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My worry with jade is that she seems to be the first real subdps kind of character but the problem with star rail is that hoyo overtuned the hell out of the harmony characters so its always tough to run a second dps unless they have some sort of buff (topaz) or have another mechanic that doesn’t include just doing dmg (like kafka detonating dot) but we’ll see


Pretty much this. This team isn't better than a classic Double Harmony JY hypercarry.


Maybe not in pure dps, but it will be better at breaking certain bosses and make better use of most MoC/PF passives. As long as it's at least a side-grade to traditional hypercarry comps, that's good enough to me.


Yep, I hate this as well. Remember when people were excited about Jingliu + Blade? Lol. Yeah... Even the IPC team which is made with dual dps in mind, often ends up being better as Ratio hypercarry. Its dumb. I think what they need to do with Jade aside from her single target problems is increase the hell out of her coordinated atk multiplier. 20% atk is a complete joke, Robin does way more than that and shes a harmony character, wtf? (I know Robin only hits one target but still)


You can tell they're scared shitless of making an AOE character broken, unless they're a favorite child that is. Happened with JY, happened again with Argenti and now Jade. Not saying that they're by any means bad, but they were unnecessarily nerfed in their betas.


It makes sense from a certain standpoint. Imagine an AoE character who also does very well in Single Target. But at the same time, Acheron fricking exists and she ain’t even Erudition, so it’s not even a real excuse anymore.


Of course they are. People make fun of JY but there is not a single piece of content he can't clear with ease.


I wouldn't say with ease but yeah jy can clear everything just fine


Idt just clearing content is the standard for high end of the meta, although it is all casual players need


It depends on what you consider meta, pull value or DPS. JY has pretty good pull value since he is one of the only units, alongside Acheron and DoT, to be able to consistently clear both PF 30k and 5 cycle MoC. Other units out DPS him, such as JL and DHIL in MoC but often struggle outside of their intended game mode. The destruction hyper carries can 0 cycle MoC with F2P builds but struggle to 30k in PF. Similarly, Argenti pretty much guarantees a 40k on one side of PF but it's borderline irrelevant in MoC.


Acheron's excuse is that she's a Raiden Mei expy, therefore her fans would obliterate MHY if she was anything short of being in her own tier. That, and MHY also has a huge hard on for the Raidens. (Me too, but she's def very overturned.)


Acheron has issues tho. Enemies that require weakness break and follow up damage after to efficienctly kill really hinder her performance. All damage being backloaded into ult is quite a big weakness.


that and her path-limitation for teammates makes her inflexible as we currently don't have many support-focused Nihility units


Yeah the Nihility foxguy will probably jump her to Z tier though, since he applies debuffs to enemies on their own turns, but ATM she is not that disgusting. 


oh, is he supposed to be another non-dot nihility? yeah, she gonna pop off then


AOE defense debuffs and ultimate damage vulnerability. He's basically Black Swan except defense shred instead of DoT damage. Ultimate sets all shred stacks on enemies to the highest value currently on field.


yeah but then you might as well delete hunt as a whole unless every hunt characters can do 1 mil without any relic


boothill wants to have a word with you


He can do it without a lightcone, but he def needs the relics.


Hunt is good at Single Target, but they struggle quite a bit when there are multiple enemies at the same time/keeps spawning. Erudition is good at clearing out waves, but most Erudition units tend to struggle with Single Target a lil bit. Destruction straight up has zero identity IMO. I thought it was a “bruiser/fighter” class where they they can fight and tank decently well (such as Blade, Clara) but they aren’t the best damage dealers nor the best tanks, AKA the Jack of All Trades. But Hoyo said nope, and someone like DHIL is part of Destruction, even though he is quite squishy. Destruction has Blast Damage, which I suppose is part of their identity, but this also makes Destruction really good at Single Target AND semi-AoE situations, almost too good. As an example, Seele’s ULT deals 459% of her ATK to a SINGLE enemy (according to the HSR wiki), while DHIL’s 3 stack Normal ATK deals 550% of his ATK to a SINGLE enemy + 198% to ADJACENT enemies. Why does a Single Target ability have less scaling than a Blast ability? Sure, Seele is an old character and so her scaling sucks a little, but when I first saw the difference in their scaling, I couldn’t help but be confused by it. Meanwhile Nihility is supposed to be the debuff Path. Apply debuffs or DoT, that is what Nihility originally is. But then Acheron has zero debuffs on her own (her own Slashed Dream doesn’t really count because it has zero negative effect, and her LC isn’t really part of her kit). I guess she relies on debuffs, so whatever. According to the description of Nihility: Applies debuffs to enemies to reduce their combat capacities. I guess Acheron’s way of reducing enemy combat abilities is by deleting them 😂 very fitting for her


>Why does a Single Target ability do less damage than a Blast ability? IL consumes 3 skill points to do that. but then there's Jingliu too so... your point still stands lol


Yeah I get that it costs 3 SP, but my point is that a single target character’s ultimate somehow has less scaling than a blast damage ability. I am not trying to doompost Seele or anything, cuz she is still going strong (she is still a popular character and can clear very fast too), I am just talking about the scaling numbers. In an actual fight, obviously things will be different depending on buffs etc.


Destruction is like 70% performance at everything. While hunt is at 100% vs 1 enemy, 70% against 3 targets, and 40% against more (reverse for erudition).   You are right, Destruction overall value is the highest of the damage classes. And their scaling with Eidolons is bonkers (Dhil, JL, and upcoming Firefly go nuclear at E2).


The identity of destruction is supposed to be that they exchange a downside in their kit for huge damage. Blade's ho drain, DHIL's sp drain, Jingliu's team hp drain, firefly's hp drain. The problem is that except for dhil (and jingliu in certain situations) their downsides don't feel very significant, but they get all the upsides


>Why does a Single Target ability have less scaling than a Blast ability? Because if she kills an enemy with it she gets an entire second turn. Crazy how people always forget this. And there's almost always a trash mob to kill no matter the content. So she can do 459%x2 (918%) at a cost of 2 skill points while DH does 946% at a cost of 3 skill points, and DH needs 3 enemies on field to do that while Seele only needs 2.


I said her ULT, not her Skill. And I was comparing Single Target, not waves of enemies/multiple enemies. My comparison was simply about the scaling. It wasn’t about actual in-game power, nor was I trying to downplay Seele in a Single Target situation. My point was that Seele’s Single Target ULT somehow has less scaling than DHIL’s Blast 3 stack Normal ATK. I never tried to compare their in-game performance because of uncontrollable variables such as trash mobs for Seele to trigger Resurgence etc.


You’re wrong she can only do that Ultimate one time, and why wasting a turn killing a trash mob when you can just blast everything around the boss? Like cool she gets a turn when she KILLS A TRASH MOB WOWOWOWOW that’s huuuuuge whaaat? xD be real man


Even then hunt wouldnt be great since its still just one kill per turn.


>Imagine an AoE character who also does very well in Single Target. Seele... And yet people think she's bad. I think they made a big mistake with her since she was the very first character. She's still the most versatile character in the game. She shines in both MoC and PF because of her resurgence ability, and she beats multiple waves of trash mobs faster than any other character when farming mats and relics, unlike Acheron who is really slow at that kind of multi wave content.


Seele isn’t an AoE character. She has zero AoE in her kit. She can do better than most Hunt characters thanks to Resurgence, but she is still a Single Target character.


Resurgence is literally AoE. It's impossible to hit a single character with it because they have to die to trigger it. It's just spread over 2 characters instead of 3 like other AoE abilities.


That would be at best, Blast. Not AoE. AoE literally means Area of Effect. Resurgence gives Seele a 2nd turn, not the ability to damage all enemies at the same time.


Yeah, I was hoping she would be the Topaz pairing that cover each other's weaknesses through FUA synergy in MoC, and with E1 Jade she might be able to do that, but probably very underwhelming at E0. Can probably do a banger, permanent triple dps PF team with Herta-Himeko-Ruan Mei though...


actually she will jsut replace one of the 2 herta or himeko. since there is no point to run 3 dps 1 harmony over 2 harmony 2 dps. since you will run out of sp, I was thinking fo pulling her for duo with herta. since herta is better than himeko since her follow doesn't depend on enemy types. and her skill charges 5 for jade instead of 3 of himeko. though as someone said her HP drain is a bummer for everyone that is not blade. since without a sustain herta will goo all the way to 1 HP really fast with all her action. hope they change it to only apply to destruction units.


Yeah I spoke too fast forgetting about the HP drain because so far I've still pretty reliably gotten 35k+ on sustainless Herta-Himeko sides even if someone dies before the end.


yep feels like that hp drain there only exist to prevent 2 erudition 2 harmony teams. which sucks.


Jade is SP positive so that shouldn't really be an issue if you wanted to use 3 DPS. The other stuff is still a problem though.


she is a solution to a problem we don't have. We have characters that are very good in and outside of PF. I don't really see the need for a PF specialist. I am not really convinced she is that amazing in PF either because her HP drain requires you to run sustain while other teams can go sustain free and clear faster anyway.


The way I see it, Jade is a long-term investment character very much like Topaz. She's not a new solution to a problem we don't have, rather she's a new problem that needs solutions--the solutions in this case being new 5* supports that MHY can sell to Jade pullers. What kind of supports can they release for Jade? For instance, they can release a harmony support that buffs all allies' dmg based on HP fluctuations (or alternatively, a nihility support that debuffs by increasing damage taken by enemies based on HP fluctuations). This can be a buff to Blade, Jade and Jingliu teams. We also don't have a true dedicated dual carry support yet.


What do you mean by true dedicated dual carry support? Wouldn't Robin/Ruan Mei qualify? All of their buffs are teamwide


They have teamwide buffs but at the end of the day most carries still prefer them in their hypercarry teams over their dual carry teams. They don't make the dual carry teams on par with the hypercarry teams. I'm talking about a kit that explicitly wants two carries, however that may be like. Like maybe they buff two allies' crit dmg based on a percentage of each other's crit dmg, or gives ally an X% damage bonus for each enemy attacked by this other ally, or increases an ally's ATK by X% for every follow up attack launched before their turn.


That's exactly how I'm feeling unfortunately. I would LOVE to roll on Jade. But as soon as she requires me to have a sustain in PF she already loses a lot of value.


I'm feeling the same way, and am hoping for buffs. She has really cool design, I love FuA characters, and I initially wanted all the stonehearts... But I'm having trouble getting excited for her at the moment. Might have to revise my plans a bit.


After the underwhelming showcase for both 2.3 characters I'm actually considering boothill. He's actually so insane and I really, reallly need a Physical dps. We were all so hyped for 2.3 for the drip marketing and waiting for animation leaks, but the kit comes out and now we're kinda... whelmed? Sorta just feeling okay. They's alright. Kinda.


I mean this is the first day of the beta so we are bound to get changes..


Haha whelmed is exactly right. I feel like there have to be buffs, but I'm absolutely pulling Boothill either way. He's a cool character, and I love the break style! Especially now with HMC bringing the superbreak. Boothill is truly a boss killer, which is badass *and* super thematic.


The real question is, does every hero have to immediately become the new BiS for X team(s) when it comes out? Harmony being an overpowered class is another topic which we all agree on. But there's people who just dgaf about playing triple harmony and are more interested in dps + sub dps team even if you can get 0 cycles spamming harmony units


Technically no, but then it becomes why would I spend my resources pulling and building a new character when a 4* (Tingyun in this case) or 5* I already own and invested in are better? Of course you'll have fans of that character, but for someone like me who's lukewarm to Jade I won't pull her if she's not bis somewhere. 


Because you like them, that's literally enough reason lol. It's like saying why pull jing yuan when we know JL DHIL Acheron are above him? Because you like him haha


Yeah I'm talking specifically if it's a character that I may end up liking but don't have enough reason to now. Jade is in this really weird spot of I couldn't give two shits about her because we know NOTHING about her. In this very specific case, it's like you have this character we haven't even seen in game and has no strong niche. It's not a bad thing, it's just weird that they didn't develop her more in the story before releasing her Edit: in Jade's case, other than her design, we have no reason to like her (no shade if people do! I just need more screen time to like a character) 


>they didn't develop her more in the story before releasing her she's not even out yet lol. she's over 2 months away from release.


You can like a whole bunch of characters but that doesnt mean you can get all of them so it often falls to said character having a good kit to decide pull value Firefly is literally the same patch and shes competing for player attention with a fan favorite with literally diddly squat for character interaction and lore so far So no just liking them isnt enough to get them


You're missing the point xx I'm not talking about banner sales, MOC 0 cycles, damage ceilings, none of that. Just that there will always be people who like to see their teams do X instead of Y. If your goal is to make your 2 minute 0 cycle into a 1min50 0 cycle, sure, wait for the absolute most efficient busted character! It's what I plan to do for my Acheron As the game goes on we will keep getting more and more sidegrades to roles that are already filled. It's just about picking what you enjoy playing. I think Jade is fine not being a game breaking unit just because she has a new playstyle


>You're missing the point xx Your point was if you like the character you should get them I said its not that easy especially since this and next patch are pretty contested in liking characters so kits will have to be the deciding variable You then say >I'm not talking about banner sales, MOC 0 cycles, damage ceilings, none of that. Just that there will always be people who like to see their teams do X instead of Y. >If your goal is to make your 2 minute 0 cycle into a 1min50 0 cycle, sure, wait for the absolute most efficient busted character! It's what I plan to do for my Acheron >As the game goes on we will keep getting more and more sidegrades to roles that are already filled. It's just about picking what you enjoy playing. I think Jade is fine not being a game breaking unit just because she has a new playstyle Which was not at all the conversation in the slightest i didnt bring up literally any of that my point with kits is that if someone does more damage or plays smoother or even is just more fun that then decides the characters pull value which most commonly ends up being character strength Hence if you like multiple characters but this one has a better kit you would pull said character first regardless of your involvement in moc, 0 turn cycless,1min50 clears which some dont engage in


I did NOT say you should get a character just because you like them lmao. I said that it's ENOUGH REASON to pull. That's why people main different dps even though we all know some dps are better than others. Not that you have to go and pull everything that catches your eye, you're just confirming again that you missed the point.


You literally just said the same thing twice in a different way You should get a character cause you like them=liking a character is enough reason to get them liking a character is reason enough to get them therefore you should get said character because you like them therefore you should get the character you like because you like them And i said to you just liking a character isnt reason enough because theres a whole lot of characters and your not gonna have pulls for all of them assuming f2p/light spender, meaning you need to look at kits and this generally ends up meaning that whoever is stronger gets pulled first I need you to actually take a step back and look at what you wrote


seen plenty of videos of 4 harmony characters beating the shit out of MOC 12. but meme aside. of every new unit needs to the best at X how else are they going to sell it. because truth be told OP characters are always popular, even if they dont appear much or at all in the history. look at JL she is not even on the main history, I didn't paly her character quest so I literally never have seen her ingame. yet she is very popular because she is OP and also the easiest DPS to play since doesn't use SP the only real req was bornya. then look at arlan who nobody talks about because he sucks gameplay wise, same as hook(nobody talks about her ever despite she appearing quite a lot in belobog main history and events). a character being OP literally can makes them popular based on that alone.


Jingliu was really hyped on her time, before she even came out 😅 not Acheron level of course, but she was. I do see your point, but comparing launch 4* to characters that will have an entire patch to be showcased, introduced in a new story/event, promoted, have possibly multiple promotional videos about them, ads, you know... It's just not the same


argenti is on the same boat of not being in the main history is a limited 5 star. nad nobody gives a crap about him. he is the least pulled char and nobody is asking for a rerun. there is not many good example since most limited 5 star appear in the main history or have dedicated big events like huohuo. kafka for example was not doing so good before black swan release (now she is op with her) but yeah was super popular if not the most popular char in the game. because she's RELLy important to the history as the face of the stellaron hunters and is the MC parent figure (and possibly share some ADN), on top of being ofc super hot and milf. so yeah not saying only being op makes a char popular but most characters have very little part in history so their gameplay has a bigger role. like yeah march is basic pokemon 4 star but is more popular than most 5 stars because is the literal poster girl of the game like paimon in genshin that goes everywhere with the MC.


Yeah, if we are talking strictly MoC then hyper carry is better. But I was only able to clear PF using a JL + blade pair. Basically there are still plenty of uses for dual dps.


Yeah, Jade's kit is distinctly different than Topaz and that makes me worry for her longevity. Topaz was a great long-term investment but I'm not so sure Jade will be the same for AoE.


Jade technically does have a unique niche in HP drain (which scales with the ally's speed). Jade is like the HP drain Topaz, with the extra caveat of only working in PF. Problem is, there is only 1 unit in the entire game that appreciates HP drain currently, and HP drain is actively harmful for every other unit which makes Jade a lot harder to use. Topaz + Clara or Jingyuan might not be optimal, but she at least isn't killing her own team.


You have a point! That could have some longevity down the line, I guess we'll see.


wdym topaz longterm investmentr?


Her being both a subDPS and a support, especially with her cone and E1, really makes her shine as a team member. It's the synergy that gives her a special niche. Damage is replaceable, but things like that will continue to have use.


All the IPC member so far need too much investment to work properly somehow,Aventurine need less but his LC unlock his potential for certain team Even topaz isn't that worth of investment compared to harmony/nihility unit if you didn't plan to play specific FuA comp


There will be future FUA units other than Ratio, who is the only one who needs an invested Topaz. I think we might even be getting 2 in the near future with Feixiao and Yunli. Topaz’s damage amplification is really strong, even stronger than def shred, so the more a character leans into FUA damage, the stronger she gets.


That's not really an issue to me personally, as long as the kit is made with that in mind I'm happy to invest.


Topaz (thus far) being a luxury sidegrade for a FUA team w/ RatUrine hurts my soul so much. I wish she just worked perfectly at E0S0, but honestly, slapping Sparkle in there to boost Ratio just seems like a better option.


This + Trend on aventurine so someone is actually applying debuffs on the team is exactly what I'm doing. Topaz is simply not worth it at E0S0


I get they want to enable Blade and probably give more value to Abundance, but uh, I don’t think she’s giving enough to justify that HP drain without a heal. This team would work better in PF, but still seems like it takes too long to proc her FUA and her buff ramp up time is long too. Maybe there’s a future team comp they’re cooking for her.


I’m gonna be honest, her intended unit has not come out yet. Much like Topaz on release she may have a handful of units she could work with, but she is made for some future unit which will come out a patch or two after. While everything is stc Screw’s kit was AoE FuA based(perfect for jade), and we have a Phys FuA unit in the pipeline. To not go to far into speculation they will likely work with the established Robin/Aventurine core. They’ve done this before and they will do it again, so while many won’t want to invest in a future unit, the writing is on the wall. Yeah hard agree on being meh outside of PF, but as Hoyo does. She’ll be fine for the MoCs she is released around, because of how varied enemies are they can easily make a more AoE focused chamber or ST chamber at will so mileage for both can vary. But her buff cannot be reasonably ramped up outside of PF and I don’t think that’s bad tbh, as the cap is 120% at level 10, so getting anything over half(which is very achievable off the gameplay) is p good.


The problem with Topaz is that , even though yes she is technically an upgrade for Ratio teams at E0S0 , but the difference between a Ratio Hypercarry with like Pela/Harmony and Ratio Dual carry with E0S0 Topaz/Harmony is so minimal that it doesn't warrant using up Stellar Jades to pull for her unless you really like the character. Jade will go through the similar issue like Topaz even if we get Screwllum.. Jade might want a character like Screwllum because his kit synergizes really well with Jade but Screwllum might not want her because he has other good options.




While I agree, I have heard and seen the opposite for TY. Sparkle+TY in hypercarry is the best combo over using RM, and in triple harmony Robin is now your third.


The impass is topaz has direct functionality for Ratio locked behind eidolons to the level of similar things like pulling PAYN getting 3 DoTs for Prisoner or pulling AtPS for easier Acheron rotations. As someone who owns E1S1 Topaz, I can vouch that it is a night and day difference. But you can say the exact same thing about aventurines signature on the team, as you don’t need more vertical investment into topaz you just need more debuffs. Jade’s eidolons/sig unlock just more dmg and let her stack faster in lower enemy density waves, not unlock some form of functionality the team did not have before. About Screw the units are designed around each other, whether people like it or not the ceiling team for Ratio is the IPC team with Robin, it may be more expensive(if not the most expensive team in the game). You can play ratios hyper team but from my own experience the aforementioned team can 1-2 cycle most MoC chambers regardless of weakness, with the exception of aventurine taking 4-5 depending on luck of who gets the gamble. The team’s base similar to Jade with another spam AoE FuA user, feeds so extremely well into each other that no other version of the comp can beat it when at max efficiency.


only in topaz mains' wildest dreams is e0s0 topaz better than tingyun in his team lol, except maybe if he's also e0s0


Wow, she doesn't look great for MoC. Looks like she really needs 3+ targets to work. Looks to have a parallel to Argenti. Where it functions in 2+ targets but shines when you have more targets.


Yup for now she only good at PF, with her too much aoe focusing, dont have a high dmg gimmick at ST (like JY or argenti), and need to stacks huge of her gimmick (50 pawned asset) and that 8 charges only reliable to proc at PF


Yeah she’s not looking good for MOC, i honestly think 8 stacks is too much 5 seems more reasonable


at 5 in pf with herta she would cast every time herta does any action be skill, ult, or follow. so that would be a problem. the thing is she need some single target gimmick like every other limited 5 star AOE character. and do something about the HP drain crap. yeah good for blade fans but literally would make herta kill herself. jy doesn't take that many actions and yet ended at 300hp. herta ults every second turn and proc follows on every turn so she will kill herself real fast without a sustain. and why the fuck would someone use a sustain in pf instead of 2 harmony. so putting jade in the team would make the team worse even on PF since you lose 1 harmony. acheron didn't have any too at the start of beta and they added the extra 150% dmg in bounces after the ult like argenti.


Her viability in low enemy quantity modes or usage with blast characters is locked behind her e1 I think, which lets her get double charges.


It's sad that she will only shine in a game mode that offers 10 minutes of gameplay every 6 weeks (PF). Even for farming Calyxes, the DPS is likely clearing the waves before Jade gets max stacks


Having a character that's only good in one of two endgame modes isn't new. It's not good mind you. But the number of DPS characters that excel in both MoC and PF is pretty low


The issue is that in 2.3 there is a new game mode that is Single-Target only. Boothill is ST-locked but at least he shines in 2 out of 3 modes. Units that shine in 2/3 modes are going to have superior value to units that shine in 1/3 modes.


The new game mode is ANYTHING but single target. Some firefly videos on Youtube had her fighting the new apocalyptic shadow bosses. They summon mobs. A lot. And often. It's a mode centered around breaking, not single-target. Those are made-up by people and not a fact. It's just being repeated sooooo much (even though no one knew anything about it) that everyone just believed it. It's not. [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQpTV92XhPo) is example if you're curious. STC, I know, but like we read their kit from a post few days ago.


Nahh, the new mode is actually ridiculous, i can't believe people are saying it will be like pure fiction where ot starts out easy, and gets harder, this thing is pure purgatory from the beginning


Fair point. Hopefully they buff her somehow. I don't have the other limited Erudition but afaik they're both significantly better than her in MoC


they added the extra bounces to acheron ult after the start of the beta so jade kit can still be changed quite a lot. she needs to at least be pasable at MoC. because she is gonna be crap at the boss rush mode. or she will end up a meme like argenti. meanwhile acheron will be S+ on the 3 modes (and she will be buff a lot in 2.4 with JQ release). not to mention that sam and boothill with be also great and both boss and MoC.


Bounces? >meanwhile acheron will be S+ on the 3 modes. How many S+ tier teams do we even have rn? Is it just Acheron and DoT?


jsut like argenti ultimate once acheron ulti ends and dmg is calculated, 6 bounces of 25% dmg randomly dmg enemies between the still alive enemies only (normally the boss is the only still alive). wich means acheron does 300% dmg aoe but the boss takes 450% (this multipliers then get multiplied by 1.6 because her trace) the thing is S+ teams depends on the mode. like bothill will for sue be S+ on boss rush since his single target is crazy high but prob S or A in MoC and D on PF. herta is god incarnate on PF but D on others. and JL and daniel are great on MoC but lunae SUCKS on PF and JL does ok. and in boss mode they will be good but not as good as Ratio and bothill teams. kafka BS are great on bot MoC and PF but in boss mode they will prob be just ok since their single target dmg is nowhere near the IPC follow up team and bothill. meanwhile acheron is in this weird place where she is decent at E0 but at E2S1 she is a different character altogether an reachs a cap so high that all other character cannot even reach half her dmg. like I have E6 acheron and she does 3-4M dmg every time my supports get a turn. so is not even on the same bulkpart as the other characters. she kills sam before he transforms she kills adventurine before he can even gamble once , she kills the jewel trex without breaking him first. meanwhile my friend has E6 JL and she barely does 2 250-300k attacks each in her 2 sparkle+ bronya turns and ults every second turn for 400k. meanwhile acheron ults for 3M and skills for 400k twice and she can get 2 ults ina row the first 2 turns of the fight so she nukes the board twice wich clear the first 2 waves of MoC to the first wave and the first Hp bar of the boss. then in the 3third wave finally the enemy can take its first and only turn on the fight. not a whale I saved 110k jades for sparkle and acheron and got E2S1spakre and E6S1 acheron with 125k jades. so yeah I bough 150$ USD of the 2 big packs with the x2 but was the first time buying crystals other than the 5$ montly.


FuA comp post Robin is definitely S+ , definitely struggles in PF though (not this one atleast) but everywhere else the damage is pretty up there


If it struggles in 1 of the 2 end game modes, I would hesitate to call it S+


Well she's Erudition so that makes sense.


yeah tho after she releases I'm sure they will adapt the incoming moc's for aoe content, like adding enemies with summons or just waves of enemies, they'd be idiots to release a character and have upcoming moc's that actively counter that character


I mean, Argenti does kinda suffer in MoC performance sometimes and they don't really care much to fix that, she won't suck, she just... won't be the best option


She's basically Topaz but for PF instead of MoC. Which is very interesting.


Thank you for the format of putting the builds in pictures 🙏


yeah sadly they went and made the relics to busted. i know the pirate server you have to make you own relics but they guy went right at the cap or over the cap in some. JY hands for example would need 6 sub stats tolls to reach those stats. 1 CR 1CD 4 ATK% and the max ingame is 5.


It looks like overflow FUA stacks roll over for Jade, which is pretty handy.


Nice showcase. I would like to see Clara/Jade/Lynx/Robin.


Will do that soon


Hey OP, we’re looking to know how much speedtuned all E0S1 105 speed Blade 134 speed Bronya with Jade will help. Last slot can be Huohuo. The few showcases done here are pretty subpar, and yours seem pretty well played. It would be nice to see how well Blade can drive Jade’s attacks and stuff against 3 or 5 enemies. Let Blade have enough speed to surpass Bronya after Jade skill too, if its possible.


also use some what realistic relics. in JY hands you put 6 subs stat rolls and the max ingame is 5. and even 5 perfect rolls is totally unrealistic. and jade has literally 0 bad substats. all are cr cd atk speed. this doesn't show what the character is capable of, since for most DPS the difference between all godly relics and normal relics is about the same as their E0 vs E2.


my bad lol, thought it was all right most of the time i use my REL relics, and maybe tune them a bit, but i dont have JY so yea had to make ones from scratch


if something thiws video depresed me so much that I dont even wanna download the private server until they change her. like this is god relics jade and she sucks. they really need to change her kit, since she is the first dps made to need another dps so the dual is not optional but mandatory, and this is a problem with how busted harmony units are. on top of her HP drain making it so you need a sustain for your other dps to not unalive themselves. so I fail to see the case where Jade with any aoe dps will be any better than just running that dps with bronya+ sparkle for effective 320 speed on them with massive buffs. and the thing is she should be much better since those 2 supports will be amazing in all 3 endgame modes. but jade has only PF to shine. and yes I know your vid is not PF. but I am assuming she being great a PF is a given. so is sad seeing her be so crap at MoC


Also please do Jade, Herta, Robin, sustain/RM in Pure Fiction. Can't believe I haven't seen this yet, but this is clearly her best use case, she's pretty much premium Himeko who doesn't need weakness to trigger her FuA, and Herta's very frequent AOE in PF would be the best for her


Topaz and Jade would be fun to see


Could I also trouble you to try himeko/Jade/aventurine/robin?


hi, thanks for all these goated showcases, unlike others you seem to know what youre doing lol. i know most peeps request f2p showcases but can you do a e1 fuxuan (lc doesnt matter) e6s1 firefly (critfly, wanna see if full BE is still better than critfly) e0 ruan mei with s5 memories of the past, and hat MC with s5 dance dance dance (with break effect rope). ty


Could you show this team with E1 jade using topaz instead. I’m really curious if with jade E1 and a fast topaz she can do alright in single target




It's really just the HP drain for me. She will dominate in pure fiction, but that's a mode where frankly you just don't need a sustain. If you were to bring a sustain, Aventurine would obviously be the best choice, but it's still a little awkward.


I don't know... jade does not seem to fit really well with this comp.... unless you bring a healer or sacrifice a buffer. The only team is see she easily shines is blade team or Clara team with a healer - it is just more stable that way.


Yea,this team have bad synergy overall imo.it quickly fell off after robin ult down (they use robin ult too fast tho) But overall robin didn't regen enough energy from jingyuan,jingyuan didn't have tingyun to buff him all day everyday or sparkle to advance him make his damage pitiful, jade and Aventurine make your team on life support like fuxuan ft jingliu if battle goes long enough Jingyuan never been really good for dual DPS,his hypercarry is just better, maybe this would be good on PF, who knows


Clara heals off her own LC so aventurine is fine in the Clara comp


Yeap, I am also struggling to see why JY for this specific moc when even himeko would better


What why? Jing yuan no longer requires SPD with her


if you have bronya+sparkle, you dont need speed boots to on JY, in my acc i can spam bronya and spakle skill with no sp issue with gallagher in team. Also a preservation sustain dont go that well with jade... Still can but risky, bcs that 5% hp drain, its even higher than JL lol i kinda curios why jade is not destruction if she have hp drain gimmick xD If hoyo really want her to paired with blade, just make her skill drain a little, like 1% hp thats still count for baldie talent stacks right?


Just sparkle or bronya , both in a JY team is just griefing Hanya,Asta and ruan Mei also enable atk boots as well


Bcs everytime an allies with DC attack, they jade will deal additional dmg also that allies hp will be drained. Ex, herta combo like skill-->ult-->talent in 1 combo, gonna drain 15% of herta max hp


I feel that the only way to make Jade meta outside of PF is going to be for her to give the Debt Collection status to the entire party. It's not bad damage. It's just that getting 8 stacks is going to be soooooo slow outside of PF.


Hopefully they could do something like her Ult gives the debt collection for the entire party for 1 turn (or maybe 2) without consuming hp. It wouldn't too op but still great.


Ngl I can see them doing this on her ult. Quite similar to Topaz.


Wow, this is a very cool team


If you can could you please try JingYuan E0S1(atk boots) ,Ruan Mei E0S0 ,Jade E0S0, and Huohuo E1S0 Sorry if this setup is too specific but I wanna see how this team would fair. I also wanna see how many stacks JingYuan can get by merely getting speed from Jade, Ruan Mei, and Huohuo E1.(I can also tells you what light cones to run on Jade,Ruan Mei and Huohuo if needed)


A taunt LC might be substitute enough for one S1 in this race against time, but still looking rough.


is the new set better on jade compared to quantum set?




I wonder if Genius > new set with S1 since she can stack Def down/ignore with both. But doesn’t the new set also stack more CDMG for S1 as well?


Great showcase! I was thinking of running this comp or one with Blade, you're doing god's work.


Can you try her with this team or Blade team in PF, or there in no PF option on server? Also E1 test to show how fast she can get stacks in MoC


Need to see Jade, Himeko, Herta, Robin go brrr in PF.


Can you try with Xueyi? I feel like they would have good synergy. 


she will shine in PF and SU mostly. MOC and the new bosses moc not for her.


Maybe Xueyi/Jade/Robin/Sustain(Fu Xuan because Quantum enjoyers lol) could be interesting?


The fact that Jade releases in the same patch as the new endgame Apocalyptic Shadow and she's the worst character ever against bosses is so lame


I wish she was just dedicated main dps that can work by herself like Argenti, instead of subdps. I really wanted tall female quantum main dps (aside from seele and xuyei) for a long time and Jade feels underwhelming due to her kit.


Yeah wow without a healer thats quite a bit of damage overtime meaning she basically cant be run with shielders or you risk killing yourself in any long fights Shorter ones should be fine though Honestly looks like blade is her best buff target he just doesnt perform as good as others though do with self buff


She will never kill you with her skill, it stops draining at 1HP,  just like Jingliu's HP drain. Your character will be at 1HP, but If your shield never drops, then there isn't a risk of dying.


Had jing yuan got targeted at the end there the run was over So yeah shielder only theres for sure a risk of dying Edit: also tbh no shielder can stop damage forever in this game unless specific circumstances allow them to, so you will get hit eventually and that damage adds up


The person playing could have used a skill point for safety.


Perhaps but it only takes like 1 attack to break the shield when its unstacked


Yes, OP didn't have 100% uptime on their shield. In my comment, I said "if your shield never drops", you'll be fine. There's a "risk of dying" too if your healer can't keep up with healing or your character gets one shot.  I'm not saying one is better than the other, just pointing out that Jade works perfectly fine with shield sustains.


I said for long term fights youll be indanger since that damage she does to your dps will add up overtime Also theres a stark difference between getting put into 1shot territory because your support chipped so much health your there and a boss 1 tapping you with a move which most cant with proper character builds


Can you define what you mean by a "long term fight" for me? When are you ever in that situation? Are you taking a long time to kill Cocolia and letting her damage ramp? Your healer isn't going to help much in that situation either. If you're doing the MoC, you shouldn't be letting her get past like 5 turns max anyways, if you want to 3-star clear. Look, if you don't want to run shielders, then don't. I was just pointing out that shielders work fine too, except I guess in situations where you characters are too weak to kill the boss in a timely manner, but I think you have bigger problems if that's the case.


>Can you define what you mean by a "long term fight" for me? When are you ever in that situation? Are you taking a long time to kill Cocolia and letting her damage ramp? Your healer isn't going to help much in that situation either. If you're doing the MoC, you shouldn't be letting her get past like 5 turns max anyways, if you want to 3-star clear. Uh no we just saw what would be a long fight for this team in it where jing yuan could have died and the run be over >Look, if you don't want to run shielders, then don't. I was just pointing out that shielders work fine too, except I guess in situations where you characters are too weak to kill the boss in a timely manner, but I think you have bigger problems if that's the case. I didnt say shielders werent fine ever i said its gonna get dangerous using them the longer your fight goes on as a solo sustain Also once again we see a situation IN THIS VIDEO where jing yuan almost died and only didnt because he wasnt targeted by pure chance and killed, where do you keep getting the idea i said shielders were bad


Well, you edited your first post where I originally got the interpretation that you said shielders were bad, so I can't really point it out anymore because I don't remember your original phrasing that gave me that impression. The RNG worked out for OP. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Imagine Cocolia CC'd your healer on a turn when JY really needed healing. Then JY dies and the run is also over. Every comp has points of failure.


Ahhh that sequence of events from 2:40 is triggering my FUA monkey brain! JY skill -> ult -> LL -> Jade FUA -> Aventurine FUA SOOOOOO satisfying!


Uhhhh Can you try Blade - Jade - Robin - Luocha? I really want to know if Jade makes Blade better, pretty please.


already on it, expect it soon


And if possible, could you swap out Robin for Bronya ? I have yet to see Bronya used with thus comp and I'm curious to if that would help both Blade and Jade more by chance. On behalf of all Blade mains, we'd appreciate it !


She makes him better, if you mean that she gives him stacks.




Yeah, I will use him in PF obviously.


Trend on aventurine....please free my man. I love Jade's design and playstyle but her synergy with JY isn't as strong compared to her with Blade


It was a viewer request for these specific Eidolons and Superimpositions.


Most people will have this Aven investment


Most people will not sacrifice def on a 4* cone to run trend in a non acheron team


Have you tried her on mono quant with qq/lynx/sparkle? Its what im planning on doing but havent seen it mentioned much (maybe im bad)


she seems fun even if not the most optimal character which is about what i expected, cant wait to get her


That’s wassup. Nice showcase


This is awesome! Could you try Jade, Qingque, Silver Wolf, and Aventurine?


Curious about the Jade speed boots - she seemed to be screaming ATK% to me, mind explaining the thought process?


Thanks for this showcase 🤧❤️


She's looking top tier for PF. Will definitely do well against elites or bosses that regularly spawn adds. But man, when it's just 1-2 enemies, or damage severally plummets. Consistent with Erudition at least.


She looks very fun. I know she may not be the best and that hypercarry may be more efficient but it allows us to try new things and teams. Let us play other things than hypercarry.


Her major issue is unfortunately that your addition curse of pathetically low multipliers. Argenti was thankfully stacked because he was following so many premier destruction units and had to show people err edition can have value. I'm so glad he got the bounce mechanic so he's a boss for single target as well. Her follow up or coordinated damage right after the character takes their turn is completely useless trash. The only way 20% attack could be valuable is if it's not about damage and instead was doing like 200 tough damage and she was aiming to weakness break. She needs to do like 130% or 140% of those coordinated attacks and then increase her follow up attack to be 300% damage


Dang, at 3:11 she doesn't get stacks while she's cc'ed? Hopefully they change that, seems inconsistent because I'm pretty sure Aventurine and Blade can still get their stacks while cc'ed (maybe it's different for Topaz, but I don't play her so I have no idea). Obviously both can't trigger the FUA, but at least that would be consistent across everybody.


For the amount of 5* on this showcase, this is a disappointing one.


The health drain on a character that does well in PF seems like an odd choice. It's probably flavorful, but seems a little more restrictive on the teambuilding side of things.


I wish her additional damage was a little less pathetic, it just pales in comparison to what Robin is doing here. Like 2k per hit, so at 5 targets it barely exceeds what Robin does for all target counts, it also only applies to one character instead of the whole team.


I’m curious, why most of Jade’s showcase has her on SPD boots is it really better than ATK?


Jade dealing more damage than JY is crazy.


you cooked jade relices too hard there, mr leaker


How can ppl condemn e6 showcase but not impossible relic roll. 157 spd 3k+ atk with good cv on jy. Such double standard. No offense op im just stating ppl behaviour. Im grateful of any showcase


Nice show-case! can u try E0S1 Jade E0S1 Jingyuan E0S1 Sparkle E0S1 Fu Xuan?


Isnt there an upcoming wind erudition character? Maybe jade will have good synergy with her


Still using speed boots on JY in big 2024 🥶🥶


More speed=More stacks for Jade. 


Doesn't Jade herself give speed buffs to JY?


Yes.  Actually I agree. I think 135 speed would be enough. 


There's no sparkle here


Atk boots are pretty much always better in a hypercarry setup, but aren't spd boots better for a team with no sparkle no tingyun?


jade gives 30 speed. that jing yuan was the fastest jing yuan ever seen by mankind


Maybe I'm disremembering things, but doesn't Jade buff speed?


fortunately for Jade, MidJade doesn't really roll of the tongue.


midstellar jade


Those JY relics are crazy. A reasonable \~21 crit subs aside he's got over 50% ATK and 30 speed in substats 💀 Maybe tone it down a little on the subs if you're going for relatable showcases. At least it's no high eidolons though.


The stats are perfectly okay unironically (at least the ones that (matter) without his LC that’s 3k atk, 78/129 build which is very much in the range of relatable The speed is basically wasted as he’s not hitting 201 and the atk is what you’d expect from an atk boots(which he should have been running)


The 187 speed JY here (with +30 from Jade) gets two extra turns in 5 cycles compared to a 160 Sparkle/ATK JY team, so the speed still serves a purpose. Of course you could run him with a -1 Sparkle instead to get even more than that


E0S1/E1s1 firefly please