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Every day when I take my lunch, I let my husky outside and he promptly plops his butt on my patio that has to be at least 105° in direct sunlight. He will sit there for about 45 minutes. If I open the door and call to him, he looks at me like I'm an idiot. He comes in when he is ready and not a second faster. Haha.


My dog also like to bake roo, big sun bake, comes in smelling like a freshly baked loaf of pup


Love this, I never knew how to describe the smell. ❤️


Best dog smell next to frito paws


Dogs just smell like love. That’s what I always tell my pup. I tell her she smells like love and home. She’s currently snuggled up next to me 💕.


Not universally true, and especially not in the context of dog paws from OP, but Husky’s double coats go both ways. AT REST it protects them from extreme heat and cold.


If you brush out the excess fur, the undercoat should indeed keep them cool in hot weather


Yep my (not husky) pup loves his morning wake and bake. Once he's a nice and toasty then he comes in and sits near the AC. Maybe its good for his joints.


Mine sit in the grass in the shade and gives a similar look. But when they decide it is time to come in, I better open that sliding door immediately.


My husky almost never barks, except after 30 minutes lounging outside then he barks to immediately be let in. If he gets to two barks, I am in trouble


Tell this to the little jerk we had lol. When he was a puppy he didn't like going outside, and he HATED sunlight. He would reluctantly go outside in shaded areas but straight up freeze or throw a temper tantrum if he saw I was getting near the edge of a shadow. It wasn't even hot outside, he just preferred the shade or being inside


Lmao illiterate dog


I mean, that's not asphalt, though it still gets hot.


Lmao illiterate OP


Please tell my husky this, she doesn't listen to me. 🙄 Edit: Tried teaching her to read, but still no dice.


Get the cat to do it, seriously! I swear the cat my husband and I had when we had our firstborn, he taught himself to read right along with our son. I read really fast, and Edward would put his paw on the page on my book, give me a *very annoyed look("I am not finished with this page! Do you *mind*?") And remove his paw when *he* was finished reading the page.  He also did the same thing to my husband. Best cat ever with little kids!


You’re just okay having an illiterate dog?


I get it, but ours will lay in the direct sun regardless of half the backyard being covered in shade.


Not a tantrum.


But he is *calmly* defying the husky paw health awareness protocol. Clearly a tantrum


consciencious objector tantrum


Civil disobedience tantrum


In my experience, older dogs like to do this as their joints start getting a little achy. We convinced my black lab to not roast himself in 100 degree weather by getting him a giant heating mat he was allowed to use with supervision.


Petition to expand the purpose of this sub to be tantrums related to huskies. In that case, this qualifies as a ‘my dog is fucking stupid’ tantrum.


I live in the desert and ours will go out when's its 115° and roll on the turf which is enough to burn me if I touch it for a few seconds. Trot back in 15 minutes later and not go back outside all day until night walk.


The air temperature to asphalt temperature guide really triggers me lol. There are a lot more factors to the temperature of sidewalk / asphalt than air temperature. I really hate graphics like that.


My husky literally sprawls out on the bricks of our patio (right outside his door) for most of the afternoon. We live in Las Vegas. He wears a radio tag that opens the door for him whenever he puts his head next to the door. He can come in whenever he wants. It’s actually so confusing. He loves the heat


Have your cat teach your husky to read! 


I must be an fucking idiot because I can't understand. Please explain to me how this is a tantrum 🙏🏼


It's a sit-in civil disobedience tantrum.


He’s dreaming of throwing a tantrum.




Prayer emojis indicate otherwise




I don't know why the down votes, your response was hilarious


Bots / alt accounts is the only explanation - this shit is hilarious and he’s the only asshole here (unless I’m not seeing a cat hiding in the photo)




I'm working on using polite language to separate myself from conversations, so I'm going to practice on you: Fair enough! Have a great day




I'm not using or working on my polite language... I agree this isn't really a tantrum, but I also don't understand why you chose to be such a shitty person about it? You had multiple options and chose to refer to them as a fuckin idiot. Sounds like you're just an asshole.


So you're just fucking stupid, got it.


And yet people complain that we abuse them by owning them in hot climates. Clearly they don’t know huskies that well 😂


I mean they have massive insulation which works for both heat and cold. So sunbathing is really just like sitting by a fire to them. They're totally fine. The danger is in exercise induced overheating. Taking them on an extended walk or a jog could definitely be problematic.


Yeah this is my pyrenees in a nutshell. We live in Florida, and she will happily stay outside all day even when it’s 98 degrees and fuckty percent humidity (though we can’t typically allow that on account of the borking) with no ill effects, but when I take her for a run first thing in the morning while it’s 77 and humid, she can’t handle more than ten or fifteen minutes. Double coated dogs really don’t struggle with heat as long as they can rest.


I have explained this to multiple who just stare at me with a blank expression


He’s a Santa Clarita fur-ball. Rescue said they found him at a Bakersfield truck stop.


My favorite is "it is cruel to have a husky in the heat." Ok, if I saw huskies generally trying to get out of the sun and always panting like they're uncomfortable in the sun or something, I could understand. Tell that to my husky though... It was 95 today and she laid in the sun napping for almost all of it... Next to the shade. In fact, when the tree shade moved over her, she got up to move back to the sun. Definitely not suffering, because huskies don't put up with suffering. Big babies.


I had my thermal camera out today and my muttsky was outside for about five minutes before i found him sitting in the sun. He has a mostly black coat and him hind area was reading 172 f. His nose and mouth were still 97. It was in the early afternoon and was 94 ambient temp.


So should I get him some shoes? His SD trainer told me it’s fine. Just ice his hands and feet one every so often


damn can some of y'all pull the stick out of your ass and let a regretably necessary PSA slide by your ongoing "uHhHhHh TaNtRuM WhERe" crusade? can we all just agree that something which promotes owner awareness on the cusp of a newsworthy, semi-continental heatwave is maybe worth a pass?


If that was the intention, rather than it being the OP implying the infographic is stupid because his husky is fine, then sure.


Does this only apply to huskies


Mine is a border collie husky, so Lassie with Husky colors and attitude. She has free rein to come and go into the yard at will. It’s 95 degrees out and where is she? It’s 45 degrees out and where is she? Outside. As soon as it starts sprinkling she comes running though, thank the lord.


One of these days people will learn how to fucking read. At least OP isn't a bot!


Bots are smarter


That looks like concrete to me, not asphalt, although I'm not an expert