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The video mentioned in the post had Steam names visible for the cheaters. That's why it was removed. The rules are clear on this and it's good to see majority of this sub agrees that posting about cheaters here does nothing.


Isn't this reddit run by fans that have no offical connection to the game or the company behind it so talking about cheating here won't actually be able to change anything as this isn't a place for people to report cheating as it has no official connection to anyone in power over the game?


It's kind of a mixed bag. Crytek CMs used to be part of the mod team, but users complained that they could censor discussion and remove posts critical of the game. The CMs agreed, and left the mod team. Since then, this subreddit is no longer "official". We've actually had a few mods get hired by Crytek, and they always leave the mod team as soon as that happens. We've never had to ask anyone to do that. We do have a direct line of communication with Crytek, they send us banner to pretty up the subreddit, we pin the patch notes, send them posts about new exploits, and so on. But we also haven't signed any NDAs, don't get any info that's not already public, and don't have any extra privileges. We just help out on the subreddit because we like the game, that's about as far as it goes. That's why reddit is a special case, since for other social media, like Facebook, Twitter, Steam or Discord, these are managed either by Crytek directly, or by mods that have a bit closer relation with Crytek due to the "official" status of those platforms. Crytek _does_ read the subreddit from time to time, which is why I think posting about cheaters has some merit. If the volume of such posts is notable, there is clearly a problem that Crytek needs to be aware of. Reddit is a vocal minority, but it's still a part of the game's community, and it's voice matters. That's why we only remove those posts if they have names in them, due to Rule #6.


I appriciate the explanation and it helped me to understand your roles better - much better than the comment of your mod-collague which is rather cynical imo. From what i saw here in the past i find the mod team is very easy with the rules on many posts be but very strict on posts about cheating. I think this is a problem because the game has become a cheating problem nowerdays and it should be aknowledged so Crytek spring into action finally. A rant+vent megathreat where people could voice their experiences and/or can post links to vids/pics or something similar could be a thing, so it also functions as a data collection to access the situation.


It is easy to feel like we are more strict on posts about cheating but this is because the rules are pretty clear cut. If the posts shows the name in anyway shape or form then it is removed is basically the main reason for 99% of the cheating posts, the other rules require a bit more interpretation sometimes for what breaks those rules. We will typically talk with each other though if we are finding it hard to reach a decision/if we think something was removed unfairly. Also modmail is always available if you think something was removed unfairly/unjustly, we also make mistakes and can remove something we did not intend on removing. We are discussing a megathread currently, the problem is reddit only allows 2 stickied posts so one of the current ones will have to go


Talking about cheating here is tantamount to karma farming


because these ARE pointless and low effort posts. if they'd take the time to search on the reddit they'd know that they can still report them. and what are we supposed to do with this post? we cant report them and this isnt an official subreddit run by crytek so the mods cant do anything either.


If the Reddit becomes nothing but “look at cheaters” it makes it higher and higher priority


No it doesnt. At all.


I mean, I’ve worked for companies where yes, it can. Edit: lol I guess the teenagers without jobs have downvotes


Trust me bro comment. Cite the companies then and examples or stop talking out of your ass. the security teams have to stay silent . I've heard pirate software break it down and I'll believe him over you.


What the streamer said and the poster said are two separate things. They are both right.


No shit they're different but the commenters aren't right.


I’m not saying the security teams will say anything but it will end up on execs tables that their PR is going to garbage cause the game has all hackers


Reddit is not accounted for with pr I guarantee it


You earlier: trust me bro comment You now: I can guarantee it!!!! Double standards?


I cited pirate software doofus


Ah yes. Double standards.


Makes it fucking inseufferable to be here honest. Used to get good info and see cool plays but now it's just 3 stars whining about a nonexistent cheater epidemic


"Lool at who I think is a cheater!"


I’m on this subreddit to read interesting stuff about one of my favorite games. Of course I hate cheaters but I don’t need to read the same post over and over when I play at MMR 3 and never encounter cheaters myself.


Except reporting does nothing, but maybe just maybe if the community demands they do. They might actually ban more than 1 cheater per month or something. Can't blame people for doing everything they can for whats right.


Care to point me to the devblog they posted a year ago that addressed the Headsman?


Are we going to to sit here and pretend like reporting does anything? The majority of the cheaters are not aimbotting through walls and Easy Anti cheat doesn’t do anything. How else is someone supposed to voice their concerns?


Are we going to sit here and pretend like spamming a subreddit with the same cheating posts day in day out does anything? Yes yes a cheater killed you, congratulations. Everyone knows cheaters exist. Making the 4378th post about it on a subreddit which isn't run by Crytek isn't going to help anyone except annoy the rest of us that come here for discussion/to look at memes. If you think reporting them directly to the company responsible does nothing, why do you think posting it on a public forum ran by people unrelated to Crytek would?


I mean, this sub literally assigned a guy to point out how bullshit the camouflage of the Huntsman was in the game because so many people made posts about it. So not only did they encourage crying about it, they made it a guy’s personal assignment to post about it daily. And then Crytek fixed the Headsman. We had the same exact thing happen when Cain first released. People bitched about ReShade in droves daily even after Crytek said it wasn’t a bannable offense so much so that Crytek re-addressed the issue and walked back their assessment of the software being used in their games and made it a bannable offense. They also had such an influx of people talking about how Necro needs a fix that they consolidated posts about Necro fix ideas into a pinned post where everyone could post in one place about the issue. I feel like this is the only place where people can bring awareness to Crytek directly and the visibility lets them see an influx of posts of the same type and actually do something about an issue that the community feels is damaging the community or the state of the game. You can call it crying, others call it validating. Personally, I like to see evidence brought to the table if there’s merit to it. Is it annoying at times? Sure. But what does saying and doing nothing about it help? You honestly think Crytek would have banned ReShade of its own accord or fixed the Headsman? The Headsman has been out for 2 years and they just fixed it this update. RachtaZ made a video about it a year ago and even made a montage of him hiding in plain sight while people walked by oblivious. It’s really only been since people started getting uproarious and vocal that they took any action. That’s the point. You’re gonna see a lot of it before Crytek gets off their ass and does stuff at the risk of alienating the dedicated player base. There’s a surge in cheating and people aren’t happy. They’re allowed to express their displeasure with the game being ruined by the poor implementation of anti-cheat software. People literally push back on this all the time and claim that the game is in a perfectly acceptable state and that there is few, if any, cheaters which I don’t believe is true especially based on the resounding evidence both in screenshots and clips that people post on here as well as my personal time in the game.


>I mean, this sub literally assigned a guy to point out how bullshit the camouflage of the Huntsman was in the game because so many people made posts about it. So not only did they encourage crying about it, they made it a guy’s personal assignment to post about it daily. And then Crytek fixed the Headsman. We had the same exact thing happen when Cain first released. how many times are people going to keep saying this? they announced that they were going to be adjusting skins months before the headsman posts. the changes had nothing to do with it.


Link or stfu


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLWff2Do5ow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLWff2Do5ow) they talked about it almost a year ago on the dev stream


If you don't want people complaining, then you don't know what a gaming sub is. Maybe you only care about memes, but even the memes start complaining about cheater. There is a cheating issue. A subreddit is supposed to reflect the playerbase. If the game has an issue, then this will be pointed out on this sub. You don't wanna look the elephant in the room. You call it "crying". Your comment sounds like you are a hero of the status quo. Are you so afraid of negativity you despise it and call it crying ?


that is typically what happens when you break the subreddits rules


Crytek doesnt look here for cheaters so it just bogs down the sub. Start recording your games and submit video evidence on their site.


And how should this video evidence look like? Me running around - headshot - dead. The problem is, that you can't tell if it is a cheater or not. And the "official" statement, that there is no cheater in this game, is rediculous. And even if you report a cheater on any other platform rather then in game via the button, your post is getting deleted.


Why do you think they're a cheater if you don't have any evidence? "Blatant" kinda sounds like they can tell they're cheating, so I'd start there.




Both Nvidia and AMD have a feature where you can decide to "record" after the fact, and afaik that's just a thing you can have on full-time. Been a game changer for me, and the only limiting factor is storage space. If you think someone cheated, surely you have SOME evidence. Yes cheats can be subtle, but you wouldn't suspect cheats if it was entirely invisible. I'd. Start. There.




The OP was about an obvious cheater with "hide statistics" enabled, so unless you're talking about that I have no idea what you're going on about. The question was "what do I do when I go against a cheater that I know is definitely obviously cheating?" Do you see how maybe what you're saying clearly doesn't apply?




You're bringing up entirely different situations that aren't related to "how do I report this obvious hacker hurr durr" Yes, people can hide it, but we're not fuckin taking about *those* people. If someone on a different fuckin planet shoots you in the head through 7 walls hit Alt+Z and show the devs instead of posting on this subreddit, that's what this whole thing was about.




You can see their kill view, or on the death screen, anything over 200m is usually suspicious. If you're clearly inside a building and they just headshot you. If they're obvious then it should be obvious.


I'm gonna be real dude I don't care about the 20th random cheating accusation. What do you expect me to do about it




Sounds like it was actually backed up not just an accusations


Because there annoying and serve no perpose but give some rage bait accpunt his jollys. People cheat report them ingame amd move on dont have to make it a decussion or topic


IN game reporting Is a Joke .. along with this hate OP is Getting - The game has Hackers/Cheaters all day .. And Crytek enables this by Allowing these bad actors to hide there profile making it harder for someone to search for them in steam in order to get a good steam ID . Its ben stated many times the only way to really report is to go to cryteks Site .. where you have to log in , you have to report it .. give them a STEAM ID , you have to hope they can even find the match logs and link it to the steam IDS .. by the way are set up with Multiple Names Of the same name .. they have VAC bans and funny enough they also have "This profile is not set up yet on steam" You have to back it up by recording and then you have to upload the vid so you can link it .. At this Point PAY me cause its a Job just to report a tiny winky fool that has to cheat


As if reporting them in game does anything


You do when the reports donget processed.


Because nobody here cares. We're all just here to see interesting posts about the game, news, and cool moments. Get a clip of the cheater, go to the Hunt website, and report the guy there. Several people have posted about this in the last few days, and how Crytek has banned those blatant cheaters within a day or two. Or, just use the in game report, they look at that too. They do ban people if you don't go around spamming cheater reports on anyone who gets a lucky kill. John Crytek isn't sitting here scouring the unofficial subreddit banning accounts that random redditors post without any evidence other than showing their K/D.


John barrel 🙏


John Crytek had me lmao


I just did the deep dive yesterday and joined multiple hunt discord servers connected to cheating and found about 1,2k players that are members on these discords. I think hunt has a 20k players peak each day so this is already a pretty high number 😅


Bro I do not care what happened to you, please stop shitting up the sub


If you care about cheaters run it through their official website. They ask you direct questions to fill in any gaps. Then, they get right into investigation. I wish people would understand even with the current nooks and crannies filled it’s nigh impossible to stop someone from cheating. And even if they could there’s not enough of them to look into each report as quickly as they come in. Remember they’re people not robots.


Hey everybody !!! This dude got killed by a cheater !!!! This has never happened in the history of gaming before!!. Also honestly I think a decent chunk of people are just bad or ignorant so they just assume it's cheaters. We all have had that moment of completely getting destroyed and instantly screaming hacker just to stew on it a moment and realize the other dude just completely outplayed us.


This is the real problem. Lower skilled players arent good enough to recognize the difference. Theyll set off sound traps, sprint around, be loud af and then be surprised when they get wallbanged or caught in the open and just immediately scream hacker


Cause no one cares really. Like yes, we understand there are cheaters on this game. The posts about them are a dime a dozen at this point




You've already been told the main reason why. Something that pisses me off personally is that y'all are just spamming these posts about cheating. Like you are unable to see that you're the 50th person to post this crap. This is a problem with complaints from this community in general. Make a mega thread or something. There's no need for 50 different posts about one and the same topic.






I am glad they delete such useless posts. You can still report even with stats hidden


Oh no not post 1000000000000000000000000000000 about cheating how could they. Almost liek they know and fighting cheaters isn't easy its a back and forth.


Low effort? Just like hunts anti cheat.


They should remove this too. All these posts about hackers aren't good for the game or the sub. I know I'm getting sick of hacker post after hacker post. Especially when I don't even see hackers in game like most players of average skill.




>Different brand new accounts Meaning the anti cheat is working? But the thing is there isn't much you can do about cheating they'll always find a way


Reddit is actually crazy, even when I dont show the same of someone my post gets taken down because of „witch hunting“. Reddit is something else honestly


I don't know why people don't get that you can report people if they have their profile hidden. There is a big ol' report button in the post match screen. Statistics are irrelevant for the player reporting. Either you saw someone do something that looked suspicious to you, in which case report it, or you didn't in which case don't report it. And if you do report it, someone who is most likely more competent and knowledgeable in regards to identifying cheaters will search for solid evidence. Which is the other thing. Solid evidence is kind of necessary before banning, which is a good reason why some people that aren't really plain obvious cheating take a bit before being banned. Which is much better than someone innocent getting banned falsely. As to really blatant cheaters, I have seen at least one getting banned mid match. In essence for most controversial topics here I believe that most players take their own opinion as too important or believe themselves as much more knowledgeable than they actually are. Most players are lacking even the basics in theory of game design and development. As can be seen by every second discussion about ping. Content creators spreading half-knowledge doesn't help either.


>Statistics are irrelevant for the player reporting. no. in hunt you can do a lot without cheating + cheats try to look legit. statistics are more relevant than gamepla footage.


Of course the statistics are relevant, however not for the player reporting. For you as a player the only important thing is whether you feel something *could* have been off. In which case reporting is the right choice, so that someone who has the necessary know how in the area can make a decision. And the people at crytek can see someones stats even if they are hidden. For a player the statistics are irrelevant because it is not the players job (nor within their competence for like 99% of players) to cast any form of judgement whether someone is cheating. And even then profile statistics rarely provide the ironclad proof someone is cheating. KDA of almost 5. Definitely not usual, however no proof whatsoever of cheating. What's more relevant are technical details that you as a player can't see anyways. Headshot at 400m, impossible with current weaponry therefore actual proof (and even then it's best to wait until you have at least 2 pieces of ironclad proof to rule out a technical error in logging).


disagree. more statistics are helpful to access the situation and people will learn to read them. escape from tarkov, another game with a massiv cheater problem, did the right step and made all the data of the player accecible after the match, it helps to make or not make reports and it also builds trust because you can see your opponents statistics. the in-deepth analysis of the dada should be done at the company and in degree should be automateted but atm we do not see lot of acting on data.


If anyone tries to gaslight you saying "Names were visible", know that the same videos were reposted but with all names blurred, and they were still taken down from reddit.


If nobody care about cheating post nobody care about this game. This sub reddit is a thing


Interesting seeing all the "it is spam/nothing can be done/what's the point" coming from people who supported daily posts about skill based issues like Headsman and solo necro.


It didnt even have the guys name on the post yall really deleted it for no reason hunt showdown is fucked that even the mods probably cheat and didn't want crytek to do anything.. it only makes sense. Why else would they take the post's down and dont give me that bullshit that the guy fucked up because he didn't the post was fine... you can only sweep so much shit under the rug before the room smells like shit.


It seems most people here from the comments don’t like seeing these videos. I thank you and others for posting it because it proves to an extent the sus levels I have had during the last few weeks. I don’t understand how some people are taking this lightly as it actually ruins the experience big time. Personally, I have been playing less because of this.