear fusion for quite a while now Edit: Nuclear **fusion** and nuclear **fission** are two entirely separate things! If you're thinking about Chernobyl, you're thinking about *fission* – the thing where you split atoms. miHoYo is investing in *fusion* – the thing where you fuse atomic nuclei together, like the sun is doing every second, which doesn't produce nuclear waste and doesn't need uranium. Which sounds great except it [doesn't work as an energy source yet](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/jfXtfpXHUm)


Based tbh.


Furthering the cause of Science and the dialectic of history one waifu pull at a time.


Suddenly I don't feel so bad about Firefly taking me 160 pulls to get, while still scraping the bottom of the barrel to get Ruan as well since she's her best 5* teammate. [Nope, I don't feel bad about this at all.](https://i.redd.it/hehyyrmbn7r71.jpg)


I lost 4 50/50s going for E2 and RM. Was so depressing lmao.


The money I spend on gacha is funding our future? Now I dont feel so bad.


Heard they're also funding space exploration. Dawei is really serious about "Flying Kiana 2 The Moon", it seems.


It would be so funny if humanity advanced into a new tech age just because millions of people were horny for anime gacha waifus and husbandos, lmao


"Sir, I'm afraid we won't be able to finish the new space shuttle on time due to a lack of funds" "Very well... release the Ruan Mei swimsuit skin"


"Update?" "200,000 shuttles are ready, with a million more well on the way"


This is like how kyuubey's race in Madoka was trying to harvest energy to power the universe or counter heat death or something they just choose the wrong energy source.  If they had instead tried harnessing horni with waifu and husbando bait people would be lining up to crawl towards them for lick or two 


Nuclear fusion is the cleanest right?


I think so? The problem is that currently it's the most impossiblest :D We actually *can* make nuclear fusion happen already, have been for quite a while now. But the issue is that so far, *every* fusion reactor humans have built uses up more energy to sustain the ongoing fusion reaction than the fusion reaction itself produces. So as an energy source they're utterly useless for the time being, and nobody knows how to solve this But it's still important to invest in them regardless, since they help with researching how fusion works, and you can only learn how to master something if you keep trying again and again The reason why fusion reactors would be a pretty neat thing to have is because – in theory – they can produce as much if not even more energy than nuclear fission reactors, without any of the toxic or radioactive waste, and basically solve humanity's energy problems overnight (this is not an exaggeration) But again, so far nobody knows how to design a fusion reactor that doesn't operate at an energy loss Fun bonus fact: a small, basic fusion reactor [fits into your garage](https://youtu.be/xsikwXnUcBs)


*glasses gesture* The largest cross-section (most readily-initiated) fusion reaction is with the hydrogen isotopes deuterium (proton plus one neutron) and tritium (proton and two neutrons). D + T -> He + n With the helium-4 nucleus taking off with 3.52 MeV (megaelectron volts in kinetic energy) and a neutron with a screaming 14.06 MeV. The helium-4 nucleus is positively charged so it's possible to contain it in the reactor plasma with the hellacious magnetic field. Not so with that spicy neutron. It's going to slam into the reactor wall and most likely transmute an unfortunate atom into an unstable radioactive isotope. Engineering of the reactor wall is the great challenge after efficient containment and ignition are sorted out. And it will need to periodically be replaced and treated as radioactive waste. Not nearly as bad as spent fission fuel but it is something rarely brought up in casual talk of fusion power. Incidentally, most of the yield of thermonuclear weapons actually comes from capturing those high energy neutrons in a depleted uranium tamper around the physics package. U-238 is not split by the neutrons released by U-235 fission, but it *is* split by the fusion neutrons. *Kafka Boom* (EDIT: and using a tamper that *does not* capture them gives you a neutron bomb.)


Thanks Asta


"A gift from the stars~!"


So tl;dr (current) fusion reactors turn the inside wall of the reactor itself radioactive and would have to be replaced periodically? Do you know if this happens after like, one year, five years, a decade? :D


Yes. The current experimental reactors only spend a fraction of their time actually fusing significant amounts of hydrogen. I'm not sure how often they replace the walls.


Radioactive waste? Why? What's it contaminated with? Tritium?


This is the important bit... >Not so with that spicy neutron. It's going to slam into the reactor wall and most likely transmute an unfortunate atom into an unstable radioactive isotope.


It would prob make the metal brittle first before it becomes a problemic radiation source but yes I see your point. I wonder how long that will take. But hey, shield it with more water to make more D and T!!!


It does that as well, but I think you are missing the significance of *transmute*. A neutron with that much kinetic energy seriously disrupts a target nucleus and can split it (fission) or initiate a whole series of changes in it's identity. The neutrons are changing the very nature of the matter in the wall. "By Zeus, Soddy, they'll have us out as alchemists!" - Ernest Rutherford to Frederick Soddy


Um. I'm not educated, but dosnt the sun operate at a loss energy wise? Iirc the sun ain't gaining energy, it has all its energy contained by gravitational effects of the mass of all that energy, and will simply run out of fissionable material and die? So how can we expect to reproduce the same thing in a (relative to the sun)tiny setting with tiny amounts of fissionables? Edit: I have been educated.


Forget the sun. Not the same thing on net loss. Fusion takes a lot of energy to start. Currently issue is we need to spend more energy to get it started then the energy we get out of it. We currently can "start" the reaction but we cannot "sustain the reaction" currently. That has been a challenge forever is to figure out how to sustain it. Sun can sustain its reaction just fine, but sun will run out of fuel, just like everything else.


The end goal would be cold fusion, or at least spontaneous fusion, this would result in a greater output than the energy required to maintain the fusion All laws of physics say this is feasible, math also checks out, but in practice we haven't been able to reproduce the results theoretical physics have shown because we haven't been able to create a system that can contain ***it***, it either dies out or consumes everything too quickly


We have been able to get more energy out of a fusion reaction than it took to start it. However, it's not sustainable atm, let alone exploitable as an energy source


Not really, though. They put over 400MJ of energy in to get less than 4MJ out. The claim is based on the fact that of that over 400MJ of power put into the lasers, only about 2MJ of laser power hit the fuel pellet. But it is a real energy loss well over 99%.


We have that system in reality don't we? The gravitational fields of each star? I just don't know how we can reproduce that on a miniscule scale.


Lots of heat and pressure. If already reproduce it in H-bombs, that's literally how the fusion stage in H bomb works lol


Exactly. And for those unaware, the way we kickstart the fusion reaction of a hydrogen bomb, is with a smaller fission explosion, to generate the heat/pressure needed to begin fusion.


"smaller" is comparative, it's literally an atomic bomb xD that was dropped to kick start


Kinda? When we say 'loss' when talking about manmade fusion, we're talking about the energy spent starting and containing the reaction. The Sun used gravity to start the reaction, and sustains it with a combination of gravity and the reaction producing a LOT of force outward. In a sense, it started and is containing the reaction for 'free'. We have to spend energy to start and contain the reaction, since we can't really use octillions of tons of matter to do it the natural way. That energy exceeds how much we get out of the reaction, and so it operates at a loss. For now, at least.


^ best answer.


In the sun, mass is converted into energy via fusion. Two light nuclei fuse into a heavier nucleus but that nucleus is lighter than the mass of the fusion ingredients combined. That extra energy is released to produce heat and therefore electricity. We could theoretically run out of fuel. But the fuel (hydrogen, helium, deuterium) is so abundant and makes so much energy that it would take a **LONG** time to run out.


Sun also use carbon as fuel iirc not just hydrogen. But yes fuel is going to out live all of us lol, so practically unlimited fuel.


nope. carbon fusion does happen, but the Sun's energy comes mostly from deuterium-tritium fusion. edit: i shouldn't have said no, it's true that the sun does use carbon as fuel technically, but this process ([The CNO Cycle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNO_cycle)) only makes up 0.8% of the sun's energy output. Also, the Sun's energy doesn't come from deuterium-tritium fusion, but from the [proton-proton fusion chain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proton%E2%80%93proton_chain).


Though theoretically fusion could happen up to iron atoms iirc


> Sun also use carbon as fuel iirc not just hydrogen. Stars usually use all elements up to iron on the Mendeleev's table as fusion material. In some cases even heavier elements are fused (otherwise uranium and heavy metals wouldn't exist) High pressure and temperatures help a lot.


The second a star starts to fuse Iron is the exact same time it goes supernova. When it explodes in a Supernova or Hypernova is when the really heavy elements form, like Gold or Uranium It takes *a lot* of energy to fuse heavy elements together.


I know. It is one of the cases of fusion in stars.


The problem is that it cant fuse iron into anything. It requires so much temperature and pressure that as the star is collapsing to ramp pressure/temperature to "attempt" to ignite iron fusion that matter becomes degenratively dense and a supenova occurs due to the pressure wave rebounding.


The sun operates at a net loss because it's slowly running out of "fuel". If someone were to constantly throw tons of hydrogen atoms into the sun *I think* it might go on basically forever?


No. The reason the sun will "go out" is not a lack of material, but rater the core will simply be a ball of iron. As Hydrogen fuses into denser and densor elements, it eventually reaches Iron which the sun cannot fuse in a stable reaction. Stars at this point either begin to fade away, or they continue fusing iron into the densest stuff in the universe and explode. (Oh, or It'll turn into a black hole... after exploding) Our star is the first type, I think. It will quietly turn into an ice cold ball of iron at the end of time.


I don't think people quite grasp the magnitude of making sustainable nuclear fusion a reality. It would be THE most significant milestone in human history. Everything from there would only be a result of that achievement. 


> fusion reactor humans have built uses up more energy [https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/242258/breakthrough-fusion-experiment-generates-excess-energy/](https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/242258/breakthrough-fusion-experiment-generates-excess-energy/)


"The power of the sun, in the palm of a slightly larger sun's hand."


Nuclear fusion would be clean, not to be confused with nucleas fission, which is what conventional nuclear reactors are.


Which are also safe.


As long as relevant safety procedures are properly followed, of course


And they are built right. A lot of the high profile disasters involved improper building and sensor flaws


Sometimes I wonder what the world would look like if humanity said "Okay, some nuclear reactors seem to be unsafe; we should try to improve them" instead of going "We should stop all funding immediately and turn them all off". I'd prefer potentially unsafe nuclear reactors over fossil-fuel induced climate catastrophes that will kill way more people in the long-term than radiation disasters ever could


Definitely safe. Look at France, been running for decades, mostly nuclear. No meltdowns. Clean storage. People harping about toxic waste *cough*germany*cough* while stripping miles upon miles of land to burn coal...sure. Fukushima and Chernobyl are freak accidents on top of old tech on top of massive mistakes and neglect. Plus a tsunami on Fukushima for good measure. Fukushima as it's rebuilding and consolodating waste already produces less particles in the water than france iirc. Post disaster now. Three mile island in america was overblown and harmed more people with panic than it ever did with any real physical damage by a factor of gazillion. Nuclear is safe. Millions die of carbon emission related diseases every year. Those that died in the entierity of the existence of nuclear power? A drop in a bucket. Not to say we shouldn't be cautious, but it's literally the future and we've been holding it back because of fear.


There was also a study done, where the environmental and "human" cost of energy systems were measured. Even including all nuclear disasters and radiation poisoning, nuclear energy is still magnitudes safer/cleaner than any sort of fossil fuel energy (gas/coal), and usually less environmentally impactful than even hydroelectric power. With anything, there are risks and dangers. But nobody thinks we should ban airplanes because sometimes they crash/malfunction. The benefits of sustainable nuclear energy far outweigh any factual negatives, it's merely opinion that is against nuclear power, which is much harder to change.


That's kinda the cool thing about fusion though, even if the guy running the plant are corrupt, incompetent, and routinely play fast-and-loose with safety (which happens a surprising amount of the time..), it's very hard to make it go disaster mode Because the reaction is always barely managing to keep going in the first place, if there's the slightest disturbance it just goes cold on you


One of the cleanest and one of the only clear way to replace fossil fuels. Of course we have human errors that lead to chernobyl, but its either that or speed up the death of humanity.


Fusion will never lead to Chernobyl one of the reasons it's the cleanest and by far


Well there has been something like 500-1000 plants, and only one those. Nuclear power is incredibly clean. I find the statement that fusion is the only clear path of replacing fossil fuels fallacious. Two things. Nuclear can do that now if we had the political will, and second, abundant energy just means we will start producing energy dense fuels, it will only exacerbate the usage of fuel, it just wont be irreplacable fossil fuels but carbon dumping chemical processes all the same.


Yep, only held back by a sad history of mismanagement, fear mongering, and the vested interest of oil and auto companies in the continued dominance of fossil fuel-based economies.


Correct. Nuclear fusion is also 1000000000x safer. Nuclear fusion requires energy to keep the reaction going. Nuclear fission requires cooling to stop it from fucking up everything in a 300 mile radius.


It's misinformed since Mihoyo is just one investor among several rounds of fund raising.


Absolutely based, i wish to live to see it applied, even if the running joke is "give it three more decades!"


"The power of the sun in the palm of my hands."


It's partly fake news or at least misleading, because they are simply part of an investor group of several companies that happen to be investing in fusion. Lots of people on twitter and in here think the devs leave the game office and go work on fusion during weekends or something. Anything for clicks these days... If you want something actually unexpected, check rolls royce nuclear micro reactor


>If you want something actually unexpected, check rolls royce nuclear micro reactor They're trying to make the nuclear-powered cars from *Fallout* become a reality :0


rolls royce at least has experience in the energy sector unlike mihoyo


I’m glad mihoyo is pushing for this. More companies should really look into it. Because whoever make the first commercially available one and starts powering a huge city with it is gonna be SWIMMING IN CASH. Also worth noting: The idea that fission is dangerous as a power source is pushed by fossil fuel companies so as to not steal their market share in the energy business. Nuclear energy is the most efficient and safest energy source we have right now. More people die every year from installing solar panels on the roofs of homes than people do from any and all parts of nuclear energy combined. (And it’s just a few total yearly that die while installing solar panels. I’m not trying to paint solar energy as bad. It’s great. Just not universally applicable unfortunately. Which is why we should use nuclear energy for such areas.) Fossil fuels are by far the worst killers. For every guy that dies installing solar panels, thousands of people die just from the effects of fossil fuel plants polluting our air. We know from multiple studies over the years that living near a fossil fuel plant will increase your chances of getting cancer by anywhere from 2x to 50x depending on proximity and the type and age of the fossil fuel plant. And that’s not even counting the tens of thousands that die from mining and mining-related diseases from being around these raw unfiltered fossil fuels all day. Nuclear energy currently doesn’t produce much waste. The waste produced is MINSISCULE compared to the fossil fuel industry. And there’s no such thing as radioactive goop or green nuclear fuel leaking into tapwater. Because nuclear fuel is solid, not liquid. And whenever they throw something away, they seal it in layers of concrete and bury it way below any occurring aquifer, so even if something DID occur, it wouldn’t impact humans. There are regulations and procedures that have to be observed meticulously for every step of the process. And the enforcement of those is a top priority for everyone involved with nuclear energy. Meanwhile the extraction of fossil fuels naturally unearths THOUSANDS OF METRIC TONNES of radioactive minerals during the mining process. And those are just left scattered at the mining site to blow in the wind with no procedure for minimizing contamination. The fossil fuel industry irradiates more people EVERY SINGLE YEAR with massively unsafe levels of radiation than all nuclear-energy related incidents combined in all of history (including chernobyl and Fukushima). Even people living right next to fossil fuel plants see 0 increase in cancer rates or radiation levels. Fusion power would solve even that issue. Because Fusion uses unstable elements and fuses them into more stable heavier elements which aren’t radioactive. The amount of radioactive waste produced by fusion would be legit negligible for millions of years. The only problem is we haven’t been able to keep a fusion reactor active for long enough that it can produce more energy than was required to start the fusion chain reaction. We need to find a way to constantly add more fusion fuel and at the same time keep the reaction stable. They also take a MASSIVE amount of energy to start up, so you’d need to use them in a place where the power grid is constantly in use and doesn’t see too much drop in demand. Bc turning it off and on again is a MASSIVE waste of energy. In the mean time, we should push for more fission-based nuclear energy everywhere it’s applicable. Unfortunately that means not in earthquake-prone regions. But in other areas, they’re a safe and effective method of generating energy. France for example gets 78% of their energy for the nation from like 50+ nuclear reactors scattered across the country. More nations should follow that example. It would also heavily reduce the price of energy to homes, workplaces, schools, etc. Also fun fact since we’re on the topic: the giant funnel smoke stacks aren’t smoke stacks at all. Those are steam outlets for the hot water that is heated to evaporate and spin the generators that actually produce the electricity. And that steam isn’t radioactive because it isn’t in direct contact with the reactor.


So Mihoyo tried to make New Sun? A new star is approaching in 1.1 should be a big hint then 😂😂


That is peak divestment, I guess.....


Will take over the world with their batshit insane chinese community


Not fake, but stretching the truth. They own a *minority share* of a company that owns and operates this reactor. It's no different then you buying a share of some energy company that owns a nuclear power plant, then claiming you "own a power plant"


This is like TB owning a minority share of Penacony with the Astral Express and then acting like they own the entire thing LMAO


Qingque about to going to show up the Nuclear Reactor and join a cult again!


From what I saw (questionable accuracy) they own something like 20% of the shares, so minority shareholder but still one of the biggest investors.


It's not, they invested in Singularity Energy in 2022.


*I'm not wasting my money, I'm investing in nuclear fusion research*


They have been doing it for years now.


You buy stellar jades to roll on waifus. I buy stellar jades to build nuclear fusion reactors. We are not the same.


Nuclear fusion waifu when


Tokamak chan!!!!


Firefly is here 😼


Some googling around for the curious. A tokamak is a kind of thermonuclear fusion power generator that uses a magnetic field to confine plasma. Mihoyo invested around 65M into Energy Singularity(the group doing R&D) in 2022 as part of a clean energy initiative. How much is Energy Singularity worth now? Don’t know, but they claim they raised around 110M in 2022/2023 through investors.


basically a mini-sun. it's a sci-fi nerd's wet dream!


The power of the sun, in the palm of my hand.


we already kinda have that and we call them hydrogen bombs.


In my place they call that 'the fart i just grabbed with this hand'


ah the ol buttercup technique 


Real life Stellaron




Fun fact: It's actually much much hotter than the sun! This is because the sun can rely on more random chance fusion because it's so much larger, to have reliable fusion on Earth we need much higher temperatures. Currently, fusion reactors on Earth are about 10x hotter than the hottest parts of the sun.


Just put Kevin in vicinity and we're golden... duh...


I think they invested in the startup lead by their former classmate or university buddy something like that. This reactor is probably the result of that.


They probably estimated that a large amount of energy is required to enslave us all in their virtual reality world by 2030.


They want to make Penacony real


Da Wei is secretly Sunday.


Indeed an infinite procession of Da Weis


Sunday ever day fuck yeah


You do know that hoyo is an ~~amusement park~~ ~~anime~~ ~~orchestral music~~ gaming company right?


Damn. How much?


They'll call it Ena's Dream


Would you like to hear about the charmony birds?


Honkai impact here we go!


Himeko look out!!


if her looks were based on a model that person should probably run for the hills


Nuclear Impact DLC, ayye!


Survive or be destroyed


It was Welt


Witness the stars shatter before you!


There is no other choice


Just one step closer to Einstein Torus https://preview.redd.it/685diyvms48d1.jpeg?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d9e23d654f00a8f6eed28d79c9ba4f754dad8f


Please no. Farming for more Torus' to upgrade my 6 star weapons is already painful enough in game. Doing it in reality would be too much.


Synthetic black hole!


Real life SU is the end goal to all of this


We will all meet Herta in real life This is the Finality that Hoyoverse seeks to reach


Songque’s feet are powering China now


So much power they had to drop a new patch note just saying they improved her feet


What's this about Songque's feet? I've been taking a break from Honkai. Did she get a skin or something? I need to know ​ ​ I NEED TO KNOW


Look up marissa honkai’s post in youtube. They put a patch note out for 7.6 and they specifically stated they updated her feet model and texture for her new form. It’s wild lol


I'm telling you, Bronya is building Arahato. This is prototype for the core reactor lol


I feel relieved knowing my money went for science


Need a couple more of this things and government will become blind about say gex from Hoyo. Keep it up!


This is step one in their master plan


those otakus will save the world just to make Seele and Bronya a couple in every game they make


Bronya owns Hoyo anyways so it would certainly happened


Honestly? Goals


yknow what. valid


Bribing the Chinese censorship board just so they can put actual lesbians and gays in their game would be such a power move.


"do you want. FUSION POWER!? Let us make the girls kiss"


What character is ur pfp?


Rokuko from lazy dungeon master




i was just thinking abt the same thing haha after all, surely the ccp will decide at some point that mihoyo is doing so much good china pr for and good initiatives in china itself, that well, surely having explicitly gay character can be allowed just this one time…




China is against openly disclosed gay characters and relationships but bishonen type guys, gay bait, femboys are mostly ok or they'd have to censor half of their classic literature. A lot of Tao cultivator characters and heroes in historical novels were depicted as feminine and having close relationships with male friends.


For that to happen you'd need to get rid of the current generation of leadership first. I genuinely don't think they've ever heard of soft power


Hoyo invests in the weirdest shit, and Idk if that's good or bad Even invested in rocket science and mental health before


They also bought a land (in Shanghai iirc) in October 2023 and was looking for civil engineers earlier this year.


That’s whack but kind of cool.


Nuclear fusion has been researched on for decades now for being the next big energy breakthrough. It is clean, almost completely safe, and the material is not hard to find. If tomorrow the researchers managed to finally crack the code on nuclear fusion, we would have solved most of our energy and climate concerns in the medium and long term (short term climate issues still will need to be addressed, obviously). We have made good progress on the technology but it is still not viable at this point. Personally, any company investing in this research gets a bonus on my part when it comes to opening my wallet.


Nuclear fusion might not be possible in our lifetimes tbh. They just collide atoms at high temperatures, rivaling the temperatures of the sun. That’s technically all these reactors do right now. They are far away from any real nuclear fusion.


What would you call "real nuclear fusion"? Because that's kind of all that nuclear fusion ever is, forcing atoms to fuse together using high energy (so high temperature, high speed or high pressure). I suppose you rather mean productive nuclear fusion, that is a self-sustaining reaction that last for long enough to be energy positive after all the conversion steps to get it on the grid. (Also, fun fact: the hottest temperature we reach in nuclear fusion experiment on Earth are hotter than the sun by a factor of \~4: 27 million degrees in the sun VS 100 million degrees in human fusion experiment)


At least it's going towards nominally positive things, instead of harmful things


mihoyo even built a school lmao


Teaching the kids about the magic of gacha from an early age https://preview.redd.it/63bptl3la68d1.png?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cc64961539f747f573d05153c906e34b2d7b3a7


Get rich by specialization and stay rich by diversifying


They want to power the Mihoyo Game Servers No wonder they plan to build new office


I'm not a Hi3/GGZ player but # You can't tell me otherwise that MIHOYO IS MAKING HONKAI ENERGY 💀💀💀


Flyme2theMoon is rea




This is really cool because as a game dev, everything they do and even everything people do with their product is going to cost energy. In a way this is a sort of harmony seeking move in that now they're putting back some of what their primary industry takes.


I see they crafting that godsbane Battle suit


dang it never thought hoyo isn't fooling around about making real life honkai energy.


IPC: The Beginning


This would make a great anime, only if the money were going to a secret kaiju defense fund or something.


Nice, now I can add "invested in a nuclear fusion tech company" to my resume


I was so confused. What’s that news have to do with HSR? Then bam, Mihoyo build it wtf that’s so random. Imagine Mihoyo being the one to discover fusion energy and end up becoming an energy giant instead lol.


This is for the people who say don’t whale on genshin, whales are literally saving the world 🔥 🔥


ohhh, how long did the ignition last? was the output self-sufficient? edit: did some digging and couldn't find further details on how the ignition went, at least not in english or another language i understand


Chat, should we be concerned?


But I think it would be a good thing if someone, anyone, makes that big breakthrough in clean fusion energy. I'm just looking at my kid everyday, wondering what kind of future he's going to grow up in, when we're still so dependent on fossil fuels. I don't want him to inherit a horribly polluted, dying world.


The future of energy will be dominated by otakus, so yes.


I remember some years ago they invested in some brain computer research. The end goal is to make SAO real.


So instead of making anime adaptation of Second Eruption fans were asking for for year, mhy decided to just make Babylon labs in real life?


Does that mean we're gonna get Sirin in real life then? I'll allow it if that means we get to give Sirin headpats.


99% sure that next year Da Wei will announce they managed to create actual kemonomimis


I can't wait for people to stop being afraid of all things nuclear due to Chernobyl so we can invest into it. Normal energy is doing far more destruction




What? Ok. I guess I'm motivated to give theme more money now, if that's where their money is going. Are they also working on scalable energy storage? Because then I'd spend even more.




How does this affect Aventurine's legacy?


Nice to know where the $350 I spent on Firefly's banner went 💀


They really needed that energy for their SAO style world lmao


Not me clicking the play button expecting it to play 😭