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So in a FF team, I heard that ruan Mei doesn’t need to focus so much on break effect because her damage increase doesn’t affect super break, but instead to focus on speed. What would be a good break effect and speed on ruan Mei then?


hello, I'm new. . what relic sets should I be farming what what character if I will be using firefly, ruanmei, harmony mc, and gallagher?


Firefly: the iron cavalry set just added this patch was made for her   Harmony mc: 4pc Watchmaker   Ruan Mei: 2pc messenger 2bc break effect/whatever. Her personal BE stat isn't very important for Firefly teams  Gallagher: [See this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1do0n3g/comment/labzvg6/)


Who's better for E0S0 Acheron between Luka and Sampo? I don't have Guinaifen and the other Nihility slot has been taken by Pela.




https://preview.redd.it/lvayxnqlev8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfabc05d8b90bdaa105a633937ade719ae4a08e7 Does anyone know which gamemodes these curios are in and how I can get them?


The first three can be found in G&G and DU, but it's easier in G&G. It's a two part Occurrence called Interastral Peace Mechanical Branch Shopping Mall. The next four are all negative curios found in G&G. Anything that gives you negative curios like the Occurrence claw game (Forgot what it's called) has an easier time getting this. Triangle thing is Swarm. Usually found in Occurrence/Reward nodes, or anything that can provide Curios. I think most of the time I had it in the opening "Choose 1 Curio" option. The martini looking one is found in everywhere called "Genius Society #55 Yu Qingtu". You choose add toothpaste and then Stir vigorously! to get it. The last one is found in G&G. Random curio you might obtain with anything that provides it.


Thank you!


hii, i started playing yesterday and just wanted to ask which starter characters are worth to build? atleast before i get some good ones :D i currently have mc, sampo, serval, dan heng, asta, march, welt and hook


If you just started playing don’t worry too much about wasting resources, getting early levels and traces is super cheap so just level up whatever team it is you’re currently using. Once you get to character level 60+ is where i would start thinking about seriously team building and who you should be spending your resources on to cap out character levels and traces. For the moment i would just keep your Welt levelled as your main dps while clearing content + whoever else you want.


got it, thanks!


Asta is a good 4star support, Welt is a fine option in various teams, Sampo can be worth building if you plan on pulling for Black Swan and playing DoT, Destruction TB is bad but the other two paths are good, Serval is a decent 4 star dps. It's also largely dependant on how concerned you are with clearing the endgame content. The story content and sidequests are clearable with basically any team with a dps, a support and a sustain and putting together "meta" teams is just for if you want to consistently clear the endgame modes. This is a pretty "pull/play who you like" game.


okay, thank you! i think ill just be a casual player tbh, im too poor to take it seriously😭


Nah, they give enough pulls and the pity system is good enough that you can absolutely clear the endgame content as a f2p, basically every limited 5 star released so far has been good, and there are lots of great 4 stars. I more meant that you might be tempted to pull for some characters that you don't care that much about bc they're great in a certain team comp, and doing the endgame will require you to grind in order to fully build your units, especially on relics.


Anyone know how to get rid of the Gold and Gears banner from the Travel/Event Log? It's actually annoying me seeing it there MONTHS after it has been released. I've cleared everything except the Advanced Conundrum page (got like 4 left). Was hoping to not have to clear it because I suck at some of the dice types.


Will there be penacony daily quests?


Probably not. They carried this over from Genshin but have done very little with it. After some changes to the battle pass, there is almost no reason to do them as it is. Unless you're a pretty new player and need them for the daily task points, since you don't get the "spend 120 trailblaze power" one at the start.




Can Gallagher use the firefly set? Since he also relies on break effect for healing?


He *can* but it's not really his best set. He struggles to hit the break effect thresholds (specifically the second one) and his main benefit to a team is enhanced more from other set combos than going for 4pc Firefly set. 2/2 Hacker/healing set works great on him, boosting his healing and giving him a decent little spd increase, both of which are unconditional. Likewise, 2pc Hacker/Thief or healing/Thief also work well on him, since 2pc Thief is the same 2pc bonus as the Firely set. But hey, if you find an Outgoing Healing chest piece from Firefly set then there's no reason you can't use the 2pc version of it. I wouldn't fret about the 4pc though, as 10% def ignore just really doesn't do all that much. You'd be better off with a rainbow set that has the right main and sub stats instead of going for the 4pc Firefly bonus.


Is it still possible to get Firefly after losing at 50 pity to E1 Gepard? I did lose unfortunately to Gepard early and was just wondering if it's still possible to get to 80 pulls before the 13 days are gone. Here all the events that I have. Done Bird Clash, Still haven't gotten to 12 MOC or 3\* 8 to 10 , stuck on 3\* Stage 3 apocalyptic shadow, haven't finished my DU rewards only on 9/60, haven't gotten all chests on Penacony, haven't gotten all birds on Penacony, havent finished getting all the dice on GnG and haven't done any Swarm Disaster runs, haven't 3\* pure fiction Stage 3, Haven't finished Clockie Statue LVL 35, haven't cleared conundrum 3 or higher GnG LVL 15/28. Will this give me enough?


you'll also get the 5 pulls from the monthly shop in a couple days fyi


It should be enough, you aren't including stuff like Curios and Blessing counts since they give a good chunk of it (30 jades for one curio and 80 jades for some blessing stopping points)


I have recently got back into Honkai Star Rail and need some help with team building. Which teams should I build and/or who should I pull for? I want to use the IPC Follow UP team as one of my teams but don't know what my next team should be. I am also completely F2P. https://preview.redd.it/ot5im2168v8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e721f2cc6e33532c7097d6f2ba6298e949e11803


The Firefly team is pretty ridiculous, and you already have 3/4 of it with HarMC, Ruan Mei, and Gallagher, so that could be a good option. Jingliu, Ruan Mei, Bailu, and Pela/Tingyun (can't tell if you have her) would be something that would work pretty well that you already have. Kafka, Ruan Mei, Sampo/Guinaifen, and Bailu/Gepard could also work, with Black Swan being a huge upgrade over Sampo/Gui. With both the Jingliu and Kafka teams, you'd ultimately want a better sustainer, probably Luocha and Huohuo, respectively.


Thank you, I was planning on building my Jingliu and RM together but didn’t know who else to put on my team. I was planning on building Gallagher as her support but I think that if I build Bailu or Gepard better, they will provide more value.


Your next team can pretty much be Ruan Mei, Jingliu, Lynx or Gepard, and Pela. It's not far behind from JL's Bis team (JL, Bronya, Pela). Kafka is optional too with Sampo, Kafka, RM, Sampo, Geppie or Lynx


Thank you!


Hey guys are the character guide teams good? And do they actually work?


I'd probably recommend Prydwen instead since theorycrafters update it regularly


The ingame character guides? They are quite accurate yes. If I recall correctly the Firefly guide was pretty weird on release and recommended skill/talent trace over ultimate or something along those lines, but I guess that was due to a lack of player data. So probably don't follow them blindly for newly released characters, but other than that they should be solid.


# I found a random courier package in Aurum Alley and it said something along the lines of “…it’s not your fault (it’s not mine either)”. What do they mean by that? Is it one of the gods in the game that’s saying this?


It’s part of a achievement you get by investigating all the packages. As usual the achievement name is a reference to a CN meme.


What CN meme was it referencing? Also thank you for answering my question\^\^


This: https://zh.moegirl.org.cn/zh-hans/东风快递. It’s a play on common courier slogans like ‘we live to deliver’, but the meme change the courier package to a missile.


What is the best equation in DU for archeron team?


Anything that has to do with ultimate damage/brain in a vat. So stuff like...Firesmith, Penman, Useless Scholar.


hello! i'm not really a new player but i really only used to log in, throw pulls at characters and leave, not even leveling them up, but now i'm interested in starting to really play the game after i got Firefly in some pulls, the characters i own rn are Firefly, Sparkle, SilverWolf, Acheron and Fu Xuan, what comps should i build? i'm Trailblazer Level 24 and i know nothing of the game, thanks.


If you have her Pela, Acheron, Fu Xuan, Silver wolf is a nuts team. If you’re willing to play a lot you can also maybe grind out enough pulls for Ruan Mei before her banner is gone so you can run Firefly, Ruan Mei, Harmony MC, Gallagher as a second team. Those are two top meta comps.


For Firefly, you will need to pair her with Harmony MC. Basically they both benefit from each other so well that there is no reason to not pair them together. The other two are relatively replaceable, but you should most likely have Gallagher as your sustain healer, and Asta/Pela as your other support. Use that team until you get Ruan Mei to replace Asta/Pela. For Acheron, you will need two other Nihility characters to fully make use of one of her traces. Silver Wolf and some other Nihility character can (and must) fill this slot. If you don't have any others, then Sparkle can function okay enough to buff Acheron's crits. Fu Xuan can slot in this team as your sustain tank


For starter focus on an Acheron team, Acheron is probably the most Universally great dps rn, Acheron + Pela/ Guinaifen + Silverwolf + Fu Xuan(holding the Topaz light cone) Firefly team is a lot more restrictive with really only want Harmony Mc and Ruan Mei, if you don't have Ruan Mei the next best options is Pela. The last slot can be whatever healer or tank you have


Any good reasons to "listen" to ppl around the map?


Just if you want to immerse yourself more into the lore/environment.


I need help with defeating Sunday, it's hard to defeat Sunday with mono quantum, when you replace sparkle with harmony mc


Sunday is weak to break damage/superbreak damage. Harmony MC, and Gallager are 2 good units for Sunday specifically. Gallager can be chosen from the Origami Bird clash event if you don't already have him. Pick a damage dealer that does imaginary, fire, or electric. It is hard to be more specific without knowing what characters you have.


TBH the solution is probably to not run mono Quantum without Sparkle HTB consumes too much SP, I think a more traditional team matching weaknesses can work because long-term toughness break level (and thus gathering the shield) outweighs raw damage potential


You may HAVE to go back to leveling up anyone else that matches his weakness. Gallagher is good character to get from the current banner.


So don’t use mono-quantum?


I'm currently running firefly prem team with firefly e2 I'm wondering if to go for ruan mei's LC for HMC usage (currently hmc is on ddd and rm is on memories of the past) or if to save for a rerun character (possibly sparkle) to help my dhil e0 as he's currently my other team as dhil ting fx andn lynx


RM's LC is virtually worthless for you. The damage buff doesn't affect 95% of FF's damage, and the SP effect is completely unnecessary thanks to FF's E1. Run MotP on the Hatblazer and Meshing Cogs on RM and you're good.


You may want to put memories of the past on HMC because he shares 15% of his break damage with the team and give RM meshing cogs to keep 100% ultimate uptime. If you have trouble getting RM to the 180% break effect threshold then you can keep MOTP on her. Ruan Mei's LC is nice but not a huge upgrade when compared to MOTP. Pulling for the LC now may give more copies of MOTP which is great for your FF team. There is value in the light cone but not that much. Sparkle is a great character and makes DHIL run a lot smoother. If it were me making the choice I would wait for sparkle. The upgrade value that Sparkle gives to your DHIL is much more than the upgrade Past Self in Mirror will be for your FF team.


Thanks for your comment, I'll stick to saving for now


>If you have trouble getting RM to the 180% break effect threshold then you can keep MOTP on her. You don't need the 180%BE in a firefly team. You want that for the A6 trace, but it grants a DMG% buff, that doesn't affect break damage. You still want BE on her for the ult's delay effect and for her perssonal damage, but she does not care about the 180% cap.


I'd go for a character over her cone in particular. Memories of the past is very good on her, her Sig of course is better but MotP offers good energy and break effect. On the other hand, let's say someone like sparkle can do a lot more for you. In terms of hardest content (MoC?) if you think about having Firefly in one side and DHIL on the other, thrwoing Sparkle on DHIL team>>>>>Having Ruan Mei with her light cone and no Sparkle.


In this team, RM's signature LC is *not* better. The damage buff doesn't affect 95% of FF's damage, and the SP effect is completely unnecessary thanks to FF's E1. When running Watchmaker on the Hatblazer, the higher uptime that MotP often grants makes it outright better, and of course not running S5 MotP or S5 Cogs on RM is a clear downgrade.


What team comps is Robin good with? I have Ratio and Aventurine but no Topaz so idk about FuA. I initially pulled her because she's cute and I heard she was good with DoT, but as more time has gone on and the dust has settled it seems RM still performs better than Robin for DoT, so I don't really use her there as I have Ruan Mei. What else are people running her with?


Any team.RM.does well with outside of break, Robin generally does well in too. Just because RM does slightly better in DoT does not mean Robin is bad at it.


Does Kakfa need her sig?


If you can keep 3 debuffs on an enemy at all times, S5 Good Night and Sleep Well comes pretty close to her sig. Even S5 Fermata can get the job done. Her sig doesn't make or break her.


Almost all characters don't need their Sig, plenty of F2P or other options can be used just as well.


No. She gets way more value from the right teammates, namely black swan.


Is it ok to replace Tingyun with Trailblazer Harmony in my team? Dr. Ratio, Tingyun, Natasha, Guinaifen


Harmony TB is best for breaker teams. Ratio is a straightforward dmg dealer (with FUA).


Tingyun is one of the best supports for Ratio. If you are looking for an optimal team, definitely do not replace her with Harmony MC.


if you plan on building dr. ratio with break effect, sure. i would not recommend that though.


You could redo the team to be a Gui break team. Replace nat with Gallagher, do ting and HTB. Build gui iron cav and full break + attack. Pros: it'll do a lot of damage. Cons: useless if an enemy isn't fire weak. I wouldn't just slap HTB in a normal team, they're kind of a build around.


I don't have Gallagher though. I quite a beginner, and I got recommend the team. I just thought that maybe HTB will me break the enemies, and the super break mechanic is quite really helpful. I became curious if HTB will make Dr do more damage against enemies with or without the white shield thing with the weakness symbols(I forgot what that was called), compared to Tingyun's dmg buff. Also,(correct me if I'm wrong)I don't feel like pulling on firefly's banner yet for Gallagher.


Why are Cirrus's adds in DU difficulty 2 piercing my Aventurine's shield sometimes? Like the shields are still up but my characters are losing hp on hit. I don't see any status on them or my characters that mentions bypassing shields


It's one of the weighted curio effects


I can't look at my curios in combat can I?


Probably not. It's this one: "Dignity and Passion When there are characters following the Path of Preservation in the team, if any character is attacked and their HP is higher than 50%, prioritizes consuming their HP instead of Shield and converts 40% of their lost HP into Shield after getting attacked, lasting for 2 turn(s)"


oh ty


want to ask if Firefly SPD is enough 150 outside of combat??? i watch MrPokke video she need around 154... is there a different there??


There’s basically two main speed break points for Firefly: * 150 speed (140 with Ruan Mei): this gives you 4 enhanced skills during her ultimate. If you have Ruan Mei, speed boots and the new Kalpagni planar ornaments set you don’t need any speed subs to hit this. * 165 speed (154 with Ruan Mei): this gives you three enhanced skills in the first cycle of combat. Useful if you have it and something to aim for if you want to min max however not at all necessary. Note: this assumes level 10 trace for Firefly’s ultimate.


For zero cycling. Don't worry about it otherwise.


154 sounds like optimizing for 0 cycling with Ruan Mei's speed buff. 150 outside combat is good for general use, 140 speed instead if you have Ruan Mei on the team.


without knowing the specific breakpoints i would assume that reaching 154 is optimal since it would give you an extra turn in a cycle that you wouldnt get from having less than 154 spd.


Heu guys, i discovered memory of chaos and i was clearing it but now i need a second team, which characters should i upgrade to make a second team? main team is: boothill, ruan mei, Harmony MC and Gallegher characters: https://preview.redd.it/8o666on6du8d1.png?width=1740&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c6d32f224e3368fa2f2d971796746cddcb40c85


same as the the other guy, ratio/pela/guinaifen and a sustain sustain: Bailu is amazing, but no cleanse, Lynx is very good but you rely on her burst to cleanse. Nat is a bit behind Lynx, but you can target a cleanse since she has it on her skill.


ratio/pela/guinafen/lynx or bailu


In divergent universe, apart from the first gold equation you get/choose at the start, which areas can you get more gold equations?


I think it's probably only from rare occurrences. Maybe there's a rare curio that offers one too, you could check a wiki list.


Thanks to gacha... got S5 Sampo LC...twice I can't imagine a third is necessary, are there any use case for excess LC or do just begrudgingly supersition more and continue crying? I'm sure converting to XP is hardly worth it...


Just leave them in your inventory. There may be future characters that can use them.


Don't deny that but having 1 or 2 maxed means you pretty much have enough for the foreseeable future. They'll also probably add better LCs along with those characters too. But thanks for the condolences none the less =(


lol i have abt the same amt of his lc i just leave them in my inv collecting dust.


at the time of reply 3 more have joined the party... This has to be hard coded I mean it makes sense why would you give the one LC that resonates with this banner actual equal chance among the 3?!


LOL thats my experience with lc banner as well, pulling acheron lc ? 1 gnsw out of 8 4 stars, blade lc ? 2 secret vow out of 9 4 stars, sparkle lc ? 1 planetary rendezvous out of 11 4 stars i swear this game gotta be rigged somehow


You can leave the rest at S1. Converting them to XP is not worth it in the slightest.


Yeah I figured At the time of this reply 3 more have joined the party...about to **** Here's to hoping a trade system of S5 light cone then convert to a S1 light cone of your choice lmao...as if...just coping... Genshin doesn't have a similar system then why would HSR


What in the holy F does the encounter Repair 15 Ternary Assimilation Units do? They just died randomly and didn't seem to take any damage, I have no idea how or why it succeeded lol


Just match the emotions of three or more TV guys in a row. You can't actually kill or break them aside from the mini robots that spawn and "block" the rows from happening


Ah ... that makes sense thanks! Auto-Battle sure makes that hard


Is there an easy way to clear Divergent Universe with 2 or more expanded 3-star Equations? Or is it just pure luck?


Luck + overwriting


Overwriting can help with Blessings, but finding another 3-star Equation is really a problem.


Which is where luck comes in =)


You know how completing a character's side quest and they'll board the astral express as a visitor.? Can the same interaction happen twice?


Some interactions are repeated, some aren't. IIRC the ones where they give you stellar jades only happen once.


So there's a chance I can experience sleepy bronya again? I currently only care about that one haha


I think so? I remember seeing it more than once.


Well then I'm glad if thats true, thanks


I wanted to follow up on this: I got it again today! So it definitely repeats. I wish you a sleepy Bronya in your future


Thank you so much! Uh... Hope you don't get Yanqing on your next pull I guess 😂😂


Does the 4 piece Prisoner Stack with other characters? Like if Kafka and Sampo has it, would it shred the enemy def more?


No, it's for personal damage only.


Is Yanqing worth it to build? I got him as the 5 star on the first discount banner. I also got an e1 of Dan Heng. Who should I go with?


Dan Heng, the 4 star has poor damage output in endgame. Yanqing does okay damage but if he gets hit, he severely drops in damage output. When you beat simulated universe level 3 you will open up divergent universe. This mode has character, traces, and artifacts automatically leveled so you can see how the characters play before investing too many resources into them.


Yanqing is worth building early, because he's good early and investing in characters early is fairly low cost. As your trailblaze level increases, you get much more resources from Calyxes, so you can afford to build whoever you want early on. Later in the game, the awkward parts of Yanqing's kit become much less worthwhile to deal with, but early on his free crit stats make him quite good.


Not really. With a shielder ( gepard, aventurine) he's somewhat decent, but there are much, much better options even when he's at his best.


Hello, a returning player here. just want to ask, If I have to choose between Kafka or Acheron, who should I aim to pull if I Just want to clear hard content like MoC,Purefiction.etc and I don't care for Acheron Techique.


This is kind of interesting. In my honest opinion, Kafka. She is the most future proof character in the game as she’s the main staple for DoT teams. If another DoT user gets released, Kafka already enables him/her to obscene levels.  In terms of teams, both require specific teammates to work. The ideal DoT setup at E0 is: Kafka/Black Swan/Ruan Mei/Huohuo I’ve seen plenty of teams brute force anything with the above setup. All three can be swapped for other characters like another future 5 star DoT, buffer (Asta), or sustain.  With Acheron, you have a high damage ceiling but restrictive team/LC choice. She can only get two stacks if you get her signature and at E0 requires 2 Nihility teammates. So she’s reliant on fast teammates to generate ultimate charges, or at least a sustain that can apply debuffs/get hit with Trend LC. One thing that Acheron’s ultimate does is that it doesn’t care about the enemy not having lightning weakness. Overall the game tends to apply scenarios to the following teams: Follow up Attack, Damage over Time, Break and finally general damage (ultimate, etc). 


Acheron. Kafka is going to need Black Swan to even approach Acheron's lvls. Or pull FF.


Acheron. Kafka is not that strong if you dont have black swan. And even if you have bs, the team is also not on the level of acheron’s best team


Acheron's DPS is higher and her team building is more forgiving. Acheron can do great damage with 3 nihility characters and a sustain. Kafka does good damage with Black Swan, another 5 star, or her damage drops a decent amount. Acheron's lightcone is a huge damage boost, but even with out it she does powercreep level damage when compared to pre 2.0 characters. Kafka is more forgiving in lightcone needs.


if u want the purely meta choice acheron is better but kafka can clear hard content as well with proper investment, acheron just does it better.


who do i pull for? or should i wait? —from a beginner I just started playing hsr two days ago, and i want to build a good team/characters. should i pull on the current banner? and should i go for ruan mei or firefly? as of right now i have e1 clara, tingyun, e1 gallagher, and asta. I’m thinking about either building a team around clara or blade (who I plan on getting once he reruns). any advice??


If you're fine building around Clara, Ruan Mei isn't an awful pickup to run along side tingyun. Jade might also offer something next banner. You're mostly gonna be waiting for Robin, maybe the light cone of the phys destruction coming next patch, aventurine and maybe topaz.


honestly the best thing you can do is just pull for characters you like unless you want to clear hard endgame content where meta characters are more useful like ruan mei is a good investment since she can be slotted into basically any team, if u want blade jade can work well with him in pure fiction (a endgame mode but if you dont care abt that then shes not THAT good for him) but he doesnt really have any dedicated supports in the game rn, if youre planning on building clara and like her playstyle you could consider yunli who is also physical and destruction and is releasing soon( all i can say since i cant discuss her kit here).


I just wanted to request if someone would please tell me Natasha's reply if I had chosen this option? (When you talk to Natasha after the fight with Svarog) https://preview.redd.it/2bvbpkfw3u8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba7550fef5a2bb1f15f7e083535ed019035b500a Yes, I wanted to obviously choose this option, but I was tapping really fast and I misclicked on the 1st one, I saw many gameplay walkthrough videos of HSR on youtube, but everyone went for the first option for some reason. I'm really dying of curiosity to know if Natasha would've flirted back or something else with the trailblazer...I just want to know her reaction to the 3rd option so please tell me, anyone who's a kind fellow HSR player. I want the reply to the option, "Any chance of a more...tangible show of thanks?"


Is the wind soaring set good on anybody aside from jade?


It's Yanqing's best set by around 4% over the ice set.


That set isn't for Jade. It is built for future units since no unit that we have official data and released kits on can really use it.


None unfortunatelly, the options are: Himeko, Herta and Ratio, but they have better relics to work with


It might not even be good on Jade either. The quantum relic set is so good that any alternative needs to be quite good in order to be better on a quantum DPS. I'm assuming some future character or another will want it. We got the watchmaker set before the super break team was viable (because HMC didn't exist yet), and it was just as baffling at the time. Hoyo probably has a plan for it.


help with pf! please i've tried a lot of things side 1, with some combination of clara and/or guinaifen with luocha and ruan mei (and bronya if there is only one dps), with the wind shear blessing. side 2 i've been going acheron/fx (trend)/pela/silver wolf, with the nihility team buff blessing. i've capped out at barely over 50k - 27k side 1 (w dual dps), 23k side 2. my other built dps's are topaz (who i tried with clara/guinaifen - not great), jingliu, herta, serval, qingque (i have a bunch unbuilt - all 4\*'s except misha, everyone off standard except himeko and bailu). i have all of the harmony units except robin. is there any hope of reaching 60k? like should i even bother or should i quit here at 50k


Get rid of silver wolf in PF. Her single target debuffs aren't very useful.


i only use her as a sp-positive debuff stacker for acheron, since i don't have pearls for pela. are there any other options i should go with?


after holding on my standard selector ticket for a while, cause i can't decide on ticketing Bronya or Himeko, i finally pulled a Bronya. i was about to ticket Himeko for easy PF runs, but then i realize i can use my E2 Sam to do that(at least i assume so), should i still ticket Himeko? or work towards someone elses Eidolon?


Himeko can be used with Herta on a fire or ice weak side of pure fiction for easy max points. Herta/Himeko is one of my favorite teams in pure fiction. You can use E2 FF on the non fire-weak side to brute force max points.


Himeko actually works well with Firefly in Pure Fiction, thanks to Firefly's technique applying fire weakness and triggering every wave. She's very good at triggering Himeko's follow up attack. That said, E2 Firefly might be able to just max out one side of a Pure Fiction on her own. Test her out and if she could use a little help, Himeko will probably do the trick. And even if not, there are two sides to every PF and you can use Firefly on one and Herta + Himeko on the other.


https://preview.redd.it/vjgdtaag0u8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e58cc980acbc59ba0a8bfe86428dbc58cd1874e2 Im using boothill with ruan Mei bronya and Gallagher but I’m struggling in picking a second team.


Could make a decent Ratio team with Aventurine, Guinaifen and Pela/Tingyun/Silver Wolf.


Ratio + Silver Wolf + Tingyun + Aventurine is a good team.


Need help against Swarm Protocol five. What lineup should I use with this? https://preview.redd.it/23s15x6uxt8d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=934d9272d7e641a9a9ef1504f365f995809f09ca I have Firefly Break team, Clara Topaz FUA and sustains are Fu Xuan, Bailu, Gepard, Gallagher, Lynx.


Seems like FF is your best option with the des+abun combos you have. Though imo the most important part is still surviving so you'd have a tougher time dealing with bosses if you don't have the damage share blessing. It's doable without it, but you'd always risk your supports getting one shotted


Why not give both a try? You can change your team in DU if you lose a fight. I would personally go for Firefly break team with Gallagher or Bailu as sustainers. Maybe run double sustainers or something to make use of abundance and preservation blessings. If you don't have any elation blessings, then the FUA team's performance drops sharply and you already have a 3* equation to help with breaks. I suppose you have a decent amount of destruction blessings to help with breaks as well.


In case I try a lineup and it lose, will it consume all the technique points used?


Yes, you lose all the technique points you used up before the fight.


Do i miss anything if i press "fast button" to get firefly orb set? Because i want to clear story with firefly geared up...but her artifacts closed before you complete it


Nah, just location spoilers. Nothing about the plot


Is Gallagher at 70/80 okay or should I bring him up to max ?


It's fine to keep him at level 70, but he may be a bit squishy, since he only has one available piece for an HP/DEF main stat. You are missing out on his personal damage though, since Break DMG scales with character level.


Always get the stat boost and traces


Penacony lore related question Regarding >!Firefly!< >!Just to be sure, is Sparkle's fake bomb supposed to be her third death or is there another?!<


>!The fake bomb was Silver Wolf's way of making Firefly's third death less painful, so yes, I'd say it was her third death.!<


So, earlier I had started the Dan Heng/Feng quest and fought the assassins that come after you; the fight where it's just Dan Heng against the three. I lost the first time, but it was a draw so I got the Perish Song achievement. When I finished the quest, I went to my achievements and it wasn't there. Anyone know why?


is this comp worth building? https://preview.redd.it/ibe7cxvput8d1.png?width=538&format=png&auto=webp&s=471a31a856c3d5af25fc87d49c4fd2db3e991ffc


Yeh, Pela + Aventurine is one of her best comps, with the other from best to worst being *I believe* Silver Wolf > Welt > Gui ​ Slap Trend on Aventurine for extra debuffs and wreck ass, that's one of my main teams


Yes, level them up


Go for it!


Is there any rewards for upping Threshold Protocol in the Divergent Universe? I just completed Threshold 2 and I don't feel like 1 or 2 gave me any more points over just normal clearing.


Just a few one time rewards. Doing more than one clear is for the people that on surveys check [ ] Too Easy


I was lucky enough to win two 50/50's in a row and get both Firefly and Ruan Mei this cycle. Having started playing three months ago, [this is what I have to work with](https://imgur.com/a/qXFPuDL). None of these units is amazingly built - I would start building units before pulling someone better and start again on them. - 5* relics at lv 9-15 with just the right main stats - No signature light cones (Acheron is on S1 In the Name of the World, Firefly on On the Fall of an Aeon S4), everyone else is on four stars as per Prydwen or Meshing Cogs S5 (MC, Ruan Mei) - Traces at lv 7 at most - Ruan Mei and MC are even further behind: no relics and unlevelled traces as of now Given that I'd like to get past Stage 2 of PF/MoC, and I have 60 fuels saved, I was planning to finally use them to focus on these two teams: - Acheron/Pela/Guinafen/FuXuan - Firefly/Ruan Mei/Harmony MC/Gallagher Is this a sound strategy? When it comes to prioritization, is this the optimal approach? 1. Level unit to 80 2. Level LC to 80 3. Level ascension traces 4. Level relevant (depending on unit) talent/ult/atk traces to 7 5. Get 5* relics of correct set(s) and mainstat, level to 9 6. Bring those relics to 12 7 Get the other minor traces 8. Level talents to 9 9. Start farming for substats for main DPS relics Also, when it comes to pulling: should I attempt to go for Ruan Mei's signature or just save for Silver Wolf or a better replacement for Guinafen for the Acheron team?


The order should be Levels>LC>Major traces (Skills ult)>Ascension>Minor Traces>Mainstat Relics>Substats and Bis. Do not ever get a bis relic when your character can still be improved through guaranteed upgrades!


Major traces are taken all the way to 10 before the other steps? I thought the last levels' upgrade costs made them less efficient than the other things.


It depends honestly, some traces wants to be maxed and some can be left at 8 or 9 because the clocks get more expensive. Some traces that wants to be maxed are Huohuo's ult for example


i have an okay stats on my FF relics right now but i want to optimize it a little bit more, out of everything i think she have the weakest body piece and both planar pieces can definitely be better which one is more efficient to spend my stamina on? while on the surface it seems like it's a given that i should do planar farming instead since i want two pieces, i just wanna know if there's more intricacy to this and if i'm missing anything


If all pieces are equal quality I would go with planar farming. The chances of upgrading 2 planar are better than 1 body piece. The excess planar pieces that you get can be used by other teamates (HMC and Gallager both can use it paired with FF). The Duran set is useful for current follow-up teams (if you don't have a follow up team then this point is moot). Iron calvalry is a nice set but its paired with the Wind soaring valorous, which isn't used well by the current roster. If you have 3/4 good pieces of a set then many of the pieces you farm will be redundant. I would farm planar and then synthesize chest pieces for Trailblaze Power efficiency.


yeah this makes sense, thanks!


You can consider focusing on the planar pieces for now, as there will be the double drops event for those relics starting in 2 days (on the 28th); It should affect both the SU and DU. It'll last for a week, but you can claim the double drops up to 12 times for the duration of the event (if I'm remembering it correctly). Any trash gold relics you find, you can convert them to relic fragments and use them to synthesize new Body pieces. And pray you get something good.


oh i didn't know there's gonna be a double drop event, thanks for the info!


How do you complete the Peak Report reward: Expand two 3-star equation in one run? So far I can only find one 3-star equation from the first boss but not the second? Is there an occurence that can lead to another 3-star equation?


Need help clearing Divergent Universe Protocol 5 against Swarm. My expanded equations are Borisin, Voyage Monitor and Ecological Administrator etc. And my blessings are mostly Preservation, Destruction and Abundance. What lineup should I use? My well built lineups are Firefly Break, Follow up Clara Topaz and my main sustains are Fu Xuan, Bailu and Gepard. Should I go 3 sustains and Firefly?


Already got a decent Kafka Dot team and Firefly Break best team with Ruan Mei, Gallagher, Imaginary MC. As a casual player who just plays events and story missions, is it worth starting any other team, or can I save my pulls until there is a unit I really really like?


You can just save for whoever you want and be fine ​ I've been building Kafka since her first banner and one upside is over time I slowly get better relics and whatnot so as you build them more you're able to brute force more content which further negates the 'need' to build more teams


You can pretty safely save for units you want to pull. Depending on your supports for Kafka, it may be worth looking for characters to upgrade that team (e.g. Robin or HuoHuo as a sustain). That being said it’s worth it to have some other dps/team options to give you more coverage as the end game is getting harder to ‘brute force’, i.e. clear off element or not utilising the current buff. That can just be a Ratio team and look to grab his best comp (Robin, Topaz, Aventurine) or if you like the look of any upcoming dps units (e.g. Yunli) then build a team around them.


If you're not really fucking with MoC or Pure Fiction or any of that then yeah I'd say you're more than set.


What are similarities between Xueyi and Firefly?


They're both DPS Destruction units that scale partially with Break and can deal toughness damage to enemies that aren't naturally weak to their type.


Hey all, I've been recording my Traces stats for a few months, just wondering if they mean anything to anybody. I'm not a stats guy. But looking at it makes me feel like doing 4 battles instead of 6 is better [Pic 1](https://imgur.com/pwnwmIo) [Pic 2](https://imgur.com/lX4HXlH) [Pic 3](https://imgur.com/mjq5ysr)


Deciding whether or not Firefly is worth the investment. Team #1 for me is Kafka, Sampo/Luca, Luocha, and RM/Asta/Wolf Team #2 is Boothill, Gallagher, HMC, and RM/Bronya I'm considering how good I hear Firefly is even at e0, but also considering how much I love my dot team and Swan being missing over there. Any advice? Is she worth picking up, likely to slot into team 2 in Boothill's place?


I mean if you dislike Boothill then sure (i wouldn't recommend it tho), it basically kinda make your Boothill pull kinda wasted tho, that said a well built Boothill (300 break eff) can probably do fine with just a Bronya and Pela


To be honest, I actually really like boothill both in terms of character and gameplay... and not the biggest fan of Firefly for either personally. I'm just hearing a lot of value for her, and wondering if she's good enough to warrant not passing up even if (like you mentioned) she basically invalidates Boothill as a main dps considering my intent to keep the dot team rolling as long as I can.


I don't think she invalidates Boothill \*at all\*, they are just built similarly despite doing different things ​ Firefly is very frontloaded and cares about getting in her ult form and doing damage based on her break effect Boothill is very backloaded and cares about breaking toughness first in which he does little to no damage before that but once toughness *is* broken, he does more damage than any other character in the game since he does basically multiple times his physical BE *after* they're broken and scales with the enemy's max toughness ​ Firefly does weaker breaks more consistently, Boothill does slower but massively bigger break damage I have both and play both, Firefly is more generalized and Boothill is more specialized


That's a great side by side and all, but if I were to pick her up and build her as far as I could... What content or scenarios do you think I would slot Boothill over Firefly in my second team in terms of performance (not playstyle)?


Boothill is a lot easier to build and a lot less restrictive with teams and relics so without investment Boothill is just easier to run (like, three star lightcone hitting 350k dmg levels of investment) ​ Assuming an equal level of investment for both you can both use them with pretty equal success in both MoC and AS; I was able to 36 star MoC and 12 star AS with both teams so it honestly just boils down to who you feel is cooler Good example; Firefly will kill the first round of MoC faster because she has aoe and it's usually just a couple of minutes ​ That being said I will put the caveat that Firefly is probably better *generally* than Boothill as she'll be a lot faster at farming other things than Boothill will ​ Boothill without Ruan Mei will do better than Firefly without Ruan Mei so you can keep her for your DoT team (especially if you don't have Robin who sims close to a bit worse than RM) ​ They currently both have the best BiS team so it' s hard to speak what'll change when they get better supports; examples being Kafka got way better when BS dropped and one of the upcoming characters is going to be really good with Acheron ​ TLDR for endgame content they're almost identical aside from Pure Fiction where Firefly is outperforming Boothill


I think that's more what the other poster and I were saying with the idea that Firefly "invalidates" Boothill in my case. For almost any content Firefly can be put in Boothill's place and perform as good or better. I don't disagree that there are some occasional cases where Boothill can clear something faster but it's a pretty safe generalization. If you had both and would (for whatever reason) only build one, based on performance and not preference, you would absolutely build Firefly up first for the best performance in the widest variety of content.


A benefit to Boothill over FF is you can run him without Ruan Mei and keep her on the DoT team.


I guess I really don't consider running Boothill without Ruan Mei like 99% of the time, but it is definitely an option. It feels so good to double hit dots...


As i said a well built Boothill can probably do fine with Bronya and Pela, just don't expect him to reach Firefly level with that team I overall think that there will be more break support in the future so its fine to get Firefly and let her carried you


so now that my Ruan Mei, HMC, and Gallagher are all being used on my firefly team…. who should I be using with Boothill? FF and Boothill are by far my highest DPS so I don’t want to bench him, but I’m not sure who else to use him with (I have pretty much every 5 star support except sparkle, every sustain except aventurine, and every 4 star)


Bronya and Pela would probably be your best bets if you're not willing to touch the Firefly team.


Best possible Acheron team for my account? https://preview.redd.it/qqpsi4a9nt8d1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2490f45d2ad4b01f9d0644de5ef7e76145672ea


acheron/pela/guinafen/gallagher or another sustain if hes on ur ff team


Just came back into the game (stopped during DHIL banner). Will seele/JY teams from 1.0 able to carry me till the end of 2.3? Just finished 2.1 adventurine boss and was struggling abit, not sure if 2.2 and 2.3 boss is more difficult?


If you are able to defeat the blue bug boss, Aventurine and Argenti, I think you’re in a pretty good place in terms of power level! No spoilers, but 2.2 boss will be about breaking toughness. So any well built AoE character (like JY) works great. Not sure if you haven’t yet, but build up Herta (and Himeko if you have her) as they excel a lot in the endgame mode Pure Fiction.


JY should be able to handle the 2.2 boss, and 2.3 is all story focused. You should be fine if you could beat Aventurine.


That’s nice to hear. was hoping to clear it with current teams till the end of 2.3 while concurrently slowly building up the firefly team. Thanks.


yes they can clear all content if built properly


How do you guarantee three relic oer calyx run? I always do it on max difficulty and only get 2 per run… i’m TB lvl 67 :)


its never guaranteed to be 3 its always a chance between 2 or 3 per run


Ahhh, okok thx!


Finally I got her! Now indelible promise or fall of an aeon? Maybe indelible promise until I get good break effect substats then switch?