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Greed Island is hated?


It’s not. It may not be the majority’s favorite arc, but there’s a big difference between not being the best and hated among fans. There’s a vocal minority that hates it, but there’s also a vocal minority that hates Chimera Ant and a vocal minority that hates HXH as a whole.


Yeah, greed island is really good, with gon learning how to scam, it's fun 😊


>hates Chimera Ant I dont hate it but to me it's really weak until the end, and the ass pull from Meruem definitely brought it down for me. I dont mind how his character ends after that but the asspull is Joseph Joestar level. It's biggest problem is pacing. The rest of the anime is perfectly paced. Then you hit a single arch that's as long as all of FMAB (which is a perfect show with perfect pacing imo) and it feels like it's grinding to a halt. I think there's an episode that takes place in like 25 seconds of real time but the mental monologues stretch it out.


My point wasn’t you’re wrong (it is just a subjective opinion as you say below) but that you’re just part of a minority that thinks such.


Now that I think about it, It’s funny you mentioned FMAB since it’s often criticized for its rushed pacing and content removal in the early episodes (it flat out turns the first chapter into a brisk flashback).


What even is this asspull you’re talking about? I genuinely can’t think of what would it be.


When he dies and the guards give him their life juices and he's just completely fine.


Oh ok, I don’t really think it’s an asspull but I can see where you’re coming from.


I don’t agree with all of this but you ain’t really wrong


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it's an opinion, I know im not alone in it because the guy who showed HxH to me feels the same way.


I agree, it's just such a long arc and nothing ever really lives up to the hype I had in Yorknew (which is the best arc imo). If I were to place them hell I even liked Greed Island way more than Ant


I was actually very bored or the chimera ant arc before the royal guards showed up. My brother kept telling me it gets crazy lol Probably would like it more on a second watch


I dont hate it but its dlow first, and later killuas growth honestly carries hard


The chimera arch is so long. I love the soldier ant personalities and King Meruam but every time I rewatch I stop at that arc bc its just so lengthy But I'll rewatch Gon and Pitou's battle and the President's atomic rose every time.


I mean, I hated it. And I know a good majority that does


A good majority of what? HXH fans? Your friends?


HxH fans


That is incorrect. This subreddit alone has over a million followers and I assure you the vast majority do not hate Greed Island. I’d be surprised if even a 10th of the followers here hated it.


I hated it and I saw others hated it but I guess I gotta start tallying whenever I see someone else hates it


That's called confirmation bias


Oh right. I'll tally whenever I see someone likes it too.


Yeah, got me worried there for a sec lol


Wut? It was great arc . Razor was great scale for the enemies to come and Genthru . Bisky intro was damn good .


I have friends who dropped the anime in Greed Island. I don't understand them.


It’s slow as fuck and felt like it contributed to nothing major


it didnt contribute to world building but was a cruical arc for gons journey. was slow to build up and train the characters for the next arc. the depth in the game system and creativity of the arc was great


I understand what it did, I’m just explaining a key-reason on why many ppl hate the arc in the anime. It’s slow, it felt like it didn’t contribute to anything major and it’s RIGHT after/before what are arguably the best arcs. The dip in momentum is felt.


yeah thats true but its a justified bridge arc


Again, that’s understood and it doesn’t change the general sentiment. Maybe the execution could have been different, but as it stands those are reasons why many ppl feel that way about it.


there is nothing wrong with the arc, its just not as good as YN and CA


Criticisms of the arc were mentioned above. The question was “why is it so hated”, I didn’t say it was bad.


its not hated, just not liked as much?


Why are people so soft? They need their favorite shows to be praised to the high heavens or they feel it’s an attack on them.


I'm not sure I'd go so far as to call people soft for it, though maybe a bit out of touch. People get passionate about things they like. For better or for worse, I think we all get invested in things. I don't think anyone enjoys it when something they care about comes under fire, even if it's not very intense criticism (or even if it's deserved).


That’s a brighter perspective, I remember giving some small critique on discord about some new comic and woke the next day with 20 notifications from the same server.


I love the dub version of it. To summon the spell book in that version they scream *Booooka!* Always gets me a chuckle. Some Japanese guy on the team “What should we use in the Japanese version for the summon book word?” Some other dude “Ah just use the English word for book. It will be fine. Probably.”


I must be an idiot because I thought it was the fan favorite... lol.


May not be in the fandom obv bu outside the fandom. Majority of people often times do...or say that it was really boring.


You hang out with the wrong people. I have never seen anyone say anything remotely bad about it


Yea I’ve never seen it before


Who cares what people outside the fan base think lol, they don’t care to begin with


Well I wouldn’t say if they’re not in the fan base they don’t care. That’s like saying only the fan base’s opinion is valid. They watched the same show as you and I.


I see what you’re saying, their opinions matter, too. But I just think that the opinions of people who take an active interest in the series and everything about it matters more than someone who doesn’t We put effort into critiquing the series and trying to understand the story, so I’d take the opinions of people who actually invest themselves in the story over someone who doesn’t focus on it at some level, y’know?


I actually disagree, if I ever were to critique a series I'd never go to the fans for it. The bias is insane


That’s fair, I guess it’s just a difference on whose opinion we trust. There are definitely some fans who are biased. Maybe I’m a bit biased myself 😂


I honestly thought it was filler and I skipped like 6 episodes during the training. I don’t say I hate it but I did dislike it alot


I think for the small majority that dislike Greed Island, it's because of a few things. For one it spends a lot of time explaining how the game works and what cards are, and Gon/Killuas training. And for most of the arc they're just running around doing normal stuff, nothing too big until the showdown with Genthru. Like it's actually months they are training not just 3 days and they're op again. Personally I love it since it's a normal training arc but that's been my takeaway from other people.


My favorite thing is that even when there isn’t nonstop action or new abilities gained, it’s an amazing, captivating show. You’re right it’s not like seven deadly sins where they’re like oh crap we need this character to get stronger again, have them randomly remember something that gives them more power. It’s more like reincarnated as a slime where they can literally be talking about building roads and it’s a great watch. But it happens to be right in the sweet spot where the abilities are earned and it all makes sense in the chronological order of things and greed island was an important part in showing gings massive presence in the hunter world as well as his distant non traditional father skills.


And it had lots of gemes that is honestly them being kids enjoying the game, and a training arc, and the lighthearted is needed to enjoy characters. Its really giving thrm time to be more kids, relative speaking and explore that too. And bisky is amazing. And that crazy game is showing a lot of ging fo its even relevant


My biggest critique is that Genthru didn't *feel* indimidating or as strong as he was. We only ever see him 1v1 relatively weak people and all the people who we know are strong just talk about how strong Genthru is in h2h. Also I'm confident Bisky could dogwalk all 3 of the bomberd in hindsight (I know she let the boys handle it for training)


No doubt Biscuit would destroy them.


Specially after going against the volleball guy, with a team of stacked people, the Bomber felt like an aftertought.


He might have been, and with gings shadow and razor, thats fine. He is fine bring just there and not taking from them being kids having fun and train too much. Also razor is probably intrnded as the amazing fight. I mean gon and killua are even hesitrnt to go after the bomber, razor is the focus.


>didn't feel indimidating or as strong as he was I didn't get this impression


I personally never felt Greed Island was hated, just seen as the weakest arc in comparison. So a good arc compared to some AMAZING arcs, it is still good but comparatively "bad". I liked Greed Island though, I think it was a really good concept in general. I do disagree with Genthru being a good antagonist mainly due to it being able to be boiled down to he is *just* a murderous asshole (at least the Phantom Troupe members had more depth while still potentially falling under a similar category), rather than some other deeper reasoning. That aside, I would say as an antagonist he fits the same idea as Greed Island, solid enough in a vacuum, but "bad" compared to the Phantom Troupe or Meruem


I think Genthru also fit as a defeatable major villain, which is something Gon and Killua never really had a chance to face when they're constantly thrown against ridiculous opponents like Hisoka and the Spiders. As a training arc, this is perfect, since we wouldn't want to just see Gon and Killua always fighting nobodies like in the Heavens Arena arc. Imagine if Gon just curbstomped Genthru like Killua did to Genthru's partner, it would have been anticlimactic for a training arc, and if Genthru was way over Gon's level then it'd just be like them running into Hisoka or the Spiders again. What better way to wrap up a training arc in a satisfying way then finally having wins against major opponents? (Razor and Genthru)


That is honestly a very fair point! I never really thought of it quite like that, but that is a very good way to put it, and honestly that does make Genthru a bit better as a villain to me so thanks!


Let's not forget the clear theme of the series being that nen is a force that can be absolutely devastating even in the hands of total newbies. That even a master can lose to a newbie with enough preparation, or even the right ability. Kurapika is a perfect example. Brand new to nen but quickly developed a power capable of taking on any of the spiders in a 1v1 despite them all bring masters. GI is a perfect showcase of this as well. Gon and kurapika are still training, so genthru and his crew were out of their league. So how did they win? Strategy and being underestimated. Letting your guard down can be fatal in a nen battle, and that's exactly what happened. Genthru underestimated gon and slipped into his trap


Genthru is objectively the worst antagonist. Love your take. How people defend that garbanzo is wild to me


There was the perdonal strong razor to overcome, its fine if genthru is packluster, he isnt the focus even really. He does his job as that scumbag and doesnt take away from more interesting goings on.


I dont think Genthru is a good antagonist. He's just a murderous guy, completely typical. Theres nothing really interesting or very memorable about him. Id say hes ok. Forgettable


Yeah but he shouldnt be more. Razor is way more interesting and pretty sure razor is the real test. Why he is interesting and gentru just existing and functioning.


Yeah...someone like meruem or PT plays much more role in world mechanism but for Genthru...he was there playing a role in a mere game mechanism and wasn't impactful but for the role he played in the overall arc...it was a solid enough character which we aren't even going to see ever again. Like those guys from heaven arena who were hinderance gon and Killua and zushi


Ah yes, a very unpopular opinion now means that it's "so hated"


It’s my favorite arc and the one I’ve rewatched the most times.




Dodgeball with bigdaddy Razor is peak


also it sets up how stubborn and mad Gon can be, which is definitely important for the chimera ant arc


TBF, that's been set up since the Hunter Exam.


yeah that’s true, but it’s much more present in GI, especially in the fight against Genthru


As a certified Greed Island Hater/Disliker, let me give my two cents. Its alot of things as you said, off the heels of York New its ROUGH to follow (especially for me, since York New is my favorite Arc). I also don't mind slower paced arcs, but for better or worse Togashi made a table top RPG. And he REALLY wants you to know about it. We just got off the Nen power system, so going straight into another one with the card system was not the move IMO. Characters are VERY very hit or miss for me. Most of the different factions are pretty forgettable. Bisky and Razor though? 10/10, they are fantastic. Genthru and the bombers though... I really wasn't a big fan? Could it be a comparison thing of them vs Chrollo, Hisoka, Meruem, ect...? I won't deny that, but even outside of that he just feels like "A threat to stand in Gon and Killua's way, that they need to overcome to beat Greed Island" (if that makes sense). I do like his vicious nature and decent planning. But he just feels like more of a plot device than a well thought out character (the other bombers are SUPER forgettable though). Volleyball game is peak, another 10/10, loved every moment. Which I think actually plays a weird role in why I dislike the arc, even though that sounds weird? The best way I can describe it, is you have this amazing Volleyball game that has amazing characters all around, gives us INSANE teamups, and also ends with some genuine ramifications for Killua specifically showing that darker side of his friendship with Gon. Pretty much is has great character, action, and steaks.... But it turns out thats not the main conflict and its just a stepping stone? The main conflict is cool, cause it shows good aspects of the Card System and Gon/Killua showing off their new Nen prowess. Thats kinda all it feels like? "Here is them mastering this game since they are at the end" and "Here is them beating the threat of this game, so they can win". It just feels more like this was a brick wall to overcome, compared to a genuinely engaging conflict, like the dodgeball game. And thats how I feel, all and all. The cardgame stuff feels extremely bloated. The different factions are forgettable, and Genthru is at best an ok villain for the conflict at hand. While anything involving Bisky and Razor is amazing and I'm sad they only have a section of the Arc. Would I call it bad? No, its a fine arc. But the best way I would describe it is: Subpar.


I don’t think it’s hated (I personally love it) but I just think that it has the unfortunate placement of coming after Yorknew, which is filled with drama, action, incredible characters (Chrollo and the Troupe, Zeno, Silva, as examples), and badass moments. So, some people consider it to lose a bit of the “immediate fun” and “dark, serious tone” that Yorknew had. But for those that appreciate the subtle character building that Togashi is a master of, they’ll see that it has amazing moments, like Gon’s simple but potentially dangerous personality and viewpoints in life being showcased (with how he reacts to Binolt), Killua and Gon’s personalities/their relationship with each other during the dodgeball game, Gon’s will and “crazy streak” vs Genthru, etc.


I think it's a change in tematic the reason


Just got done with GI and started CA yesterday. I love the way battles are presented as a clash of ideals and training is more than a cheap power up/oversimplified training montage. It’s such a fresh take on shonen in general, so glad I finally decided to get into HxH !


I loved that arc. I thought it was one of the best, honestly. I rlly love the concept, and honestly, I'd love if Greed Island was an actual game. I think id be so fun to play. It definitely isn't hated by me, lol.


Greed Island is just an arc inside HxH, but it alone is better than a lot of isekais haha


very much agree with your assessment. I found the game part hard to follow at first, but that particular are got better for me on rewatch. the rest is great!


I love Greed Island but maybe because I grew up gaming so it was weird and exciting arc for me. My top 3 are Greed Island tied with Heaven’s Arena, Yorknew, then Chimera ants. I rewatch Greed Island more than I do the other arcs. I love the chimera ant arc but it broke me and I haven’t seen it since that one time (I plan on rewatching it).


I just saw the new anime version. I did not like the pace...many times it seems that action occurred off screen or too fast, but this problem could be related with the anime. I do not like the idea that people access land by using a console...it seemed too magical and illogic. It is difficult for me to understand, even in a manga world, how in specific part of the world cards have abilities so powerful. The rest I loved it. I also started to not like the ant arc...because was to graphic, and dark...I really thought to give up, many scenes made me anxious. But at the end was perfect...


Greed island is unfortunately right between two amazing arcs, it’s not so much hated but rather forgotten about


I see a lot of scenes from it referenced that people love, I don't think it's hated at all.


Greed Island my favorite arc. I love the creativity of it and the depth at which it explains nen and how complicated it can be. It's not just dbz levels of power. It also put together 2 things I love... Anime/manga and video games. So awesome. I wish it went on longer lol. I wanted to explore even more game mechanics and learn more about Gings friends / colleages and how their power runs the game.


Really? It is my fave arc


No idea, I absolutely love it


I love that arc, it's a great contrast after the Yorknew arc (my fav but pretty dark), Bisky is one of my fav characters, the training is pretty cool to watch, the dodgeball is one of my fav scenes and also I get to see Hisoka naked lol The antagonists are pretty meh tho


It would have been cooler if it wasn't a card game imo, like an exploration action adventure game with weapons and stuff, dungeons and castles to navigate. Like imagine a Dark Souls style quest. However, that's just me. I've never liked card games! I think this arc was my *least* favorite of all of them, but it was still neat!


I don’t hate on it, it’s just my least favorite, though maybe it beats the Hunter Exam arc for me


I didn't like the Greed Island arc when it came out and when I saw the arc animated for the first time. Greed island is a big departure from the dark and moody Yorknew City arc, which is my favorite HxH arc. But rewatching Greed Island years later, I liked it and have a greater appreciation for the arc. 


Don’t think it’s hated at all…But genthru gets much deserved hate imo. Other people glaze him but he’s honestly a faceless baddy to me


I liked greed island. I didnt like genthru and disliked the decisions of the team regarding him. They should have killed him.


Its my favorite arc honestly 🤷‍♂️


It's just long and very involved in its own insulated system. I love it to death (probably my 3rd or 4th favorite arc), but I do get why it bounces off some people.


I don't know where did you get that idea..we love that arc.. millions love it


It's not hated it's just the least favorite among fans. To me personally it felt like it was just cut short. The ending was just rushed and I think that is a confirmed fact because Togashi had the idea for Chimera Ant arc and wanted to change course as fast as possible.


I love the greed island arc. I don't need everything in a story to serve the main themes. (Although hxh does to an extent). And greed island comes right after a heavy narrative like the yorknew city ark. Greed island is a lot more light hearted and fun comparatively. Tho i do love yorknew. It just got a little cumbersome. I recently started rewatching the show. And i was kinda of weary about yorknew because I didn't know if it would still be enjoyable if I had already seen it. But after a while it was still good. Greed island isn't the best arc. That's a chimera ant arc. But its a nice change of pacing abd tone from the more heavy elements of the story. And i think that was intentional. Which i appreciate as a viewer. It also comes right before the Chimera ant arc. Which is the longest, darkest, and most narratively cumbersome of the entire series so far. So it was probably togashi giving us a rest and showing off some cool worldbuilding.


I though Greed Island was a lot of fun. It was actually kinda how I expected Hunter x Hunter to be generally, not with the card game aspect of it, just sorta the atmosphere and sorta fantasy adventure. I see that people seem to agree that Chimera Ant Arc is like the best one, but honestly, my fiance and I are kind of bored with it so far. I know it's a long arc though, so I'm sure a lot more will happen. And I've read that it gets better after Bisky's part. But right now, it's a bit of a slog. Not sure if we're in the minority about this though, lol. And if you watch the English dub, Genthru is voiced by Todd Haberkorn, who I love. (Natsu!) <3


I like greed island , Chimera Ant is less favorite , dark continent ... hardly to say. to be honest , idk if dark continent was planted at first or just add later but with how big it was then time in hxh is strange , the big dark continent could make night much longer than day in HXH


GI is probably my favorite arc, I wasn't aware it's hated


Everyone loves Greed Island bro 😂


First time hearing that it's hated


I dislike greed island because bisqy or even killua could have ended genthru instantly, killua doing some assassin stuff probably and being careful but bisqy could have straight up just thrown hands and won. Not a fan of the “gons the main character so he has to do it just because” antagonist. Overall the arc was good though


Greed Island is amazing. It's a lighthearted romp for the most part but is strategically placed between two really dark story arcs. It's just good pacing. Fights are S tier.


Hate is a strong word no one hates it, this feels like a twitter take of people not liking it as much = hate or the show is okay=hate. Now Greed island is a fun segment of the story and good at establishing some stuff, its felt the most shounen in hxh, but compare to yorknew, chimera ant, and hunter exam arc, its the weakest of the bunch.


Well, Greed Island still have tons of fans :3


Lmao can you point to us who hated it?


It is what the Skypia arc is for One Piece fans.


Greed island is cool I like it. Personally I like it more than the ant arc because the final fight of the chimaera ant arc is ruined by having narration over the whole damn thing. Instead of it being fleshed out.


i love it


I really REALLY like greed island and on hindsight I wouldn't have mind if Togashi did something more with it. This is not to say he didn't do enough, I just really like the concept lol Genthru is unfortunately just a weak antagonist as a whole. Like you said it was sandwich by two really great arc with AMAZING villains. Then there's Genthru, your typical bad guy character with no twist. Looking back, it's basically a palette cleanser arc before Togashi fuck us up with Chimera ant arc.


There are no bad arcs in HxH


From what I've heard and seen, it's mainly because of Genthru. He's not a bad villian, but compared to other villians in the series, he is the weakest. He's not my favorite, of course my favorite is Chrollo.


Can't say I hate it , neither I love it. But I ll tell you why: 1. Yorknew city arc was excellent and it didn't feel like finished story. Kurapika just started his hunt after the Phantom Troupe... And we didn't get it. If it is supposed to be a story of Gon and Killua than why the Phantom troupe here? Kurapika lost in the woods or what? 2. What the hell with build up for the story? They say previous hunters never returned because they preferred the Greed Island over real life. I didn't see any reason to prefer it, also there are cards of exit, so you can just return to life and then return to game again. Cards can be converted, so what the problem? If all playing guys are hunters, why no one used Nen to check what's Gentru doing with them? They are idiots? 3. Final episode is unsatisfying. All bombers get healed, angel cards spent.


I actually enjoyed Greed Island arc, except the ending where gon's father redirected him cause he tried to bring killua to meet him.


I don’t think anyone hates Greed Island, they just like it less than the actual masterpieces that are the arcs it is sandwiched between


I hate it. But not really because of the quality/story. I simply don’t like „gameyfication“ / caged in some game mechanic stuff overall in stories. If the whole show is about something like this it is fine for me. If it is a bit random like for one arc or so I don’t really like stuff like this.


The stakes felt so low most of the time, with the no real felt danger for me personally


Greed Island is kinda long. Not my favorite but its still great. Chimera ant is still the best.


Never met a greed island hater…living the good life thankfully


Genthru isnt a great antagonist, but its really nice its a fun arc where they get to be kids for once, relative. Plus its interesting too. And bisky is great.


He is a good antag for that tone of arc.


It’s my fave, love training arcs, games and villainous villains


Thought it was awesome. Was a bit of a let down that it ended in a volley hall match. Then finding out that Ging is an A-hole.


greed island is my favorite arc :(


This truly doesn't need too much text to explain. Greed Island is a Isekai with cards. Now some shocking facts: Some people don't like cards neither Isekai. HxH was never about that and all suddently this was throw all suddently. Same thing is you're watching Death Note and all suddently it turns into some random "yaoi yuri on ice theme"


Greed island is my favorite arc and will always be✊ (I’m a huge sucker for training arcs)


I just think its the least interesting arc I still like it but I find some of it boring


I'd guess that people who dislike Greed Island didn't like being pulled literally out of the real world and the ongoing stories for a sidebar about Killua and Gon doing stuff in a fantasy world. Imagine you're reading Pluto and Geischt takes a vacation to hang out with his sister Rosie the Robot at the Jetsons. That shit might be good but it isn't what you came for. On the heels of York Shin and coming before the Chimera Ant arc (which I'd say are probably the most beloved arcs from what I've seen), it's a hard sell. Shit, the Chimera Ant arc was a tough sell at first because a lot of fans (again, anecdotal) were like "WTF where's the Genei Ryodan? Who gives a shit about these bug things?" Personally, I liked it. I think usually, manga and anime would have done a time skip in between York Shin and the Chimera Ants and sort of just write off the Greed Island adventure as "Oh yeah, we did a bunch of training in a crazy game!" It was fun to see what was going on, watch the character development, helped me to give a shit about Gin so that I could care about the princes having a war and the upheaval in the Zodiacs. Good to see how Nen exorcism worked and what it can cost, good to see the kids leveling up...Good shit. Kinda reminds of me of how the Sensui arc in YYH wasn't well-received at first because it was punks with weird powers doing weird shit rather than the big YYH fights that we had come to expect thanks to stuff like the Dark Tournament. But all that stuff adds up in the end to give the overall story more weight and significance, and it makes the world bigger.


Genthru was easily the weakest antagonist in the series imo


Not hated, just not loved as the arcs


It's my fave arc because I love RPGs


if some people consider greed island as filler than they’re brainrotted. Greed island is a fantastic arc and it really shows a crazy amount of improvement from gon and kil as well as showing us on the of the best chracters bisky, while also having some really great moments . Honestly greed island is a good wind down arc and is after the crazy events of york new and “prepares” gon and killua for the chimera ant arc


Not really hated. It’s just between York Arc and Chimera Ants Arc which are fan favorites


I love the greed island arc. But I love all the arcs tbh. Definitely don't feeling anything like hatred for any of them.


Something I felt Greed Island did really well that's overlooked is demonstrate and solidify the grey morality of the Hunter X Hunter world. There are no outright evil characters, deeply selfish, yes.


My only negative thoughts on the arc relate to it REALLLLYYYY feeling like the studio wanted to start a TCG in league with Pokémon, YuGiOh, etc. additionally, they deviated from the card game part for so long that that actual part feels super rushed. However. The arc rules lol


Compared to others, it's meh, in general it's a 6-7/10


i think the concept was really good. i don't know why people dislike it. My least favourite arc right now is the succession arc. Greed island is miles better personally. Also even 13th hunter chairman election arc was more boring than greed island. Thats my personal opinion though.


i never knew it was hated it or at least i don't think so it is actually a great arc and I do love it. and to remind there isn't a single arc in hxh that's hated it's just not as popular as others. and one kore great thing about this arc was that it was also a sort of training arc for gon and killua, it taught them a lot more about nen amd the mind games also helped gon to become a better hunter and not forgetting the importance of team work it displayed


Everyone I've IRL discussed/introduced Hunter to has almost dropped it during Greed Island, so I agree with OP in saying it is "hated". For your question, I think it's because as a viewer, we had just arrived at a good spot and had a healthy understanding of Nen, and then all of sudden we have to learn the card game as well. I personally love Greed Island, I think it has really fights and world builds very crazily. But I get the distaste for it tbh


I love it,it’s a training arc done right


I really enjoyed greed island


It's not a great arc, easily the lowest point of HxH. While it's not outright terrible I would give it 6/10 at best.


The real unpopular opinion is that greed island is my favorite arc.


But that’s entirely because of Biscuit.


It's a good arc, but falls short when you compare it to Yorknew.. but to be fair its not possible to produce something that will ever top Yorknew, IMO :D


My biggest problem with this arc is honestly Bisky herself, great character, but *why* she so conveniently magically appears for them here bothers me. It's like she's basically the Hyperbolic Time Chamber made into a character. I just want her motivations, backstory, reason for magically appearing for the boys every time exactly when they need to train, etc. I'm also not a fan of the great twist, that GI exists in the real world - how did all these towns full of advanced people just not discover the world outside? They're just dumb NPC's but wait they're also real people. I didn't care too much for the GI arc, but I do think Togashi had some brilliant and bold ideas, and will applaud it. I'd be willing to guess anyone who dislikes this arc, it's the grating amount of explanations and cards.


Are the people hating greed island in this room right now?


They don't know any better.


Because Gon let an evil person like Guenthru and his friends live, when he killed someone in Pitou in the very next season who was just trying to defend her king.


The worst thing is that Togashi tries to put Killua on the same level of psychopathy as Genthru. when it is clearly different. It was total stupidity


The bomber, such lame character


Chimera Ant arc is absolutely brilliant. It has all the profound themes of what it means to be human, has dope battles, has dope new characters, and maintains an unsettling, dark mood. In the Greed Island arc, the stakes seem much lower. And most fights/events don't "count," as outside of the context of the game there is little permanent growth.


Is this Master Bait?


Are the people who hate greed island in the room with us right now?