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This is not unbelievable. The way that place had been run for years. It was unbelievable they stayed open. It was a perfectly good little dive bar with a decent steak and potato. It was the best breakfast in Arcata. Then they opened in Eureka and failed. Then they opened whatever that was next door while the original bar just sat empty? How can you run a business that way? Let’s go to The Alibi for breakfast, only to get there and hear “oh our cook didn’t show up.” How many times I heard that “limited menu” bs. The old place, the dark side, had a decent variety on the menu, Oly on tap, punk shows and a brand. They sucked the life out of it. The only “unbelievable” thing it took so long for it to finally croak. Good riddance.


I agree, I always thought it was pretty gross. And I’ve been to many a dive bar.


Not to mention, I never did get to try their lunch menu. It was absurd going there at 3 or even 4 pm and being told they aren't serving lunch yet. Like WTF?


The menu was probably what killed them. TOO MANY ITEMS ON THE MENU. I said this for years. They should have paired down that menus years ago. I’ve felt sorry for the cooks having to make a 50 item lunch menu. It should have just been burgers, fries, steaks and a few specials. There was a time when they had the most fire Hawaiian night: poke bowls, coconut shrimp, and other dishes. The alibi used to be cool. Music shows were great. Plus it had a historical feeling in there. I can’t believe it’s just Everett’s on the plaza now.


It was pretty ambitious


Hahahh ! I used to put up with it because at one time it was so good!


I can't comment on the remodeled version, but the dark, dingy, Alibi of old had killlller bloody marys and a decent breakfast platter for cheap. I loved that weird little place.


That alibi Bloody Mary was for real


It was so weird. Like a the Two Face of bars. The remodeled side was really nice and other side was all original. I just remember they had some surprisingly good food.


Well, this turned into a sad debate about if arcata is dying or not. I have a lot of good memories of the alibi. It was my favorite bar. I’m sorry for everyone who didn’t get to experience how it was 15 years ago. This place closing is a shock to me cause of the memories I have there. I used to have this mentality of keeping those bars open, but it’s a trashy street. I’m excited to see how arcata changes, change is hard for people. Some embrace it some resist it. I’m in an embracing change mood. I’m actually moving away after living here for 20 years. That’s the real change for me that’s emotionally hard. I’m excited to leave. I’ll be excited to come back after a couple years out in the city.


I’m a bit stunned too. Last time I passed by a few days ago, the menu outside had a paper over it saying “full menu not available” and didn’t think much of it.


While I am sad to see it go, I’m excited to see how the plaza changes. That being said, no more thrift stores please. We have enough in both eureka and arcata and most are over priced.


Totally, I hope it doesn’t become the next gift shop. I hope someone try’s another bar/restaurant there.




Had many great nights in there. Will be missed!


Alibi was for the elite. Best breakfast in Humboldt. RIP to a real one.


Agreed. Was the best breakfast spot 💯


Get your hangover and hangover cure (bloody and greasy food) at the same joint, it was perfect.


Do you remember Hawaiian night there? It was wild how busy it was. Such fond memories.


Seems like arcata is dying


Some business are closing yet some businesses are doing well and new businesses are opening. In dying communities; houses don’t sell they foreclose, schools don’t grow they close and industries don’t come knocking they flee. Arcata isn’t dying it is changing.


I think that as property has changed hands over the last several years with the price hikes and as there are fewer trimmers and seasonal people coming in to work in the cannabis industry, the clientele that would be served by Arcata business is changing. I get the feeling sometimes that their are a lot more "mainstream" people in Arcata these days, and that is the most polite way I can put it.


Nah, more businesses are fleeing than actually coming into the area (we only have 2 out of area businesses that are actually coming into Humboldt and both won’t really be helping the local economy a they’re both resource extraction businesses). Then foreclosures are happening, alongside people just sitting on empty houses or choosing to rent houses at absurdly high rents. The schools in Humboldt County have been shrinking because they aren’t getting enough student enrollment and have been losing funding. Then as a bonus the homeless population has been increasing. Idk where you’re living, but it’s clearly not in Humboldt County 


Which 2 resource extraction businesses? Idk, I mean, tradespeople are booked solid, CalTrans and engineering firms just went through a massive hiring wave, 6Rivers Brewery was just the most packed I've ever seen it in my 20years here, homes in my (not fancy) neighborhood are being sold for $600k+ I know not everywhere is surviving, but I'd mostly chalk that up to inflation and out of touch owners. Some great businesses go under and some shitty ones make it thru -- that's just part of the process of change, I guess.


I guess if you are looking just through a grower/cannabis lens it would look like the county is dying. If your only skill is “hustling” then yeah things must look pretty bleak up here. But for people with a skilled trade, in the medical field, an educator or other professional degrees there are jobs. Good skilled tradespeople are booked solid. Solar businesses have waitlists. Real estate is booming. Medical professionals could get a good paying job starting tomorrow. When a town or community is dying the housing market is stagnant not on fire with homes going for over asking in a matter of days.


It seems this was bound to happen, especially with HSU becoming a polytechnic. Expand the campus, more funding, more students, increasing home prices pushes out the long time residents in favor of students/faculty/admin, businesses that catered to the permanent population start closing because people move away, businesses catering to the student population open.


It's called change not dying. Nostalgia is great but time to live in the real world and adapt. Take off the rose tinted lenses.


It does seem that way.


Humboldt County is dying. 


If you mean become hip and not a continued victim of the successive waves of a post-extractive economy collapse, then maybe yeah. Humboldt's a Last Best Place; a clean air and climate refuge with relatively abundant opportunities for humans to connect deeply with nature. If anything, Arcata's going to get Santa Cruz'd. Even Coos Bay is becoming an attractive place to live post-logging collapse.


Anyone know where that unbelievably amazing dog art is going to end up?!?!? I’m sure some oldies have dibs but man, those are some spectacular pieces.


Yeah, that’s always the sad part about this type of stuff. The historical aspect. I guess it depends on new owners. I am assuming the owner of the bar also owns the buildings. Who knows?


Changing, definitely not dying, I’ve spent most of my life here even moved away and moved back. Everywhere is changing


It’s not dying. Anyone saying that doesn’t understand the area. It’s remote, growth takes time here. But I do remember those years when the alibi was thriving. Everyone had cash in their pockets. It was a good time, not for everyone tho.


Used to love going to/playing shows at the alibi. Was pretty sweet. When they build the new spot over the vacant lot we called it Alibees (like applebees). RIP.


What happened to Mardell?


Alibi was… gross lol


It used to be the place to be. It was cool.


They weren’t paying staff for a while, the eureka location has been boarded up for some time too. Sad to see another institution of Humboldt go away…


The Eureka location hasn’t been the alibi in some years now, it was most recently Rosie’s Billiards.


Right I guess I just was correlating the two locations because I did some work there not too long ago as if they were going to reopen as something and instead it’s all boarded up


That building is cursed. Bad vibes. Every business fails in there. It’s too bad cause they have such a nice stage in there for events.


It was so many things, Club West, Club Indigo, Aunty MoMo’s, Alibi, Rosie’s Billiards, and probably more places I can’t recall.


I never went to rose’s. Why did it close? Just googled it and it looked awesome.


Rent was probably high (it’s a big space) and I don’t they were making a ton of money trying to get customers there to play pool. Parking is kind of awkward there too


They made a pretty good bloody mary and always over served their well whiskeys.


I use to enjoy day drinking there in my 20s but it was definitely a dive bar. Exactly what college town needs though. All the classic bars are gone


Time to call Bar Rescue - Taffer will fix everything!


Sounds like it was a poorly run dive bar. Why is this unbelievable?


Because it’s always unbelievable when a staple of your youth goes downhill or closes for good, especially with no real announcement. It used to be a lively hip place, packed to the gills. I admit in the past 5 years it has not been that, so i understand if you didn’t have the experience before the downslide, then your opinion would be different.


Bruh stfu all I wanted was to get drunk next to shaggy


Honestly, it’s not surprising. I’ve only heard bad things about the management of that place. Then on top of that, Humboldt County is dying. It’s been dying since the 80’s, but now it’s finally on it’s last breathe. Look at the age demographics and you’ll see we have a population that is 25+% elderly, the col far outpaces the wages offered in the area, and then every business is being ran into the ground by people who think things still operate like they did in the 1980’s (which makes them non-viable to compete with any competitors that operate with modern standards). Lastly, HSU’s admin have effectively killed the school’s reputation, so doubt enrollment will be increasing anytime soon. 


I agree that people running businesses (and other things) like it's the 80s is a big part of the problem, but I disagree that Humboldt is dying, it's just changing. According to the 2020 census, just over 20% of the population is 65 or older, while 15 to 44 year olds make up just over 40% of the population. 20 to 24 year olds are the largest four-year age group. Having a larger elderly population than 20 years ago is to be explored as a result of baby boomers getting older.   So, we have to decide if we want to keep trying to capture the 1980s in amber, or try new things and move forward.   https://data.census.gov/table/ACSST1Y2022.S0101?g=050XX00US06023


You should probably move


I like it here but at this point the rent is about the same as most cities here in CA.


Right? They just sound miserable


Humboldt died decades ago, and the vermin have been living of its corpse ever since. The zombie overlords fighting to hold sway over the mouth, breathing dull minded and delusional revenants.


I blame all the trash out front. That whole row will rot until they clean up those trolls


Those are people, not trash, and they're more useful to our community then bigots like you


Go live with them for a week and see how useful they are


The real trash here is you guys.


The locals out front had nothing to do with the flat beer I was sold. The last one I'll buy there.