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For Just Ren I am running firewalk. For Ren and exotics I do deep vein. It's not much but i am at a Point where this whole Mission Takes about 10 Minutes to mine all 3 exotics veins and unstuck in a cave nearby.


You just speedrun it right? I’m debating making a speed build specifically for it. I also have been doing spirit walk and mining out the veins themselves, but they takes way too many hours, even if I can mine 600 exotics


Yes Just speedrun. Drop with bow, Speed Modules, full Armor and Pickaxe. Unstuck at the Location of the The third vein (the holes in the ground). I have my Charakter maxed Out on stamina and the bow Speed buff Skill. Also i eat berrys and watermelon as soon as i find them.


we have a similar build it seems. i would never go without the 30% movement speed (skill, bowskill and 2 modules)


Use the explorer's backpack for another 5% movespeed


argh i always forget to list the backpack. yes amazing to use and already in use, thanks for the hint.


Even fire whacker has a move speed spot too


I might make another char for that specifically


There are 4 and sometimes 5 nodes on deep vein


I forgot the Last one in the Cliff.. but where can Numbers 5 Spawn? In the cave?


yes, possible for exotic node to spawn in any cave after finishing Deep Vein the first time. Sometimes you get lucky, like every 3-5 runs for me


If you are VERY lucky, you may have 2 exotic nodes spawn in the cave. It's happened maybe 2-3 times in the 25 +/- times I've played Deep Vein.


nice idea, we always tech up to at least longbow + flint arrows + fur armor to enter the snow. will definitley try to just walk in with nothing.


I forgot to mention that i drop with a bow, full naneo Armor, a Pickaxe and 2 Speed Modules.


yes i realized the armor requirement after doing the firefly for the first time. really fast even without armor (i drop with bow, arrows, pickaxe, axe and knife and just stopped once to do a campfire for some meats to have a bit more stamina). -> thanks for the amazing hint.


Purely for Exotics, Spirit Walk: Exploration is the most relaxed way since you can easily do it in a few hours by making the C3 (keypad 3ish) cave your home, building everything you need, then just traveling with the necessary material to the C4 (keypad 1) vein, building over it, letting it do its thing, then moving on to the last vein with the material to build over it & enough material for 2 extractors (which you'll get by breaking down 2 of them at C4 but make sure you bring with you extra electronics and iron ingot). Mind you, I have the make sticks from wood talent for this character to make it much easier once at the vein to make fuel. While it's extracting, I go do something else. Though, if I want to make the most possible in the shortest amount of time, the obvious Ren & Exotics mission is Deep Vein. My fastest time was 14 minutes (landing with full armor, bow, pickaxe, axe, knife, speed, and I spend the first minute chopping down a tree, mining a rock, & grabbing some oxygen). Considering the time between finishing & starting again, I can do about 3 runs per hour pretty easily.


did i understand that right, the location of the exotic veins are always the same in that exploration mission? always two, always in the same spots so no radar needes? if so, could you share the second location apart from the one in c4?


M14 keypad 5. Sometimes I skip it & just repeat the mission.


understandanable as this is on the other side of the map. since you seem to have a lot of experience; what would you say is the average amount of exotics per vein? i only mined two so far, once around 200 and once only around 160.


It depends on what you're running. Standard install is probably around 200. Experimental probably more. And there [is a mod I'm running now](https://github.com/WZG-Mods/wzg-icarus-balance-overhaul/releases/) where I picked up 600 (I had no idea the mod was going to affect exotics since I didn't see that in the description).


Just finished Spirit Walk and pulled 462 exotics combined from both nodes (no mods).


Locations of exotics veins are always the same in every mission. www.icarusintel.com


Liefeline Hard Construction. run to one of the big caves near the build site, tech up to single shot rifle to deal with the 9000 bears near the construction site, then get paid.


Hc Worm used to be fastest space buck in the game. For two man team it's less than 20min and 750R/250exotics. With 4 guys it's even faster. Used to be totally killable with naked 0lvl guy and stone knife just takes more time. Not sure how it works these days, since all of us went back to Valheim after 50h and having all workshop items you could buy and completed Voyacer once :D


i played over 200 hours casually with friends and strangers so i feel like i have seen and earned all there is. i also spend currency like crazy. burning 1000-3000 ren each day i play because i try to speedrun missions. still have to find anything quicker than snowcrash: hard recovery for solo farming (1800ren 600exotics per hour). with a second person Dust Up: Hardcore Extermination would be quicker (3000ren 400exotics per hour) but no one actually needs that much currency. even i don’t spend as much as i could farm. instead i just do one or two runs whenever i need to respec or when i need to rebuy some tools i left behind. those numbers are with a dedicated speedrun spec. as an example deep vein extraction takes 7 minutes to get 64 exotics with the right spec + open cave.


can you shine some light on your speedrun spec? i thought i got them all (movementspeed skills + stamina skills + modules + backpack) but i need double the minutes to do extraction. do you enter the snow so you cross the "optional" nodes before you get to the cave, or do you come from the other direction?


Here is an old video i did a while back to show beginners the optimal route [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjcze0agzjk) But the fastest is too much for beginners so here it is typed out: Subtract the time for the second node in the cave. Have all these talents maxed out: Skilled Picker, Exotic Sprinter, Swift Survivor, Plyometrics, Three Point Landing, Forest Master, Arctic Master, 2x Chase 'em Down, Ready to Work, First Responder, Whacker Endurance, Speedy Mining, Big Pick, Seasoned Spearman, Quick Step, Marathon Runner, Lightning Recovery, The Big Three, More Than a Handful, Fleet Footed. Bring your own watermelon, berries and micro meal from the station. Pack two speed mods, the green backpack, the mxc fire whacker and the Jiju spear. Eat while you land. Door opens, time starts. Activate and freeze Quick Step. Switch to fire whacker every time you need to recover stamina. Start running, bunny hopping and collecting fibre. Build Cloth Armor at 440 fibre. Re-apply Quick Step. Run into the open cave, take 1-2 worm hits while mining exotics, run out. Re-apply Quick Step once the poison stops.


I know I am 5 months late here, but what does "Activate and freeze Quick Step" mean? Also, are you still playing? Do you have a new better method for getting exotics besides the TY video?


Hey, so first of: There is a talent in the spears tree that lets you move 15% faster while aiming. You can freeze the state of that buff to active and then sprint without aiming while still getting the 15% speed buff, combined with the spear that gives 10% speed you can move at +25%. this is confirmed to still work as of two weeks ago. second: I took a break to play other games a while back and have not been actively playing since the new map released. third: as far as i can tell this is still the fastest “safe” option to farm exotics as a solo player. edit: actually there was a change to unstuck that might effect this route so add 5 minutes to run back. the faster option is migrating sands but since it means actually fighting something it is more mentally taxing. in multiplayer this was never the fastest option but you need people that are good at it to pull off fast multiplayer runs.


this no longer works since they seperated throwing spears from regular spears right?


it did no longer work when they first separated them but I don't play the game anymore so I can't tell you.


Thanks for the reply. How do I freeze the quick step talent though?


the setup changes sometimes but last time i checked you need to equip the spear, aim, unequip it, reequip it. sometimes you needed to switch to a different tool instead of unequiping. you need to check each patch if the method changed. i will check if i have the time


Oh okay I see. I assumed it was something like that. I tried to find some info about it but I couldn’t find anything. Thanks though


I forgot to ask, how do you make exotics solo running Snowcrash: recovery?


You don't. During the change to mission difficulties all missions rewards got changed. The old reward was 100 exotics to finish the mission. So as a speedrunner you could run 600 exotics per hour without any stress. Now the mission only gives Ren and not exotics.


My buddy and I have been doing Voyager. I like the increased difficulty (storms, animals) plus the veins are paying out quite well since the last update, we got over 600 exotic from the desert vein.


600 from one vein? do you use any mods or so? i only got around 200 per node so far


We do but it shouldn't affect exotics payout. The payout has been all over the place. Last week we only got 125 from the same vein. I was wondering if the latest update adjusted the potential amount.


I most enjoy Advanced Order: Stockpile. It’s farming and crafting, there are now 3 Exotic Veins instead of 2, and it’s a decent 600 Ren. Voyager is also good too because it gives 50 more Ren and 200 exotics in addition to the veins. I don’t like doing the short missions (which technically is a faster and more efficient payout).


sounds also like a great alternative to the exploration mission. could you share the three vein locations?


Check out [Icarus Intel](www.icarusintel.com) - it has a filter for the various prospects to show you the portion of the map that is playable, where Exotic veins are if they exist, as well as all known cave locations. They are in the process of adding the new exotic vein locations, so it should be updated in the next few days. Last I looked it still only showed the 2 previous veins, but not the newest addition.


Influx Construction is a super easy way to make 275 REN, and you can speed run it in 30 if you're efficient.


Almost anyone can do deep vein in that time, faster if good workshop items with you on drop(pick, nano suit, speed modules). Don't build anything, just run there, grab berry and melon on the way for stamina, make a knife, pick, and bow(esp. with speed talent) with stuff you grab on the way, stone arrows when you get to the cave if you want for worms(either a stone wall to break or lots outside). Deep vein gives 150 ren and 62-80 exotics(if not using stone pick and depending on if extra node in cave spawns), which sell for 5 ren each or another 300-400 ren. Almost no challenge if you run around the top, rather than take on more arctic by going south. I don't think there's any other mission that you can make 450-550 ren in 20 min solo, time after time.


i do deep vein extraction a few times until i can buy the full set of nanos armor, and the exotic recurve bow + arrow bundle and the poison vaccine From there i just farm migrating sands over and over. With the poison vaccine, the worm cant do any damage to you if you just strafe to the side non-stop. Takes like 20 min per run to kill the worm if you rush. The mission starts at sunset. The first few times I suggest you build a small camp and get some food buffs + sleep until day time to get the hang of the worm and its attacks. Once you unlock the dropship pod + the exotic compound bow, this mission becomes even faster. This mission will net you 400 ren and 200 exotics per run on hardcore + hard difficulty.