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Don't be afraid to discuss it with your foreman or someone else on your crew. No one knows everything.


I always warn my foremen when starting a new project. I’m gonna have a million questions because I want to do it right the first time.


Better to ask 5 times, than fuck up once.


This is the answer. Field is so broad that there’s always room to learn. Lean on your colleagues or foreman. It’s not a weakness to ask questions


You were never told by your foreman you ask too many questions as an apprentice? Especially when you ask one and they don’t have an answer for it? Then what??


No such thing as a dumb question.


Figure which cables are for which loads . Reference loads to panel schedule layout. Train cables neat and orderly away from live buss bars to proper breakers . Additional support may need to be added to accomplish this


It's the adding additional support that I needed to hear. Someone else mentioned this too. Good to know. The termination part is rather easy.


Absolutely THIS\^\^\^


Holy shit, ask your foreman not the internet. You 100% should not be doing this without supervision/guidance if you're asking us how to do it


I am not actually even terminating it. I just want to see how it would be done. I guess the wording above should be changed. Sorry for you getting upset. Lol




Ask the internet for help, then is rude when they hear the only correct answer. 👍


Because the dude is quick to jump down throats. If I wanted to ask my foreman or another JW I would and I did. I'm just trying to compare how others would dress it down. Not all electricians do things the same as you should know by now.


He didn't jump down your throat. He gave you solid advice. I can already tell how this conversation is going to continue so I will no longer entertain it. Have a good one.


Have a nice day.


Look through the posts on this sub, people are always posting beautiful work on here, including big panels/gear just like what you have there.


I was more or less asking how it would get dressed down just in case I would ever have to do it.


You will be doing terminations at some point . If working with another JW it’s a good conversation starter. It never ceases to amaze me the different aspects of construction. It’s ever changing with new technology


Great advice


208/120v Main lug or main breaker panel? Not sure if you are simply asking where to terminate A,B,C phase on breakers? Use a meter and ring out continuity on bus/lugs and each phase of breaker, with breaker closed. Can’t see breakers well, but the phases will be in black, red, blue on odd circuits, and blue , red, black on even number circuits, or reversed. A good foreman would have laid it out, so you can play it out. Definitely ask him.


That’s a high panel isn’t it? Those look like breakers for high voltage stuff like lighting but idk. I could be wrong. I do see low voltage colors coming in the top though


Phased for low voltage in picture. Red and blue visible in cable bundles. These style breakers, I.e. line Schneider can be for both low voltage 208/120, and 480/277. It is not uncommon to see 20amp or lower amperage 3 phase breakers, next to much higher amp breakers in the same panel, from what I have seen. But this is definitely 208/120 unless they just don’t care on this job


For sure thanks for the response! The high panels on my job have these breakers so that’s just what I’ve seen lately lol




I will. Thx. I just couldn't find pics online on how it would get terminated. I'm not actually terminating it. I was going to be the one but I'm going to a new job. So I'm looking for information just in case if I ever have to.


Make sure to bond those busses by running a jumper from each one to the outer casing


Ah the ole breakerchecker5000


I bonded it to your mom. Now what?


Start with the grounds. Stick your head in there and make a judgement call on how they should route through. Grounds terminate at the bottom so I like to use them as a guide for the conductors to follow on the way down.


This is the way… I would recommend using heavy duty zip ties after each set (grounds, neutrals, phases) is done. Use the holes along the back structure of the gear to secure the zip ties too. Don’t forget torque specs


So it gets dressed in almost the same a normal panel. Thanks.


Exactly. It’s just another panel.


Do you have access to fiber strut, L brackets, bolts, etc? Make yourself something inside of the space to zip tie to and run those feeders straight down it to where you need to turn them. It’ll take a little bit more time but you’ll be able to dress them up better. Ask the foreman and QA person what you’d be allowed to fasten to and just do the thing. I loathe terminating shit like that. Others love it but I fucking hate it lol. You’ll figure out what’s best for you but ALWAYS ask your foreman “have you had any ideas how you’d like to see me route this?” and get the QA involved also. 3 brains can think better than one and they’ll more than likely if they aren’t suckers want to have some say so. You’ve got it.


Best answer


You gotta wait until after the painters come through.


They said "2 weeks "


...go buy a rattle can and get started!


Great idea


use red.


Hmmm. I think red will make the inspector angry


paint him too...then you can't really tell how mad he is


Mind blown. Thank you so much.


what is that thing?


It's against that wall but you should still put that back cover on. Hope it's not too late


I was gonna say... All my experience is with massive industrial panels (plus the little stuff in my house) and I was shocked that commercial stuff didn't have back panels, what happens when a pipefitter punches through that wall from the other side?


It looks that way , however it's not. It has plenty of clearance to get back there.


Same as any other panel really


Ok. That gives me a good starting point. I've done plenty of regular panels. Thx


Is there anyone who needs help w side work, I'm just trying to learn/expand my skillset/knowledge. Never hurts to keep learning.


You can't fix stipid! Get out of that panel. They give anybody a license these days


If you are in the IBEW you should get out. You don't belong. It's a brotherhood not a bunch of non union cuπts


Asking the internet how to wire gear. You're fired. Hall trash


Nah if you read the comments, I wanted to know how people would dress this down. Any clown can wire up disco, breakers or switches. There are bare copper grounds running through this because of the service cabling you jackal. You can't fire anyone because you most likely are sitting on the bench because you can't work well with others. Now go troll elsewhere


Sledge hammer and put that copper buss in your trunk.


Someone ran service entrance cable to this? Fuck I'd hate to have bare wire running through a distribution panel with big busses like that. Never seen one not have all hard conduit before


More and more jobs are going to cable feeders. Prepare your asshole. 🤣


Why? To more easily accommodate complicated routes I assume?


Is this part of an MCC?




Wait, you are a journeyman and have never made up a panel. Good gravy. No apprentice would ever turn out under me without doing this for me. That's the entire point of the apprenticeship. When you turn out, you should be able to do this without supervision.


After the reading this, I feel it's a very ignorant comment. I mean it's great that you get your apprentices to do all things electrical but it's very ignorant to think when you get a new guy from the hall that he should know how to do everything. In a real world yes. Esp since we all get paid the same. However, put me on a control job and I'll get it don't quicker than most of your journeyman that only do gear. And vice versa. A more healthy way to think as a foreman would be to find out which of your guys does what well and have them do that job. Maybe even find a journeyman that doesn't know how to do something but wants to learn something different than what he has been doing. It is a shame that the locals don't rotate you in and out of companies so you just don't learn one thing. Controls are a very specific position here. And it's easy to get stuck with just doing that your entire career. I left a company to do estimates and when I came back there wasn't a position for me in control work at the moment. Sue me if I ask how to dress in a panel. I can terminate it easily. It ain't hard. Actually dressing it in isn't that hard either. I can figure it out. If I can figure out how to do full takeoffs on a job and read prints relatively well, I can dress this in. I wanted to see if there was anyone with some pics showing how they did it. Is that really so wrong?


I get your point. Our local rotated the apprentice to give them different experiences. I have seen JWs that will not show their apprentice certain things out of fear of them taking their job. It was more of a statement on the lack of training this guy received. It's not his fault. We have switch gear, motor controls, and fire alarm panels all mocked up in the apprenticeship school. The students get their feet wet on all those items. I've seen guys turn out, get handed a set of prints, and can't lay out lighting conduit. They get walked. We need to do better as an industry.




Yup I totally agree with rotations unfortunately our local does not rotate in upstate New York even when asked to to try and give an apprentice more experience it’s bad


We end up with job specific guys that can’t do it all because they were kind of denied the opportunity to work and do different things for other contractors due to our school the school is our enemy Lol


I was lucky that my father did 40 years straight for my company and people taught me out of respect for my father but getting to do all the different jobs really made me a better journeyman to start I feel as though all apprenticeship should be getting those opportunities to learn everything


Sorry what class did we do gear make up in?




Do you know how to terminate fiber? Can everyone under you do a take off and do a bid on an entire electrical job? There are plenty of things that electrical apprentices don't get to do. Just because you have your apprentices do panels and work with gear doesn't mean all foreman do. I bet you that you are the minority. I have done residential panels in high rises. I did very little gear work when I first got in the construction side of the my union. Not every apprentice will do fire alarm or controls. Think about how much stuff electricians do and then tell me you did all of the things electrical has to offer while in your apprenticeship?


While I did not do everything, as that is impossible, I did work in common work items. I would expect working in a switch gear to be high on the list of items that should be taught. You should get rotated as an apprentice to contractors who work in different environments and different types of work. I can terminate fiber and have worked in the fire alarm industry. I have my RCDD, and at one point, I had my NICET level 2. I am now a designer/PM. I would not expect a fresh journeyman to be able to do telecommunications or job take offs. Unless you are dealing with a unique fire alarm system, like a class A, I would expect a journeyman to be able to pull the cable and terminate it according to the plans. I don't blame the person who turned out. I blame the JW that he worked, the foreman, and the apprenticeship program. I have seen firsthand JWs not letting their apprentice do certain things because they didn't want them to know. I had an apprentice making up transformers, and one came to me mad. He said don't let him do that, he'll take your job. That is the wrong mentality. If I was on a job with an apprentice, he got his hands dirty on learned hands-on with supervision. That is within reason and safety. Very rarely did I let one do any hot work. They had to be a 5th year and ready.


No. I don’t. Sorry. I remember how it was being a new journeyman. I’m retired/disabled now. Had a stroke, at 43. So I’m 52. And been ret 8 years. Kinda sucks. But I would be lying if I,if I said if wasn’t nice not to have to get up,at3:45 AM to pull wire,in a hot Entergy plant. Fluke thing I was in great shape. Ran six miles on a treadmill. But I was born,with a malformed corroded artery. Docs said it didn’t matter what I did. I was gonna have that stroke. Probably good I was young enough. And in good shape enough,to survive. But long story short. Some say it takes 5 years,after turn out to get comfortable. I didn’t have that long. I started late. I was 34 when I started my apprenticeship. But stil managed to become a forman,in my first 3 years. Good thing cause I had the stroke,in my fourth. The point is. Don’t feel uncomfortable asking questions. The only stupid question is the one that goes in asked. Ask an older journeyman. Or even better. A forman. He won’t think you’re ignorant. We’re all ignorant,at first. But he will think. Great! This one wants to learn!!


Thanks. I hope you live a long retirement brother.


I intend to. Thanks.


Just signed up for the electrical apprenticeship through the ibew local 82, what should I expect on the algebra test and you guys got any pointers for me to make sure l pass on the first try? I'm currently a Teledata journeyman with the lbew any pointers


You will most likely get more traction if you make your own thread or use the search on here for that answer. There are plenty of other ways to find answers to this as well by searching through Google. You may be able to find practice tests as well. Basic algebra will get you by imo


Now show us your google search history


There is no way to edit this post and hopefully you will realize I was not asking how to terminate the switches but was asking how people would dress it in. Tough crowd. Lol


go find an adult


Blah blah eat a dic%


its not my fault you came to the internet instead of asking for help, likely from embarassment that you dont know how to do something so simple like landing a panel.


It's not that simple. There is bare copper in the panel. And no I wasn't embarrassed. My foreman is also kind of green and told me how he was gonna run it and I didn't think it was right. I didn't question him because I wasn't doing the work anyway. I was seeing how other would do it and if I got a pic of someone else's I would gladly share the idea with him.


And if you don't have something constructive to say that is helpful, go pound some sand.




Freshly turned journeyman here but my father has been a journeyman for 40 Years in our local and my brother 5 years I would dress it down, the load wires to corresponding breakers in an orderly manner and try to keep the wires far from the buss as possible using cable ties etc, whatever correct me if I’m wrong I’m a fresh like 7 day journeyman right now Lol


I assume those white switches are breakers. I’d bring the wires into those “breakers”. I don’t know though I’ve never seen one of these before.


Yes they are breakers. They will be wired A,B,C phase on left side of panel, and C,B,A on right side. The breakers themselves should be labeled that way. Imagine holding the breaker and screwing it to the bus on one side, then rotating breaker when bolting g to buss on other side.


Look at the bus ties, A,B,C is top to bottom both sides


This is correct


>They will be wired A,B,C phase on left side of panel, and C,B,A on right side. Incorrect.


I actually know how to terminate it. I was more or less asking about dressing it down.


> wired A,B,C phase on left side of panel, and C,B,A on right side If you want half your motor loads to run backwards, sure. Take a good close look at those bus connections... Pretty much the only panels your advice applies to are I-Line panels and that weird (new ish) ABB panel that seems like an I-Line knock off...


I ran into a panel that needed a breaker changed out last week that was wired this way. However this panel is normal a, b ,c like you mentioned.


get a hold of your JW, you need to be taught, not thrown into the fire


unfortunetly they dont give licenses out based on experience.


Ugh. I am a JW. Not all electricians get experience in the field. And yes I know about asking the foreman how he wants it however it would be nice to see comparison pics of what my foreman or pusher says to what others are doing.


u have a license. most guys get theirs from a cereal box. but yes according to the state you live in you are a journeyman.


I don’t understand how as a journeyman this could confuse you… I mean you never wired up a three phase panel during the apprenticeship? It’s just breakers, bus bar, and wires. What is there to know beyond that if you’ve been inside panels before. Education standards have gotten low I guess because I feel like I could’ve figured this out as a first year.


Brother, there’s a lot of apprentices that are going through right now they’re stuck in data holes or solar fields doing exact same thing every day and not being taught anything the education system that we have in place now as far as apprenticeship goes and learning, and what they’re allowing the contractors to get away with in the push for plug-and-play is destroying our trade. I fortunately was raised in oil fields of Wyoming and was taught avast amount of knowledge doing industrial work that is leaps and bounds beyond what others are seeing coming through the apprenticeship nowadays after 20 years in the trade, I’ve only seen this trade and the other trades as wll transform to less knowledgeable electricians (craftmen) being turned out! cheaper thinner materials being made and installed and as a whole CRAFTMENSHIP diminish. It’s sad I wish we could roll back the clock to 1970s and have them old hard ass men teach us!! do everybody a lot of good to include toughen up some of these younger generations make them more into men that includes you sisters! Trades gone soft, And on to regular basis, we’re giving away a lot of our rights and job protection to favor of the companies(contractors) not the men(&women)!


The wording describing what I was asking was wrong. However no I have never wired up a 3 phase panel before as a JW or apprentice. Can you bid an entire job, win the job, man it, and then be the PM on the job? I didn't think so. Well I have done this and I have been successful. I'd just rather work in the field now because of life changes. So I thought I'd ask as a brother how would you dress it in. That is what I meant to ask. I didn't mean how to terminate it. I didn't like how another JW was describing how they would do it , so I wanted to see pics of others work if they had a completed one.


Do you know how to terminate fiber? Terminate a bix block ? Mount and terminate a phone switch. Dress down 500 cables into cabinets? This is all electrical work. In your own words, how can you not understand how to do this?


Why run backwards? You'll vomit! Bell operators give better service. Maybe...




Dude... 25 pair. With binders.




You also mentioned a phone switch.


Yea this is a weird post, I remember being taught how to make up panels during my pre-apprenticeship schooling