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No brigading , my friends , perhaps i shall make a response video with this sweet southern accent


If being sick of a constant spam of horny posts makes me right wing then so be it


I'm left wing in that the rich are fucking us hard amongst other things, but the horny posts are ridiculous. They got a fucking screw loose.


I think the horny posts are sometimes funny… But not all the fucking time. And i am a dude who is online most of the day, every day, but i dread the possible day that my brain is so fried to shit, that the only thing that makes it buzz is 100% smut. I cant understand Why pepole become like that and i dont want to……


The rich are using the government to fuck us. The more power you give to the state the greater their capacity to fuck us. Consider that [classic liberalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical\_liberalism) is a conservative position, an ideal the 'right wing' want to return too, and think about if that's something you ascribe too. The left wing party in the US, the DNC, is just as much in the pockets of corporations as the right wing party, if not moreso. The rhetoric used to muddy the waters being in a corporate pocket is somehow a right wing position, and therefore the "left wing" in the US is actually right wing. It's complete bunk. The right are the true liberals in the modern era, with modern progressive politics trying to move away from liberalism. unfortunately neither party actually adhere to the ideals of their base anymore, with rare exception. Nothing about conservative politics is there inherent corporatism. That's a product of corruption, something that's on each political spectrum.


The US politics fucked up the definition of Left Wing so bad that people think of troubled teenagers and multicolored flags instead of worker’s rights when you mention left.


>Consider that [classic liberalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_liberalism) is a conservative position, an ideal the 'right wing' want to return too Well this is an outright lie


What about those positions aligns with modern progressives? And on the other hand, it's exactly what the right wing follow


Ah yes, the people who seek to systematically outlaw abortion and repress free association are the true liberals.


Except neither of those things are conservative positions. Over 80% of conservatives want common sense abortion laws codified. The same laws the vast majority of the first world uses. Abortions legal up until a certain point (Probably heartbeat) with exceptions made for cases of rape or when the health of the mother is in danger. The number of people who don't want abortions ever are the same as the number of leftists who want abortions up until the moment of birth, read, minor. And where in the US are people "repressing free association"? That's fucking ridiculous.


There's lots of us here of all different political beliefs, so it's just ridiculous throwing around of accusations. I think they don't like seeing a sub where gooners are not welcome and people of different political persuasions still come together through a love of a hobby and they just hate that.


Same, I just despise the new wave of fans who seem to be the cringiest type of nerd-culture stock.


I've been a classic liberal my whole life, and my beliefs haven't shifted even an inch. I have it on reliable authority that I'm now a far right fascist.


I've said it elsewhere, but I'm basically a leftist in a country of leftists. Wokehammer is just a blight on the setting. Not following their nonsense isn't a political thing, but I guess it makes it easier for them to comprehend someone not wanting to tolerate the bullshit


its a cudgel to beat people with. Non of this has ANYTHING to do with real world political views. It has EVERYTHING to do with keeping that Real life BS OUT of our creative escapism. Plus people are just fed up with GW constantly making dumb lore changes. Rather than having an actual conversation or defending their position its much easier to scream "Misogynist!" and refuse to elaborate.


>have it on reliable authority that I'm now a far right fascist. So some twat called you chud and/or nazi.


“Reliable authority” maybe someone with a gender studies degree or something like Latinx indigenous folk dance degree


Congrats. That’s what they do. Welcome to the club.


Same here. For extra fun, I have actually talked someone into voting for a center-right party instead of a nationalist party, which makes me more effective at "fighting the far right" than 90% of antifascist activists. But I think a fictional, militaristic theocracy led by inquisitors whose first preoccupation is to execute those who deviate from the holy word of the comatose Emperor should perhaps not have LGBT-pride among its values. That apparently makes me right-wing.


I have the same problem. It's weird now being considered far right somehow simply because I hate identity politics and think it creates far more racism than it solves.


I still remember when Musk shared the meme that shows the nutjobs pushing the bounds of the left like a hundred yards. We're left standing next to the conservative people, who invite us to join them. They've made allies out of independents, conservatives, and liberals. I get why McCarthy worked so hard to root out the communists now.


You are left then, don't compare yourself to wokie they aren't left, they are just a form of fascism. Trying to shoot down with his family anybody who disagree with you isn't a left thing. A left person wouldn't do that, those wokies are more akin to the far right, they would use concentration camp if they could.


No they are most definitely leftists. Marxists are on the left. The left is about collectivism. Communism. Fascism. Socialism. All on the left. Liberals are about individual rights. Conservatives are about conserving the values and principles of the republic. Both of us are on the right so far as the rest of the world was concerned. During world war 2 they called us greedy capitalist pigs, because we didn't believe in the "good of the state" at the expense of individual citizens. You're trying to kick the wokies out of the left, because that's what you identify as. Even Orwell started out on the left, then he wrote Animal Farm and 1984 once he saw where it led.


oh no no, i don't identify as left, neither at right actually. I don't know where i'm at, i believe that both sides have some interesting idea and bad ones. Picking a side over picking ideas doesn't suit me. i would even goes as far as saying that anybody who believe that an entire side have only bad idea is a dumbdumb.


I'd counter that on one side of the axis 100,000,000 people died a century ago. On the other side we've all but eradicated global poverty.


I dont care anymore. No matter what you'll do, you will always be right winger or nazi to them. They will always find something new. Their accusations amd insults are meaningless. Fuck them


No matter what you can’t make them happy, so why bother? Just do you! Seriously.


We are professionals, after all


Amen brother


Nono - everything that's outside of their increasingly smaller bubble is either right wing extremism or nazis or both. Its really just a large group of people who enjoy smelling their own farts and giving each other imaginary rim jobs


Being a Centrist, it’ll never cease to baffle me that these people seem to think that being right wing is inherently a bad thing. I thought that this kind of black and white morality stopped well before adulthood.


[Everyone I don’t like](https://youtu.be/3ToEvz-7trY?si=WE0-0iP4lf0V4w6j)


Going to ignore the obvious homophobia 


Yeah so fucking obvious, swing and a miss


Literally the posts here are saying that gay people coming into the hobby kill it.  I don’t like the horny posts on the main sub either, but this sun is right wing


Fair enough I’d interpreted that as an attack on my comment specifically, yeah you do get those kinda post here but I’m not here to shit on people for their sexual orientation I just enjoy a lack of censorship and lack of horny posts


"If you don't like this sub leave and make your own sub" \*Leaves to make new sub\* "hOw dArE tHoSe RaCiSts mAkE tHeIr OwN sUb" Damn these people are stupid as fuck


They aren't stupid. They lie and act in bad faith


its crazy how mad we have made the them ....but you know what it really is ...they didn't have the strength to stand up


It's more like "how dare they exist and not conform to my wants"


Wait i honestly dont know what this sub is about or what the "main sub is" i just keep getting this recommended and i like the posts


Eh, warhammer stuff and memes, there is some conflict with the company behind it making some really incomprehensible changes for online brownie points, and the community is divided about it. The sub where this one originated from was a warhammer meme sub, that has had a surge of "tourists"(people who are not even involved with the hobby, yet want to change it so it appeals to them) and people filling the sub with some extremely cringe fanfiction, paired with people praising it as better than the official books. This sub was made by the people who didn't like the sudden changes and were told to "get used to it or get out", and now the tourists are mad that people got out and are trying to make this sub look bad by calling it a "right wing circlejerk".


Seems like iam in the right place


No one ever said that




Literally this, reminds me of the quit having fun meme


Every time.


this is the vid that showed me the sub existed and joined up lol i even made a comment


and you are very welcome


See, this is what I like from communities, everybody being welcome to assimilate and join. Keyword being assimilate. Gatekeep the tourists, though.


we take all types (so long as you are sane ) right, left, center ,gay , trans, undead it don't matter so long as you are/ can be a decent person and go by rule 1 thats all we ask , we want all groups here to talk about their love of warhammer and maybe build a few bridges to each other .


Based mod.


we try , and the left ,just gets more and more mad , its more or less leave your baggage at the door and lets play a game , you cant change a mind if you are unwilling to open the door


Me - not American. Join subreddit. Suddenly becomes American Right Wing. Funny how that works.


Same here brother


When do we get our green cards?


Well, I honestly wouldn't want to be there. Things look more scary than in Europe, which is surprising (Not as bad as Canada)


Thats the because the media outlets whose owners keep getting caught doing really bad things to kids only report on "the narrative" to further their political agendas. Seriously just dont go to Chicago or LA and you are fine lol.


i cant agree with that , even in my "smallish" town we have homeless camps (with ODs everyday) and walmart has EVERYTHING in electronics behind glass , and razors , laundry pods and all the tools . You have to w8 for someone to open the case to buy a $5 screwdriver


Yeah, but a country where healthcare (perhaps even mental healthcare) is more a priviledge than a right, every nutcase being able to procure himself a gun, and the police not risking it even when hostages are present, that tells me it's better to avoid the risk Also dangerous wildlife. Here it's very rare, although some areas have plenty of wolves


Once again I personally feel this is a media being the only source of information issue, but i can agree to disagree.


Same. So many times, people tried to insult me as a " trump voter", "republican", or just "american". Lol


The American centric world view on English social media and its consequences. signed not an American


Amen brother, I ain't one of em boys down south, and I'd hardly consider myself right wing neither


They’re like Tyranids.. but worse. “Be a part of our hive mind.” I don’t wanna. “Then we will ban you from the hive mind.”


Those are chaos cultists


Forreal! At least have the decency to liquify me into easily digestible liquids first.


More like the imperium. "No, worship the emperor damn it, how we tell you too" it's also a "human centric" movement so that checks out as well.


These clowns don’t even know what echo chamber is…


No brigading battle brothers, that's why I censored the channel name.


There's only two or three candidates to begin with


Since when freedom to post what you like about 40k and ability to express your opinion without risking getting a ban is right wing? I guess according to him, an echo-chamber is when a group exists that talks about things you don't like.


They talk as if not every other place on the internet isn't already a Left-Wing Echo Chamber LOL Hypocrites.


These people are such shitbags, they are angry people want warhammer to be about warhammer. not their gay fantasies


Man I’ll never understand why when they make a place to post about all their weird stuff they act like saints but when we get tired of seeing the stuff and make our own they have to make videos and just come after us.


"They dont want their own shit, they want our shit..."


True that


Free advertising


300 new members since 


This! Is! Warhammer!


The entirety of reddit is a cringe left wing echo chamber lmao


Could be worse. We could be a left-wing circle jerk




stealing this




At least there seems to be more tabling of differing options here.


So r/Sigmarxism?


This was linked yesterday. Try not to feed the guy any more views than he already has.


Make Imperium Great Again


Lol, like any other sub reddit isn't whether it's left or right? The only difference is that the left wing version of it tries to outperform each other in how "virtues" they compare to others.


Ngl I’m generic so I only like Buffalo wings


Buffalo wings are delicious. Unfortunately for me, it is very hard to find them in Thailand




Wow fkn amazing these asshats with their woke agenda are so fragile


![gif](giphy|dC9DTdqPmRnlS) Sign this man up for the circus cuz he's prodigal clown


My meme is making YouTube thumbnails now? Let's gooooo


Wait until this guy finds Sigmarxism, except they’re ok, because they’re commies. God forbid anyone not share my same political opinions


https://i.redd.it/6si3c9jqlg2d1.gif And they say we're crybabies


Ironic when they are crybullies.


I’m not right wing.


This sub sure is though.




This sub https://preview.redd.it/vn67mpoi6j2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86387a153860154683c7d4f610165464ea7e8070


The left can't meme. New version


Considering my meme is only 1 word apart from the post above me (which has an even more strawman argument than mine, which i admit), by your own logic that other post should be an example that the Right can't meme either


And yet it only took one word change to demonstrate the left can’t meme. In only one word you took a good meme and made it shite.


At least the illustration is appropriate this time


I’ve seen no evidence for that.


[You haven't?](https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/comments/1cznvvr/no_more_shall_the_heretic_and_blasphemer_defile/) [Here's another one where OP got run out of town for not being anything less than right-wing](https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/comments/1czpiyb/how_40k_being_male_centric_helped_me_get_better/) [Basically every third thread has some shit like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/comments/1cx8ww1/comment/l51xkuy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Enjoy your right wing sub.


You’re confusing the fascist, grimdark universe of 40k with *actual* right wing ideologies on that first one. People joking around does not a fascist make. The one where OP “was driven out”? I’m only seeing positive comments. No idea what you’re talking about. Being anti-woke isn’t right wing. I’m left wing and *very* anti-woke because I’m *pro-science, pro-logic*, and woke ideology is *not.* So again, not seeing any evidence that this is a right-wing sub.


Huh, so you're clearly socially right wing. Maybe you're economically left wing or something? Because that would totally be relevant to why this sub is a right-wing shithole. Or maybe you're just disingenuous. Either way, I've finally reached the point of not caring. Enjoy your right-wing sub, filled with right-wing conservatives like yourself. Edit: Bonus points for saying having a proxy image of the OP killing gay people (depicted as chaos marines) is "anti woke", which you're in favour of because you're "pro science". You definitely don't sound disingenuous bro, I believe you're totally left wing bro. Left wingers totally encourage images that depict gay people the way A Wyatt Man depicts other races. Very cool.


I’m not anything right wing. I’m very left wing. Freedom for all! And yeah, shooting a Rainbow space marine isn’t right wing, it’s a rejection of a toxic ideology. You don’t need to be right-wing to reject insane ideological bullshit.


And you're okay with posters smearing gay people as paedophiles, and the sub downvoting the sub member (who is also right wing) for pointing out this is factually not true. Enjoy your right-wing anti-woke circlejerk.


Yes, I am overwhelmingly ok with that. People should have the right to say whatever they want, and anyone who is against that doesn’t deserve to live free. Downvoting. What an odd thing to lose your shit over.


"I support the community spreading hateful lies, and favouring those lies over the truth. There is nothing wrong with this". And on that note, I'm finally gone from this sub. It's been a ride, have a good one. most leftist KiA user.


You can be right wing and still be part of the LGBTQAEIOU fandom. Just like how you can be left wing and not part of that fandom. Political and social views are a spectrum.


I mean that and, right wing also don't mean super fuckin far left. Dead center is nice, personally


Sure bro 


Username checks out


Ignoring the half dead sigmarxism sub...


Ofc he looks like that.


True success


That was fast


Keep on doing the Emperors work…


Cringe ? My brother in the Emperor doesn't know how nice people can be here. Sometimes the talk in the comments is just so nice that you wish that everyone had such nice talk one time or another. And sometimes the responses are pure gold in case of references. https://preview.redd.it/g9pnal7u4i2d1.png?width=408&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f30b96bed8d37b7ffbbebc85801c3d9f2f7c6b2 Love ya guys !


We create a new space to have a more comfortable experience sharing our thoughts instead of being banned. "How dare you exclude us"


We made it




>barely even 1k views lol, lmao even


Doesn't that make us very "right" in the wings that flow to the wind? Ok bad joke feel free to downvote


O shit bro, not Kenny boulder. Anything but Kenny bolder!


Kenny Bolter would have been a rad name


Lol. The creator didn't even seen anything most of the people are writting here, now didn't they ?


Yummy, all the buzzwords


I just want to enjoy my hobby in peace.


The dude is a nobody who makes random videos... not worth any time. He did make a good point though... at a certain point this sub will have to move beyond complaining about things and actually start focusing on positive creation of content/ideas. Don't get me wrong, the wokies suck, but I don't need to hear a million more reasons of why they suck... I left the other subs because I want lore and story discussion, not political shit. I'm hoping I can find good lore and story discussion here.


Ooh we famous now?


Progressives using words wrong again. Classic.


Lol, lmao even


I get the idea of the video, from what I've seen this subreddit is kinda a "crossing of streams" for people who just want to share their stuff to more places, people who got tired of the community of the main sub, and the "problematic" two other: those who got (justifiably) tired and maybe even banned thanks to the often times sloppy way of GW managing inclusivity, and those who just don't want inclusivity at all. The first part is honestly right in their feelings, GW does good inclusivity sometimes but the vocal exceptions are so impossible to not see that it becomes annoying. Those who JUST want any kind of inclusivity gone are the extreme and, just as extreme left, are to be weary of. Obviously people on the left, needing to "fight the good fight" generalize and put everyone in the latter category. There is a some echo chamber here, but not as terminally as outsiders want it to be.


"we have a community that has formed as a reaction to a perceived change, we want that community to dissolve, what should we do? I know, let's insult them and say that the changes they are reacting to are actually a good thing that hasn't gone far enough" every time, it's honestly impressive how bad they handle it


Yeah sure i just wanted to escape from all the horny posting, diversity signaling,trans stuff and other crap forced on by others. I just want to enjoy my hobby for what it is, a grimdark universe.


Like me, people will come to check if its true or not, notice "right wind" just mean free speech and have nothing to do with being right or left and just hang around.


its not an echo chamber. people with different views dont get banned here. they come all the time to get mad that ther eis a subreddit where you can disagree with the bigger 40K ones without being banned.


Bathe in their salt brothers!


Oh no, they made their own sub, how dare they.


These idiots think left = good and right = bad. Absolute brainlets Warhammer is right wing


Get ready for the brigading as we get bigger. They aren't happy about us.


We are so back


Any space with no restriction on speech will inevitably be come to be known as right wing, leftist subreddits can only come about as a result of overmoderation and the driving out of everybody who disagrees. Calling us right wing is a badge of honour.


Was only a matter of time...


So basically if you support everyone being allowed to speak their minds, no matter their political background... You are right-wing?


Everyone is all for free speech until it’s about something they disagree with


Amazing how suddenly y’all are “far right extremists” isn’t it?


These people must believe that 75% of the world is right wing with how often they name call it. You can agree 90% of the way. But that final 10% makes you an alt right bigot. These people are destroying their cause and these elections coming up are going to suck because of it.


He pinned and hearted my comment on the vid lol


Classical liberal as well from one most liberal states in the USA. I’m just sick of nothing but horny posting that’s why I’m moseying over here




Not really? lol


Genuine question is this not low key true? Most users here seem to be people with opinions that are much less accepted in the more "mainstream" subs, enough to get banned from them or leave by their own volition. I get that this is supposed to be a haven for all opinions, but it seems like the majority of people in this sub are that way leaning. I literally found this sub yesterday, so I could be wrong, but so far, the initial impression is very incel/4chan vibes no offense. I mean you guys literally have a rule just about discussing identity politics. It just seems to me like less of an even distribution of opinions, and more of a sub of people who have the same opinion, just one that is "anti woke" or whatever people are calling it? I get that most folks in the community, even if they are on Reddit, wont come looking for a place like this if they aren't ostracized, but still. The first post I ever saw here was a ranking of how woke the warhammer youtubers are like you cant tell me that doesnt come off at least a little cringe. Im not saying the mainstream subs are better they have issues too. Do yall think im wrong here?


Give it time before you decide. That rule exists because we get attacked for existing on a daily basis. We have been raided twice now I think? Just constant nastiness, and in general the people who harp on that are only here to cause problems. We dont care if you identify as a boy, girl, transformer, attack chopper, undead, pansexual, etc. We just want to talk about warhammer.


Darn that stinks. Thanks for the clarification


As with almost anything in life, no person, community, or organization is as simple as your first impressions lead you to believe. Your first and biggest mistake is assuming that you can look at a few superficial details and get the measure of something. Your second is trying to boil people down to "right wing" or "left wing", as if the entirety of human political expression and personal values can be encapsulated in imprecise two word imprecise. You have an opportunity here to see people as they are. Discover some common interests with those to whom you may never have talked otherwise; To argue and say what you think without the looming gavel of popular orthodoxy, enforced by zealous ideological bigots hanging over your head. Instead of enjoying that unique and rare (as far as Reddit goes, anyway) opportunity, you're still trying to divy people up into tribes and make sweeping value judgements about groups of Men/Women you've not even taken time to get to know, like you're still on Sigmarxism or Grimdank. I really don't know what to say to that except: Bob Ross would be disappointed because you're not living up to your potential


My intention wasnt to boil people down to right or left, I know it’s a spectrum and theirs nuance. I’ve taken a gander through the sub and have seen a variety of cool posts so my opinion has changed a little. Initially though the first two posts I saw were pretty political and I got an icky vibe. I really wasnt thinking that deep about a subreddit but I’m glad you are so passionate about it


They take the heresy thing too far. It’s like an actual fundamentalist religion. When can we start derisively calling like “Nazi panic” or “racist scare”


Is he wrong?


Lol since when was not being a coomer and enjoying a setting as it was intended right wing


This is the only sub I see any discussion as opposed to jerking yourself off about how smart you are and how dumb the chuds are


Insecure person is intimidated by strangers, feels like they have no power, harasses people via anonymity. These people don't understand morality because they're so weak that they've had no power over anything including themselves. They want you to not have a voice and validate their authority because they've never earned anyone's respect. Subconsciously they have imposter syndrome; consciously they have a God complex reinforced by their position in their gang/exclave.




It is an echo chamber though


it is a right wing echo chamber, cringe is subjective.


Well, I mean, they’re not wrong.


Correct and based video title.


yes its very right wing to say "no i dont agree with that"


How right-wing is it to upvote comments praising nazis?


everyone that say's "no thank you" is a Nazi , is what the left says , do you have a comment you can show


Now you have made the claim " upvote comments praising nazis" so im asking you to point this out


This is very off topic, but how come your mod tag only shows up some times?


Warp shenanigans


we dont use it to do "regular" talking but in this case user has made the claim  " upvote comments praising nazis" so this needed mod attention


Ohhhhh, thank-you, that makes more sense


I mean let's have a little intellectual honesty here. https://preview.redd.it/cnjb2f4yfh2d1.png?width=965&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfc97a81c020afd34df0cf9374f9eb74fc661279 Pretty sure "I'm not joking \[that the Nazis must be pretty great\]" (the only honest interpretation of those statements) qualifies as a "comment praising Nazis", and apparently it did get 3 upvotes. Now, believe whatever you will about whether that matters or not; one isolated comment upvoted by a couple people is certainly not damning proof that the whole subreddit is made up of Nazis. And of course the more sane take was upvoted more. Pretty much any subreddit will have the occasional unhinged comment from any perspective get a few upvotes here and there simply by chance. But it's never a good idea to lie to try to support your arguments, it just makes you look dishonest and close-minded even if you happen to be right overall.


christ its a joke , ppl blow sh\*it up online far more than it needs to be , i wish ppl could see the "real" nazi mess we threw out and ban


the left calls everything "nazis", if you want to talk about " intellectual honesty here" best you start with the left , "Im not joking" is not praising Nazis If you listen to the left , get married ,having kids , not being a blown out whore , being a good man , understanding what bathroom to use , not going out banging random dudes, not clapping for mental illness is being a Nazi this guy knew dammed well this is not "praising Nazis" (and so do you)it is praising what the left calls Nazis and =s being a 1/2 decent person


Nice whataboutism. I do in fact spend most of my time on Reddit arguing with idiots on the left, because there are more of them. That doesn't mean I'm not gonna call out bullshit when I see it just because a right leaning person said it. Bring up your childish "but look what *they* did, why do you care about *me*?" all you want, I give 0 shits because that has nothing to do with my criticism of your statements. >this guy knew dammed well this is not "praising Nazis" (and so do you)it is praising what the left calls Nazis and =s being a 1/2 decent person No, the guy pretty clearly responds to a dude taking that interpretation of his "joke" with disagreement by saying "I'm not joking". If he agreed with that simple interpretation and wasn't actually trying to say Nazis seem pretty great, why on earth would he respond the way he did? You're obviously wrong, but you don't seem open to logic, just vapid "my side good, their side bad" tribalism that leaves no room for introspection or considering even the remote possibility that someone who claims to be on "your team" isn't actually. To put this in language you might understand better, you're like a guardsman who ignores obvious signs of Chaos corruption because he blindly supports anyone who wears the Aquila.


For what it's worth, we probably wouldn't agree on much, but I respect your princples in calling out your own side, and I think your assessment of the situation is ***far*** more correct than mine. I choose poorly in the heat of the moment. While this place is a right-wing circlejerk, I could've chosen a better example of that than this inflammatory example that poorly supports my argument, and it allowed a disingenuous mod to sidetrack the conversation into being about nazis specifically (and they still had to move the goalposts on me rather than concede they were wrong). To be fair I was pretty much just trolling on my way out the door and let myself get dragged into it. A few people brought up that I'm subbed to leftie spaces like r/gamingcirclejerk, but what they don't know is I'm permanently banned from there for not toeing the party line either. This place won't necessarily ban you, but before I get a life and stop posting on a sub I'm antagonistic towards, I figured I'd take a moment to point out that I do see posts and posters I respect on this sub, and what got to me the other day is that this sub is literally going to push many harmless nerds into the far right. Is the other side blameless, especially in creating this space in the first place? Fuck no, absolutely not. But this sub is a shithole and will make most of the people who interact with it worse in some way. Replies making sane points get downvoted hard on this sub if they're not going along with the circlejerk, but none of us are immune to propaganda from any side, and immersing oneself in an ideologically-motivated space like this one is likely to affect your faculties at some point.


that goose ,is still goose stepping and im not sure what to do , i think he is trying to get the chickens to join his 1000 year bird reich , just look at what he is doing to the young ![gif](giphy|jVVItwah5JiD8dlhJT|downsized)


the whole joke went right over your head and what the left claim a nazi is now , we as mods have blocked and thrown out REAL ppl that did nazi paint jobs trying to post here and trying to make post "heading that direction " you guys walk around with some kinda secret alt-right decoder ring your insults have now power here and as i did not insult you in any way its strange you would say "Bring up your childish" what i was doing was trying to get you to understand what they left is calling nazis these days


No, the joke did not go over my head, I entirely agree with the sentiment that morons on the left calling anyone they disagree with a Nazi devalues the term. But apparently the original poster did not actually mean it in that way, given that he responded with disagreement by saying "I'm not joking" when someone elaborated on that interpretation. And I mean the other dude even said "uhh, let's be clear here that we're talking about normal people the left claims are """nazis""", not actual ones" and got no response. At the very least it looks sketchy. And yes, reflexively responding to any criticism of someone who looks vaguely like they're on your team with "but the other guys are worse" is literal elementary schooler behavior. "Teacher, why do you care I didn't do my homework, Timmy was late to class yesterday?" My problem with your logic is that you're so focused on refusing to agree with your "enemy" on even the most minor of points that you're blatantly ignoring reality. If someone brings up a single dubious comment that got 3 upvotes in an obscure corner of the subreddit to try to make the claim that the whole subreddit is crazy, there is 1 idiot in the room. If someone else's response is to bend over backwards to try to insist that the sketchy comment is totally reasonable, now there are 2 idiots in the room. And I don't mean that as an insult, everyone acts like an idiot from time to time. But I'm not gonna sit here and pretend both of those statements aren't idiotic. I'm sure you've done plenty of work to kick out actual Nazis. I'm sure you feel offended by people attacking the sub you clearly care about by insinuating it's infested with ideology you've personally put in work to remove. None of that means you have to just reflexively object to every single fact brought up by the "opponent" instead of attacking the actual flaws in their logic. Frankly, this sort of behavior is *exactly* what makes the difference between right/left/etc leaning discussion and a right/left/etc leaning circlejerk. There's a reason your math teacher always required you to show your work in school; the logic by which you arrive at a position is just as important as the position on which you land, as if you use bad logic to make a good point you discredit the point itself and open yourself up to the possibility of coming to completely wrong conclusions in the future.


I already have, multiple times, in multiple threads.


your "proof" is the dumbest i have seen on reddit today


The moderator this sub so richly deserves,


Username checks out


Based ? Based on what ? On Rumors ? Opinions of Grimdank/Sigmarxism mods ?