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Bruh, it’s only been two episodes. I miss the days when people were actually patient.


The likes of Netflix dropping a whole season at once has ruined people. None of these people would have enjoyed watching the first three seasons of Game of Thrones week by week.


Why is Bran still asleep? They should have just killed him instantly or not made him sit there in bed for 4 episodes stealing screen time!


Man people hated Bran's storyline back then for almost this exact reason


Tbf the bran scenes being excruciatingly painful and boring was probably the most book accurate part of GOT


They were really cool in theory, and sometimes even in practice


They just went on and on and on Especially in the books, book bran was brutally boring.


Sucks, cuz his storyline is the most openly magical besides maybe Dany and yet somehow they were some of the least engaging chapters


It’s cause they were just “bran rides hodor for a bit, jojen does some exposition, meera kills something” for like 20 chapters from winterfell to the cave. Martin should’ve cut some of that traveling and just had them go to the wall offscreen then do chapters north of the wall.


Pretty sure that was supposed to be a function of the original timeskip he had planned


Saw someone say this season has been nothing but filler. The binge model and the MCU have everone’s brains on computer generated fast forward.


Oh man. Don’t get me started on the MCU


That's true. But the GoT ptsd is as much responsible. GoT was going downhill for a while, but people loved it so much, they ignored the flaws for long long time. Now everyone is hyper vigilant, a teeny tiny flaw is discussed over and over again.


I miss that. I had flatmates and a friend group that would all get together for Game of Thrones every single new episode from Season 2 until Season 7. We would make a big dinner, have a couple drinks and watch Game of Thrones. Of course this ended around Season 8 Episode... 2 or 3? When we realised this season was pretty bad, and we had better things to do 😂


For house day 1 remembers. Binge watchers barely remember the details of the show they are watching. Just the highlights


And then they make annoying posts on Reddit to get answers to basic questions


So true when they could have just googled


binge watching isn't even fun, even for a show I love I get tired of it after 2-3 episodes


Just having expectations of a slow burn. People are so used to having Reddit figure shit out ahead of time, they expect to have all the foreshadowing and info right up front.


This show isn't a slow burn, it's way too fast paced.


I guess I should’ve specified. The Brain-Rotted TikTok-level attention span people will watch 2 episodes and start wailing that there are plot holes or a character made a dumb decision and blame poor writing or acting. “Everyone is smart but me.”


Fr, people are insufferable


It's either bickering about wanting her to be as ruthless as she was in s1 but then they complain she's too unlikable.


Yep, me and my brother were talking about that yesterday. Imagine calling season 2 of game of thrones “boring”


I mean it's true but it's not like book alicent was any different. It's just a mistake to have alicent as main character and not aegon imho


I imagine that Alicent will take over some of Aegon's duties >!after his injury!<. Part of Alicent's story this season is losing her power now that she's Queen Mother. But she will likely have to take charge again especially now that Otto is gone.


I do agree, but we don’t know if her continued presence as a main character might lead to something for her story, and if it doesn’t, I will be disappointed. Which is why we must judge fully when the season concludes or at least is half done.


Oh for sure but honestly I cant think of anything that her story might lead to. Based on 3 episodes she's in her only scenes involved fucking cole, talking how sad she is or with Helaena. They could still show us those scenes while aegon would be made main character with more screen time. If not aegon then literally anyone else. Just look how little we've seen corlys, rhaena, helaena or even aemond this season compared to alicent or rhaenyra.


Patience isn’t a thing anymore. Attention spans have been ground away. It’s sad.


25% of the season, though


Yes, which is so little to judge, wait for at least 50% of it make a complete impression.


For real, it's so tiring seeing posts from people going 'what's going with X, we better see Y' when we're literally only two episodes in Just watch the damn thing or don't, but don't watch it and complain that the entire plot hasn't been revealed two episodes in!


The big battles mean something when we get setup and context! People saying these things would hate prime GoT when it focused on politics and it took armies 3 seasons to march to their next battle lmao


Exactly, and these people don’t know how else to express their opinions than through insults either. Disappointing to say the least.


Agreed. Just watch the show and enjoy it or don't watch it. 🤔


It’s so weird to pretend as if it’s some kind of moral wrong to criticize any facet of a tv show, and even worse to pretend people used to never criticize anything until the series of season concluded. That’s never been true, and criticism of a show is not dissent that you need to quash as if you’re one of the tyrants GRRM writes about.


Thats never been wholly true yes, but people were more patient back then, that is a given compared to how much our society needs to stimulated nowadays, and I never said it was a moral wrong for someone to criticize a show, nor do I want to quash it. I agree that criticism is not a dissent that needs to be quashed, but I simply wanted to point out that to criticize a show before it is even half done, think about that, not even half finished, is foolish. Wait, and if you still have the same opinion when it at least crosses the halfway mark, I’ll respect what you have to say. Don’t put words in my mouth because it suits your argument, and I hope you can also live by your own words too, as I’ve seen many that have said the same thing as you, that has not.


It's been one season and 3 episodes, bruh yourself


It was two episodes when I made the comment, and this post is talking about Season 2, not including Season 1. Please read the comment and post properly next time before making a foolish comment.


Read the post lol. Do you imagine the post talks about S2 ? Please show me where the OP mentions S2 alone Foolishness is yours where you think noone is supposed to have a different viewpoint but must adhere to your mindless celebration even when it's not good. Don't be a dumbfuck


I am open to others having different viewpoints, never have I said that I am not open. I simply wanted people to possess patience to judge after the season has ended, but sure, use insults to further your points across because you can’t argue them sensibly, and argue that I shall accept different viewpoints when you yourself won’t accept others? What says it’s not good, because you say so? No, it’s subjective, everyone has a different opinion, but to judge before you’ve even seen half of what it has to offer, is foolish. I’ll admit this post did not specify on a specific season in hindsight, at least I admit that, yet you still didn’t understand that my comment was made when there were two episodes, not three, and proceed to fling insults when someone corrects you on such an error. I’m not going to entertain that, but go ahead, entertain it yourself.


We've seen......two episodes, can we please calm down with these assertions? She's done plenty of stuff aside from just Cole and if the rumors are true she will have a lot more to do come the next few episodes. So let's all chill and take a deep breath.


Yeah i just saw ppl talking about it n wanted to check with redditers their thoughts!


how tf are you getting downvoted for this??? most of this sub is braindead istg


Because it’s a low effort post entirely about dumb speculation. No actual character discussion just “enough screen time? Ughhhhhh”


Op didn't complain anywhere in this post tho?? they literally just wanted to hear what other people in the community had to say about a tweet they saw. that's it. op said nothing remotely resembling "enough screen time? Ughhhhhh"


Wow people love to downvote rational people. 


That's because originally Alicent is an extra. In the lead up she's definitely a main, but she takes a back seat once she passes on her crown.  And yeah, the writers haven't given her a whole lot more yet


The writers were so obsessed with their epic Alicent Rhaenyra focus they kinda forgot S2 should've focused on Jace, Joffrey, Baela, Rhaena, Aegon, Aemond, Helena and Daeron. You know the next generation who actually start to take center stage once the war kicks off.


Well I think Rhaneyra still looms very large. Issue is it turns from Rhaneyra vs Alicent into Rhaneyra vs Aegon. So I'm glad they're fleshing him out a bit, anyway.


Should have done something to flesh them out the first season. Even one or two scenes per episode for the kids would have done wonders instead they’re shoved in our faces now or when they ultimately die and we’re expected to care as if they were main characters.


I feel like they tried. One of my favorite scenes was Aemond getting Vaghar. They at least established Aegon bullied his siblings. But yeah, I agree. Especially the younger kids and grandkids. There are just so many in such a fast paced time-frame.


Well it makes sense that they'd want to continue on the central conflict from season 1. The show started with Rhaenyra v Alicent. It makes sense that this conflict would continue going forward. Although at this point, it seems like Alicent's role is now more as a voice of reason in the Green Council while Rhaenyra's primary conflict has been with Daemon so far. It seems like season 2 will be focusing on inner house conflict. Aegon has already had significantly more screen time than last season and it seems like Daemon's girls are going to have a bigger role next episode.


I feel the Rhaenyra vs Alicent angle is a sensible one that could work given their history together and influence on their children, but so far this season Alicent has barely done anything. Going into this season I was expecting Alicent to trying to wrangle her kids into working together and working with spies to further the Greens’ goals, not have sex with Cole and passively react to everything going around her. Hopefully the next few episodes will let her play a more influential and active role in the coming events.


The issue is not using the angle of Nyra Vs alicent, it’s just the direction they seem to be going in with Alicents character just spiraling already and losing power but it’s only been two episodes as well


Key word yet. She's going to have to take on Otto's former job of keeping Aegon in check. Currently she's the only member of the older generation who still has power over Aegon.


"Alicent and Rhaenyra are still very much the focus of the show" Sara Hess about season 2. Alicent's screen time isn't going anywhere.


That's the whole point. Rhaenys description of Alicent's situation was on point when she said: >And yet you toil still in service to men. Your father, your husband, your son. You desire not to be free, but to make a window in the wall of your prison. So far she's represented the potentially powerful woman in men's shadow. The only time we see her use any semblance of power is in her relationship with Criston Cole. It would be interesting to see what role she'll play in the next episodes.


She is an extra. Her role in the story is about as complete as Viserys' is. That's just how it goes in the books. She's not a soldier. She's no longer the Queen, Haelana is. Remember the scene in GOT when Kevan Lannister is the Hand of the King and Cersei is at the small council meeting and he says why the hell are you here? You're the not the Queen anymore, Margery is, and you have no role in the ruling government? Then they have an argument and they storm out because she's overstepping her boundaries... That's the situation Alicent is in here. Yes, she's at court and yes she had a bond growing up with Rhaenyra and a hand in usurping the throne. But now the war is Rhaenyra vs. Alicent. She won't be physically fighting any battles or riding dragons, so in reality she doesn't need to maintain the screen time of a main character, she be involved with scenes here and there interacting with her children. But the showrunners have decided to portray her as a main character and then stick with it, so they do have to give her something to do. Unfortunately, its just kind of underwhelming and unnecessary compared to the rest of the plot. There are probably some production motives around this. Like they probably paid the actress a large salary and would like to use it, rather than just pay her half a million to sit around and drink wine and look cool like Lena Hedley did in the final season of GOT. The scenes with her are also probably cheaper to film because they already take place in constructed sets and don't require CGI of dragons and anything spectacular or expensive.


Oops meant to say the war is "Rhaenyra vs. Aegon" not alicent  Also to add my comment here's a thread created minutes after my post demonstrating exactly what I'm talking about: https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/1ds5l48/if_rhaenyra_is_boring_then_why_people_love_her_so/


you know you can edit comments, right?


I'm at work and on mobile. whenever I edit a reddit comment it will make all paragraphs into one. Since it's a long comment, I don't really feel like going through and adding the spaces back in.


ah okay. i use reddit mobile as well and i’ve never had that problem so i wasn’t sure


Yeah, that just about sums it up.


I agree.


i kinda agree too..her storyline adds nothing as of now!


She has bath scenes, sex scenes with Cole, and multiple conversations with Otto.


It’s cause she has nothing to do in the books either after Aegon is crowned. So it’s not the show’s problem. Also it’s been two episodes, patience my friend.


How is it not a show problem? The writers are the people who decided to expand her role. It’s on them to make the storyline satisfactory or cut down screentime. Personally I think she’s a valid addition, but I don’t agree that it’s “not a show problem”


I actually think that Alicent is being handled well, not as engaging as others but I don’t really have problems with her story thus far except with the Alicole sex scenes (I’m fine with Alicole, the sex scenes tho feel a little forced). What I meant as in “show problem” is that she actually doesn’t do much in the books when the war starts, so when people think she isn’t doing much, I mean it’s what happens in the books too. I don’t really see it as a problem, but others do, so I called it that for their sake.


Well if they decide to expand her character more they'll have to take away things from the actual main characters to do it.


True. The dowager queen gets more screen time than the actual queen. Technically Alicent is an extra. She has no power whatsoever. They have the great Olivia Cooke playing her though so they need her front and center.


It does feel like they’re stretching to give her more to do during a part of the story where she stops taking an active role.


It is true tho. I agree we should wait till the end but it's not like book version is that different. At that point Alicent wasnt very active and it's clear they are trying to give her as many scenes as possible which only hurt other characters. Imagine we didnt have a single rhaenyra scene yet, no daeron at all, 2 scenes of baela / jace, helaena only involved at B&C story but then out of nowhere alicent fucked cole 3 times or was sad half of the episode




Because it is true her character goes nowhere all she does in f-ing Cole show made think same with Rhaenyra they get the most screen time and are doing nothing thier time to shine ended in s1 now their children should be showed more that happens if you chose main characters


So far, yes. Let's see what happens as the story goes on


OP: i saw this on X and wanted to know your thoughts The comments: OMG CALM TF DOWN YOU NEED TO BE PATIENT AND TAKE A DEEP BREATH AALSKSJSNNA 😡🙄🤡


People on this sub are so sensitive and love to project. If you complain about anything they'll attack you immediately. No discourse allowed here no sir. 


To be fair, OP is being kinda disingenuous with the way they presented this. They said they wanted thoughts, and their replies to the "calm down" replies are basically "I just wanted reddits thoughts". However, based on most of their replies, it's very clear that they strongly agree with the post and seeming just wanted approval/an echo chamber for their opinion.


I actually think her storyline perfectly captures the image of a woman who is hypocritical, filled both with righteous anger and despair, and is also trapped by limits on her own power in a system that she continuously upholds. We see this in how she doesn't even have control over Larys, how she feels so much shame about sex but still engages in it, in her lack of connection or real relationship with her children, in her making her daughter continue this same cycle of service to the patriarchy that she's had to "pretend for" so long, in how powerless she feels but also in how little she does to actually change or challenge any of that. That's why she feels sometimes like an extra - because she is, in a way, an extra to all the men in this world, in her own life.


Alicent's purpose to the conflict was spent once Aegon had his coronation. Now she seems to exist as a helpless spectator. I wish she was more involved with the politics outside of Kings landing, but alas, women in HotD can only be symbols of maternity and compassion. I was hoping she'd be a nicer, less egotistical Cersei.


People think that she has "a storyline of an extra" because her storyline is unique. It's not exciting (yet). It's supposed to feel hopeless. I quite like it even though there are aspects of it that I would change. Also, it's only been two episodes y'know


It's also based on a book, that does not give a shit about actor's screen time. Nor should people care about that, the story matters.


yes i agree..it is hopeless! thats the tragedy part which will come to play in the later half i feel!


Alicent is still very important. Right now, she's the main advocate for a less wanton solution. With Otto gone, she's the only one keeping Aegon in check. Her role hasn't been huge so far but that's because losing power as the Queen Mother is part of her story. I imagine she'll have a more active role now that Otto is gone.


Going to xitter for good discussions on anything is like walking into a fire in an attempt to get cold. It's a shit app full of bots, idiots and bigots.


From the pov of the book and her role in dance of the dragons post-Aegon's coronation is limited so her getting this much screen time is a little pointless. With time, she would become less important unless there is a major shift in the content of the show from the books


Alicent is critical for setting up the state of events and being one of the inciting forces for the dance of dragons to have happened. She's not actually a big player in what happens during the Dance, though the show seems to be trying to make her roll bigger.


What a boneheaded take. Has this person been watching the same show as the rest of us?! Also, it’s episode 2! Let the season play out for god’s sake people. Media literacy is dead lol.


and yet i just saw a tweet on twitter today of people complaining that the storyline is revolving too much around alicent, they really can’t win can they


Yes its only been two episodes but shes still one of the main characters. Even if you dont like her you gotta admit its true. So far she just seems to be agreeing with everyone instead of being her own person ya know? 


I know very little about the book, but just making prediction I don’t really see how her character is really ever going to be relevant again. She was important in season 1 with Viserys and starting the factions, but she doesn’t seem that impactful anymore.


Agree tbh


I haven’t read the books, do Cole and Alicent have a relationship there or is it just a show thing to give Alicent a plotline?


Tbh that is her storyline at least from the books. She and Otto are basivally relagated to side characters without agency once they lose control of Aegon in ep 2 basically. Both plotted so hard only to be sidelined almost immedietely by their own claimant


she's just a dumb hypocritical bitch that loves knight dick and secretly hates her two eldest sons


Alicent *is* an extra who's been given the screentime of a leading character for the purposes of adaptation. That's why she feels like one - any level of adherence to the source material would have her be one.


If someone on X said it then it's definitely worth discussing.  


This is the kind of post that someone who watch the show and not knowing what the show is about would make.


Post your own shit in X. Alicent is one of the major character in the dance of dragons. 


The show is an ensemble and Alicent is as involved and important as anyone to this point.


I mean she’s the queen mother not the queen herself so idk what people want lol there’s only so much Alicent can do right now


People have no reading comprehension skills. This always happens w stuff gets popular people just don’t understand the why? I see lots of people like straight bitching about her and Cole and it makes 0 sense to me because those 2 now fucking after Aegon takes the throne is actually really good writing and a logical progression of their arcs.


Completely wrong. Alicent is using her power in the same way that Cersei uses her power. Her power is to persuade men through sex. Criston didn't have any power until Aegon made him hand. Now Alicent is the most powerful person because Criston needs her sexually. The first two episodes were leading up to that. "Tears aren't a woman's only weapon. The best one's between your legs." We got to see her use both in the last episode.


This is cope lol. She has fuck all "power" over making Cole act the way she wants, given she's the one trying to protect Rhaenyra the hardest on the Green side and Cole is ready to go kill.


We don't know what either are going to do next. The first two episodes were about her speaking in the small council and Otto and others dismissing her. Now she could speak in the council and have an influence over Cole. Unlike Cersei, she is someone learning to use her power.


thats a very good take actually..dint see anyone saying this but i think u r right !


It’s a terrible take since Cersei was a lot more powerful


Cersei didn't become more powerful until towards the end. In the beginning, she was no different. Her power came through powerful men and her kids.


No, in the beginning she was still more powerful 


Bla bla bla


But Alicent is a leading character. If Alicent had a storyline of an extra she would never be a lead character in the first place. You have a very narrow view of the story. You likely don't know more than you watch or you read from a history book whereas showrunners know the scope of the story they are telling. They made Alicent the main character because she is in the heart of their show.