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hey lorehammer here. i always think of this quote from the office by micheal scott. You don’t call retarded people retards. It’s bad taste. You call your friends retards when they are acting retarded.” — Michael Scott i mean no offense to u, its just jokes between friends


No, god no your not offensive to me, personally I love your jokes. Also I may only be 15 episodes in but I’m a huge fan already.


come join our discord u seem chill and i would love to see any minis u got. also did u hear lorehammer is having a comeback, not just one episode but like full on coming back


This news stirs feelings within me that I am not fully comfortable describing. I _loved_ Lorehammer, it was my first in depth introduction to 40k lore after the Inquisitor Martyr game piqued my interest, and to this day the first one I recommend when getting people into 40k! I remember feeling so disappointed when I reached the later episodes and learned you guys had actually ended it before I even started listening, though your reasons made perfect sense. Super looking forward to seeing you guys pop up in my Spotify feed!


thats a very nice message, glad we have ur support amd excited to make some more stuff for u to listen to


Lorehammer is coming back? That’s so damn awesome!


heck yes! give us a few weeks and we will b back up and running sharing all the grimdark lore that is 40k! first epispde back we are thinking thunder warriors


Hell yeah!! Best podcast


Nope, but now I’m excited


Did dad finally come home with the milk?


no milk but i got some cigs


Mark coming back to the show too? I listened to a dozen episodes from you guys a few years ago just getting into 40k and remember reading months after it ended and posted to one of your facebook posts (when I was still on it). I'm much more into the lore than I was then and am now extremely excited to see you all (and support) you return.


yes sir, this is mark and im the driving force behind the return, i miss ranting about 40k to my homies :) as for you, you should come join our discord, ome of the best ways to support is just engaging with us :)


Thank the emperor, I couldn’t bare another adric episode lmao


Yes!! Little fan from germany here, I heard your podcasts on Spotify while I worked on my projects. How many episodes you guys planning?


would love to see some of those projects that we were in the background for umm no clue but pribably a few years worth, still alot of 40k topics to cover! the founding legions alone would take 20 epiaodes to cover hahag


https://preview.redd.it/i44ji65jni2d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0147f4eb66ed38580caa6171068695bfd621e285 Is there a link to your discord?


https://discord.com/invite/EpC28sG4V8 oh man thats a great knight, very very cool base. does it got any lorr?


Him and his twin brother are decided to open her eyes and so they joined the chaos undivided.


Is the first episode three hours of you all joking about wanting to bone femstodes?


nah, more of a sisters of silence fan, that way theres no back talk


Do both. Folks here will listen. Or do both without the edgelord frat boy element and even more will.


hahah honestly we probably wont touch on either for a long time we already have a custode and sisters of silence episode, no ppint doing a repeat


More Drukhari.


veck would b a coll episode


My favorite quote


between the lorehammer coming back and the office coming back, maybe life isnt so bad


To get labelled a sexist, misogynist and any other ist or ism by the radical left is a great advertising label for you! I don't know who you are but you just got a new fan! I will be listening to you now, where can I find your podcast?


https://open.spotify.com/episode/0TKOXL9kBomGiZSVE7HrMJ?si=bIAJkzcGQuqhWK5RjSbwPg yea come give me and the boys a listen. we are all just avergae guys, most of us are family men. we have a passion for 40k and loving sharing our combined knowlegde


Subbed and listening now thanks bro!


The office is coming back? What?


yea! next year apparently! lots of the old cast have signed back on


Rad. Thanks for letting me know!


I’ve learned so much today, only half of it was true, but the other half really made my day.


Best Michael Scott quote


This made me sub, people are sensitive for no reason for people who can careless. My wife is a therapist and literally has to explain to kid and grown ups how to not be a sensitive little b$@#.


Holy shit wasn't expecting to see you still active here since the podcast is over. I miss it so much. I go back and re-listen to various episodes all the time when I want to have a good laugh. I especially miss that Australian bastard and his orks <3


dude.... lprehammers coming back! new epiosdes coming in the next few weeks and then we will b back to our bi weekly release schedule! so miss it no more my friend, soon ill b in ur ear holes again


Bro that is fucking incredible news... With everything in the world being the way it has been (with no end in sight) and with all of the tourists ruining the community it's the perfect time to have you come back. Like the fucking avatar and fire nation lol. Will it be with some of the old gang from before again or primarily just you? I can't imagine you went back to Canada with how badly they have delved into Trudeau's bullshit and I know that would be a big factor in having the boys back together. So glad to finally get you guys back man.


poor canada, sad state of affairs, so our new permanant lorehosts will be christian and james, both 2 of my favourote people! we used to hqve 4 chairs but we are cuttinf one out and hopefully that will get rod of some pf the awakward internet sound


That awesome Christian is coming back as well even if it's only for his first and last episode of the return... On a serious note though so no Erik? Gonna miss y'all's dynamic. Loved hearing y'all argue about semantics for an hour just because you wanted to piss him off lol. Those were my favorite moments.


im sure erik will make appearance on some episodes ;) not like i killed him, ate his body and fled canada to avoid jail.... o.0


Hmmm.... Oddly.... Specific....


>However a recent post on another sub said that they were “msyogonist, sexist, homophobic, bigots, and they made fun of people with special needs.” This means that they hate the creator in question for not bending the knee to the woke mafia. If you're on the spectrum this is the place for you. This is where the autistic kids hang out. We need internal consistency. All of us have been labeled one or more of the words above. Often. None of it is accurate. None of us hate women, or gays, or people with special needs. Conversely, the people hurling those accusations show up here calling us nerds, or bigots, or whatever insult is currently popular. I can't keep up with them. > Why would people hate so much on a podcast that jokes mostly about themselves and state their own opinions in their own separate episodes? They hate it because it creates cognitive dissonance. Deep down most know their ideology is flawed and highly intolerant, and they'll attack anything that makes them feel those feelings. If you hang out here and watch us calmly discuss things with them you'll see how swiftly they reach rage and insults, no matter how civil we remain.


yea its so funny rhat people think i hate women, ask my wife if shes happy and fullfilled, id do anythibg for her. i just wouldnt let her go to war, i would rather keep her safe at home, but call me old fashion


Good you’re getting in here an representing you’re self, far too many virtue signallers on this sub trying to manipulate your work to gift themselves confirmation bias on their straw men BS, love your work


evil prevails when good men do nothing, hence why lorehammers coming back. i cant do much for the world, but i can make a badass 40k podcast for people to get lost in


I’ve listened to you for ages, the great thing about content is that it’s phrased through a creators lens and adds alot of depth and makes it human. Excited for the return mate !


So would I. I'd die for my wife and child. These people don't have spouses or children. Most of them have never been on a date. They call us incels and misogynists because they're projecting.


projection is the name of their game. im.having my first child at the end of august and i want a world where women are actually protected and where men can b men


Yay! Congratulations. It's so life-changing. My son is only four, and I still remember the first year so well. Let's raise our kids to be the change we want to see! Critical thinking, economic literacy, and the ability to table their opponents on turn 2!


lololol i love this!! im on board! heres to the first of many children to come!


Honestly I dunno why would anyone willingly go to war?


sometimes war comes to u


Unless you're USmerican, in which case, you make the war to sell outdated weapons, but we'd be forever on that subject.


> However a recent post on another sub said that they were “msyogonist, sexist, homophobic, bigots, and they made fun of people with special needs.” I'm pretty sure this is the best way to get me to check out a piece of media though.


Some people are either too sensitive over having a sheltered upbringing or need to virtue signal because their lives are empty of meaning. Also, all this pearl clutching over mean words really brings back memories of when it was the middle ages christian mom's that were doing it.


the left doesnt create it only destroys or currupts


Good podcast!


thanks! might b a comeback in the near future


Lorehammer is fucking great and anyone that says it isn’t are entitled to their own opinion but I’d say if you think there great don’t let someone else mess with that


glad ur enjoyong the show! we are makjng a comeback, new episodes comong out in a few weeks :)


Lorehammer is incredibly based. I saw the post you're talking about and at the end the dude had an edit to the effect of "haha lorehammer fans are in here being chuds!!! Can't wait for female space marines to be in the lore again!" Truly a clown


clowns and deviants


Love Lorehammer. Who cares what they think.


lorehammer is life, lorehammer is love


First time?


Sadly yes


It's alright as a beginner's guide to 40k. Personally though I think all these lore podcast/videos hurt the community more than they help after a certain point because people just wind up regurgitating things instead of actually reading or listening to the source material. Don't know what the drama on the other subreddit is about. Didn't the podcast end like two years ago? Seems weird to talk about it like an ongoing thing.


rumor has it wrre bringing lorehammer back ;) give it a few weeks


Lorehammer rules. That show is how I introduced a friend at work to 40k


so are u and ur friend excoted for the lorehammer come ack! new epsidoes coming out in a few weeks




Dat;s sumfin called "*Repressive Tolerunce*" in akshun. Arch did a gud eksplanayshun of it wen 'ee wuz on SideScrollers. Baysikly, it's just wokee grots weepin' abaat sumfin dat duzn't bend da nee.


get a load of orkimedes over here


HAHAHAHA! Giv me a playc ta stand, an' a leeva long enuf, an' oi shall moov da wurld.


Saw that post as well, didn’t think anything of it but after checking them out I really don’t get what there’s to complain about. I guess it’s something else to add to the list of arbitrary things that sub dislikes, like Majorkill or the Tau.


i guess i called jordan gay one to many times hahaha, the 90s slang is strong in us


Literally just started listening to them as a someone hoping to get into playing! They seem fun and super knowledgeable


Hey, so happy that the podcast is coming back, but having no Eric is weird, what's going on? Eric and Mark were like the Emperor and Horus, no wait, that didn't end well either. Any reasons why you're back and why no Eric?


Regardless of their shitty politics, the podcast is just annoying and a pretty bad way to get lore. They’re wrong a lot of the time and randomly go off on tangents that are just dull and unfunny to listen too. There’s way better warhammer pods


Like what? Adeptus ridiculous?


Adrec is definitely better and less obnoxious than the lorehammer people. But also “the remembrancer” and Leuten are phenomenal


Lutin and the rememberancer are great, but I still think adeptus ridiculous is worse than lorehammer.


Lorehammer blows. It was the first warhammer pod I listened to and almost drove me out with how obnoxious they were


Baldermort is great.