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Top 10 characters in AOT 1. Levi 2. Eren 3. Erwin 4. Hange 5. Mikasa 6. Armin 7. Sasha 8. Jean 9. Historia 10. Kenny


does aot actually stand for anything else lmao because i thought the same


They meant OAT. Of all time


ohh lmao thank you


Amazing list but Mikasa doesn't make top 20 after the ending


I can only pick 10? Inconceivable 


Netero Meruem  Morel  Kurapika Youpi  Hisoka  Meleoron  Zeno  Killua  Biscuit 


1. Meruem 2. Knuckle 3. Netero 4. Killua 5. Kurapika 6. Bisky 7. Morel 8. Illumi 9. Gon 10. Hisoka


I find the lack of Leorio on these lists disturbing... My list in no particular order: Leorio Killua Hisoka Kurapika Morel Meruem Hanzo Bisky Ging Melody


gon, killua, hisoka, meruem, komugi, netero, pouf, kurapika, ging, pariston


1. Kurapika 2. Netero 3. Zeno 4. Silva 5. Hisoka 6. Chrollo 7. Killua 8. Ging 9. Meruem 10. Gon


1. Gon 2. Hisoka 3. Meruem 4. Killua 5. Pitou 6. Bisky 7. Leorio 8. Netero 9. Pariston 10. Kurapika


1. Welfin 2. Shaiapouf 3. Ging 4. Nobunaga 5. Gon 6. Kurapika 7. Phinks 8. Chrollo 9. Meruem 10. Furykov


You trying to be different soooo bad lol


Nope I have said multiple times who my top 5 are. I can write paragraphs on them. Last 5 can change who knows.


I’m just teasing bro lmaoo


Who tf is no 10


[This unhinged fella.](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0373-014.pn)


Furykov is great, he's my 15th fave.


Page not found. Is it scissors guy ?


That's Binolt. Furykov is Benjamin's guard, the one who knows telltale signs for a nen user and went to Woble's room to see if Kurapika's training was legit... assuming you've read Succession war arc.


1. Pariston   2. Chrollo  3. Ging  4. Hawkenburg  5. Morena  6. Feitan  7. Hisoka  8. Kurapika  9. Killua  10. Netero Pretty tough tbh     Honorable Mention is Beans.


I loved Beans in Even Stevens!


Yours is a great list! Mine would have to go: 1. Kurapika 2. Ging 3. Knuckle 4. Gon 5. Killua 6. Bisky 7. Meruem 8. Hisoka 9. Pitou 10. Netero Honorable mention: Prince Benjamin, bro beat up a lion lol Most characters in HxH are peak. All of these characters in my list can be my #1 favorite too.


1. Morel 2. Killua 3. Meruem 4. Chrollo 5. Gon 6. Meleoron 7. Knuckle 8. Kite 9. Ging 10. Netero


1. Meruem 2. Kurapika 3. Hisoka 4. Killua 5. Gon 6. Chrollo 7. Leorio 8. Komugi 9. Bisky 10. Netero (This was extremely hard)


1. Killua. 2. Leorio. 3. Kurapika. 4. Gon. 5. Bisky. 6. Hisoka. 7. Ikalgo. 8. Knuckle. 9. Meruem. 10. Meleoron.


1- Netero 2- Meruem 3- Gon 4- Killua 5- Kurapika 6- Hisoka 7- Pitou 8- Ging 9- Pouf 10- Chrollo


Killua Canary Gon Alluka Kurapika Bisky Leorio Knuckle Komugi Ikalgo


But time's not over yet? I don't know any of the 2024-2050 characters? How am I meant to judge all time while being within time itself?


kurapika gon knuckle chrollo youpi shoot leorio ging bisky morel


10. Nanika 9. Youpi 8. Netero 7. Pakunoda 6. Leorio 5. Hisoka 4. Gon 3. Knuckle 2. Morel 1. Killua


1. Meruem 2. Killua 3. Kurapika 4. Hisoka 5. Chrollo 6. Netero 7. Morel 8. Knuckle 9. Gon 10. Feitan


It's impossible to rank the characters for me in an order, they're all so amazing for such different reasons. Kurapika, Killua, Chrollo, Hisoka, Netero, Meruem, Gon, Pitou, Pouf, Nobunaga. Yes, the main cast of the series and of CA are literally the best characters in the show. Nobunaga was a tough call but it was him or Leorio.


My Top 10 (pls respect) 1. Killua 2. Zeno 3. Meruem 4. Komogi 5. Pitou 6. Kurapika 7. Biske 8. Feitan 9. Chloro 10. Hisuka


1. Meruem 2. Killua 3. Knuckle 4. Pitou 5. Netero 6. Bisky 7. Pouf 8. Gon 9. Morel 10. Leorio H.M (Chrollo, Welfin, Kacho, Palm, Kurapika, Tserreidnich, Leorio, Ging, Pariston, Hisoka, Uvogin, Pakunoda, Morena)


Netero, Killua, Feitan, Gon, Zeno, Uvogin, Neferpitou, Kite, Nobunaga, Bonolenov.


killua chrollo hisoka 3)ging 4) netero 5)kurapika 6)feitan 7)zeno 8)leorio 9)silva 10)illumi tbh it's komda hard to rate cuz there are many characters who I still want to write in the top 10


As of this January: Hanzo Nobunaga Leorio Morel Gon Ging Camilla Zeno Menthuthuyoupi Netero


1. Killua 2. Hisoka 3. Knuckle 4. Meruem 5. Morel 6. Leorio 7. Netero 8. Gon 9. Zeno 10. Ikalgo


My 1-10 is Tonpa Sama


1. Chrollo 2. Killua 3. Gon 4. Meruem 5. Feitan 6. Phinks 7. Pariston 8. Silva 9. Ging 10. Kurapika


1. netero 2. ging 3. kurapika 4. pareston 5. chrollo 6. meruem 7. beyond 8. gon 9. Halkenburg 10. killua


Pitou :3 Pakunoda :3 Illumi :3


couldn't have guessed pitou


Paku is 🔥 


1. Kurapika 2. Killua 3. Melody 4. Neferpitou 5. Chrollo 6. Meruem 7. Ikalgo 8. Kite 9. Bisky 10. Gon Honorable mentions: Leorio, Machi, Nobunaga, Shiapouf, Morena, Tubeppa, Tserreidnich, and Halkenburg.


Heres a top 5 1. Chrollo 2. Meruem 3. Hisoka 4. Killua 5. Morel


1. Gon 2. Shalnark 3. Killua 4. Chrollo 5. Phinks 6. Kurapika 7. Hisoka 8. Biscuit 9. Leorio 10. Meruem Honorable mentions: Yusuke, Kuwabara


1. Leorio 2. Kurapika 3. Meruem 4. Chrollo 5. Hisoka 6. Killua 7. Bisky 8. Neferpitou 9. Gon 10. Tserriendich


in no particular order: Hisoka, Gon, Killua, Knuckle, Youpi, Ikalgo, Melody, Shizuku, Netero, Palm (I NEED MORE THAN 10 CAUSE THERES SO MANY IM MISSING)


Not numbered cause I can't choose lol Morel Bisky Killua Netero Gon (Narratively) Leorio Melody Canary Komugi Pouf


tseridiknik makes me feel closest to home


1. knuckle 2. Killua 3. Netero 4. Gon 5. Hisoka 6. Merum 7. Chrollo 8. Morel 9. Kurapika 10. Ging


only like 2 people included Uvogin on their list. Put some respect on my boys name.


Love your list, I would just change a few 1. Hisoka 2. Hisoka 3. Hisoka 4. Hisoka 5. Hisoka 6. Biscuit 7. Hisoka 8. Hisoka 9. HISOKA 10. Gon Anyways that's my list, let me know what y'all think 🤡


Netero, Pariston, Ging, Killua, Bisky, Morel, Beyond. Don’t care much about other characters to be honest. Leorio is very stagnant, Kurapika is kinda boring, Gon is too much and I’m glad he’s out of the story. The Troupe is not very likeable.


1. Pokunoda 2. Kurapika 3. Morel 4. Knuckle 5. Netero 6. Meruem 7. Nobunaga 8. Chrollo 9. Ging 10. Tserriednich


1. gon 2. killua 3. nanika & alluka 4. meruem 5. kite 6. machi 7. kurapika 8. leorio 9. netero 10. bisky


1. Illumi 2. Kurapika 3. Chrollo 4. Tserriednich 5. Meruem 6. Killua 7. Pitou 8. Pakunoda 9. Hisoka 10. Melody


Kite, Hisoka, Alluka, Killua, Illumi, Pitou, Gon, Feitan, i forgot Gon’s “gf” name?, & The Chairman.


1. Gon 2. Killua 3. Kurapika 4. Meruem 5. Komugi 6. Hisoka 7. Netero 8. Ging 9. Chrollo 10. Pariston


I haven't gotten past the part when someone said they were gonna stall the bomber guy on greed island, so this is what I have for now Hisoka Leorio Killua Illumi Uvogin Nobunaga Kurapika Gon


This is why you guys should just type out full words. You’re all fiends to abbreviate things nobody else in the world uses


1. Illumi 2. Chrollo 3. Hisoka 4. Gon 5. Morel 6. Meruem 7. Kurapika 8. Killua 9. Ging 10. Halkenburg


1. Killua (perfect man) 2. Bisky (because she scares me) 3. Kurapika (angsty bitch) 4. Alluka/Nanika (cute babies) 5. Hisoka (horny mf) 6. Zeno/Netero (feels wrong to choose just 1 old man) 7. Machi (mommy) 8. Gotoh (daddy) 9. Meleoron & Colt (kindest guys ever) 10. Meruem (I think he’s hot)


Not in any particular order, but my 2 favs are killua and pitou (they are cool) Yeah, I like white haired murder cats lol. Also kil likes chocolate, and candy is w. I cam eat candy in my killua cosplay and be 100% in character  After them is shizuku. I am an asexual female, but shizuku is one of two characters who I found really damn hot in the past year, the other being riju in tears of the kingdom   Shizuku has a cool power, and makes me feel better about vacuuming rugs for 3 hours today.


1. Hisoka (he's just fucking awesome and fucked up) 2. Killua (one of the coolest characters I've ever seen) 3. Knuckle (he's literally adorable looking so tough but being so soft) 4. Chrollo (scary mfer but total badass and badass gang) 5. Morel (my stoner friend) 6. Gon (our beloved mostly main character with the dumbest moves) 7. Meruem (he's literally the king) 8. Pouf (dramatic as fuck) 9. Leorio (my one and only comedian) 10. Kurapika (the blonde emo)