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this is the 4th hate post you have made about the chimera ant arc and got ratioed every time. give it up. even god rested. "HxH fans are so annoying about this arc" almost as if fans of every piece of media do the same with a beloved part of the story. literally no one is forcing u to like it. 




i mean sure they can give constructive criticism but they come off as bitter bc the general consensus is that the arc is amazing. and it's rather ironic of them to say hxh fans are annoying about this arc when op themself keeps making hate posts and being annoying about the arc.


I like the arc but it annoys me when people make it out as if it's the greatest shonen arc ever.


Wait, op has really written four posts about this. Fucking hell


probably looking for validation for their hate disguised as criticism so they keep posting the same shit


It is still peak and best Arc in HxH :3


Majority of your points are contradictory. You ask for more ant bonds and relationships and to showcase more on the ant side of the conflict. But then go on and babble on about how majority of the ants that take up screen time are boring. Another point you say ants are mostly evil but then go on and say some turned traitors. "Phantom trope part is boring" which is just a weird take i have no comment on that. Arc being long but it was long because it showed the parts that you wanted which was to show the ant side of the conflict. The statement on the training arc is just boring this boring that shoot and knuckle are basic. What does this all even mean? If you would review a show all your points mean nothing and there's nothing to even respond to.


not to pick on your weakest point but nobody says “man i wish they spent more time on interesting ants like *Bihorn* instead of Ikalgo and Meleoron”


My man, the depth the ants reach in their inner conflict is the peak for HxH.  You might have been called a little kid who doesn’t know how to read cause you say stuff like the arc is trying to get you to think “ants are good” and “humans are worse than ants”       It tries to convey that the ants are conflicted and deeper than the usual villains and the humans aren’t automatically good cause they are humans and their enemies are monsters. That is why all the bits you call boring are there. It’s set up. It’s a critique on black and white manga writing also.


Give it up dude. If you make so many negative posts regarding something, it kinda feels like you actually went into it to criticize it instead of hoping to enjoy it.


Criticism is different from hating. This dude is hating CA arc and trying to disguise it as a criticism


>I might be biased against training arcs That's a pretty common bias. It did well as a training arc, but this segment is easier to fully appreciate if you're into the nen mechanics. There are also solid character moments during this section but distaste for training arcs can make it less enjoyable in general. >I get that the point of this part of the arc is to show how much stronger the ants (especially the royal guard and Meruem) That's just one point. There are other aspects such as Gon and Killua's friendship and where they are mentally, Killua's development, expanding on nen as mentioned above (once again, probably not as interesting to some people), Palm and her development (granted she rubs a lot of fans the wrong way), and more. The needle was something I took issue with the first time since I thought the tangibility of it took away from Killua's development, but ultimately it doesn't actually take away from it since Killua could only find it after resisting it to the extreme. It also makes for a simpler reference to his psychological issues in other parts of the story. While it doesn't bother me anymore, I still see why it'd be controversial. As for Rammot being a weak villain, sure, I get that. But he's not even close to being an overarching villain so it didn't bother me; basically every battle shounen has some less exciting villains on the way to the top. Could Togashi have written a more interesting villain for this part? Would it be interesting if every single mini-villain was just as exciting? Sure. But I don't really care if they're not. >Hagya, Cheetu and Flutter are some of the worst characters in the series, Hagya wasn't that great, no. I don't dislike him as I used to, but he was never a great character. As for Cheetu? He's not a deep character, but found him hilarious. While opinions on media are subjective things like pacing and humor are especially so, so whatever. >Ikalgo, Brovada and Meleoron (I like them but I really wish they were more fleshed out and Ikalgo didn't yell Palm every five minutes despite never having met her before) are plot devices I get the argument of Ikalgo joining the team a bit jolting but I thought that Ikalgo caring for Palm was in character. I don't think there is anything wrong with plot devices. It's only an issue when they exist *only* as a plot device, with no agency, or act extremely out of character for no reason at all in a character driven story, that it can become an issue. Technically you can say Plot of Beach is a plot device, or Illumi is a plot device, or Hisoka is a plot device, etc. etc. etc. these all move the story forward, but they all exist on their own terms as well. >The main issue is that the arc writes out most of the interesting ants at the start. In a series with such a varied cast it's going to be really hard to find agreement on which characters are most interesting or not. I am glad we didn't spend more time on Bihorn but you know what? Perhaps it could have been interesting if Togashi did write it. We just don't know. >My biggest issue is how the arc handles the moral conflict outside of this, the arc does a really good job toward the end but it barely tries for the first 2/3 of the arc. Moral questions have been raised from the start. Everything Gon was going through is part of the moral conflict. The ants being the way they are because they specifically fed on many violent humans from NGL is part of the moral conflict. Knuckle's character highlights the moral conflict. Ants going through identity crisis and rebirth is part of the moral conflict. Reducing it down to "we are worse than the ants" is missing the point. What are not genuine about the bonds formed between the ants we've seen form bonds? >Meruem, Pitou and Youpi becoming genuinely better people but it comes too late for Youpi and these are 3 ants out of like 30) despite the fact that the royal guard is about to slaughter a ton of humans. Just my own interpretation, but I thought that was the point: they are shown to have the capacity to change, but it's already too late and that's the tragic irony of it: we *could* have seen it had they more opportunity, but they only ever had the opportunity because the mission to destroy them. > Phantom Troupe > Not necessary and very boring, I don't care if it was used to show that the ants were spreading, it was done terribly. Honestly I don't think it was a strong story point of the chimera ant arc, but rather an interesting insight into the spiders for the overarching story outside of the arc. So if for some reason the Spiders never existed, then this part could easily have been written out completely without impacting the quality of the arc. But it *would* impact the entire series. Could the worldbuilding and characterization of the Spiders have been done differently? Maybe, but I don't have a better idea than Togashi on how. > Too long I think the length was almost perfect with just a bit that could've been trimmed without losing the potency of the arc, but I'm also patient enough to watch a scene of someone being driven on a highway for five minutes or so, so obv ymmv here, no pun intended.


It doesn’t seem like you’re a little kid who doesn’t know how to read. It *does* seem like you’re an individual who doesn’t love a certain piece of fiction but is frustrated everyone else does. I mean, why do you keep making posts about how overrated the arc is? Who’s tying you up to a chair and forcing you to watch the arc Clockwork Orange style?


Come back later OP. You’ll enjoy it for what it is.


I finished the series and caught up to the manga a while back. I just really felt like writing this rn


U really felt like writing this rn for the what time?:D I personally need 1 more post from u about how overrated this arc is, cause "these damn fans" almost made me think it's best piece of media ever) Btw, i think they were right about "that little kid" part


You’re the exact type of fan I was talking about


I watched hxh recently and thought it was a good show that I watched every now and then. Until I got to the chimera ant arc, at which point I thought it was a great show and finished the whole arc in a quarter of the time I finished any of the others.


Just to add, Leol was a well written character perfect foil to the king. 


Shit take


I do like the Phantom Troupe episode very much because we actually see them in very action for once. Didn't happen to often. They got their chance for their show-off.


I am not as critical of the arc as you are and I am a sucker for training sequences and often find them to be really interesting in any media, probably for the same reasons others find them boring. So I am not agreeing with you on every point. But overall? Yeah, I see it the same way. I really like how you specified the pacing issues in the middle portion (and the anime being the way it is makes it even worse), most of the ants being really boring (there are many good ones, but many are just whatever) and the whole message of "humanity is evil" or whatever also kinda doesn't work in the HxH world in the first place, because their moral view on death/evil is SO different. Like, I get the point it's trying to make and reference nuclear warfare and all of that, but it also rings kind of hollow when almost every "good" character we are introduced to (and are meant to like) are hunters who are, almost by definition, mostly "amoral". So, it's a weird message to say "humans are evil" when the whole manga has the premise of "look at these evil humans and what cool stuff they are doing". Can't have it both way, imo. Again, I don't dislike the arc at all, but I just never fully saw what other people see in it. Then again, for anime arcs, I rank Yorknew highest and the election second highest, so I am probably just weird. Though I have to disagree with your take on the Phantom Troupe. Their little side mission was amazing and perfect.


Cry more. Over here ranting about something that no one gives a fuck about besides you. Literally wasting your time posting this day in and day out.


The first time I watched the chimera ant arc I didn’t enjoy it, but after I learned about the dark continent and read the succession arc manga, I went back and rewatched the chimera ant arc and everything made more sense - why they were so OP and gruesome, etc. The chimera ant arc is still my least favorite arc though but I grew to like it more than the first time I watched/read it.