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More like a lot of bad labor practices and low paying, exploitative jobs in a toxic industry are finally experiencing the realities of the economy.


I won’t dispute any of that, but it doesn’t change the reality that up to 700 people will be out of work, many of which are “disenfranchised” which I take to mean they don’t have a lot of other employment options. So increased strain on social services, more homelessness, more criminal activity…


“Disenfranchised” is employer-speak for “undocumented” or otherwise forced to accept substandard pay and conditions because of their status, I’m sorry if it sounds pedantic but these shady ag producers are not doing anyone favors. I agree this will place more strain on social services, but many folks are already relying on those to get by while employed.


Disenfrancised also means homeless, can’t pass a drug test or has a prior, and just got out of jail. Sun Valley employs a lot of those people, and nobody else does or will. Sucks for them.


Can't pass a drug test or has a prior qualifies you to be the kitchen manager at any one of our fine eating establishments


Yes I know. My point is that those people should not be exploited. Sun valley is known for touting their so-called benevolence and then using it to abuse employees, who have no hope of complaining or unionizing.


“They shouldn’t be exploited”…that’s all good, but the facts are nobody else will hire them and while you stand on your moral high ground, desperate formerly employed people are sleeping under the Samoa Bridge, engaging in petty theft, otherwise struggling. But hey, no employer is exploiting them.


What in the neoliberal hell is wanting worker equality considered to be standing on a moral high ground?


Yes, worker equality. Absolutely. This employer needed to go, because they were corrupt, and abusive. But this other person talking about criminals etc. I do not give a crap about those people. Decent workers who fell on hard times, sure. But not criminals. As a victim of a criminal, and a poor, homeless person, I stand by this. We are the most at risk around these other people.


How very telling about 'Humboldt' county that people would 'downvote' a VICTIM not caring about their perps. You people are disgusting, and evil, and helping to prove all my points! All of you just cease to exist!!


Remind me what people with a criminal history do when they have no way of getting money in a legitimate, legal way where they are treated with the most basic amount of human dignity?


The fact so many in this 'community' care about criminals more than victims, is very telling. Flying monkey bullies!


That I have to explain the obvious is beyond sad. As if everyone doesn't know that one, any violent criminals shouldn't be allowed in the community in the first place, and two, they commit crimes regardless of having jobs. Or didn't you know? I will have to lol if you try to claim they don't. The stats are that most of them reoffend, over, and over, and over, and never change. There's a shocker. Nor am I concerned with scum bag criminals being treated with 'human dignity'. That is what their VICTIMS are entitled to! And as I've also been more than clear that I'm also a victim, you jerks need to piss right off, as you are advocating for the people who caused myself, and loved ones harm. I'm not tolerating this sympathy for low lifes, nor can you jerks guilt trip me to 'empathise' with my perps. Just who the hell do you abusers think you are?? Perhaps you are also criminals?? Where is your sympathy for the victims?? You are all just bad people!


They deserve to rot.


GET STUFFED. You have NO right to try to push victims into caring about criminals! Nor does not caring make me a 'bad' person. That would be YOU.


If criminals cannot get a job, that is a good thing, not a bad thing. You need to save your empathy for the ones who deserve it. Millions of people are homeless, and they do not commit crimes, or do anything bad. Do you feel sorry for them, or just the other ones? And they are not committing 'petty theft', but violent crimes. Speaking as a homeless person, you expressly do not know what you are talking about. The most vulnerable women, children, and minorities are regularly victimised by the people you are simping for.


Sure. But it's really easy to clap and say "amazing, they're not being exploited anymore" from your comfortable vantage point while they suffer from being out of work. At the end of the day, a really shitty job is still putting money in your pocket and it's better than just being on the street blending into the scenery.


Since we are clapping: It's 👏 about 👏 working 👏 conditions 👏and 👏ability 👏 to 👏 report 👏hazards 👏without 👏fear 👏of 👏retaliation 👏or👏deportation 👏 pay is not the only shitty part here. Wondering if anyone here has worked ag and/or sketchy trim jobs? Anyone? Bueller? Have you all been baptized in the waters of capitalism to the point of drowning in employer apologist attitudes?


These people are jerks. Bullies. Deliberately twisting words, and intentions, and trying to accuse people of 'lacking empathy' etc so they can look like the good guys. It's all ego for them. The reality is, not one of these people actually cares about the struggling people they are attacking us about.


I don't think it's that deep. I think it's surface level virtue signaling seasoned with ignorance. Bullies are generally smarter than that. I agree the majority do not actually care about the welfare of the disenfranchised.


That is true also, there is the virtue signaling thing. But people on here ARE twisting my words, and accusing me of all this outrageous stuff. I mean, I just had some brat after reading that I'm poor, and homeless etc, accusing me of 'not caring about the vulnerable', and all this other bollocks. She was demanding no less, that I 'explain' myself, and I'm just like, who the hell do you even think you are? I don't have to explain anything to you, who are you? .....she was totally freaking out, while accusing me of 'losing my shit' lol. I said, Yeah, I'm reacting to the bullying of you all. Imagine that. But nice projecting. That is all they do. Project, project, project. I just have to block them at this stage, because it's become harassing. I had one practically stalking me. I don't have this problem in ANY other reddit group but this humboldt one. I wonder why.


They’ve used E Verify since the custom raids back in 2007.


“Fuck migrant workers as long as the petit bourgeois farmers who employ them are slightly inconvenienced”


Not what I’m saying. Sun valley is not even approaching bourgeoisie. They are typical slimy midsize ag that thrives on labor exploitation. If they can’t manage to stay in business while skirting environmental laws, labor laws, and community support, good riddance.


I said petit bourgeois. I have no pity for slimy businesses taking hits but I think the effect this is gonna have on everyday people is gonna be disproportionately negative


Fair enough


>otherwise forced to accept substandard pay Minimum wage for unskilled labor.


But Bill Prescott is a super liberal eco groovy guy….dont let that distract you from the fact that this place is an ecological disaster paying an unlivable wage. Good job Bill.


Exactly. I have heard such bad things about them, and the chemicals they expose people to. I never buy conventional flowers. They should only be allowed to be organic anyway, and strict workplace safety. Good riddance to them, and anything like them around here.


Hundreds of families could be impacted by this, but at least your no-action morals are vindicated.


Have you ever met a family supported by sun valley wages?


Yes. I’ve met plenty.






Fake empathy, and gaslighting.....gotta love it.


It's not fake at all. I've been unemployed in the past and it's devastating. But here you are celebrating the fall of a large employer in a community hurting for jobs, claiming on behalf of the hundreds of people now unemployed that they and the community as a whole are better off.


Did you ever apply at sun valley?


I would never work for a place like that.


I did used to work WITH the people who did though, in another capacity. They all told us what really went on there, and it was not good. So yeah, they are better off not working there.


I'm sure they'll take comfort that someone on Reddit thinks they're better off. Regardless of how good of an employer they were (admittedly I have no idea), those people chose to work there, so it was their best option at the time. Now they no longer have that option.


Yes, they should. Go love the sound of your own voice somewhere else.


It is fake. So what? So have I. I'm f'ing disabled. But you come on here making all these assumptions, like nearly everyone around here. Yes indeed, I am celebrating the fall of a terrible, corrupt, toxic place. They all need to go, worldwide, and we need to completely redo how we are operating in our societies. These are not the kind of jobs this community needs. These are the kind of jobs RUINING this community. As a poor, disabled person, I will be following my own advice thanks, not those of the ignorant, that think anything is acceptable, instead of improving the world, and everyone's lives. Your short term fixes are exactly why society is collapsing now. Yes, they will be better off. We all will.




Yes, I am passionate. I'm also autistic, and I speak bluntly. That typically rubs a lot of people the wrong way, but that's not my problem. My words regularly get twisted round, as people put their own spin on what they think I'm saying. Put their own emotions into it. This is just the problem though. I don't have to do anything, you know? I grew weary a long time ago of people demanding I not only explain myself, but to express this or that. It's really not OK. If I did that to everyone else, they would be angry, and defensive. And yet, here they are doing it to me, then blaming me when I get angry in return. I'm not saying you are doing this, but many have on here. And this ONLY happens to me in this Humboldt group btw. It doesn't happen on any of the other reddit groups I am in. Why is that? So I point this out, and I get attacked by the mob. I will note that this is a uniquely Humboldt thing for some reason....people can make of that whatever they like. I have gone into a lot of detail already about my views, and why I have them. I don't owe anyone anything. I AM a homeless person. I am a poor person. I am a victim of crimes. I'm already struggling, and I'm already negatively impacted by many things going on in the community. People lose jobs all the time, and it sucks, but there are far worse things to worry about. One of those worse things being a business allowed to operate, that is literally contributing to people's poor health, and diminished quality of life. Poor people are always the ones subject to the most awful working conditions, and many of them have early deaths as a result. Then their families are left to take care of kids alone, or kids are orphaned. I mean, we could have this argument forever. How bad can things get? The answer is, really bad. Losing a job is not the worst. People can, and do recover from that every day. Which is more important? I have to look at the bigger picture, because that is what matters based on my vast experience in life. I've already been through the system, and I know it better than most. I'm in 'the system' now. There is nothing anyone can tell me, that I'm not already keenly aware of. I came to my own conclusions about what I believe is best, and why, based on many years of research, experience, work, etc. This community needs better jobs, better employers, better conditions, better housing, not this 'low income' dumps in crime ridden areas.... better everything. High quality, high class, not this cultural devolution. And I'm not going to be content settling for substandard or worse. I will not resign myself to that ever again. I will not support things just because that is what is available. We need to do BETTER. We keep being told we have to settle for crap. We don't. We should be 'happy' to receive this pathetic food stamp payment that doesn't even begin to cover the costs of food now, and starve the rest of the time. We should be 'happy' to work in a hell hole. We should be 'happy' to have crap healthcare, and little resources locally. We should be 'happy' to have really poor, failing health. We should be happy' to live in a shoe box next to a sexual predator, in a run down, ugly area....People attempting to gaslight me, guilt trip me, is not OK. Especially since I'm far worse off than many of the people they are telling me to feel sorry for. This isn't about that. I already have buckets of empathy, and I don't need to justify it. Maybe others don't have as much as they like to think they do.


f'ing bullies.


'Hundreds of families could be impacted by this, but at least your no-action morals are vindicated.' NOTHING about what this condescending ahole said was 'calm' or nice. He was being rude, and he knew he was being rude. He insulted me, and make a f'ing accusation, and assumption. So I respond in kind. Just like I'm doing to you jumped up git!


I show every care. YOU do not!


SHUT UP. you are getting a block next!


YOU have no empathy. STOP projecting that onto me, and STOP putting your OWN spin on things, into MY intentions. I will NOT tell you again.


I'm so sick to death of the low standards of most people in this 'community', and their f'ing attitudes. Blocking, so I don't have to hear your crap anymore.


damn , imagine getting called out for your own shitty attitude and then complaining about other people's attitudes. im sure everyone else's shits stinks but yours, huh?


Oh, I just love it when people project onto others, 'BMXer972'....


>gaslighting Probably shouldn’t use words you don’t know the meaning of


lol I just love how many people try to twist things around. I don't have an attitude. You all just have a really messed up value system. I stand by what I said. You people don't care about other people. If you did, you wouldn't advocate for a crappy business, that has poisoned people for years, and other things I won't mention. You wouldn't want to keep this stupid county stuck in the dark ages, and fight any kind of progress, or positive change. So come down off your high horses, and shut up. I'm not interested.


It's not a 'luxury' to have standards, and lines you will not cross. I absolutely promise that I am struggling more than any of you jumped up accusers ever have, and yet, I would never work for such a place. Perhaps others just lack the right kind of determination. But it's nothing to do with privilege, or such. That makes me lol someone trying to insinuate that to me of all people. Nor am I wrong in my stance here. It's not my fault other people cannot manage what I do, despite the fact I am far worse off than they are. I am well below the poverty line, just for a start. I AM homeless. I AM one of those vulnerable people you all keep trying to 'guilt trip' me with. A DARVO abuse tactic....what a surprise.... The reality is none of you are actually interested in vulnerable people, their voices, their stories, their well being, what THEY want in the community. You just love the image of pretending you care, so everyone will pat you on the back. Stop trying to make a link with poverty, and poor ethics. It's really getting old. Poor people can have strong values. Poor people can make good choices. Poor people can never use drugs, and never commit a crime. Poor people can have taste, and class, and a lot of other things we like to pretend are reserved for the 'upper classes'. Trying to claim otherwise, THAT is the classism. Not the crap some of you are claiming. 'Poor people can't help it'....Yes, yes we can.


How unfortunate, like the article stated sun valley employs ALOT of people who would not be a good fit elsewhere it’ll be interesting to see where this workforce goes


Oh dang! How many people work there?! Place is huge


> The company told county economic development staff that it employs up to 700 workers during its peak season, often filling hotels off Arcata’s Giuntoli Lane. Adair said the company is known for employing people who are otherwise disenfranchised, without much training or technical expertise. So 700 tops, but not all locals


Regardless, all of those people (locals or not) spend money in the local economy: rent/lodging, food, services, sales tax, etc. Edit: and 700 is a huge number of jobs in which a large portion ARE local.


Super sketchy company to work for, but that's terrible news for the people who work there and depend on that income and the insurance.


It's gonna be a Driscols raspberries


Bill Prescott is a corporate shill. Terribly egotistical. This is sad.


Ouch now we need that wind power and fish farm all the more


Unfortunately, the fish farm and wind farm both require specialized workers. Then neither will be providing up to 700 jobs. Both will probably only bring in a hundred or so combined. Then some of that workforce will probably be contract work (so no healthcare or other benefits)


Hmm sun valley was my first real full time job, me and my late brother got hired there and worked in the bunching room. Lot of people there were working there for years I wonder if any of them are still there. I’m sure the times have changed and most the workers aren’t locals. But that’s definitely gonna hit Humboldt


Someone will want to grow a lot of weed in there.


Those greenhouses are eternally polluted and I highly doubt that any weed grown in them would test clean


County already denied permits for anything over 5ish acres in that space, so that’s unlikely. And that much isn’t particularly profitable in the current weed economy.


Damn, that sucks. They've been around for decades too. This is a big blow.


It's a sign of the times


Kind of shit company, hopefully something more sustainable moves in.


Yes, in line with the values this community is supposed to have. Or that's what I always thought....






Misleading title. You are wrong and you should feel bad.