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I'm confused into why he asked an employee to do his whole list for him. Is this normal?


Nope, he's just entitled


The small grocery store chain I work for does this. Usually for our elderly or less mobile guests, but we are happy to do this for anyone. Our LP would be all over this dill hole, though.


My store gets people asking us to do this, and we will sometimes make it happen if the list is short and specific and the customer obviously needs the help, but we shut it down most of the time, largely due to not having extra people scheduled for it. The current manager pretty consistently takes the stance that if they want a personal shopper they should hire one themselves.


My father is in his '80s. Still drives. He likes to do some of his own grocery shopping because it gets him out of the house. At his age, even at a major grocery chain in the US, staff often come up to him to offer assistance, and even random shoppers offer to help him. šŸ˜˜šŸ˜‡ Extra info He walks with a cane. Does not seem decrepit, or like a fall risk. So people aren't approaching him because they think he's going to hit the ground. At the grocery, he puts his cane in the cart.


There "asking nicely" vs "demanding" - this guy "demanding" OP shop for him - like he is expecting service.


Acting like he owns the place & everyone in it. Really wish the Cops would have arrested him & led him away in cuffs. It might have knocked him right off of his high horse!


He committed assault against OP and made a false report to police. He absolutely should have been charged.


Yet he called you lazy...


I would have looked him square in the eye and said, "My fee for shopping is $50 up front!" OR Take his list and make confetti out of it.


Some supermarkets in the U.S. perform this service. You subscribe to the service then order your groceries online for delivery or parking lot pick-up. Customers do not jam a list in a store employees hand, and they go fetch your groceries. That would be chaos.


Yeah, I am based in the U.K and it's exactly the same setup. I just found it wierd as i worked in a supermarket retail store for 6 years and never heard of this lol.


Yeah I've literally never heard of this, certainly not as a free service, it makes zero sense.


I've heard of stuff close to this. Like, at the HEB I used to work at, we'd offer assistance to disabled or elderly people and if they accepted, we'd pull a bagger from the registers to help them. It's a pretty heavily customer-service oriented grocery chain, though.


The fact that OP identified himself as 19, tells me he isn't in the US. You can't buy beer in the US until you are 21.


Do you know if any other countries use 911 for emergency services? Because I was thinking the same thing at first. I know some use 999, some 111.


Canada uses 911, and the age to buy alcohol here is 19.


In Alberta isn't it 18? I'm in bc tho so I dunno


You are correct. At least the last time I was there.


[Several](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9-1-1), most of which have lower drinking ages than the US.


I know some of them transfer 911 calls to their country's emergency line. US tv is everywhere and 911 is ubiquitous. I think UK is 999, but I don't recall any other country's emergency number.


All the major grocery stores in Canada offer this service, I work at one of them. You donā€™t even have to subscribe to the service, you can just place an order online for a $1 pickup fee.


Being disabled, this is what I do. I have both Instacart and Walmart+. With the Walmart one, they not only bring the order; they have a one-time door code so that they can bring my stuff inside and put anything into the fridge that needs it. It comes with a few other extras but the ā€œthey bring it in even if I canā€™t get to the doorā€ is what makes it worth itā€¦ for me. YMMV.


OP's situation is not what you are describing. That being said, *many* major grocery store chains provide a shopping assistant/personal shopper free of charge if you simply ask for it. I can name 3 off the top of my head- Publix, Schnucks, and most (but not all) Kroger's.


Requesting service and wait your turn is how it works but, they donā€™t let some random asshole walk up to an employee with their list, jam it in their hand and demand drop what they are doing and take care of me.


Instacart shoppers will often ask me to walk with them to find every item on their list. To be fair, our store is very confusing


This is one thing I never get with chains. The internal layout of every store should be exactly the same. But they aren't. Then to make matters worse. Some manager gets a bug up their ass about the layout. Then decides to shuffle everything around. I don't care if the layout isn't perfectly efficient. It's more efficient for me to use a layout I'm familiar with. If I'm really familiar with it. I can organize my list to match my walking path. While a new layout requires me to waste time searching and hunting down elusive employees to find something.


>searching and hunting down elusive employees to find something. Nowadays, it isn't even necessarily that the employees are being intentionally elusive, either. It's just that there aren't any employees. See, the new thing that businesses (*especially* corporate retailers and fast food chains) are doing is operating on a skeleton crew while *pretending* to be hiring. This allows them to exploit their workforce by telling them the extra work responsibilities are temporary while searching for a new candidate for the position they never intend to fill; drastically reducing payroll overhead. And the best part? Business owners know they can get away with this because the customers will just blame the slow, shitty service on the employees rather than the greedy business owner who *refuses* to hire the correct amount of staff.


I heard they 'remodel' and rearrange everything so often just to get people to not know where everything is so they have a better chance to pick up stuff they weren't looking for in the first place while searching for what they want. And, I believe it. I see no reason why my local Wal-mart has to rearrange where everything is every year. It really annoys me to no end.


That searching and hunting is the point. They are banking on you seeing new/different products and impulse buying rather than just sticking to your list.


That's so scummy. I'm disabled and have no car, so I use Walmart+ and Instacart for most of my needs. However, a few times a month my friend gets me bc she needs to do her shopping at Wally, and I use a regular shopping cart bc I don't want to use the electric wheelchairs, I use the cart to support myself. But bc of health issues, I can't be on my feet too long or I'm in a lot of pain and then can barely walk. When the stores do this crap of constantly rearranging the store, they make it 10 times harder for me. Greed for the almighty buck really sucks.


I may buy a couple of different products to make do with, but I'll walk out without 75% of what I came in for and order it from Amazon.


The having to hunt around thing isnā€™t a bug; itā€™s a feature. The more of the store that you walk through, the higher the chance that you will see something that triggers an impulse buy ā€” and thatā€™s free extra money for the store.


This is what entitled people do. If they want someone to shop for them, they can order online with most chains.


Eh? How is using an online service advertised by a business, and paying for that service, in any way entitled?


It isn't. The handing over your list and demanding a random employee do your shopping is.


Even forgetting the reading error, your take is wrong for another reason. If you paid for a service advertised, you are LITERALLY entitled to that service. That's what entitled means : having (legal?) right to a service. *Feeling* entitled and *being* entitled are different things.


Depends on where you live. Here in Northern mainland Europe it's not a thing.


I work for a big chain supermarket in the UK. This has happened a couple times to me. So not normal, but not uncommon.


Back in the late 90s/early 2000s I worked at a grocery store and we would shop for a number of elderly or disabled customers. This was a smaller local grocery store chain that had its loyal customers. Most of the locations have closed after a few other bigger chains built stores nearby and I believe only a few are left in the state.


They will do it. Itā€™s not widely known but Iā€™ve seen customers go to the counter at Walmart and other grocery stores and ask someone to help them shop.


Publix employees would probably


Edit: Screw Spez. Screw AI. No training on my data. Sorry future people.


And blue shirt? So what?


When I still worked retail, we used to have to explain to instacart and doordash shoppers that we werenā€™t going to do the shopping for them. We could point them to the correct aisle for something they were having trouble finding, but that was it. A lot of them got real mad.


Well he was right about somebody getting assaulted


Is this a poor rewrite of previous posts?




Don't forget that they are calling 911 which is American number but they are 19 getting beers. Which is not allowed in America




Does it say America anywhere in the story? This could've been Canada.


Chat GPT I guarantee it




Canada uses 911 for their emergency number and the drinking age in Canada is 19. I looked that up because I was suspicious of the details too, so if the OP is Canadian then the story is plausible without necessarily being true.


Canada exists...


You can't prove that. Canada is a conspiracy, just like Finland.


Said he dialed 911, then proceeded to spell color as colour...


Why is it when dealing with entitled arseholes people always try to be so polite to them? The words "fuck off and get your own crap you shit nosed little runt" make a perfectly acceptable sentence.


I wish just once, someone would say FUCK OFF.




If someone was this rude to me I certainly would say that, among other things.


I honestly think it's cause the people who do that don't think it's a story worth sharing. OPs story is a little more intense cause the cops actually got involved but a lot of these stories seem to be happening to people who are not used to or comfortable with confrontation. If you're not used to confrontation then politely asking someone to not touch you is a big deal. To the rest of us it's a Tuesday. I'm really comfortable making a scene but you'll never see a story from me here because I'm comfortable with it. It's not news. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of OPs here are still shaking a bit as they write their posts. It's a big deal to them cause they've been in a confrontation with a stranger before. They're not used to someone breaking the contract like that.


This! If some dude grabs my shoulder, Iā€™m going to yell as loud as I can ā€œGet your fucking hands off me you piece of shit!ā€ or something to that effect.


If the cops were goin to arrest you? Why didn't they arrest him? Didn't you ask to press charges?


This! They turned up and were prepared to arrest someone for assault. Why didn't they arrest the actual criminal when they worked out who it was?


This isn't a thing. People don't "press charges." The police arrest based on whether a crime has been committed, not because you want them to. The D.A. charges somebody based on the chances of getting a conviction or confession. If a victim refuses to cooperate, the D.A. will generally not pursue charges because they can't get a conviction. It's never up to the victim to "press charges." Source: my wife is a cop.


Interesting. I was assaulted at work and the cops literally asked me if I wanted to press charges. Iā€™ll be the first to say I donā€™t know the details of how this all works. Just found it odd that youā€™re saying this (which hey, sounds like your wife would know) but I got asked exactly that by law enforcement.


It's not a real legal maneuver, it's more a case of the cop not caring enough to pursue it unless the victim cares. It puts the onus on you to affirmatively say you want them to follow up, because if they were honest and said they didn't care you'd be annoyed about it and demand they do something.


I don't work here lady as a chatGPT prompt


You hand me a list of groceries and demand I do it, I tear it up and throw it like confetti.


Same but preferably while adding some flair to make it seem like I'm some sort of convenience store magician


Do it with a twirl and theyā€™ll think youā€™re gay.


I stare Kevin in the eyes as I roll up his list and eat it.


As some with pica this is how I would love to deal with situation if they didn't have their gummy little jam hands all of it lol


Or take it, walk away, do your shopping and leave them hanging.


Where are you that you can get beers at 19 and 911 is your emergency line?


I assume Canada, legal drinking age is 19 in most provinces and we use 911.


That's what I was think, but I want sure.


In many countries outside of the US dialling 911 will still give you the emergency services even if it isn't the primary number for them.


Yep, 911 works in Australia even though we use 000.


People do translate these things for a mainly American audience sometimes. Because usually no one else cares, but Americans are like, lol what's 112.


Frankly this story seems like a mashup of stories that I have seen previously. Old person asking an employee to shop for them was told here before.


In most europe you can get alcohol at 18.


But I think 911 is an American thing. Isn't it a different code in other countries? I think it's 999 in the UK, for example.


Yes 999 is the number for emergency services in the uk


But if you dial 911, in UK you also get emergency services. We are well aware of the efects of cultural imperialism


I had thought after Manga, Anime, and PokƩmon had conquered the world of entertainment that we would no longer have to hear terms such as *Cultural Imperialism*. To me, that term has always sounded like someone means "Wah! Wah! Somebody likes something from the USA! Wah! Wah!"


Interesting comment, that. More interesting that in that comment, it is perceived as having anything to do with the USA at all.


I've seen the term applied to both the UK and the USA.


Nope, it's 0 118 999 88199 9119 725 3


That's only in the areas with better emergency vehicles and more attractive emergency workers.


I'm in nz 111 is our emergency number. 911 still works cause people watch too many American movies. I think the uk 999 works here too, don't want to actually test it though.


Did you forget Canada exists?


I didnā€™t. But I didnā€™t assume they used the same emergency number either.


About 14 or 15 countries in the world use 911 dood.


Countries whose telephone systems use the NANPA are most likely to use 911, even when those countries are not the US. This even includes Caribbean nations.


Why would they use the American emergency number. I assumed Canada had something of its own


Many countries in the American continent use 911 as their emergency number, not just the US.


Because all these countries are part of the North American Numbering Plan and that governs all the X11 numbers including 911.


Which American continent? There are two.


Interesting. That doesnt make sense to me but thats their prerogative


What doesn't make sense?


Canada and the US have the same country code and are part of the North American Numbering System. It's a North America thing, not a United States of America thing.


So why didnā€™t you explain that instead of accusing the guy of forgetting that Canada exists.


Canadian phone equipment has been interconnecting with US phone equipment for about as long as long distance calling has existed. This is easiest if both sets of equipment are manufactured in the same place and given the same programming. And there has never been a particular reason to make that detail different.


Each country and state/province (and many counties within each state or province for that matter), has its own emergency services, with local non-emergency phone numbers. In an emergency, you need to be able to quickly and accurately remember which 3-digit number to call and it's a lot easier and less confusing if it's the same everywhere. The call gets routed to a local dispatch depending on where the call is placed. For instance, if you live in Toronto and your parents live 5 hours away in Ottawa, and your mom calls you in a panic saying dad has fallen. You can't call 911 from Toronto to get an ambulance in Ottawa. The call has to be made locally in Ottawa. 90% of the Canadian population lives within a 2-hour drive from the US border and there's a lot of cultural and media crossover. Having similar emergency protocols like 911 makes things run more smoothly.


I know the first half and agree with the second half. Its just odd to assume that Canadians would use the same system as the US.


It's not odd at all considering how intertwined our countries are and how it came about. There are some things that are vastly different between the two countries such as universal healthcare, and gun policies, but streamlining emergency protocols like 911 comes down to human behaviour.


The US has more intertwined with Britain than it does with Canada, and Britain has a different emergency line. It isnā€™t at all acceptable to make assumptions that another country is going to do the exact same thing as your country.


Lol, Britain isn't geographically anywhere near the US whereas the world's longest international border is between Canada and the US. Britain uses the same emergency number as its neighbouring countries. Both countries are more affected by the norms and media of their respective neighbouring countries. >It isnā€™t at all acceptable to make assumptions that another country is going to do the exact same thing as your country. Of course not, and as a Canadian, I am more painfully aware of that than many Americans are. It's presumptuous of you to assume that I'm American. As a Canadian who was around in the '70's when 911 rolled out and remembers the debates about the advantages and disadvantages of it, I remember the biggest push to adopt it nationally was when there was a big accident and time (and people) were lost when 911 was called and the call went through to the US. The American ads, PSA's and news articles notifying the US citizens to use 911 in an emergency were so successful and had reached so many Canadians, that it didn't make sense to use anything else but 911.


Europe uses 112 mostly


I thought it was 0118 999 881 999 119 725 3


Thatā€™s only for real emergencies


I had a guy tell me ā€œnobody wants to workā€ while I was helping them at work. I responded with ā€œwho?ā€ And he makes reference to when he asked someone on their lunch break to perform their duty but did not consent. I guess they just didnā€™t want to work for zero compensation.


Nevermind that some companies come down hard on employees working off the clock.


Because those companies can get into hot water with the law if it's discovered one of their employees was working off the clock...especially if said employee gets injured as a result.


>I guess they just didnā€™t want to work for zero compensation. That's the untold part of bosses. Increase wage and "work shortage" dissepears, how surprising!


I would have taken his list, told him to ā€œwait hereā€ then buy your stuff and leave the store.


A bruise had shown up already? This story makes no sense


Some people bruise easily. I am one of them. If someone grabs me and squeezes too tight, it will leave a bruise that shows up almost immediately and will linger for at least a few hours. That being said, this sounds like OP is fishing for karma.


He said a mark, not a bruise. Could be as much as red marks from the pressure. Words do in fact mean things.


That guy should have been arrested. The assault on you, misuse of 911, and lying to law enforcement.


You should've torn up his list into itty-bitty pieces and walk away.


I am rep that services grocery stores. Iā€™ve never had anyone get physical but I have had a few weird encounters. One guy asked me for something and I told him I didnā€™t work for the store. He just stood there and stared at me until I finished what I was doing and walked away. The same thing happened with a younger woman. She reacted like I just slapped her across the face. She glared at me and walked away. Another guy came up behind me and yelled ā€œHEY! Whereā€™s the ā€”-?ā€ I was so surprised I spun around and yelled ā€œHEY! I donā€™t work here.ā€ There was another customer in the aisle and the guy gave him a look like WTF? You have to be careful because if a customer complains about you the Manager could potential throw you out of the store which could obviously create issues. Some Managers are understanding but others are like- one strike and you are out of the store.


Dude, you should press charges when these kinds of situations unfold. You were assaulted, defended yourself and the perp called the police on you. Please press charges! People who do this, arenā€™t just doing it to you, they do it to a lot of people and need to see consequences for their incredibly out of line behavior.


Do people not know about the term KISS anymore? Keep It Simple Stupid. This experience only occurred in OP's mind


Yeah. Wouldnā€™t punching someone while theyā€™re being interviewed be an express ticket to the back seat of their cruiser? Theyā€™re not putting up with that.


So you just stood there and waited for the cops?


Did you consider just walking off with his shopping list?


Probably wouldā€™ve followed him


Lesson learned. Next time just take the list, invite him to have a seat in the waiting area, do your own shopping, and leave the store.


Chat gpt is that you?


That guy should have been arrested. Fucking Kevin.


And Pluto is a planet.


If someone touched you, feel free to drop them.


Before he could dial his phone you shouldā€™ve knocked his ass out & left.


When did it become acceptable for others to put their hands on you whether or not they think you are a retail worker or not?


Thanks to my family I grew up entitled. Through a good friend and therapy helping me I am no longer as bad and have to check myself sometimes. But never would I have laid a hand on someone. That is just asking for trouble. Some people really.


My son tells them that if every employee is telling them they don't work there that means they are only stopping customers, for some reason he has a IDWHL moment every single time he goes with me to Walmart.


My ex was a Kevin... enough said...


Is a kevin a karen?


Self Defence


Shoulda made like a banana and split.


Redditors try not to lie challenge


_Press fucking charges_.


I'm curious. Which countries use a 911 number for emergencies, but you can buy beer legally at 19?


Canada, most provinces drinking age is 19, except Quebec where itā€™s 18


And Manitoba and Alberta.


Canada, but some other countries beside the US use 911 too. Don't know what their legal drinking ages are, though.


Iā€™m on it! Meet me outside in an hour


I would have took that list up to the cashier and even if he followed me I would be like this man is ask me to help him when I donā€™t work here could you find an associate to help him. Also most people like entitled are aggressive and I am not so make sure they are well built for his assaults/verbal stuff. Then walk away saying I donā€™t work here, I am here to buy stuff not be a baby sitter.


Dammit, Kevin can't be the male Karen! The internet already has a meaning for Kevin. Kevin's the dude who'll have you hold his Natty Light while he does something dangerous and stupid for a dollar! Just like Kyle's the dude who's always slamming white Monsters and putting holes in drywall. Honestly Jerry might be a good fit for what to call male Karens.




Heā€™s in Canada, drinking age in Canada is 18-19


A Kevin? Don't try to gender Karens. Anyone can be a Karen


Where do you live that you can buy beer at 19? In the US, the federal government passed a law that no one under 21 can buy or consume alcohol. That was in 1984, 39 years ago. Did this story happen more than 39 years ago? Or are you from elsewhere? Just curious.


Canada legal drinking age is 19


Another clown humblebragging his violence. OP should have been arrested.


That's why it's tagged L despite being rather short.


Do you mean a Chad?


You still illegally purchased beer after all of that?


He was 19, perfectly legal to purchase beer.


ā€œOnly the USA exists! Therefore the legal drinking age is 21! How did you buy alcohol at 19?!ā€ Gotta love this mindset.


Ikr?? I'm in the US and I'm always amazed at how many people seem to think no other countries exist on our planet but ours.


He dialed 911, that's the USA emergency line


There are more than ten countries that use 911 as the emergency line. This is fuckin hysterical lol


I'm in Canada, we use 911 here and the legal drinking age is 19


Legal drinking age depends on the province. Here in QuƩbec it's 18.


Oh, here in Ontario it's 19




Yes, places other than the United States exist, isnā€™t that wild?? In Canada, you can buy beer at 18/19 depending on the province- and they spell ā€œcolorā€ as ā€œcolour,ā€ just as OP did. Learning is fun šŸŒˆā­ļø


What? No no no. Next thing youā€™re telling us they use the metric system. Hahahahahaha ridiculous.


LOL. I mentally pictured Jerry from Rick and Morty while reading your encounter.


Should have sue his ass lol


Take the list, say ā€œsure thing!ā€ And then go about your business, dropping the list in the nearest trash can. Unfortunately, this will likely piss him off and he will yell at the actual employees.


My initial reaction is that he deserved what he got, what an arrogant rude asshole. But you should never punch someone like that, a lot of trouble can ensue. Even if they do deserve it, theyā€™re just not worth it.


How you buying beer at 19. I know youā€™re in america if itā€™s 911


I would get him all the wrong suff, everything wrong, coca cola? Nope you getting Pepsi. Ketchup? Sriracha it is. Ground beef, I think you should have some ground turkey instead. Cheddar cheese? How about vegan cheese. Milk? Half and half it is.


Wait. They were going to arrest you but not him? Did you tell them you wanted to press charges? Did you ask them why they weren't charging him for making false statements and obstructing an investigation?


Canā€™t trust a damn thing in this sub.


That makes zero sense. The cops would arrest you, but not him?!? I don't understand at all