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Yes, that should be a workman comp if you got injured while working. Did you inform anyone? Do an accident report? Have any witnesses? Workman's comp is an insurance company. They don't want to pay, and if you don't follow the rules, they will make it difficult. You will need to report it to the employer. Start there. The union can't help you on that part.


No i didnt tell anyone but its only been 1 day. No witnesses, since i was alone when it happened. No, we didnt do an accident report. I didnt want to continue getting yelled at. I thought it would be cheap and no big deal but it could easily cost over $1,000 for an xray and follow up visits. Thanks for the help.


Whoops. You might have to eat this one. If you don't report it right away they might claim it is fraud.


Larger contractors have a safety guy. They usually handle accidents. Smaller contractors will have someone to contact. You MUST start with the proper process. You must contact them ASAP. Leave a voicemail. If you need medical attention, get it. But without following the proper process, you are in for a battle. Workman's comp is as an insurance company that all employers pay for. The employer will send the claim to the insurance company. It is then out of the employers' hands, and it's you vs. the insurance company. Make sure you save all paperwork. Note dates and times you spoke to someone. Good luck. The union won't be able to help you on this. You need to follow up with the contractor immediately


That was a dumb, and potentially very costly mistake. Report workplace accidents as soon as they occur. You're very likely on the hook for your medical bills.


2 weeks notice? Never do that


Is it better to quit on the spot? Is there a way to avoid being on a do not hire list if i ever decide to take a job with that company again?


If they don’t give a two week notice when you get a lay off why should you give em one?


You give a two-day notice As in...*today will be my last day*...if the foreman or boss was cool, you can explain yourself (if you want to)....if not, you don't have to. In all situations - you be a gentleman and professional....you didn't walk on the job scratching your ass and then sniffing your fingers...shake the man's hand, say thank you, be on your way. (even if you want to rip out his eyes and shit in his eye sockets...never let 'em see you sweat).


I don't think they can blacklist you for quitting. Not like they give you notice for being laid off or fired.


They can black list you if you like mint chocolate chip ice cream. Any contractor can refuse you for any reason.


Ah, that's unfortunate.


Our hall told us to always ALWAYS report injuries and get a workers comp number. The contractor will most likely fight you because it’ll cost them money. Good luck.


Workers comp


Why did you not inform anyone? Are there any witness?


I didn't want to get yelled at further. I figure it would just be a few weeks to heal. Thankfully, it was nothing major, and i just need to let it heal. I have never been hurt before at work. Now i know that it's important to let everyone know what's going on because it could potentially be very costly.