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it might be difficult for you to find a longer term living situation here in only 2 weeks, especially in the eureka/arcata area. but best of luck


I wouldn’t move here without a place to stay.


Please Don't Move Here without an actual place to stay. I spent 2 years looking for housing and the solution was to leave lol. (And my credit was 700+!)


That's crazy, what were your requirements for a place??   Craigslist will get you talking to landlords or people renting a room in less than 2 weeks if you stay on top of it. Posts are replied to and taken down quickly


I spent 1 week looking. Wtf u doing wrong


Maybe they have a lot of dogs or something


>looking for a place to stay for a week or two, That shit will turn into "a month or two" real quick if you have no established place to stay long term prior to heading up. The lease on house I'm renting out in Arcata is ending soon..if I decide to keep renting it out I'll post it on here in case you still looking




I only accept people staying a night or two but you could try couchsurfing and Bewelcome. I know a few hosts around town. When I moved here last year I was able to find an apartment by not being picky lol. I literally had to just accept the unit and pay the deposit without even seeing the space but it's possible to do! Feel free to DM me if you have questions. I'm happy to play tour guide for a day.


Check out arrow property management for a long term rental. They went way above and beyond to get us a place. We weren't selected for a unit and 3 days later they called us and offered us a unit. Amazing area, cheaper than our budget by $200. Good luck


check out [wwoofusa.org](http://wwoofusa.org) or [workaway.info](http://workaway.info) I've never used them around Humboldt, but I use them often to travel around (internationally too). And a wwoofing farm stay was my first landing when I moved to Cali. I ended up staying for more than a month, not because I didn't have my next step lined up, but because it was a pretty chill and comfy spot. But I do agree with the other commenters here that it may take you longer than a few weeks to find something. It can be tough, but it also depends on your connections to the area, what you're looking for, and how much you're willing and able to spend. The good news is this is the best time of year to look so the odds are (comparatively) in your favor. Best of luck.


I know someone renting a room for the summer. Message me


What’s wrong with getting a hotel instead of Airbnb? Hotels usually have cheaper rates for long term stays 


Typically air bnb is better overall for months stays.


Hi When are u going to be here?


Dates? I’m leaving town for a week and have chickens and a garden that need caring for.


It took me six months to find a place here. Godspeed.


(also- had no pets, no kids, no partner, and a 700+ credit score)


Just PM'd, think we have a good fit with a short-term open room at our place in McK




Ditch the dog. Unfortunate, but will help you with renting.