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Many of us are left learning but because we’re not left **enough**, or maybe disagree with the woke agenda on like one or two things, we’re “far right”. And it’s bizarre how these people think they’re fighting the good fight, they don’t seem to see how unbelievably offensive it can be to anyone who lost parents or grandparents to the Nazis to have that term thrown around for people who *don’t like a specific lore change about space knights*.


im sorry you are a far- right trumper now , just like me ... i dont make the rules just the way it is


I am literally Mecha Hitler from Wolfstein then


christ , with as many lefties as i have pissed off on this sub ( but standing tall and saying no) i have no idea what i count as now


Nothing about trump is far right. Just needed to get that in there.


Shhhh this is reddit, everything is far right


oh im 100% trump




Amen brother. -No longer silent.


Denying election, calling Nazis “fine people”. Are you sure there’s “nothing” about trump that is far right ?


like the left did the whole time he was in office ,"calling Nazis “fine people”" has been debunked so many times , how many times did we hear russia , russia ,russia pee tape


dont worry when we start the death squads i will make sure you get extra bread


Never thought I'd leave alongside a Trumper. "What about leaving alongside a fan?" Aye, I can do that.


I'm not a Trumper, but I certainly love showing those people two charts: * [Biden has been behind in election polls for eight consecutive months.](https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-biden) * [**Job Approval May 31st (4th Year): Biden 40.5 | Trump 44.2 | Obama 48.0 | Bush 45.8**](https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/approval/joe-biden/approval-rating) He was a lame duck president and if Biden wins his family is denied the dignity of him dying in privacy. But oh by glory if I don't get a kick out of their meltdowns.


Idk man. I dont celebrate the death of my president, regardless of if i like him or not.


Oh I'm not celebrating his death. It's the decay. Though I am hype for the first female president to be a woman nobody voted for and [accused her predecessor of being a rapist three months before agreeing to be his running mate.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kamala-harris-joe-biden-accusers-i-believe-them_n_5ca4fb96e4b094d3f5c5750f) But him dying, meh.


This right here. I was considered liberal until a few years ago


Me too mate. So many of us are/were. We can see eye to eye on 90% of things, but that final 10% of crazy shit? No thanks. If that makes me some alt right bigot then enjoy the elections this year as tons of people are pushed. These extreme idiots are destroying the cause. They have no idea.


Its infuriating! Meanwhile the right continue to dismantle workers rights and further defund/remove access to healthcare and we can't do a thing about it cos our left wing politicians are too busy virtue signalling for latest (deeply unpopular with normal people) cause celebre.


Once you realise that both the main parties are two cheeks of the same neo-liberal, ultra capitalist arse, then it makes sense. They just keep you distracted while they allow their fat cat buddies to extract wealth.


true! in the UK we have a choice between a red tory and a blue tory who both seem to actually like each other and have the same policies. So much so that whatever one announces a new one that seems popular as a policy, the other promptly says we gonna do that too! All they do is chase headlines and give our tax money to wealthy upper class city.


Two cheeks of the same ass, I'm ripping that off from now on.


I always described them as two wings of the same bird... Yours is better.


Neocapitalist, maybe. Fascist is a better word though. Capitalism itself is a Marxist term, I prefer free market. Anyway, I paint the picture like this. Inna free market, you're in a space with thousands of games to play, in each of them are based on merit and being good at it makes you go far, merit based success enforced by the light touch of referees. In our current system those same referees are bought and paid for in each game to make sure no one else can compete with the various teams that dominate their games. It's not the existence of the games that is unfair, it's the regulating bodies that rig the game in favor of the dominating teams. We need to fix the regulating bodies for the good of everyone that wants to compete. This makes it fair for every team, and even bring up the compensation for each team member.


Fascism? Nah, It is a very specific ideology. This is an oclocratic oligarchy.


That's a pretty good word for it.


Never understood the logic of changing your worldview because of a few loud idiots


I was never called any kind of ism or phobe until 2016, of course it was a white girl too


why is it always "white girls" and soy men ... maybe the girls are not getting what they need from the soy men ...i just figured it all out ...my god ...i know what we need to do


They are a demographic that are statistically high in empathy and conscientiousness. So they are especially susceptible to victim narratives and sob story manipulation, whilst also often being either academically dilligent and/or addicted to social media, two of the main outlets for the ideological push that spouts the narrative programming for that worldview.


It's because this new ideology replaces morality with intersectionality. Which unfortunately sounds stupid as fuck as a sentence, but that's the only terminology we have to describe it without writing an essay. 🤷


Yes you’re right, they prioritise intersectionality over ethics. For example they strongly believe in bodily autonomy for women when it comes to abortion, but then are against it when it comes to surrogacy because surrogacy provides babies for gay people. The intersectionality of gay people’s ‘needs’ trumps the ethics of bodily autonomy for women.


I had never heard about that, but it fits. Edit: I made this comment much shorter than it was, and now it's probably too short to make sense, but I'm too lazy to fix it.


Oh I bet the authoritarian wokies absolutely despise you, you speak their language but don’t agree with them. You make excellent points!


I have a question about this. If I understand correctly, abortion is supported because it gives women bodily autonomy. Meanwhile surrogacy is not supported because it provides gay people with an opportunity to get babies despite surrogacy giving women bodily autonomy. So Bodily autonomy is good for women unless it helps gay people? But then how do gay people’s wants trump women’s bodily autonomy? Wouldn’t opposing surrogacy be bad for women and gay people alike then? I am not trying to argue against you, or make any kind of point, or be deliberately obtuse, I’m just trying to understand what you’re saying.


He has this crazy notion that a woman choosing to act as a surrogate is being denied bodily autonomy, and so by supporting surrogacy, the left is denying women bodily autonomy. It's as dumb as it sounds.


Who is forcing women to be surrogates?


Nobody forces a woman to be a surrogate in the first place, but once they agree to it, they waive their bodily autonomy; they are legally compelled to bring the child to term, or else face being sued.


Umm, you understand that no woman is forced to be a surrogate, right? They choose to do it, typically in exchange for financial compensation. That sounds like exercising their autonomy, unless I'm missing something?


One hundred percent, Trinacria!


That’s the same reason Harry Potter got thrown under the bus. These people used to worship JK until she disagreed with trans stuff and now she’s literally Hitler and these insufferable people have moved on to their next tourist attractions like the locusts they are.


I think the old Razorfist joke is, “Anyone to the right of Mao is right-wing.”


it's so accurate


Anybody slightly right of Karl Marx or Mao Zedong is hitler in their minds


Exactly, I've always considered myself a centrist liberal, apparent these days called a "90s or 2000s Liberal" but because I'm not "left enough" now all the sudden when I express my opinion or disagreement with certain things, I'm called "Far right" like wtf, its tiring and annoying


The overtone window continues to shift further left sadly.


Won't matter when the pendulum comes swinging back like a wrecking ball.


Yup. You don't 'join' the right. You just get older.


We live in an era where either you're fully mentally ill or you're a so called facist


if you are not far enough left, you are center, which is close to right so… by their logic, you are nazi. dont ask me how that works tho. also horse shoe theory is right here


Many of them would have made fine SA officers, that's for sure.


The purity spiral rejects everyone eventually.


That's how it always is, If you don't agree with every dogshit opinion they have, you'll be labeled a far-right Nazi. Which is kinda ironic because their beliefs and actions are quite similar to the Nazis themselves kek


Strange times indeed.


Big true honestly


I’m not even fucking white! I’ve been in the hobby 37 fucking years, I’m Scottish and we don’t really do right wing, and yet they even call me a fucking Nazi! I lately spent my 20s protesting, playing in hardcore bands, and they call me a Nazi now. They can get fucked.


I'm pretty much as far left as left goes, people that post things like this are not real leftists. My job as a leftist is to keep focus on the main thing which is uniting the working class against oppressors, I really do not care how diverse those oppressors are.


Yup. I have consistently voted left, strongly dislike what capitalism has become, think we need more unions, lower wealth inequality, am pro choice, an athiest, think trump is an entertaining conman and as dirty as the rest of them. The crazy woke DEI stuff and immigration bullshit on the left are forcing me the other direction at break neck speed. This stuff seems so insane it almost feels planned, like wealthy scumbags like larry fink know everyone is pissed at wealth innequality and capitalism so they have gone out of their way to make the left so unpalatable normal people will still vote for more awful right wing leaders who will continue pushing us down the awful economic path we are on. Sigh, what a world.


What would you say you actually lean left or liberal on?


- pro welfare state - pro NHS - pro immigration for skilled/good people - pro asylum seekers for genuine cases - I abhor genuine sexism, racism, and homophobia, although I can take a joke which many on the left have forgotten how to do. I’ve been to Brighton pride 5 times, last time was 2017 when I noticed an obvious uptick in nudity and anti-heterosexual/anti-cis messaging; the internet was leaking and it hasn’t stopped since. - giving a shit about climate change shouldn’t have been politicised but it has, so I’ll include that - animal rights and environmental destruction - housing. The housing crisis is a shambles that only benefits the wealthy; landlords need severe regulations and we need to bring back low-cost council-owned homes Funny enough none of this has anything to do with female Custodes, who don’t actually exist in real life.


While it’s a real thing that the extreme left have been driving the rest of the left or even centrists rightward with their lunatic rhetorics, you gotta be careful with your new “friends”. I was in this boat a while ago. Mostly leading up to 2016 and in the next 4 years. I was (still am) tired of the lunatic left taking the fun and sexy out of every hobby with their crusades, and tired of being told I’m an istophobe for disliking corporate slop. But recently I’ve looked around at the company I’ve kept and realized I’ve strayed too far right. I have no real agreements with most here, other than our mutual hatred of these cultural vandals. Shows like X-men 97 and films like Furiosa was the wake-up call. Lots of folks on “this side” had become the mirror image of those they fight against: ideologically driven and not an ounce of objectivity when evaluating any given product. Unironically saying they’re tired of female protagonists, not just poorly written ones. Careful not to be swayed, because it happens way easier than we think.


In other news, Dr Who has reached it's lowest viewership in 40 years.


Omg why?


Couldn't be because [they told the main audience not to watch it,](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/tv/sorry-straight-white-men-doctor-who-was-never-made-just-for-you/ar-BB1mhLBa) or because the plots are going away from "adventures in space" and [towards woke pandering](https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/The_Star_Beast_(TV_story\)), or that [the actor is insufferable.](https://deadline.com/2024/04/doctor-who-star-ncuti-gatwa-complains-about-white-mediocrity-1235890889/) No, it's those dastardly chuds who are to blame!


I know. It was a rhetorical why.


So the woke crowd is now happy they've obliterated another loved icon.


I’m right leaning but I have friends I play with who are center left. We’re just happy to have someone nearby who likes the same series. That’s what games like these were originally meant for.


btw i'm left leaning




In a based way?


As for Russian - it's extremely painful to see that these bastards are associating themselves with socialists, communists, marxists, Leninists etc


They live in a fairytale world and have never known real hardship. Censorship only affects the 'other side' so they don't mind that


Then why do you think they're talking about you?also, where's the screenshot from?


Anything right of Communism is Fascism to these people. Take heart, we are the majority.


Man, they aren't communists. They are degenerates. If they met real communists from USSR's party they would screech, calling them fascists


I think old school proper Communists and fascists would cooperate in lining them up against a wall


Nah they would use them to defeat the 'other side' then line them up against the wall. Note i didn't specify which 'side'.


Dictatorships do be like that


They would indeed


Of course, fascism is just communism with a few tweaks to iron out some problems... A patch update.


Shhh, the communists don't want anyone to know the origins of the National Socialist German Worker's Party or that the founders of The Italian Communist Party and Fascism (Gramsci and Musolini) were editors of differnt local editions of the same Italian Socialist Party newspaper Avanti! (Progress!) And really split with the party based on differences on how to achieve proletarian revolution (to tactically degrade culture -Gramsci- or to use national culture as a motivator Mussolini) and how to control the means of production (traditional communist full control, or simply use state power to control the corporations, as is now the model in China).




Fascism is completely different to communism ideologically, practically on the other hand...


They are two different methods of achieving the same goal.


What goal?


The all-encompassing state.


Lol. Lmao. No, it is a goal of every state. In the past, when "lobieing" wasn't a thing and corpos couldn't influence government more that people, sure, maybe it wasn't that. And by the way, in both fascism and communism state is sometimes less all-encompassing that in modern liberalism od every spectrum. The more you know


This. These people think that communism means that they’ll get paid to sit at home gaming and/or jerking off to porn all day, but the truth is that they would probably be among the first to get shot if the communist revolution they call for ends up happening


And it's still not good look of them. My great-grandpa was fighting the commies back in 1920, and later we had to suffer under the communist overlords. It was not a pleasant expirience for any of us. Rn even our Constitution is prohibiting only activities of political parties calling for nazi and communist ideas. So if they want me out only beacuse I'm to right for them (I got centrist on last test)- so be it.


Poland? Baltics?


20s I guess poland. the war that saved eastern europe, but ww2 swept away the gains. Its a shame its not remembered. One of Polands fineist hours.


I wouldn't continue this, not not get banned, but as Russian I kinda cringed




Well, predictable.


Is that bad ? Or it was just so easy to connect dots ?


Easy to connect. But personally first thing too.


>But personally first thing too. Wanna talk about it ?


I don't think we should. We have opposing ideals


Alright. I won't be obtrusive. Lets keep this out of the hobby. Praise the Emperor ! Praise the Omnissaiah !


Communism will never work


Communist ideology has actual substance, poor as it may be, their "ideology" has absolutely no substance, it is a patchwork of whatever they feel at the moment and where they are in the purity spiral


We might be the majority, but they are calling the shots.


They can't comphrend the idea that we could be anything other than the Fascist, Nazi, Christian Fundamentalist, Far-Right loony they so desperately want us to be. Because then they'd have to consider the thought that they are in the wrong, and their massive egos, extreme arrogance and coddled existence completely prevents them from such considerations.


They’re so indoctrinated, it’s not just their world view but their very identities. If that was stripped away they may well have a psychotic break. That’s why even if you show them evidence for something that contradicts their ideology they can’t accept it. They literally CANNOT accept it.


Its why I call them zealots, they are fundamentalist in their bonkers bullshit.


You mean the ones holding down a job and actually paying money into the hobby? Great idea.


if this happen GW would fold over night , most lefties i know have little more than a battle force and b\*tch non stop about how unfair it is ppl like my self have so much ..."I'm like b\*tch i worked for 2 days str8 helping mother goats have babies so i could buy my warlord" ...GOAT math time that was 40 (kids) in 2 days 15 males (you have to sell cheap 25-50 bucks ,and 25 females at $200 each + all the feed ,time ,and care and you cry when you get busy at starbucks on a 4 hour shift


You go goat roper!




They call his warlord The GOAT!


What does Trump have to do with warhammer right now


People have to inject politics into EVERYTHING.


People who hate our hobby have made everything political. Everything. We didn't pick this fight, but like it our not we're in it.


Jokes on them. I hate all politicians.


Statistically speaking, these mental nutjobs wont stick around to the finish, good riddance to em!


They come in, wreck shit, get bored and then leave to do it again somewhere else.


So we can essentially rebuild after a while, yea?


Just gotta wait for that 50% to kick in


A very tolerant and inclusive people


Diversity is Conformity Tolerance is Repression Inclusivity is Exclusion These people hate you. When they're in the minority, they ask for "tolerance" because they know you'll give it. However, when they have social power, they're not afraid to wield it against you, because they think that your "heresy" warrants nothing but scorn and annihilation. They're already in the hobby. It's time to drive them out. Cleanse and Reclaim!


It's disturbing that people think this way. I have fairly conservative views, and the only thing I would ask from fellow lefty war gamers is to keep the space apolitical. I would never want them to lose their hobby because I disagreed with them politically. These people are children.


>I would never want them to lose their hobby because I disagreed with them politically. That's why you lose


Indeed, there is no apolitical space, not anymore. I have to become obsessed with politics because they made everything political. However, this is a trap. Don't play by their games it's not political to be reasonable or to want to maintain your hobby as the way it is. The sooner you acknowledge that your bringing politics into a setting your allowing these idiots to drag you down and beat you at their own game. Fuck that, my beliefs when it comes to nerd shit have not changed. Things are the way they are in 40k because they make sense or they are thematically appropriate. They are not made to appeal to anything political. They are this way to tell a good story and to be cool. There are surface level political inferances in warhammer, but they are only that, surface level. I will never give these slimeballs the satisfaction of stopping to their level. I'm not giving an inch, but I'm doing it my way.


As the old Mark Twain quote goes, "If you argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience." We are already seeing the proverbial "revenge of the normies" happening across the media space, and they are angry specifically at the SJW types for taking away all of the entertainment and forcing it to be political. It is why you finally have companies starting to back away from this shit and try to be neutral again. Even younger individuals are turning against this after some initial fears of what they would end up believing (there is apparently a growing belief of "Social justice is for ugly people" going around among teenagers). It would be unwise to disrupt all of that by turning political ourselves.


companies should have been neutral in the first place


But both sides are idiots


What a bunch of immature, hypocritical assholes. If they don't like things the way they are then why not just ignore them and go elsewhere?! I hate rap music, but I don't try to infiltrate it and demand it be made to conform to my social/political views, I just don't listen to it!


I cant vote yet, henceforth I don’t care yet. But if anyone goes after 40K right left center) they are my enemy


In wich case, li'l grot - yu'z in da rite place. I'v bin playin 40k fer a decade or too longa dan yu'v bin alive. Dis is were we stand up ta da krybullees. An' we are from all da fakshuns, an' all poynts of da perlitikal spektrum.


Jax, buddy. I understand a love for this hobby, I really do, I got that 'tism obsession over the lore and minis and rules. But when you're old enough to vote, remember it's not some silly thing to throw about, it's an important civic duty about bettering the nation for all. Your hobby should not factor into that at all, as policies that may seem minor from a distance can ruin lives or ease hardships In 1996 there was a fun little comedy called My Fellow Americans, the general gist was that two former Presidents, one Republican and one Democrat, are on the run from a conspiracy trying to kill them. There's lots of banter and mud slinging between them throughout and they show a tendency to view their entrenched political beliefs as an us vs them feud. At one point they get help from a poor family who claim to be on a road trip across America, but then it's revealed it's not a road trip, but it turns out they live in their car as a result of both President's actions while in office https://youtu.be/uph1gHUBxhE?si=OCZGwT5O1psGABa4 Voting has a far more important impact than hurting people who hurt your hobby Find real world issues you care about, and vote based on that. What's the hardships in your community and who's actually trying to solve them practically?


I guess your right, I’m just so tired of seeing the things I grew up with (marvel, Star Wars, lord of the rings, and now 40K) get corrupted by politics (mainly wokeness). And coming to the conclusion that “politics in thing you like=bad” left a bad mark on me. Welp, can’t vote yet though. Guess I’ll watch that YouTube video


going back to the importance of policy, our current economy is what's called an Oligopoly, where every industry has become reduced to a few big players that are so large they don't need to compete to succeed, this hurts because there's a lack of innovation (Why is there so much Star Wars? cause it sells so why risk on other stuff) and a market that no new competitors can readily enter. The general solution to this is trust busting, which is the government stepping in to prevent corporations from buying up their competition so they can be lazy shitty fat cats. Trust busting is not a partisan issue typically because both parties are chock full of politicians who get large anonymous campaign donations through PACs from groups that should be broken up, but there are politicians that champion trust busting still and that's an attribute you may want to see from your future representatives


I also hate when a whole group just because a few disagreements are now just all painted as "alt right"


What´s up with people who think fandoms are limited to the US, especially in Warhammer which is not even from the US. These people need to go outside of their little bubble.


I don't really care for trump but I'm definitely going out this year to vote for him. If they want to ambush my escapism, i want to do my part to wreck their existence.


It won’t even do that. It will just drive them crazy, while everything else would happen in exactly the same way. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy for them.


Vote for whoever you want, that's your right, but "some annoying SJWs messed with my hobby so I'm voting for people that want them exterminated" is just... Are you okay, choom?


No one said anything about extermination. Chill with that nonsense and actually LISTEN to what they are saying


bro honestly that is not cool. Imagine voting for the chaos space marines......


If you think Trump is the chaos space marines, then I think you've already been corrupted by Nurgle. You probably have no idea of the facts surrounding the case where he was just "convicted." Every homeowner in the United States has committed the same "fraud." Trump is our only hope of preserving the republic.


Iron Warriors would be preferable to the current lot


Dude I can understand you not liking someone but people the lives of people literally at risk against even your own principles just ain’t it chief


How are their lives at risk if trump is elected again?


The only people putting lives at risk are those whose lives are at risk. Since the beginning it has been "do this or I'll keep killing myself" and not many people have had the balls to just be like "cool. You do you boo boo"


So is trump was like “well I’m going to make anti depressants illegal” And then did that and then suicide rates like shot up you’d think that’s fine? Like death due to the limiting of social rights and medical access is just okay to you?


What "rights?" Comparing medical treatment to social engineering is a new one..


I just said medical access. Are we having different conversations?


What medical access?


Does it matter? Also it’s trump so he’s not ever specific. But we are both capable to understand he’s talking about gender affirming care.


Ah. So you're tripping on nothing. Good to know


What are you talking about? I literally just told you what he wants to restrict. I only asked if it matters because I’d assume you wouldn’t want to limit medical access for anyone


This shit could easily swing the other way too. Not so long ago it was republicans/conservatives fucking with everyone’s hobbies. Looking like it’s gonna be their turn again pretty soon. Neither of these groups are our friends. I’m sure everyone remembers (at least people in their 30’s or older now) all the bullshit about satanism, violence and sexual content they were moaning about back in the day. Don’t be fooled because they seem to be on your side for the moment. Right when they get their chance it’ll be the same old shit. Edit: back then they weren’t subverting or fucking up the hobby directly, just mostly making media spectacles, so not really the same thing.


The funniest part is I modt likely  mostly agree with the people that made this meme when it comes to politics I just disagree on a few topics and am not a politically brainrotted extremist. But sure call me a trump loving nazi


Took the political compass test. Turns out I'm a centre right libertarian. 1 box to the right and 1 box down into the libertarian section. Still considered "far right" by some. The issue being the overton window has shifted so far that people don't really know what they are anymore. The person who thinks they're centrist might actually turn out to be a far left authoritarian and when you're so far on either side of the political spectrum even a centrist position can seem like extremism. I never thought I'd see the day when what might have been considered basic common sense only a few years ago is now called extremism. As for the picture on the OP: Seems pretty evil doesn't it? I want to destroy something millions of people love just because people I oppose ideologically like it. (even though my opposition is based on the lies I make up about them). Just remember these types of people the next time you see "I want to make this space more tolerant and inclusive and diverse and welcoming and.....i'm running out of buzzwords....and anybody who doesn't want that is a hateful bigoted nazi trump far right \*insert other demonising buzzwords here\*" And what happened to Star Wars, Dr Who, movies, comics et al once you "ripped it away from the ists and phobes"? They tanked and look unlikely to recover but you don't care about that. You never cared about the franchise you're supposedly trying to make a better place, you just wanted to destroy it so nobody else could enjoy it. Now how can that be called anything other than evil? The sad thing is these are the people who like to imagine they're the good guys, they're destroying something but its ok because its a far right thing.


I have for my entire life, consistently every time I took the test, ended up being "Neo-Liberal" according to other test I have taken that place you in a specific ideology (which if we mean in the realm of Hayek and Reagan, I would definitely agree). 3 notches to the Right, and about a half-notch into Auth. I was in favor of things like gay marriage even when the rest of my party wasnt, and I am still more cool with things like that more than a lot of my fellows on the Right. Hell, my fiancé is a bisexual woman, so I always chuckle when they claim that I must be some raging anti-LGBT bigot (but the woke types have hated on her for not being "authentically" bisexual. Curious that). So you can only imagine how much of a fount of demonic hatred that makes me to these people. >They tanked and look unlikely to recover but you don't care about that. There is actually a bit of good news on this front. We have started to see signs that it is actually possible to regain and revitalize these properties as long as you get them away from these spiteful losers and give them to people who actually care about it. We saw Spider-Man rebound with a comic that actually gave fans what they wanted after suffering on the vine for years (specifically, by telling a story where Peter actually marries MJ). We also saw both GI Joe and Transformers bounce back and start outselling both Marvel and DC comics after they were bought by a new company who put competent writers on the task to tell a real story. Hell, Star Wars: Episode 1 made a surprising amount of money on its recent theatrical rerelease, which shows there is still good will to be found with Star Wars if only you give people what they want. Which is why I dont fret as much as others. Eventually, we will win. As a student of history, I can tell you this isnt the first time stuff like this has happened, we can win it back.


It’s always funny when the mask slips


Cumbersome, awkward read. This is why people say "the left can't meme" Easy format, yet the poster couldn't help himself from adding too many words just to get insults in.


Far Right!? Fuck I'll take an order of that and additionally the Far Left can get fucked and leave too.


Everything is about Trump to these assholes.


Man, what a miserable existence


I'm a monarchist at this point




I'm libertarian left and think Trump is a dunce. These folks gotta stop projecting trying to earn brownie points.


Wtf does loving Trump have to do with being a fan of any of these franchises? Why is it always western political slop.


Idk man im left and I dont like trump but I still dont like woke people


I'd vote Konrad into office, fuck saving America, save the whole planet Cudi! 🙏


Get this man a campaign chair!


He isn't going to build a wall, he's gonna build a dome around the planet


I like WH40K


The irony of identifying with the joker


I personally am a far right fanatic that wants to launch a new Crusade to reclaim Constantinople from the vile Turk. These eunuchs have no power over me.


When people ask for your views on Israel/Palestine: 'deus vult brothers'


Good god, they literally have a meme as simple as the joker meme format, and they STILL somehow managed to make an essay out of it.


I got so effin tired of politics a long time ago, when I noticed the right is a bunch of babies who will throw a tantrum when you disagree with them and the left is a swarm of locusts that will eat you alive the moment you disagree with the hive mind. Needless to say one is easier to ignore than the other but it doesn’t make dealing with either any pleasant.


I am one of the most vocal and outspoken leftists on a lot of shit. And even I have run into people further left that couldn't tolerate me And I've seen similar on the other end of the spectrum, where any conservative that doesn't support the great leader hard enough is ostracized. No matter where you go in life, every demographic has absolute dumbasses that you should just politely nod at an excuse yourself from their crazy deb


Like i said on that post: If the joker is ur model, you are not the good guys. Lots of people seem to think hes a GOOD GUY or some kind of anti hero. He's a villian, thru and thru. Its like the females that idolize Harley Quinn. You are just outing urself as a psycho


"Intelligent, respectful discourse" fr


lol. i called this meme out a being in bad taste over there and got flamed pretty hard for it. there are despicable opinions on both sides, it seems. :/


The cope limit breaking needs to end before one of these tourists shits themselves so hard they prolapse.


cope limit breaking's Max level causes them to cry nazi 100 times


Seriously, never be far left or far right, anything of too much is bad


Because the centre works so well...


That’s just it they don’t pretend, they aren’t subtle in the slightest. All that’s going to come from this is these company’s lose the original fans, then tourists get bored and walk away to find something else to “progress”.


True Fans: *Stand against cynical politicisation of their fiction.  The Fashionable Classes: "Eugh! Incels!" True Fans: 💭 Never liked you sheepish clowns anyway. The Activist Classes: "Bigots! Misogynists! Racists!... Far Right!"  True Fans: 💭 I don't think they know what those terms really mean.


horrible people, i cant imagine doing this to someone else just because of dis agreements . . . . its posts like this that make me genuinely think im on the right side.


Posted it as intelligent and respectful when it is neither of the two


"Warhammer is for everyone, except for those I politically disagree with."


The "tolerant" left.


But.. im not even American.. nor give a shit about american politics bs wtf


The left in the West has approached the political left pole. Like at the physical North Pole all directions you face are, by definition, South, once you're at the political left pole, all other opinions are, by definition, right wing. You can agree with them on 99.9% of things. But if they get an NPC update about the cool new trendy thing to believe in Monday, by Wednesday they'll have a list of people who didn't apply the update and by Friday they'll be gunning for your career for being "alt right." Thursday if they think they can profit off of ending your life. I've seen it happen countless times and it only accelerates as they continue in their virtue spiral. You see, you only get credit for virtue signaling if you're MORE virtuous than the mob. Nobody gets goodboy points for merely being a goodboy, you have to be an EXTRA SPECIAL goodboy to get the gold star stickers. But if you do get ahead of the pack through some insane statement, the rest of the mob is going to repeat the same statement to try and get ahead. You move ahead and to the left, and the mob moves up to match you. Which means the NEXT guy has to say something even MORE virtuous, even MORE insane, even MORE left leaning, to get ahead again. This repeats endlessly -- driving the group constantly leftward in a spiral -- until you have people talking about say, killing The Quartering's new pet kitten and making his wife watch it bleed out to spite him. (Which happened when he mocked WoTC for banning him from attending MTG tournaments.) In a sane reality, outsiders would have input and they'd be shamed out of the virtue spiral. People would say "woah, that's too far, what's wrong with you?" and the mob would be blunted. But these guys are in an epistemic closure -- a hugbox -- so they don't HEAR outside views. So onward and onward the virtual spiral goes, where it stops, nobody knows. ([See this Days of Rage review by David Hines for a good guess at where it stops.](https://status451.com/2017/01/20/days-of-rage/)) The important thing is they can't do anything to you to get you out of the hobby. They can block you on social media, including subreddits -- and all of the 40k subreddits are controlled by Sigmarxism moderators and their alts -- but they can't actually force you to stop playing. And that drives them (more) insane. That's why they keep trying to gentrify the hobby -- one of the many reasons they keep trying to make changes is they think they can drive you out if they keep messing things up.


This is all it is about now


No proof of what? Yasuke existing or the civilization depicted in assassin's creed? Cause Google is free, pumpkin.


Yasuke is a slave who was used as squire. Participated in one battle, and from this point his history unknown


So you were there in the 1500's? Damn your old. 🤣


Bro what


Everyone’s living rent free in everyone’s mind, seems a little gay if you ask me