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It's funny, a lineman at my work was wearing a construction orange shirt and it had a picture of Joe on it in clown makeup. Seems like you two just might cancel each other out.


I sometimes have a red nose like Santa


Joe Biden has been pro-union his entire career. Trump only cares about his billionaire buddies. If you care about your union and want to see more people organizing, vote Joe Biden. If you want more tax breaks for billionaires, vote Donald Trump.


THANK YOU Joe is not first choice but Trump is definitely last choice people need to wake up


Lmao, yeah lets act like both sides don’t fuck us. Different sides of the aisle, same ending point.


Only republicans say shit like this.


You know there’s more than just two political stances in the United States right


You know there aren’t more than two political parties you can vote for, right?


Yeah there kinda are lmao, you’re looking at the world through those old cheap 3-D glasses that only have red and blue lenses. Take them bitches off


1. No, theres more that you can vote for people are stuck on the 2 party system. 2. No, i’m a constitutionalist. The constitution is above all.!


Lmao another thing only conservatives/republicans say! You’re not fooling anyone.


Youre not fooling anyone by saying youre not a liberal. Its obvious you are if you think only republicans are fucking the middle class. News flash, big gov sucks and both parties fuck us.


No such thing as middle class. The irony that you think I’m either conservative or liberal is so beautiful. You’re in over your head, man. You don’t know enough to be discussing politics. I recommend reading more.


You think i’m a republican. Again, we’re both making assumptions. Also, quick google search will show you the middle class does exist and history tells you the same.


If you care about preserving the constitution, I think you should seriously consider the impact of trump trying to break the peaceful transfer of power. This is not a man who cares about our constitution..


Never said he was. This whole argument has been because i said both sides of the aisle fuck us yet someone tried to keep trying to make it seem like i’m defending Trump. I never once defended him. Trump, defiled the constitution by trying to break the peaceful transfer of power. Never once denied that. But lets not forget about the other side of the it aisle, as i’ve been saying different side of the aisle same ending point. Biden, defiled the 1st amendment of the constitution by having 11 gov agencies operate a government censorship on social media. Anything that challenged Biden, his policies, climate change, covid vaccines etc. His airstrike launch on Yemen could be looked at as unconstitutional as well. He doesn’t have the right to authorize war thats on congress. He launched airstrikes without congresses permission. But for defensive purposes, the president is allowed to use military force without congressional permission so he could of been well in his right for an airstrike if any of our bases or embassies were under attack there. So, this one can go either way. Biden has once again violated the constitution by refusing to protect our states from invasion. He has left the southern border wide open. Leaving our southern states to be invaded. The CONSTITUTION bans the gov from censoring people just like it requires a peaceful transfer of power. The CONSTITUTION requires the gov to protect out states and country from all forms of invasions just like it bans the gov from censoring us and requires peaceful transfer of power. DIFFERENT SIDES OF THE AISLES SAME END POINT.


Or anyone with more than half a brain cell can see both sides fuck us youre just too stuck in your ways to realize your parties faults.


Never said either of them were my party. Merely pointing out that whether you like it or not there are two viable parties in the United States.


Youre assuming im a republican because i’m telling the truth so i’m assuming youre a liberal. You know what they say about assuming right? It makes an ass out of me and you.


Trump boosted the oil industry and we became an oil exporter. Biden on day one cancelled a pipeline that cost thousands of union jobs.


A pipeline that came from Canada? Oil that was being exported by Canada? How was that Oil being moved before pipeline? Teamsters, Union Rail workers, Operating Engineers? Don’t support the Rockefellers, they don’t support you.


US exported oil for 98% oil industry's existence, [US currently producing the most oil it has ever produced.](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCRFPUS2&f=M) [ US is exporting the most oil it has ever exported.](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=mcrexus1&f=m)


If your candidate's only selling point is "the other one is worse", then they're a shit candidate.


DJT “loves” the uneducated Why?


So Ibew is liberal. What a joke.


There was significantly more work under Trump than there is under Biden, economy was in a whole heck of a lot better shape as well.


I can't support a man who showered with his underage daughter. #BlacksForTrump ✊🏿🇺🇸


That story is iffy at best


Not at all, she’s confirmed the authenticity of the diary. Not getting involved in the rest of this conversation but that story is not “iffy”


But willing to support a man who had a kid with his daughter






Not at all just responding


Username does not check out

