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You need to bite the bullet and try some newer ones. There are better ones out there and unfortunately you just have to try and try again. There are differences between them.


Beta blockers didn't do anything positive for me, so now I'm on calcium channel blockers.


Hate metoprolol but is does work. I think calcium channel blockers were going to kill me. The first several months after quitting them was almost worse than being on them. Now I'm on carvedilol and it works better for me than anything I've ever had. However it won't be for everyone. It is different for everyone.


I’ve been able to come off of it because I’ve been taking Camzyos. I hated the metoprolol. All I wanted was sweets and pastries and of course gained weight. My mother, who technically has a different dx, has also recently been able to lower her dose significantly. But she had an ablation this summer and is on a bunch of stuff. Definitely bring it up with your doc. That med is pretty annoying and like others said, there’s some other options. Good luck.


I’m on bisoprolol just for safety purposes. I was off of it a while ago and never had any issues. Also, didn’t have any issues now when I’m having it.


I could have written this, it is exactly how I feel about metoprolol. I’ve only been on it for 4 months small dose but my hair has thinned, I’ve gained a few lbs and I am so tired. I’m out of breath a lot when I walk. I have an icd now. And it’s safe for me to try other meds but like you I’m afraid I’ll find something worse. I’m also afraid that if I’m on a med that works not as well I’ll end with a shock because of my ventricular tachycardia. My goal is not get shocked.