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You're better off for it in the long run.  I was with 1 shop my entire apprenticeship and I regret it (not that I had a choice).  You'll learn a lot more going with a variety of shops.


Even if it is for a short amount of time? Because getting laid off a month into a job just kills a lot of things for me, and I understand the expectation as a JW getting laid off isn’t the best thing to happen since you want to generally stay somewhere and have some security


> isn’t the best thing to happen since you want to generally stay somewhere and have some security Really depends on the person. Ive known more than a few guys that get ready to move on less than a year for a new place and I get it. Keeps it from getting boring. Other guys travel. I dont think staying with one shop is everyones goal. As long as you keep getting jobs it doesnt sound too bad. My first year there were 3 contractors and i enjoyed it. After that I got on a service truck and stayed with 1 shop but still got new locations weekly.


Brother we actively work towards lay offs. Your security comes from finishing a call and moving on to the next. Some like being shoppies. But the majority move from project to project


Let’s be real no apprentice will ever be a “shop pie” work harder bud. Tough love.


Focus on getting you skill and reputation up. Once you do that layoffs don't matter as much. Before I found the contractor I'm with now I used to drag after 6-12 months and I stilled managed to work most of the year.


I’ve been with a new shop every year because I ask as long as they have more work to send you to be happy you’re getting to see lots of different stuff


Funny you mention that, unfortunately I just get my two checks and the reason is the same ROF, which in some cases I do believe is legitimate


I don’t ever ask to get rotated, it’s only after 6 months and you can request it per the training director


I was employed by five contractors my entire apprenticeship. All of them in my first three years and i always stayed until the end of the job. Most likely it's nothing to do with you. Just think of it as a new opportunity. It never hurts to see new things and meet people. You'll always pick something up from it. If your stationary or around the same people, I personally believe that you progress at a slower rate, a majority of the time. Keep your head up, your doing everything you should.


I'm at 8 contractors and just hit my 4th year. I've been with the current one since January and I'd be happy to move on, but I get no say in that. Our local rotates apprentices every 9 months until the end of 3rd year so that no one gets stuck with one or two shops for the duration of the apprenticeship. It's good to get out there and see different types of work, what a good shop vs bad is, see a big job/shop vs small, meet more people, and gain perspective I guess? The more the better!


there's a rule where the first guy there is the last guy laid off, kind of like taking something off the top of the pile. if you're at the top of the pile, you'll be the first one to leave. it's not a bad thing, really. how are your work reports? satisfactory? what about your lay offs? are they all reduction in force? if yes to both those questions, take the lay off and move on. what you're "missing" in work experience will be made up for by getting to know other people in the union. i spent the first 3.5 years with the same contractor and after i was laid off, i felt like crap about it. but i did learn more the next 1.5 years than i did the previous 3.5, so that made up for it. control your controlables, like attendance, hygiene, attitude, and keep moving forward. take the opportunities to work in industrial, commercial, residential, and any other setting you can. when i became a journeyman, i was terrified to take a call. what if i suck? what if i really screw up? but honestly, whenever i came to a new job, i let them know i was a new journeyman and people were really accepting and helpful. there's always the next call and the other halls nearby will probably take you as a book 2 without a hitch. i know what you mean about your confidence, though. i never really caught on with anyone so i was made fun of a lot and basically rejected. i just dont act like a typical tradesman. but now that ive been a journeyman for awhile, i have my own swagger, so to say, and have met a lot of great people. honestly, im not going to be the best overall journeyman in the hall, but i go to meetings, im involved, and you know what, when i run into hiccups with guys i've worked with and have rapport with, things are just smoother overall. as long as your work reports and layoffs are clean, you're well on your way to earning your journeyman card.


I wasn’t aware they can short call for apprentices? In that case, the whole 6 shops is a little inflated, since you have to be sent back after the short call. I wouldn’t worry too much, just don’t volunteer that info. You get judged based on 1 shop ( gangbox baby) vs multiple shops, when someone asks how many you worked for.


You'll learn more as a shop fleshlight If anything you'll meet more brothers


*You'll learn more as a* *Shop fleshlight If anything* *You'll meet more brothers* \- rustysqueezebox --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




The legend has commented on my post, im blessed




Our local makes it mandatory to have been at 6 shops through 3 years. You're getting a wider variety of experiences that way.


I hit my 6th shop about a year and a half into my apprenticeship. My longest placement had been four months. I think it’s fantastic because I’ve been able to get a wide variety of work, and see how different shops and foremen operate. Meanwhile, I have classmates that have been with the same shop doing the same thing for 2 years. I think they’re getting shafted.


i agree.. there are pitfalls to both. i wouldn't have wanted to get moved around too much, cause maybe you don't learn enough on one aspect of the trade but at this point, the only thing i haven't done is heavy industrial. and i like that. i'd hope to maybe be where im at now for 1 more year, then id like to transfer to an industrial site. and from there i would have hit every box some guys in my class have been with low voltage, for example, their whole apprenticeship. some say it's "easy" but i really feel like their getting the short end of the stick when they top out and they only have experience in low voltage.. seems crazy to me comparatively


I spent my first 15 years working out of the hall...the last 15 with 1 shop...when- not if - I get laid off...back to the hall. you learn more being around different aspects of our trade.


I was with 1 shop my whole apprenticeship, mainly because they were always busy and I showed up. I knew a 5th year that had been laid off and rehired 8-10 times over his apprenticeship, it’s not really a bad thing. But if you show up most days and do good work there is less chance you’ll be let go most the time. It just depends on work outlook and man power etc.


You’ll learn different ways of approaching a task. A one shop guy only knows one way.


You should be measuring in knowledge vs time. Shops vs time has too many variables.


If most of the calls have been short, the layoff is what it is. For me - 1st company 4months (1 site) - 2nd company 4weeks (1 site) - 1st company again 4 months (1 site) - 3rd company 1.5yr (3 sites but spent 90% at 1 site) - 4th company 4weeks (2 sites) son had health issues) - 3rd company again 1.5yr (5 sites) - 5th company TBD, kinda wanna top out with this company (1 site so far) Some jobs you will see a project basically from Beginning to end and some are just little hits. Ive work new construction, remodels, and Time&material. I have 2.5 months or so until I top out. So the Shit happens. Just roll with it. It is what it is. Ask questions, work hard, and put your best effort.


Be loyal to the trade. Not a shop. That being said it’s not a good thing.