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And I like it


And it's horrible. People need the fear of God.


Oh don't worry, I fear God. Especially when I'm getting dicked down reeeeaaaaal bad


Your like “ ohh god””


You will regret mocking God, I can assure you that.


Whack, must be a prophet if you speak for him


We're in the end times for sure. I have no hatred towards gay people but sin is sin. No need to promote it. I treat everyone with love and respect, regardless of their race or sexual orientation but this is not it.


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I am no longer a sparkie, but this is on the dispatch hall wall of my current union: "Workers are indivisible. There can be no discrimination because of race, color, creed, national origin, religious or political belief, sex, gender preference, or sexual orientation. Any division among the workers can help no one but the employers. Discrimination of worker against worker is suicide. Discrimination is a weapon of the boss. Its entire history is proof that it has served no other purpose than to pit worker against worker to their own destruction."


[This comes from the 10 Guiding Principles of the ILWU, worth reading in their entirety](https://www.ilwu.org/about/ten-guiding-principles/#:~:text=III%20Workers%20are%20indivisible.,worker%20against%20worker%20is%20suicide.)


This is awesome. Thanks for sharing


💯 Exactly this! Workers are indivisible. Race and gender don't exist on the job, only people do.


I like the sentiment but I have always thought the "i don't see colour" rhetoric is unhealthy. Race and gender do exist on the job and it is everybody's responsibility to recognize power structures and ensure everybody is treated fairly


I agree, equity and equality


Do you have to censor who you are at work? Well then, neither should anyone else.


Well everyone has to do that


I had a helper who liked dudes, ol boy was great with the chisel and sledgehammer 🫡 … great helper


My dad had this fucking mountain of a man named Glen who worked for him. Could carry four sheets of MDF, was 6’7, and maybe 375. And like 45-50 years old too! Walked on his toes, and had a very feminine light voice, spoke a lot like my drag queen friends lol. Coolest dude ever. We went to his wedding.


Gay people are awesome!


Always is good to let marginalized folks know they are welcome in our trade. Anyone with problem with this at the end of the day wants less brothers and sisters in his side against the man.


You want to know the real marginalized people? Anyone living under the poverty line of all genders and races.


Intersectionality my guy 🙏. The working class needs every ally it can get, I don't care who someone's background is as long as they are fighting for equal rights and fair pay.


The government is using gays as political pawns, they will dispose of them when they are no longer of use.


The same can be said of the working class under bourgeois democracy. If you think the rich and powerful care about us more than the LGBT other than hurting their bottom line then you're delusional. I don't most in DC care about any of us one way or another as long as their pockets are lined. All this fighting between us does is delay us from demanding our fair share of rights and pay, don't fall for the culture war crap, fight with your gay brother against these rich pigs for a decent paycheck.


LU48 has an LGBTQ+ sticker that a lot of guys wear on the job, I see them every day I'm on site. That and the "Stand against racism" sticker are the first 2 to go on everytime I get a new hard hat.


Masculine presenting gay dude here — the way I hear people talk about gay people and slurs I hear on a daily basis in the same region as you is really disappointing (I’m afraid to even say what local). My local doesn’t and likely will not choose to show this kind of solidarity. It’s making me consider switching to the inside, to be frank. But I know I can’t change things by giving up and I don’t want to back down from this fight so easy. Idgaf if someone wants to get political about my identity or not. I was gay long before certain political figures came about and it became acceptable not to keep your mouth shut if you’re a bigot anymore. I really just want to be able to come to work and not feel like I’ve got to worry about anything but my quality of work threatening my job. I want to live in a society where I don’t have to worry about whether my partner is going to get assaulted on public transit yet again for looking a certain way. I appreciate the solidarity more than you know. All these guys out here getting their panties in a bunch about their brothers and sisters demonstrating this kind of solidarity are absolutely the ones who throw around the word fa**ot in the workplace like it’s 1996 all over again.




I have friends with kids that are graduating high school this year so I do understand what you’re saying to an extent. Unfortunately, there are plenty of younger guys in the trade that seem to stand for this type of behavior — equally concerning is the fact that they don’t stand against it. Maybe when the old bigots die off and their influence is less apparent, then those who simply standby without saying something would be willing to stand up for a brother or sister facing this type of crap, but that’s not the case today, unfortunately.


Hahaha. 125 is no different than any other Outside local. Linemen are the Ironworkers of the IBEW. The masculinity of their world is absolutely mind numbing. They create a world in which they suffer some terrible conditions in exchange for a fuckton of money and then moan and complain about how they have to be tough! It’s the origin story of the self stick bicycle meme. I have never seen a more toxic group of people. I am a big guy, worked in the trades my whole life, was a Marine. I honestly would be hesitant to work a storm call. Not because I think it is unsafe work but being in a destroyed emergency zone where I had to trust a bunch of hyper masculine men to look out for me, idk. It always seemed sketchy AF.


Despite the dumbfuckery I describe, these brothers trust me with their life, and I trust them with mine. I’ve been on many storm calls and i actually love that part of the work more than anything. I learned through those experiences that I can finish out of 40 hours straight shift in brutal conditions outside with a smile on my face and a good attitude, and I know my attitude and the quality and speed of my work gets me high praise from all of the JL, JW, and foremen I’ve worked under. Many of these folks are the ones who have said some of the most unfortunate things. I don’t fault those with a lack of exposure to different ideas and lived experiences for their ignorance but I do take issue with people who are not willing to change despite being presented a set of facts or different perspective on the issue. I guess I’m gonna just have to suck it up until I can attempt to present my version of the facts to counteract toxic opinions, but I think it might be a good idea to wait until I top out to even touch the subject to be honest.


I have both of those on my water bottle and I live in Toronto




We need some of that mojo down in 280, shit is different here...


Man looking at this sub for the past two days makes it really fucking hard to support the “brothers and sisters” in this union. The union calls for no discrimination of any kind within its ranks but some of y’all are a spit to the face of that ideal. Never I seen more toxicity from people against their own. As soon as any lgbt or anything overtly left leaning being celebrate out comes the old moles lurking in the sub screaming like babies about how it’s “woke” and being “forced on them”. You can dislike it and still do your job. I just saw a post of a sticker similar being a person helmet (not even facing towards the camera) and some redditors were losing their shit. A sticker is not being forced on you if someone else is wearing it and not you.




I hate to say it but this is normal. Unions have always shot themselves in the foot over dumb shit like this. Look at the Pullman strike. Eugene Debs got all the individual unions together to form one giant, united railroad union. They had a vote whether or not to allow the black porters into the union. The vote was 155-154 against allowing them in. Guess what happened, when the union went on strike, the black porters stepped in and did the jobs while the strike happened. They called it a white man's war and said it wasn't their union and they were right. Because of that, the strike failed. Now it's the same thing with LGBTQ+. I can't believe how many conservative, Trump-loving members we have. Can't win if we always vote against our interests. Just like Capital always wants. The only war is class war.


There it is. The educated reality. Black, white, yellow, straight, trans, gay, muslim, catholic, whatever. The fuckers want us to fight each other.


to be fair you can argue if anything slightly right or concervative in terms of views or opinions come out it goes haywire.. people just need to accept opinions and aswell accept that not everyone believes what you do


I’m w you. I personally don’t agree w the lifestyle but 101 percent agree that no matter who you are or what you believe or who you sleep w you gotta work and the best place to do that is IBEW


I'm an IBEW member and I wear the rainbow sticker on my hardhat. Anyone that has a problem with it is a poor excuse for a brother or sister. I'll support them as a fellow worker regardless, but I'm ashamed of them as a human being.




It's really upsetting how fucking gross this sub has made itself look over the weekend. How am I supposed to look around and call each of you brother, when you can't accept any sort of w for gender non conforming groups...who are for the most part all working class. The sticker looks fucking sicc I'd slap on at least one my hardhat just to make all the babies in this sub whine and piss themselves


Wear it on a job site and every snowflake there will go tits up from an aneurysm. 😂


I got one locally last year (it’s a little different in that it’s shinier) and nobody has said a thing about it being on my hard hat. Most people are only willing to gripe about stuff like this behind the safety of a screen.


Or around people who they assume hold the same bigotry


Very true.


Yeah, you're right about that. Most people wouldn't dare say 99% of the stuff they type out online.


They save all their real hot takes for the porta-john walls


Between all the dick, balls, and bigoted one-liners, the porta-john has become the Louvre of the construction world lol.


As someone who entered the trades in middle age, this has unfortunately not been my experience at all. I've been in almost a decade and honestly still can't process how draconian the acceptable cultural norms are in the field. Like, I didn't even know being professionally closeted was still a thing until I worked in the trades.


Sorry to hear about your bad experience. My figure of 99% is probably too generous. There's definitely a hostile culture out there in the trades for certain demographics. I mean, some places are better than others, but it's definitely out there. It's a shame such toxicity still exists in this day and age. As far as I'm concerned, if someone can show up regularly, on time, sober, work hard, is nice to me and to others, then I have no problem with their skin color, sexuality, gender, etc.


Yeah, thankfully I've had a pretty charmed experience personally. The stuff you witness when compared to the broader/professional world, the workplace norms are stuck in mid-90s toxic masculinity. There's compelling research on this topic, not just in electrical but broadly male-dominated industries. Support for diversity and inclusive practices and policies are widely agreed upon, though support for the the work/resources necessary to reach inclusiveness is inversely proportional to the workforce demographics.


Depressing to be a part of this union and know what folks think about you too.




When have you *ever* been on a jobsite where the straight men keep their sexuality to themselves? Like, if it's just me and my 60+ y/o Jehovah's Witness JP...he still talks about his much he loves his wife. And I wear stickers like this on my hardhat, all over my toolbox, nobody gives a shit. sometimes if we put them up inside the job box, some snowflake tears them off


Coming from a working foreman in Alabama out of LU558(straight white male), who gives a shit about a sticker on a hard hat or people’s personal preferences in their home life. Show up, be good to each other, and do your job. What else matters? There’s a gay gal(another working foreman) with the company I’m with right now I’d love to buy this sticker for. She’d probably work circles around you


And I'm sure she'd really appreciate you for wearing one in solidarity!


I just ordered 8 pride stickers from LU11. Planning on slapping it on as soon as it comes in. My sister is a lesbian.


One thing I'm sure most women would agree with you about is "how about men keep their sexually to themselves"? Shit, if they did, we probably wouldn't need an lgbtq+ movement at all.


Idk, as a woman I just want to go to work, be respected and be left TF alone about the fact I’m a woman. I don’t want days dedicated to me, stickers, commercials or cringey DEI talks. That’s the “movement” I wish would happen…the leave me the fuck alone movement.


Please remember that others may be struggling and desperately need the reassurance of days dedicated to them, stickers, commercials, and DEI talks. While they may seem cringey to some, these are evidence driven retention strategies. That said, performative efforts while allowing draconian cultural norms are infuriating and unhelpful, but these things as part of a larger campaign for inclusion and representation, yes please.




Totally had to look and see if we have the same employer and Local. For reals, lol. I find performative DEI infuriating, don't get me wrong. At the same time I recognize that when intentions are good, actual resources are dedicated, and best practices are followed, these are evidence driven retention strategies. If the workplace is a clusterfuck and the measures are performative, whether the measures are DEI or any other performance/improvement measure, the impact will fall flat. I just meant, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater and know that sometimes marginalized employees will take whatever resources and solidarity they can find, even when it's problematic. If the employer isn't trash, I'd expect that with feedback and reflection each effort would be more authentic than the last.


Yeah? Hetero construction workers sure are known for not being very outward about their sexuality. Straight people can talk all they want about how hot someone is or whatever but as soon as they aren't straight it's all "KeEp It To UrSeLF" piss and whine more


You say something stupid about a sticker on a lid in a site in this area, you're gonna have a bad time big guy.


Seethe and cope. Solidarity wins always.


I rock one and I'm 6'8" 285 bet you won’t have a goddamn thing to say so shut the fuck up and leave my brothers alone


Shit I'd wear it. The people that would start shit are the people I'd like to hit. Works out for me pretty well


If people didn’t hate LGBTQ+ people, they wouldn’t have to make a big deal out of it. We make it a big deal because the right wants to take away the rights of LGBTQ* people. Stop getting upset and you’ll see a lot less of it


> How about just keeping your sexuality to yourself? Oh, absolutely go fuck yourself. My partner and I were recently seen in public by one of his coworkers whilst we “kept our sexuality to ourselves,” and this little shitstain went around and began spreading rumors about him, outing him at work. How do you think that played out for him? All while these same dipshits talk about women at work and cheating on their wives. All of you fuckers that spout that bullshit of “keep it to yourselves” in order to quell issues are absolutely full of shit. You have a problem no matter what and we’re sick of playing by your ever-changing rules to make you idiots happy whilst you bother everyone else with your nonsense.


Well said. If straight men could keep their sexuality to themselves, we wouldn't need a pride movement! Or an anti-rape movement! Or a feminist movement!


I’ll wear it on my hat on any site, I’d like you to tell me to my face you gotta problem with it…. You don’t got that!… I think you’re missing the point, it’s about equality! Step outta your bubble and look around! It’s sounds like you’re a little lazy, and just want to be fed your news


As a union member I give zero shits if you are gay or lesbian. Lets stop the BS and just be good humans and do the work.


Then make sure you call out the bigotry, sexism and homophobia as you see it. Even playing field for everyone, or no one has one.




How would you know before they would get attacked…?


How about they keep their lifestyles to them selves instead of trying to ram their beliefs up our asses.


What else do you like to ram up your ass?




Because we're human and "so what did you get up to this weekend?" Is normal workplace conversation and editing words from, "ah not much, just hung out with the wife," is now automatically somehow bRiNgInG PoLiTiCs InTo It.


As the person who has to lie and change their story to include their “wife” instead of partner or husband, and is afraid to actually get too much into the personal details of their life in the workplace (and ends up feeling like and being treated like an outcast because of it) this is very real.


Okay, I feel you on this one. I understand, and I’m sorry, however, you’re not going to feel better about it in any other workplace that isn’t dominated by minorities. You’re always going to feel out of place as a christian at a satanic gathering. You may find single people to talk to truthfully about your private stuff, it may happen. It probably will, if you really want a friend at work, not just colleagues. But we don’t go to work for friends, that’s not what we do as humans. These people change, rotate. They’re workers. Most of them have their private stuff they don’t talk about at work. They don’t bring it up. They don’t care about yours, small talk is just an awkward thing they do, and you don’t have to participate. This bears repeating: no one cares.


So I don't know your job, but I work a dangerous job with low turnover and quite literally am my brother's keeper. So yeah personal connection and trust with your coworkers is important to me. I really don't care who thinks what about me being gay, but I'm also not going to censor bringing up my wife when everyone else freely brings up their wife. So you ask "why bring sexuality into the workplace?" And this is the reason. It doesn't have to be graphic or non-work appropriate, gay people (or straight people even) simply existing is "bringing sexuality into the workplace." And like fight club, "we are everywhere." We keep your lights on and fix your shit, whether you know it or not lol.


Well said, brother. ✊🏼


You know, me being self-conscious about it is something I own 100%. I’ve run into a few people at work that I could be honest with and I appreciate it a lot, but that is not the experience I’ve come to expect, nor do I. It’s not what I need to feel ok at work either- I come to work *for a living*. I’m passionate about my work, and safety, and unionism. I do my living and socializing outside of work and I’m involved in many vibrant communities of people — be it extreme sports, recovery, or hobbies — from all walks of life. doesn’t make it suck less to deal with ignorance at work. I’m still going to do good work and watch out for my brothers safety and stand up for their rights as a worker no matter what, even if they say shit that bothers me or I don’t agree with their opinions. I don’t want this to become too much of a broad brush conversation, I just think that a little more professionalism and mutual respect in the workplace could go along way.


Nah, fuck that. It matters because throughout most of human history, people were fucking murdered for being gay or trans, and though most countries aren't that extreme anymore, there's clearly plenty of people (like you) who haven't a fucking clue. Its purpose is to show that we stand with all oppressed groups, no matter how small or marginalized, and that if you want to fuck with them, you have to fuck with all of us, because we are all together and have each others backs. That's the whole point of the union. If you can't see that, then you have alot to learn.


Because gay is still used as an insult on job sites to this day. Example: Coworker 1: “My truck broke down this past weekend.” Coworker 2: “That’s so gay.” It matters because our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters are still shit on by bigots. And some of those bigots unfortunately are the ones running jobs or the ones we’re working beside. It’s why we still need Pride TO THIS DAY. Ridiculous that it’s 2024 and I still have to explain this to people. We need Pride because there’s a trans kid out there right now who think ending their life is better than staying alive because they’re trans. Why is it usually the cis hetero white dudes who seem to never understand that? Oh that’s right, because they haven’t faced a day of discrimination in their life.


Well, this sticker looks fucking gay.




Your post has been removed as it is not the topic or style of post intended for this community.


"Why is it usually the cis hetero white dudes who seem to never understand that? Oh that’s right, because they haven’t faced a day of discrimination in their life." Normal white guys face exactly this kind of discrimination on a daily basis. Society has decided bigotry against a majority by a collective of minorities is perfectly acceptable. The only real difference is that no matter what bigoted nonsense you say it's highly unlikely to drive anyone to suicide. That means it's not the mean words causing the suicidal tendencies, it's just weakness. Suicidal people are always looking for a excuse. Also, there's no such thing as a trans kid. There are only victims of child abuse. It's insane that we live in a world where it's not acceptable to allow children to smoke, drink, do recreational drugs, drive, own weapons or have sex because we've agreed that they lack the maturity to make responsible decisions but if one says "I want to take mind altering drugs and surgically mutilate my body to make pretending I'm something I'm not easier" you folks are like "Sure, Billy, you're 5, that's plenty old enough to make permanently life altering choices. Live your best life little buddy."


👏 👏 👏


The same people who say this are the ones who use homophobic slurs openly in the workplace and talk hatefully about gay people in front of people that don’t look gay to them. Ask me how I know 🙃


Your post has been removed as it is not the topic or style of post intended for this community.


Stickers fire definitely would like to steal it and throw it on my hard hat 🔥 Also, disgusted there’s so many hateful people in our Union.


*outside construction has entered the chat* Well then… prepare to be disgusted a lot, my brother.


Yeah, thats gonna be a big seller


Im proud to be a member of one of the strongest unions in the world. We have an openly gay man in one of the most powerful positions of our local, we have trans workers who don't get bullied or harassed. We are a strong, united union and have never had to jump on this bandwagon of rainbow everything to show everyone. Everyone is a person, just because some people are different, you don't need to announce it to the world that you're OK with it through silly stickers. Just treat everyone like a human being.


if anybody’s local ends up doing these I would really like a couple of them


48 has pride stickers. Happy to drop some in the mail if you'd like


Hell yes


Hell yeah. Love to see it.


A lot of my foremen need this sticker


I don’t have any problem with people being who they feel they are inside. My father came out when I was 14 and I’ve supported him my whole life. I do have a problem with all the labels everyone is imposing on each other and the intolerance related to it. I do have a problem with someone else labeling me something I don’t agree with or recognize myself as. The double standard with the gender fluid community oozes with self privilege. I’m not cisgender, or a cis male, I’m a male individual. The hypocrisy of demanding specific treatment while not giving the same to others invalidates any arguments that are made.


Sad that I have to copy my comment from another thread earlier today, but here goes. To anyone on here who wants to be a bigot: don't claim to be a good IBEW sibling if you aren't going to follow the intent of our union's constitution. Article 25 Section 1. Any member may be penalized for committing any one or more of the following: Skip down to Section 1(t). Engaging in any conduct that is harassing, bullying, or discriminatory against any member, while in the workplace or performing work duties, or at union facilities or functions, because of the member's race, color, religion, age, creed, national origin, sex, gender including gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, veteran status, disability or other legally protected class, provided that if an employer is investigating such conduct, notwithstanding any other provision in this article, the processing of charges filed under this subsection be held in abeyance until the conclusion of the employer's investigation. Yeah this isn't an official IBEW forum, so you aren't violating the constitution. But our union supports LGBTQ+ individuals, and you aren't a good member of our union if you don't support all of our members who are in good standing.


This is awesome, cool design!


what a bunch of bigots downvoting this, you call yourselves brothers




You can. Click the insights button beside your post and you can see the percentages.






Lol you're a fuckin loser bro, learn a new joke


Yes, your gender is insecure worm


Fellow 586 member here, brother. That joke wasn’t funny yesterday and it still ain’t funny today. Be cool. We’re all in this together and there’s no reason to be shitty to others.


I don't care who people like to have sex with. Enough of this crap. It's weird.


Do you know what’s extra weird? When people use homophobic slurs and talk about how disgusting they think being gay is and that they think gay people should be exterminated in front of a gay man because they don’t realize he’s gay. I’m not exaggerating, that’s the type of crap I put up with in the workplace. gestures of solidarity like this won’t solve the problem, but it sure doesn’t hurt.


I’ll rock that sticker where can I get one


Declaration of the INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS Our cause is the cause of human justice, human rights, human security. We refuse, and will always refuse, to condone or tolerate dictatorship or oppression of any kind. We will find and expel from our midst any who might attempt to destroy, by subversion, all that we stand for. This Brotherhood will continue to oppose communism, Nazism or any other subversive “ism.” We will support our God, our Nations, our Union.


Capitalism is the most subversive ism I know. Anyway this statement is such a relic of the long gone Cold War. It has no relevance today and should be stricken. Or at least Rewritten


Cold War never ended. We just call it different things now. Like "War in Ukraine." But yes, the idea of a union being anti-communist is such an oxymoron.


I love that if you’re not rocking Corporate propaganda you’re a bigot. I’m sure everyone here will tell you to fuck and love who you want but keep that nonsense out of the workplace. Did you make one for the Irish brethren in supporting them in their day of remembrance? Well then you’re a bigot.


What in the holy hell are you talking about? I wear a t-shirt that says proud Irish all the time. Nobody gets offended by it asks me to take it off threatens my life. If anything the opposite happens. And why am I so proud to be irish? Is because we stood up to oppression and exploitation and imperialism and colonialism for over 700 years! That's why people show their colors and wave their Flags! To say we are here! We are not going to cower or be afraid!


In fact [this one's ](https://www.reddit.com/r/IBEW/s/Ct8iJnexXa) for you brother https://www.reddit.com/r/IBEW/s/Ct8iJnexXa


Ok… there’s a serious difference between showing solidarity for people who are actively discriminated against in and out of the workplace and Irish brethren. Believe it or not, there are gay Irish people too, and they get the same type of shit your union brothers do. I hear people using all kinds of slurs, talking shit about people, saying “ I hear he’s a f**king fa**ot,” “that guy probably sucks d**k on the weekends“ and all kinds of other unprofessional crap in the very workplace you claim you want to keep “that bs” out of. When you say keep the BS out of the workplace, what you’re saying is you want it to stay exactly the way it is and I’ll tell you what brother, it’s fxking toxic and it’s intolerable. do you live in fear of getting an unexpected layoff if you were honest about where you went with your wife last weekend? Do you clam up and share zero personal details about your life for fear that people are going to treat you different if you open up about what you’re actually up to and who you love? that’s the reality I deal with in our trade. It’s not BS. It’s not something that needs to be kept out of anywhere. I just want to be treated like everyone else. Pride month is necessary because IM NOT. I’ve literally been laid off unexpectedly when people started talking out the side of their neck about gay folks and I simply said I don’t appreciate hearing people talk like that because I had gay family members that don’t deserve to be talked about like that. When you hear this type of shit on a daily basis, it’s hard to put up with. I finally couldn’t take it in so I changed the facts and said that it was a family member, because the way people talk about gay folks, there’s no way in hell I dare put that target on my own back, but even that got me the boot. The bullshit we need to keep out of the workplace is attitudes like yours who think it’s a political issue. My identity is not a political chess piece. There’s a lot of stuff that needs to be kept out of the workplace, and man… I can’t tell you how high on the list it is for me to keep your brand of BS out of the workplace. What right do you have to try to silence brothers and sisters simply showing their solidarity to me and others? I don’t think you care to know what it’s like to live a day in my shoes. My partner is very feminine presenting and gets attacked about 2-3 times a year since we met by strangers in public minding his own fucking business because he is one of those people where you can tell a mile away he’s gay without him even opening his mouth. he gets punched in the head and chased down and followed, and is afraid to even go out in public alone because of it. Tell me, how would you feel if you had to worry about your wife like that going out in public every day? I don’t think you’d be talking out the side of your neck like you are trying to make a political issue out of it. people don’t deserve to be treated that way and they still get treated that way in our society and I don’t give a rip what neo conservative wanna be high horse BS you try to get on, you’re dead wrong brother. My identity ain’t political. Silencing people who are different IS political.


Thanks so much for sharing your story. Long road ahead.


So..... it's hate if you disagree...


Disagree with what is the question.


I disagree with the color of your eyes. You see how dumb that sounds? Do you think I chose to be gay growing up in a small logging in fishing town on the Oregon coast? I find that insulting. If being gay were a choice, I’m sure a lot of people would choose not to put up with the type of BS and subsequent self hatred they end up having because of it, but here we are. I disagree with people expressing their desire to give me permission or approval to be the way that I was born.


Lmao this sub is so cringe


Will this be non profit,will you sell wholesale or will you be making a profit off someone else's pain? If this is going to fund PRIDE groups and what not, 100% behind it. If this a group that wants to make money... while calling yourself an "ally"... idk




I love it! Looks great!!!! Definitely stealing and bringing it to the hall tomorrow to see if we can get some too. Thank you for sharing!


Would 100% have this on my helmet




This is a bad idea. That’s what I think. Don’t deface our logo


Oh go eat a steaming bowl of shit. I've seen the logo next to Republican bumper stickers talk about a fucking disgrace.


I love me bowls of steaming shit!😁


How is that defacing the logo? Did they change the fist, is it a limp wrist instead?


We all know where that fist is going now.


🍿🍿🍿😎 I have some to share if anyone wants some.




Gives new meaning to a 3 way switch….


To think I joined the trades to escape this garbage


There is no avoiding the inevitable


No. Don't want it.


Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do. 🙏


Huge coincidence. I was at church praying for that teen who died after being bullied at school for being gay. God spoke to me and said I need to do everything I can to help protect my fellow human beings - even those who have practices that I don't share. That inspired me to help make this solidarity sticker.


Mediocre white guys are afraid of literally anything that isn’t them.


Cool racism


Hate from AZ


If I get one for free I'd pop it on but I wouldn't pay for that. Probably better off attending the women's and minorities' caucus


Better off than what? Not sure what u mean


Making a difference for our brothers and sisters that don't enjoy the same advantages many of us take for granted. Happy to wear your sticker but I wouldn't open my wallet for it


Is not either this / or that. It's both this / and that. We can walk and chew gum at the same time


Nobody wants shit shoved down there throat 😬


Always with the "shoving down the throat". I wonder what Freud would have to say about that?


You’ll be ok


Nobody is making you wear the sticker bud


You eat shits for breakfast?




I think he'd be fine with it. I mean he was cool with ethnic minorities and at the time that was very "woke"


With another guy.


Trannies are too hopped up on pharmaceuticals and hormones and committing suicide to work in the trades


being hopped up on pharmaceuticals and suicidal never kept anyone out of the trades


Holy shit lmao


You're a clown


I show up to work out of spite just to make sure people like you don’t ever feel comfortable saying ignorant shit like this.


You’re a worse troll than you are a human being. Up your game, bitch.




Rainbow Cult strikes again. Waaaaaa look at me waaaaa Countries and Cults need flags.


I will not be putting on the rainbow sticker , keep that shit on your own time


Username is a false flag!


You put that sticker on your hardhat, now!


Makes me sad to be union


Lmao our local would never




Wasn't my IBEW experience haha Clarifier: I don't mean that I was unwelcoming to LGBTQ people during my time in IBEW.What I mean is in my (very recent) time in the IBEW, wearing something like this even around members would have been inviting conflict into your life.


Why are the colors for people of color shoved in with the colors for our 2slgbtqia+ members? It seems low effort and placating to a group without any understanding. I should mention I have a disability that is forced to conform to a box that doesn't align with this forced ideology while I completely and totally support the message as i understand the hardships of not being able to fit in ad a neurodivergent electrician. So as I incessivley need that cohesion while not liking the forceful nature of this where do I go? Back in the pile of worthlessness? Because that's what it seems like.


I don't understand what you are writing.


You should use the standard pride flag instead of the one with the trans flag and black/brown lines, that one is just really ugly and not any more inclusive.


I hope you all are able to work real real good when you start bringing all this political crap on site or else your ass is gonna be gone first round. And honestly no offense, but I doubt that’s the case so I’d be careful thinking you gonna “make someone cry” bc in reality you just gonna get two checks


Hey, brother. This isn't political. This is just acknowledging that everyone is allowed to exist.




Idk the biggest loud mouths Have always been the mag(a)got republicans on the job sites ive been on...


What is political about this


I’ve been in the union for years and never met anybody I’ve worked with that would support or wear this shit. I’m amazed when I come on Reddit.


You most certainly have met people who would support this. They just don't talk to you about it. Cuz they know who you are.