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Isn't she the woman that was going on about the Monster energy drinks?


Short tahp, long tail


OMG it is the crazy monster lady. I haven't seen that video in such a long time.




'Murica. Fuck yeah.


One of the main pillars of the United States is Freedom of Religion… these stupid people seem to always gloss over that part


They think it's only the freedom of their religion.


They're normally the most patriotic too, without realizing freedom of religion was our entire fucking thing.


Ignoring the fact that is relevant to the government and not private individuals or corporations how does her giving her opinion a contradiction of freedom of religion she never said they shouldnt be allowed to practice Islam only that she rejects it and it will not take over the United States


If that’s the case then why is she even interrupting the original speaker? Stop giving cover to dumb bigots unless you are one yourself, this lady clearly has a problem with Islam in Texas, when actually she should mind her business and let these people worship how they please. Show me the last time a Muslim walked into a Christian function and proclaimed Islam as the true prophet…….. I’ll wait “…I proclaim Jesus Christ over the state capitol of Texas.” Her words not mine


Yes you can argue that her behavior was inappropriate but to say that it somehow contradicts freedom of religion is just dishonest she gave her opinion and regardless of whether or not you agree with it you should never make such weak arguments and in regard to covering for dumb bigots I'm not covering for her I don't approve of her behavior but the argument you made was completely ridiculous and if you want to win an argument you should have better arguments as for her comment I proclaim Jesus Christ over the state capital of Texas from this video she appears to be a private citizen with very little political power so that statement is of no consequence


She is stopping whatever celebration these Muslims are having and calling Mohammed a false profit.. this is not the time, nor the place, nor THE COUNTRY to tell someone else their religion is fake and their prophet is false.. this is religious intimidation point, blank, period.. No she’s not “the government” but I bet you she identifies as a “Patriot” and AGAIN she willfully ignores the “Patriotic” part of our history where the founding fathers escaped Britain to worship whatever religion they wanted.. now if you want to keep defending DUMB BIGOTS be my guess


This would actually be one of the few countries to say that because we have the first amendment and everything she said was legal and it looks like they had some type of rally which most likely took place on public land which absolutely enshrines her freedom of speech again you can argue that she behaved inappropriately but the argument you made was completely ridiculous and in what way is she a bigot


Ok, one of 3 things is happening here; either you’re acting stupid, you are stupid, or you identify as a bigot yourself. Is she simply voicing her opinion or is she trying to intimidate others? And is she doing this to promote these people’s CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to worship how they please or is she trying to hinder that CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT? It’s no different than someone immigrating from Europe only to come here and decide immigrants from Mexico shouldn’t be allowed because “we don’t want them here”… no they’re not the government, and yes it’s their opinion but they are STILL DUMB BIGOTS


Well can you draw a line of what is bigoted and is not because if your argument is that she believes their prophet is false then you would have to made that same argument to them as they feel the same towards her and she is not stopping them from expressing their constitutional rights she rudely interrupted them but certainly did not stop it and she's actually expressing her constitutional rights of free speech and of course it's different that immigration has absolutely nothing to do with this and there's no need to insult me I think I've been very respectful to you besides calling your argument ridiculous


She is still a bigot that thinks her rights and opinions trump others.. she should mind her business and let them continue whatever they are doing without interruption


Ok again her behavior was wrong I've said that multiple times but the argument you made was in regard to freedom of religion which is just completely absurd and I don't believe you have given a single good defense of the original argument you made


Also that's a bastardized idea of why we revolted from the British but I get your point and in a lot of ways I would agree that modern conservatives tend to disregard a lot of the constitution and the beliefs the founding fathers held but this is not exclusive to conservatives I think it would be ok to generalize and say most people behave this way


It’s exclusively conservative and it’s backwards bigoted thinking… to even feel like you are entitled to this behavior is in itself the main problem… and you defending this is also a big part of the problem, and honestly it’s white privilege run amok… now let’s see if the hit dog hollers


Ok but that's not at all what your argument is and if anything you're just as bigoted if more than she is towards conservatives or Christians


Yes I’m bigoted by calling out the bigot 🙄 Classic DUMB ASS REPUBLICAN retort “I know you are but what am I” defense.. Do Better


I'm not a Republican I'm a libertarian and be honest that you have a bias against Republican it's not a bad thing I'm biased against democrats but I'm honest about it and it doesn't mean I regard them as dumb people or make over generalized hyperbolic accusations towards them I just simply disagree them


Hell yeah!


I mean.....


I’m gunna let you finish but Beyoncé shoulda won this award


Americans: worship a God that hails from the Middle East, while condemning everything that has to do with the Middle East. Irony at it’s finest.


Almost like Jews,Christians, and Muslims have the same god


This lady is a total loser. Forcing her beliefs on others while being disrespectful. If you Ask me, she looks like a trash of a white trash.


Can you imagine someone from any other religion interrupting a Christian speaker on TV to denounce Jesus and proclaim Allah or whomever over America ... Ppl would lose their shit




Shawty crusading 💯


Amen!...praise the lord!!


Empress Palpatine




Did Sasha baron Cohen not do a skit similar to this I can't really remember it


America is a country founded by Christians. All are welcome except those who want to change our country or take away our freedom. Muslims come with a catch they want to transform every country into their own and that is not happening here. Praise to this woman for making a stand.


You go girl!


She's not wrong


Music makes it even worst.


I mean at least she didn't blow herself up...


What a fucking loser


Good for her


I didn’t realize her God is so weak that he needs this sort of help from her to stay in power. I mean, if God is greater than a false prophet, what’s the harm in letting the false prophet’s follower have a moment?


also it's so fucking hilarious that these people does not realize that both christians and muslims worship the same god


as a Christian.. I feel.. slightly uncomfortable..


She walked away like my toddler when she storms off after I tell her no 😂


Fuck Islam!!!!!!!!!!🤟🏽😜😂


Good for her


People like this make me want to move to Canada and deny ever stepping foot in the United States.


We have nutters like that up here too, sorry to say.


Fuck, I hate the heat and spiders terrify me, but Australia it is then. Thank you for the heads up.


Australia has them too. The only thing Canada and Australia has going for us is the religious nuts have less influence over elections because our elections are managed by national or provincial organizations, not by a council of Karens in each town.


Free Healthcare though?




I'll take it, I will miss guns though.


You can have long guns. Handguns are generally a no.


Is that the monster energy 666 lady


I think she is! https://youtu.be/TjB3dO6hVwc?si=aF1WvDVfXdjPvb-p


They all look alike


Yee haw and amen


Fuck yeah!!! America!!!


She’s expressing her beliefs like they are. I think she’s a weirdo but I can feel confident she isn’t going to kill anyone for writing a comic.




Screw em both


They are sheep as individuals but dangerous as masses. Those who seek refuge in the west only to want to destroy it must be deported


That is a perfect example of the American false sense of entitlement. I assume that the majority of that type of person wouldn’t do that in a Muslim country given the chance….her on the other hand,we are all aware that she is mad as a box of frogs.


That Music is FUCKIN’ GODLY!!


This music overlay was amazing lmao


I wish I was that passionate about anything


I always envisioned China taking over your dying empire, but now id rather see it turn into a Caliphate


Now do you see what religion does to people?