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some goals of mine: - walking 2 miles every other day, while also working out 5 times a week - having a dry summer (i do this more than i think bc i don’t leave my house nor do i keep alcohol there) - keep to my skincare regimen - start up gua sha - stick to fish and veg over chicken and meat when possible let’s be hot together OP! ✨💐


What are you referring for the correct gua sha strokes?


i like following this video: https://youtu.be/3Ntj37IvQxM?si=rkeSlWa4vsCDgBpi


Thank you, sister!


Why not chicken and meat


i don’t really eat red meat to begin with, and chicken is fine! i just want to switch my diet to more fish than chicken~


- daily hot girl walk, workout for 1+ hour 5x a week, 1 trail walk/hike per week - drink 5 bottles of water per day - Isle of Paradise self tanning drops on face daily and on body every other day - muesli for breakfast the majority of mornings (guys I cannot tell you how much of a game changer this has been for my health, look up the origins!!) and eat it before doing my makeup/hair - Starbucks, juice, or any other sugary drink (no sodas ever) limited to 1x per week - social media locked 1x per week - 1 day with screen time limited to 2 hours max - skincare + full body moisturize after every shower (Neutrogena is your friend daily, Tatcha is your blessing 1x per week - the “deep cleanse” in the shower and “water cream” afterwards have changed my life) - 8 hours of sleep per night and sleep early enough to see the sunrise the next morning at least 2x per week - reconnect with someone or connect with somebody new per week - 1 Coursera course aligned with my studies every 2 weeks to build resume and skills - put $50 minimum into my savings each week - journal entry after waking up to log dreams and jot down thoughts for the day and then another entry at night to reflect on the day and make goals for the next - supplements/nutrients/vitamins/etc. daily (Ashwagandha, Ginseng complex, Magnseium, Maca root, very small amount of B6 and yin yang yuong) - do something new I’ve never done 1x per week (go somewhere new, cook something new, wear my hair differently/different outfit style, new activity/skill, do a deep dive into a new topic, etc.) - moisturize cuticles 2x per day with cuticle cream - practice good posture and sit up straight - meditate minimum every other day (this can be hard because I’m dealing with c-PTSD and still working on being with my thoughts, and this really helps) - quitting THC (the cart has had a grip on me for years, and I want to give my body and brain a break - also I’m going to start working for the government urgh) - eat slower and “stopping when I’m satisfied, not full” - max of 3 Celsius drinks (or any caffeinated drink) per week - look at something 20ft away from me every 20 min I’m looking at a screen Shaping our beauty starts with the mind and ends with the body 😌 take care of your brain, body, emotions, and peace🩷 **Edit! Adding: - consciously remembering to smile more in conversations with people because I forget too a lot (but if people are going to stare at me, particularly creepy old men, I do the German stare and omfg it is so fun guys pls try it) - sweet treats of any kind limited to 1x per week - learn at least one small new thing per week - stretch every morning and night - exfoliate (I use a Tree Hut body scrub and then body butter!) every 6-7 days


Ooh that last one is good. I started an office job and while I like the stability I feel like staring at a screen all day has started to rot my brain. I get so lazy and unmotivated I just zone out completely.


Me too!! I just started doing it, and it’s actually helped me avoid headaches from being around screens which has allowed me to work on screens longer each day. And I’ve noticed my eyesight is improving, and it’s noticeable when I drive. I have ADHD, and oh my god I can hyper focus and get stuck on a screen for hours…and hours. Literally felt like brain rot, especially when I was hitting the penjamin bro, omfg. So glad this could help


I loveeee the try something new goal! That’s a good one!! Can you tell me how you’re doing the tanning drops? How many do you use? I always end up with tanner on my hands even when I wash and I’m never sure what to do about my feet haha


This is awesome!!


Doing 75 medium. It will end at my 40th birthday. - 1 gallon water/day (this will be hard for me) - progress photo every day - 45 min exercise every day - no alcohol - 10 pages nonfiction every day I'm doing my masters, so I'll count work on my masters towards my nonfiction. No alcohol is easy, I've been mostly alcohol-free for a few years. I'm thinking of adding no-sugar to the list instead.


I love the idea of incorporating nonfiction into your routine! Best of luck on your masters coursework, that is incredible!!


You should be drinking half your body weight in water a day in ounces. 120lbs = 60floz


1 gallon is really unnecessary and excessive. You could even end up hyponatremic especially if you sweat a lot


• working out at least 3-4 times a week • gua sha almost every day in the shower • dry brush a few times a week • red light therapy • vibration plate before workouts • drinking a gallon of water a day • follow the 2/3 rule (hair, makeup, outfit, have at least 2/3 done. one should always be hair!) • limit alcohol • getting a tan makes all the difference, get a base tan and then go in with spray tan or self tanner for a glow


How does the vibration plate help you in your experience?


it helps a lot to loosen up muscles before a workout, especially if you’re gonna be doing cardio. it can also ease muscle pain after a workout and tones your body, some plates come with levels designed to do different things. i’ve been using it almost every day for several weeks now and it’s made a difference in my cellulite!


I just needed any excuse to pull the trigger. Thank you!


Have you lost any weight via the plate?


i haven’t no, i heard it burns some calories but not enough to have made a difference. it’s helped with my cellulite tho which improved my appearance a bit


I dance hardcore for 2 hours a day, do yoga a few times a week, am adding in incline jogging and looking for novel, fun classes to sprinkle in. I was biking but I live in Las Vegas and it’s real hot so dunno about that. I’m increasing my water and trying to get off of ice cream again. I got a 60 pack of Korean sheet masks and am doing one of those a day and I have the higher dose mask and am doing that while meditating. I already quit alcohol 18 months ago but omg I started smoking and have to quit that. Embarrassing. I grill chicken and veggies every week for salads and make homemade meatballs. I’m trying to increase my protein evermore, evermore. I’m reading!!! And listening to great music!! I don’t have much of a social life so I’m trying to get out more because my closet is killer and I’m always in workout clothes. I’m growing out my hair. I’m looking for volunteer opportunities. I became a jewelry girl overnight and bought Gucci sunglasses 😳


Curious about what music you’re listening to and the Korean skin masks you bought!


can i know what korean mask you are using?


Well I’m a big fan of Dr. Jart, but for my daily meditation mask it’s called Dewytree. I didn’t know about the brand but it has 60 masks and the ingredients were hydrating and I got it for like 10 bucks at Ross. The Dr. Jart ones I have found 10 for 30 on eBay. And a lot of the brands we talk about here can be found on eBay too.


I’m also looking to get out more and show off my wardrobe, let me know if you have any recommendations for that! I too am not very social haha


I’m trying to lose 80(ish) pounds by my 30th birthday (next spring!). Eating 1300-1600 cals depending on the day & lots of water! Some of it was weight I always carried but some of it was from having a baby this past February. Making sure I’m staying consistent with my daily, weekly, monthly, & quarterly beauty routines. Saving up to get laser hair removal + a boob lift (need that after the baby) Walks every day & I’m thinking of starting up an at-home Pilates routine (any recs on how to start this?) Surrounding myself with art & beautiful things as much as possible, making sure my “media diet” is in line with my vision for myself. And making sure my home is a clean, spiritually nourishing space for my family & I.


I’m sure there are great YouTube (free!) Pilates instructors out there but I’ve learned so much and been very consistent with Peloton, and specially Kristin McGee’s classes. They’re all the way from beginner to advanced and some are 10 or 15 minutes, some are 45.


Ive heard good things about Move with Nicole on YouTube. I also enjoy blogilates. If you're just starting out, you may want to consider planning your "routine" (are you gonna focus on certain things certain days?) or even paying for a pre-made program. Personally, I never do well just scrolling g through YouTube and trying to find one I "like".


Working out three times a week, walking 6-7 miles per day, daily skincare routine, hair care and hair oils, no alcohol, eating healthy and protein-rich meals, therapy, facials, massages, and hair keratin treatments


Working out 5-6 times a week. First summer diligently using sunscreen. Started retinol. No sweets in the house but lots of fruit whenever I want! Not keeping my cals super low and instead maintaining a 1lb/week loss instead of burning out and binging. Body oil after shower. Wearing my hair natural more.


-working out 6 days a week -i recently got a kindle and it’s been a game changer. i’ve been reading soo much more -investing in high quality clothing instead of cheap fast fashion stuff -fake tan to even out skin tone -biotin supplements to grow out hair faster -learning how to style my hair because hair really is everything -incorporated tret into skincare routine and it’s made a huge difference in skin luminosity and just overall skin health -going to therapy and working on resolving trauma


- Started a new weight training regimen on the ladder app (team iconic!) - workout at least 3x a week - kickboxing training at least once a week - sliding genioplasty procedure for my recessed chin (already scheduled) - losing 10 pounds - eating clean throughout the week - reading at least one chapter of a book per day - spending time with God and reading the Bible - increasing frequency of Tretinoin use - tanning drops + 30 min in sun per day (weather permitting) - working on socializing more and going out on weekends - new makeup products that compliment my coloring - wearing clothes that align with my color season (deep winter) and Kibbe body type (soft natural)


It's winter for me!! So i'm spending time perfecting my fake tanning skills, whilst I can cover up, so I can look super tan in the summer!! Also getting my diet and sleep hygiene in order. I've really neglected these aspects of my life, so I really want to get them in order before I start uni next year!!


Transitioning to vegetarian diet. It’s been difficult but has really increased how much veg + fruit I eat. There’s other things I could work on but I’m tired and busy so that’s my one big thing. Love reading everyone’s replies!! Here’s to hot Barbie summerrrrrr


I've been running in the treadmill everyday for 15 mins. (1 to 1.5 miles). Im watching what I eat so I can be at a calorie deficit. And I'm cutting out eating after 7-8 pm for most of the days. I already feel my legs get leaner and lose face and back fat. I'm also wearing sunscreen more now and using retinol at night. Drink 4-5 bottles of water (my water bottle is 20 oz ) Try to eat a piece of fruit everyday Focus on light makeup: some concealer and mascara and heavy blush 😂


I lost a bunch of weight and already got back into the "sexiness threshold" where I get an insane amount of stares, smiles, eye fucked... I want to lose a bit more weight and be "perfect" so I'm addicted to walking around which helps burn calories/kill boredom so I don't eat garbage/ getting so much attention when I'm out in public feels so much better than binge eating while I watch Netflix


Some of these might sound ”funny” for being so specific but please forgive me😅 iykyk. sooo… - going less to the gym and do shorter sessions in there, but once i go there i will really try to focus on the form and my training techniques as well as the structure of my workout instead of doing ”more and harder” with a possibly bad form. (no gain all pain -style!) i used to workout like crazy because i thought it would give me better results but it turned out to be the opposite actually. - this is kinda related to the previous, so living a more ”soft life” which means reducing my stress for example. i noticed that gym actually gave me more mental stress as well as physical stress to my body although i used to think that it would help me to recover from work and other stuffs n help with my stressful situations in life. nope. now i am prioritizing rest and it has helped me to feel so much better! - eating more gut healthy diet and eating less junk even if its ”healthy” junk! lately i’ve been addicted to eating things like sugar free cookies and protein bars etc. but those are actually kinda bad if its too much. - trying to get rid of my scalp acne. yeah, ew. i dont even get the reason why i have it cuz it’s literally my only body part with acne and i’ve tried everything. still have to figure it out haha - trying to learn more about supplements and how to use them more smartly (such as what time i should take them, what’s really beneficial for me, how to maximize the impact of the supplements etc.) - i just graduated from school but will continue to educate myself by studying languages and reading more, also researching for info about the topics that im interested in and trying to become more cultured and sophisticated. - really focusing on my health and not afraid to go to the doctor’s to check out if something is really bothering me! - quit overthinking. oh god… and improving my mental health overall. let’s all have an amazing hot girl summer 2024! i love subs like this and love y’all for ur great tips, i read them all and got some good ideas so thanks a lot!🩷🦋🫶🏻


Started Pilates every morning! Check out Move with Nicole on YouTube. She makes FREE Pilates videos, workout plans for each month, broken down by weeks and videos for each day. She’s fantastic


High protein diet (I eat chicken) lots of veg, lots of water, weight training


Leg. Day. Gym 3x a week at least. Cardio and less carbs, more protein. I'm growing out my hair, taking a multivitamin, and I have a skin routine.


We're the same age - may I ask you to share how you lost 15 lbs.? This summer I want to: - walk, interval run and workout at least 5 days of the week - re-establish healthy eating and sleeping habits - become more mindful/restorative - improve my confidence


I was diagnosed with mild Anemia and Vitamin D deficiency after I got my body checked after my Bulimia. So I've been doing the following for the past one week: 1.eating 2 medjool dates with peanut butter and pecans stuffed(omg so good you guys) 2.Consuming my protein shake first thing in the morning( proven to boost your metabolism) with electrolytes. 3.Eating a lot of protein 4.Waking up at 5.30 and working out 5.Drinking Apple cider vinegar before the biggest meal. 6.Not starve myself(which eventually let me to binge eat and throw up).Also starving yourself will only cause you to gain the fat back much quicker trust me I've been on this road for years. 7.Fix my posture. 8.Have my iron,Magnesium,Vitamin D and gut supplements. 9.Not eat after 7.


- stretch every.single.day. - take all supplements including collagen, diatomaceous earth, d3, b12, iron, chlorophyllin, carrot juice - pray with god - weight train 3x a week - hair care - at-home facials (just got the steamer and everything)! - respect my sleep schedule - eat my balanced diet - rice, couscous, orzo, chicken, beef, lots of veg, lots of fruit, low amounts of refined/processed foods - drink water, hibiscus and peppermint tea - practice my 'i want what i have' mentality / 'i am, therefore I think' (I'm in charge of you Becky) vibes


Lifting weights,adding longer walks, keto diet, taking my vitamins daily, keeping my skin care on point.


Gain muscle!! for a year now I’ve maintained my dream weight somehow, my next step is to get into the gym more. Now I just want to be stronger so I can go throughout life more easily.


my goals are * 10k steps everyday * eat clean * simple skincare and body care * and excel at my new summer job * drinking (alot of) water like i always do * clay masks every 2 weeks * and lose at least 20lbs and grow a dumpy ;)