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You can continue to top your Basil, but it will only get bigger and bushier (I mean look at those stems; they’re fatttt). Theres definitely many hydro DIYs out there, but I’m not sure about DIYs to expand the system you’re currently working with. I’d reccommend just putting it in some coco/perlite mix in a fabric pot. That’s what I did, but I also hardly used all the basil it produced lol. https://preview.redd.it/vrccbcyy181d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5550d5fc0183845f5a259e5b0935a49c77f6a79


That is BIG. Much respect. How much was that whole setup?


Thanks. For what’s seen in the photo, about 80 bucks. But the sun is free rn


The solution you're seeking is called "pesto."


WTF my sweet basil was like struggling. My cilantro and parsley though are towering.


Buy a 4’x8’ float table: https://hydrobuilder.com/fast-fit-tray-stand.html?opts=eyJhdHRyaWJ1dGUxNDYiOiI4MiJ9 A grow tray: https://hydrobuilder.com/botanicare-grow-trays.html?opts=eyJhdHRyaWJ1dGUxNDUiOiIxNDYyNyJ9 A big ass air pump: https://hydrobuilder.com/hydroponics/air-pumps-air-stones/ecoplus-commercial-grade-air-pumps.html And a couple big ass grow lights: https://www.amazon.com/Phlizon-Spectrum-Upgraded-Dimmable-Seeding/dp/B08GCKPBSQ/ref=sr_1_6?crid=A6V592YSSTF7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.5Pv7YtRfVpQaKoyW6oER5FeL5XV_jitmBpVdR1Y9fnVndyrEMIvRHX5g5QpuWk1y8o2R5AOV5gjwWLPmaQdAMvwxAe1dqVrGq01FijkIkK1OtnAwkwJ0CjDjgf3OilkWjHcsOl1E8BT0AWO5qo3lS90gE4hCyVxizINRuvyFxpvfFZ5dliE9VSEABMNsqya_mQ-jrfUDzttQnOXqbrSjpZvF1fWy0jyEVXNKmFVITUHyITf9JdRNJLsLW9XtVdxoknzk4iQO6Rh7P_I2T8a3LhgJ8-us8YzqBJFEzgNjUXI.8azYIi6tHssQ02eu9TTZW4gUXG5OVeUvrHseXN93WN4&dib_tag=se&keywords=phlizon+grow+light&qid=1715999946&sprefix=phlizon+grow+light%2Caps%2C135&sr=8-6 Buy 4 raft boards boards: https://www.theaquaponicsource.com/shop/deep-water-culture-growing/beaver-raft-boards/deep-water-culture-raft-boards-2/ For about $1,500 you have 32 square feet of grow space and 104 planting slots. Basically about 32 of those Idoo’s. The big benefit is you can set your own grow height with the lights. FYI, they make a 6.5L Idoo. It has the same size top but the nutrient basin is much bigger. This helps a lot IMO.


https://preview.redd.it/5iwb910q721d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=361cf7cc9ce91b652895975b43f4209eeea28ae6 Yep, you're at the end of your rope.  Time to throw in some new cuttings.   These units should come with a surgeon general’s warning saying that they are a gateway drug leading you to buy five more identical systems so you can always keep the process going. Six months ago, I started out with one tub, and now I have two six-foot racks going with various herbs.  A technique that has worked for me is: grow it, mow it, then, freeze it.  Once I have about seven cups of basil saved up, I make pesto or a Caprese salad with smaller harvests.  I love having a ton of basil to make something with, or to give away to friends.  I find that making one bin, just one kind of plant, works the best for me.    It looks like you already have some cuttings going. Basil has got to be one of the easiest things to clone.  I suggest that you keep your roots in the dark and up the humidity around the tops of the cuttings.  My suggestion for that would be to use a recycled butter tub, burn fifteen holes in the top; place your cuttings in the container; pop the whole thing in a large ziploc bag; and set a reminder to check your progress in 14 days. You can see this on the bottom left of the photo.  I don’t think that cloning in your iDoo is an efficient use of space. The attached photo shows a crop of broadleaf basil that wasn’t my best work.  I screwed up and didn’t keep the res clean, so the leaves are puckered.  After I did a harvest, I pulled all the plants, stuck them in soil, and now I use those plants as my mothers. Best of luck.




I had the same issue, but started cutting the middle stem each time it branched out so now it’s more compact and bushy rather than like a tall stem


Is that rosemary in the front right? I didn’t think it would be successful in that kind of system


It really isn’t doing well. Grows suuuuuuuper slow


I was looking at one of these systems. 150 I am think for the smart one, is it worth it?


There’s a deal on Amazon for one of the knockoff aerogarden brands. Each have 12 pods and I bought 3 for $92!


No idea what the smart technology would provide, but $150 seems outrageous. https://a.co/d/fLLgjMQ I’d get this one if I wanted another


Time to make some pesto!


Those countertop systems are limited by the max height of the LED hood. You have to trim aggressively to keep your plants lower than the light and to encourage the plants to spread out more than grow vertically. Hope you like pesto! If you are really invested in the system, you could try to remove the light hood and hang a grow light above it instead to open up more vertical space.


Basil gets out of control quick. I clone mine every few weeks


It’s tricky to clone plants in a DWC system like mine that uses sponges. Any tips?


I just do what you're doing in the jar. Drop a cutting in, wait for roots, move into the system, profit. I don't see why you couldn't just put the cutting into your counter top unit, just stick it in until the stem is in contact with nutrient


I’m unbelievably stupid. Thank you for the advice my friend


I would say don’t be so hard on yourself. Anything that you know how to do is easy ;). I also do the same thing with any tomato plants, either soil or water as it can grow roots from any point on the stem cell wall


Time to leave behind the expensive pre-made junk and build something bigger. Or just keep it trimmed low and eat a lot of basil.


Thats only like 40$ and enough to get your feet wet for hydro. Oh wait nevermind, i musta snagged it when it was a lightning deal or something. The MUFGA which is more superior though is also 40$.


They certainly have their place and imo it's if you have a tiny apartment or renting a room or something and still want to grow small herbs or whatever. If you have the space a basic dwc tote, air pump, and some cheapo shop lights can be done for 40 or under. Especially if you get used stuff. It's even better if your friends and colleagues just give you lights and totes they don't want anymore. I just don't see any good reason to buy into these systems, these companies run the same model as home printer companies. Sell the cheaply made unit at a loss, hook people into buying consumables like pods and nutes at extremely inflated prices, profit massively and then go out of business before the warranty returns cost you anything. It's even worse when they have an app and stop supporting it and there's no way to control the unit anymore.


Something bigger as in the 5 gal bucket builds or are you alluding to something else


Whatever you wanna do that fits your space and does what you want.